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Created December 1, 2023 20:53
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why does auth encrypter with dir have a key wrapper?
export function a256gcmAuthEncrypterEcdh1PuV3x25519WithA256KW(
recipientPublicKey: Uint8Array,
senderSecret: Uint8Array | ECDH,
options: Partial<AuthEncryptParams> = {},
): Encrypter {
return createFullEncrypter(
{ createKek: createX25519Ecdh1PUv3Kek, alg: 'ECDH-1PU' },
{ from: (cek: Uint8Array) => a256gcmDirEncrypter(cek), enc: 'A256GCM' },
function createA256GCMEncrypter(
key: Uint8Array,
): (cleartext: Uint8Array, aad?: Uint8Array) => EncryptionResult {
const blockcipher = new AES(key)
const cipher = new GCM(blockcipher)
return (cleartext: Uint8Array, aad?: Uint8Array) => {
const iv = randomBytes(cipher.nonceLength)
const sealed = cipher.seal(iv, cleartext, aad)
return {
ciphertext: sealed.subarray(0, sealed.length - cipher.tagLength),
tag: sealed.subarray(sealed.length - cipher.tagLength),
export function a256gcmDirEncrypter(key: Uint8Array): Encrypter {
const enc = 'A256GCM'
const alg = 'dir'
async function encrypt(
cleartext: Uint8Array,
protectedHeader: ProtectedHeader = {},
aad?: Uint8Array,
): Promise<EncryptionResult> {
const protHeader = encodeBase64url(JSON.stringify(Object.assign({ alg }, protectedHeader, { enc })))
const encodedAad = fromString(aad ? `${protHeader}.${bytesToBase64url(aad)}` : protHeader, 'utf-8')
return {
...createA256GCMEncrypter(key)(cleartext, encodedAad),
protectedHeader: protHeader,
return { alg, enc, encrypt }
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