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Created October 13, 2020 17:05
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transcript oct 13 ...very rough for ccg call
I don't know what is happening.
Okay, so we were at Drummond. Let's see. I think that Brent volunteered. Maybe Ryan Grant is on the queue.
People are saying no audio. I am going to grab a zoom for us . give me a minute to get the stuff (heather and kim)... manu check the back channel.
while that is happening (Kim) any volunteers for scribe yet...
oh we have Brent scribing, thanks brent (Kim)
Heather has included a link, so we will at the end of this switch over to zoom... Brent could you continue to scribe in this irc channel...
My name is wayne chang and I am the co-chair at 23c. I used to be with conynsus identity.... and I am heaver vencent and I have ....I am also a writer... I work with ssi... book coming
out in a couple of weeks.... my twitter is heather vescent...
at this zoom link and irc....
just give me a moment... I accidentally made you guys go into the waiting room (heather)
we are going to talk about the mission of the crendentials community group. this group has been a place where we can incubate a lot of ideas....
verfiable and decentralized identifiers...
the purpose of us to to draft ... include self soverign identity ... and decentralized of the most active memberships at the w3c...
three task forces...and industries that participate...wide variety of org.. govt, crypto, blockchain, education...
we have about 30... what's in the wallet... 50 or 60 participants...want to involve a lot of participants to present and share information
survey...why particpate...the 3 cs... context, categorization, commitee... bring together a bunch of different groups and perspectives.... generally
we can learn new things here.... as I have become a chair...bring in groups...cross pollinate to develop better tech...
in past year... work done by previous chairs and the new chairs... we have new task forces...updated to jitsi...embarrasing that we had to fall
back to using zoom.... that was a lot of work done by previous chairs....we are also now hosting the verifiable credentials...
next slide...drill down into the next (heather)... why these are so important....the thing that are most important to realize is it is a cg and not a wg...
have to follow certain 23c processes but it is not as strong as a wg...and we don't have the same level of support as a wg...
documenting processes toward an election...what are a formal requirements for a work ...wor... kim has worked ... automagic to know what is
required to create a work item...also have drafted so it is easier....
increase diversity and ... become clearer about documentation...make it easier for people to contribute in a valuable way w/o doing everyhting on github
part of the documentation...was to document the process of having an election...
why did we do this? making the processes more transpartent and sustainable... create strong robust processes and ... across w3c, joint projects with the
same industry... go to the nect slide...
3 task forces going right now... education...using vc with existing data standard... for sharing the educational has been instrumental
did resolution group... next level of concerns beyond the did wg? ... need to make sure they interop..
last one is the secure data storage with the desc... id fdn. .. rather than standards.... big tent to have infrastructure to ...(coordinate ..)
end heather...
new guy... definitely a process... do we want to use a proptiery conferencing soln (talkig about jitsi)... job running the ocmmuity to try these things...
value openness and acessibly.... make notes.... manu from digi bazzarr did a lot of work to set up the jitsi system...close to a stable state...wrking
on a stable mode.... be able to pipe over messesage on the jitsi chat.... specific meeting....access like zoom for example....
throwing ram and cpu at problem (modern engoneering) able to solve....last system lasted over 10 years....of course we .... reliabliry is paramount...hope to continue
start heather...
this jitsi is one of the processes ... making it available to the groups...wayne has done a lot of heavy lifting... lot of work to make it run smoothly... oyu can move
forward now... i am a futurist and a strategiest ... letter by timbl... unintended consquences of the early web...the misuse...first interaction in vrml in 199?
appreciated this reflection...moved beyond originally vision... the system ... diverse incentives ....negative unintended consqueuences ....
move ntxt slide...
adress un. consq. ..short letter about .... with simplistic narrative.... this category... cuases for resoiurces .... trying to uswerstand the tech... all together withing
the leager context... i also thing about this in terms of bais. ..put this negativity aside... allows us to focsu as well... look at certain perspective ... block out a lot
of things... people with different vidwpoints to contriute.... to protentiall future proff (hate it). technologist functional probelm solverins, but not focused on bsuienss
models or ad revenue that turn tech into survelliance machines...
this comes from all 3 of the chairs ... diversity and conclusion...
diversity... in the early slides .... not just knowledge ...worked in tech since 1996...want to increase the diversity to be inclusive and welcoming for those that
are not from a tech backgroud... the perspective ...for people who are not from a western .. want to increasing cross pollentation to thinl about tings differently..
have ... reson for that ...learn the importance inclusive community beforer trying to bring people in don't have a cycle where we bring people in....they work for a little
while but not much impact b/c not truly inclusive in the system... inlcude inclusion....adding new work item requirements
we have some inclusion guidelness ... social rules .... now non-technitcal work items... 2 work items volunters on ... moer in the future...
provocative ... i try to bring in some interesting preso that will bring in prov ... that has digitial itentity concepts .... intro new tech concepts ...
this one 11 presentorer that has a universla wallet... opportunity to provide a pplatform... answer what is in a wallent... more strong er tech...
cross-pollination... trying to colloborate with difeent people in the , trust over ip, dif, ...canada, id2020, ...... more warareneess ... the ccg...dif collaboration
with support of new design... we also have the ccg and tf with other org..
next slide ...
operation optimization 9last bullet...more runway... dealing... lots of stuff behind scences... trying to automate... train folks for minutes ... for long termm
over to wayne...
wanted to give an overview of the process ... use this as an opportunity to thank the work item... basically you are the most importatn ...this is the thing that
we do to enable...we see this as tertiary work... as you see with this process...without you this is the ccg...without anyone working on those the...then nothing...
contributions are evident...github link shortly
somethin that we cann do , please reach out,, we care about work items...topics... cg work items 2come 2 types .... destination...
maintaingin a registry....task forces continute to make progress.... very optimistic ... did res? and data store..
work item... commentatry notes about things and specifications .... typically we want to have many things around data formats ans interfaces ....easy to understand
instead of trying to specify a process ...
genteral taken from a previsou docutemnt...can propose but must sign a document... informal document.... mailing list is a gereat way to solicit interest....
chairs determine objection... bias inslide the work that does not follow the guideless, but I don't think we had to reject... 2 different ways to end th process.
ongoiung... over view of ccg... did resolutoon for secure data sorte... might need a registry to refer to things. ... might need something... same thing for secure vocab
avoid duplication of efforts and how to get things to work together...
notes are more important too... somethimes people say that you should do it this way, nayone can have a thought but say scope it... think about industry uses cases , and commentary...
typically in response to something ... nist ? asked for a request for comments .... bunch of folks asked for .... question ... any kind of process comments ...
al ot of these spec graphs... just a hodge poge of different types... gives something ad ....lots of work with uversial interop....want to port info from one wallet to atheorh...
give something a lot of choice...bbs polus signatueres.... i blievs that mattr had ones of the ... with zkp...could you take subfilied and mint new creds and not correlatable...
could not trakc back...
lot of the work sponsored by sillicon valley inno program...becoming more inclusive...come to an agreement on vocab...has to deal wth manufactuing chemical procs...
how do we have interfacts around vc.... will hand back to heather...
yeah grrat.... we were putting this preso together for the tpac audience... see a lot of this work together....unifying processes ... seeing how things work toegeht...
please be in touch ... election in the next year with a chair vacancy...process for work items...github...lots of infrastrucure in place slide...
looking to collaborate...not just in the operations aspect... communicate the what ... diversity and inclusion...
might be a little bit earl..y.. thinkibg about sucession planning for chair....want to make sure it is has been a havey lifter....want to have
transfer of that knowledge...for whoever is going to take over that role next summer...I think that the ...that is the end...
back to kim...thank heather...thanks wayne...
are there any questions ...this would be a good opportunity to add to queue...anyeuq about the
juan on the queie .. how do I eget involved?
for the privacy guidelines... could something...
wayne talking... in general all of the work items are listed on the github.... owneers for work items...troible reachign work item owneers....(kim) please e-mail chairs and we will
help you get started .... in gneral we largely drive the partipcation through github and the mailing list...anytone else?
not seeing anoyher else on the queus .... all of the shennagination... during the front...
kim curious about the survey... if you give moment I will get it up
wayne...i have no comments...
don't want to put anyone on the sport....the survey ... was 3 fold... was curious abot the kind of feedback... on recent speakers.... kind of brodend...gone out to different groups
to bring in the speakers....did we like that...
people really like...what's in a wallet.. laos researcher...wanted to dab with data.... did you like the speakers.... what kinds of presenters going foward??
answer... why did get involvted... fellowship of the ring...know what people are talking about .... fellowship of the ring....
value that you get from the ... opportuities for collabooration... knowing about new projects ....appreciate context....
quite nice ... see on the queue...
kim interjects ... tim up...
wew are doing stuff with other governments .... lots of stuff out there.... they are huge stake holder.... starting to see more traction from very motivated gov't officials like tyourself
whre to grow be...
at time...
thanks to all
heather...thanks kimd...for challen
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