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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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sidekiq changelog

Change Log

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Sidekiq + Docker - Handle Docker container termination? #2404

  • "warning: instance variable @done not initialized" #2402

  • Upstart script gets executed without passing the index variable #2401

  • What does the "12" in 'redis://' mean? And is hiredis the default? #2400

  • Memory Bloat description in wiki is still correct? #2396

  • Deeper init integration #1532

Merged pull requests:

v3.4.1 (2015-06-19)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Can a job be executed twice at the same time? #2398

  • Error using Rails.cache with redis store no _dump_data is defined for class Proc #2395

Merged pull requests:

  • Web: Revert overflow for redis-url and redis-namespace to hidden #2393 (warrenguy)

  • Don't mange sidekiq #2392 (jsrn)

v3.4.0 (2015-06-17)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `each_pair' for nil:NilClass #2353

Closed issues:

  • Sidekiq - asset path not valid in email : Engineyard : Nginx : Passenger #2390

  • ActiveJob and Sidekiq::Worker #2389

  • Sidekiq is not designed to work well with dozens of queues. #2388

  • uninitialized constant XXXXXWorker #2387

  • Role does not exist issue with Rolify #2386

  • Question: high concurrency limitations #2385

  • Intercept a sigterm to do extra logging? #2383

  • Troubles with open-uri #2380

  • BatchSet doesn't seem to represent all open batches #2379

  • Reschedule restarted jobs with a delay #2378

  • Shutdown events should fire in reverse #2374

  • Latency is confusing for scheduled jobs #2373

  • Sidekiq does not support keyword arguments #2372

  • Sidekiq not "in sync" with Rails #2371

  • Is it possible that I log success or failure of delivering mail ? #2370

  • Is there a way to kill frozen jobs from cli? #2369

  • Sidekiq process dies silently #2368

  • Is sidekiq not suitable for frequent jobs ? #2367

  • Rails mailer ignores attachments when using sidekiq #2366

  • You may have encountered a bug in the Ruby interpreter or extension libraries #2365

  • How can I detect shutdown signals from inside my workers? #2364

  • Batches in tests #2363

  • Question: ActionMailer delay during redis multi-az failover (read only state) #2362

  • Sidekiq upstrat script can't find bundler #2361

  • Timestamp format changes when polling the busy page in the web UI #2359

  • .sidekiq\_options with ActiveJob? #2358

  • Starting Sidekiq with namespace causes jobs not to be started #2357

  • Add Sidekiq gem's metadata on #2355

  • Lateness? #2354

  • Feature Suggestion: delete batches from Web UI #2351

  • auto create job every 3 minutes #2350

  • Display private queues on web UI? #2348

  • Display callback information for a batch #2347

  • newrelic_rpm breaks pro web UI #2345

  • Undefined method `settings' for NewRelic::Rack::BrowserMonitoring on Sidekiq Pro 2.0.2 #2344

  • Include no-timestamp log option? #2343

  • Question: Can you mix 'Strict queue ordering algorithm' with 'Weighted random algorithm' #2342

  • Jobs stuck on mon_enter #2341

  • Is there a central place to find the status of the job via job_id? #2339

  • Document ability for custom retry delay to fallback to default implementation #2338

  • Fake testing & batches #2336

  • Getting information about jobs in various states #2335

  • Failures but no failures? #2334

  • Some questions about Batch failure cases #2333

  • Polling removes formatted timestamps #2331

  • Cross-Site Scripting(XSS) issue #2330

  • Database configuration does not specify adapter in 3.3.4 #2329

  • is it possible to export something and download it to client from sidekiq worker #2327

  • EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of previous errors.: #2326

  • Sidekiq::Queue.all is not being mocked in test #2325

  • Outdated comments? #2324

  • Bulk job scheduling? #2321

  • reload schedules #2320

  • Job not removed from the enqueued state #2319

  • on_complete intermittently not being called? #2318

  • options for a more reliable Scheduled::Poller #2317

  • Sidekiq::Logging.initialize_logger closes STDOUT #2315

  • Feature idea: Callback once all jobs eventually complete #2314

  • Solution for "Error fetching message: Connection timed out" #2311

  • How to get batch on_success 'original' args in server middleware? #2310

  • Having reliable push ignore certain types of exceptions? #2307

  • How to run Sidekiq with ActiveJob? #2306

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `sidekiq_options_hash' #2302

  • sidekiq executes jobs when called in rails console, but not in app controller #2300

  • Update tables for mobile screen #2290

  • Accessibility improvements? #2276

  • Strange batch callback #2268

Merged pull requests:

v3.3.4 (2015-04-21)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Pro 2.0.2 not tagged or released #2301

  • Error: undefined class/module ActiveRecord::Attribute:: #2298

  • Optimize locale string loading #2295

  • Sidekiq stops processing tasks from the queue after sometime #2289

  • Some jobs are stuck in Enqueue #2286

  • Stack level too deep by circular error causes #2284

  • Batches failing with Sidekiq::Batch::NoSuchBatch #2283

  • Upstart example script: Why no "start on" ? #2281

  • Redis down for some seconds -> previous record gets deleted #2278

  • Bootstrap navbar bug in web UI #2274

  • How to tell sidekiq to not retry a job? #2272

  • Support multiple Sidekiq::Web instances per process #2267

  • Change page reload on ajax request in livereload mode #2266

  • Mount multiple Sidekiq Webviews #2264

  • Activating reliable fetch causes redis connections to leak in certain instances #2262

  • Custom error handler #2261

  • Hide header navbar in mobile and tablet screen size #2258

  • Batch with sequential processing #2256

  • Sidekiq#inline! should not run jobs enqueued for the future #2255

  • Memory leak when polling a job queue in the we UI #2254

  • Unique simultaneous job per user_id - Mysql2::Error: Deadlock found with sidekiq workers #2253

  • Monitor #2252

  • Random prioritization within same queue #2251

  • Pro - Batch tracking #2250

  • Stuck process #2249

  • show job class when using with activejob? #2248

  • Add API to trigger TTIN output #2247

  • Programmatically pass configuration to Sidekiq #2230

  • Sidekiq as an upstart is not working #2229

  • Remove, and disable, unsafe UI buttons? #2221

  • Testing delay method #2218

  • DNS resolver locking up entire MRI process #2175

  • Change the name of a worker #2171

  • Rename Worker to Job #2160

Merged pull requests:

v3.3.3 (2015-03-19)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • self is a hash in after_initialize active record callback #2244

  • internationalize the panel sidekiq #2243

  • Sidekiq Pro collaboration #2241

  • Lua script flush requires restarting Sidekiq Pro process #2240

  • Is there a way to kill jobs which are running longer than a specified timeout? #2239

  • Odd Missing Batch Error #2237

  • per-worker server middleware #2236

  • Sidekiq processes unresponsive to signals if redis dies #2235

  • Sidekiq Pro Collaboration #2233

  • stack level too deep in monitoring UI #2232

  • The wiki about reliability is out of date #2231

  • Sidekiq / Active Job issue with scope #2227

  • deprecation warnings with namespaces #2226

  • How to test for enqueue job if class reference not available? #2225

  • uninitialized constant Collector #2224

  • How can I profile Sidekiq using ruby-prof to track down what my workers are doing and where the bottlenecks are? #2223

  • Trouble with mina #2222

  • Sidekiq with Celluloid uses 2 connections and never closes them #2220

  • Error for sidekiq/morgue #2219

  • Stop Button for One Process Kills Everything #2217

  • Mounting problem in rails 4.1.8 #2216

  • Starting Sidekiq starts multiple processes #2215

  • sidekiq and rails truncate helper #2214

  • redis-namespace 1.5.x deprecation warnings with sidekiq + connection_pool 2.1.2 #2213

  • Wrong order while iterating Sidekiq::ScheduledSet #2212

  • delay doesn't execute where scope ! #2211

  • Sidekiq does not use config/database.yml settings as expected #2210

  • undefined method `foobar_async' for MyWorker:Class #2208

  • NameError: uninitialized constant MyJob #2207

  • Wrong RAILS_ENV value #2206

  • Can't Click Buttons when Redis domain name to long #2204

  • Subclass models not working #2202

  • Sidekiq 3.3.2 + pro 2.0.0 - redis connections growing indefinitely #2201

  • Specify queue for batch callbacks #2200

  • Bundler Changes #2199

  • Confuse about how Sidekiq process work on a dedicated server #2197

  • High CPU usage when there is no worker working... #2196

  • Number of Redis connections increases as I refresh web UI #2195

  • Sidekiq Pro collaboration #2192

  • Add Sidekiq::BatchSet API #2191

  • Is there any difference between sidekiq as a daemon or not? #2190

  • perform_in(1.second, args) takes a lot longer than 1 second to perform #2187

  • Undeprecate ActionMailer.delay #2186

  • no assets & user gets signed out when access sidekiq page in production #2185

  • Bug in the Reporting of the current job duration. #2184

  • Convert .delay to ActionMailer.method.deliver_later on Rails 4.2+ #2183

  • Retries exhausted could receive the exception object #2181

  • Issues with reliable fetch #2180

  • if it is feasible to substitute "multi" with "pipelined" while sending heartbeat pack #2179

  • jid undefined inside batch success #2178

  • Memory keep growing even no running jobs #2177

  • ActiveJob and Sidekiq: logging issue #2167

  • Add new Lua-based scheduler? #2159

  • Jobs failing when they're using ActiveRecord #2147

  • How do you go about rescheduling jobs? #2145

  • Sidekiq Pro 2.0 super-issue! #2130

  • Show Sidekiq Pro version in Web UI #1991

  • Scheduler issues #1841

  • Nested Batches #1485

Merged pull requests:

v3.3.2 (2015-02-05)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Repeating job was terminated #2176

  • queues is missing #2174

  • Client middleware chain completely returns unexpectedly before actual push to Redis #2172

  • ActionMailer delayed extensions #2170

  • Retry backoff docs? #2168

  • how to run a selected set of workers in development? #2166

  • How can you enable the ability to see Failed jobs like you can inspect the "Dead" queue? #2163

  • <unknown>:-1: <error> #2136

Merged pull requests:

  • Allows configuration of the Dead Job Queue. #2173 (jonhyman)

  • Remove 10 second wait in Poller if the poll interval is already set, sin... #2161 (jonhyman)

v3.3.1 (2015-01-27)

Full Changelog

Fixed bugs:

  • Sidekiq::ProcessSet#quiet! causes JRuby process exit #2063

Closed issues:

  • Beta2: Sidekiq::Batch::NoSuchBatch error when nesting several levels deep #2154

  • Using redis pools without sidekiq namespace #2153

  • Setting queue at enqueue time #2152

  • Sidekiq Pro Batching Problem #2151

  • Cancel Batch via Middleware #2150

  • Dumb down ActionMailer integration #2149

  • stack level too deep errors #2148

  • Configure default retries globally and customize retries for emails and AR #2146

  • Disappearing jobs with state_machine #2143

  • [Wiki] Using Redis - Namespace Warnings #2140

  • WARN: stack level too deep, Ruby 2.1, Sidekiq 3.3.0 #2139

  • Rails 4.2 doesn't load extensions in test environment #2138

  • Sidekiq segfaults #2137

  • ERROR: #2134

  • ERROR: Error fetching message: Connection timed out #2132

  • Slow Redis Reads #2131

  • [OT] - Thank you #2129

  • best practice for running configure_server block when testing? #2128

  • Some processes not removed when restarting #2125

  • default_worker_options method doesn't use stringify_keys #2124

  • ActiveJob Redis namespace support #2123

  • Queue without Worker #2122

  • Workers Process in Foreground using Production Mode #2121

  • Strange behavior of Sidekiq Pro's Reliability feature #2120

  • Enqueued jobs get lost #2119

  • segfaults #2118

  • Sidekiq Pro Collaboration Request #2117

  • Done does not log job id #2109

  • DelayedMailer causes redis running out of memory #2108

  • Memory leak if worker raises Exception instead of StandardError (or subclasses) #2107

  • unable to mount the web interface (rails 4.2?) #2103

  • /stats endpoint for displaying json data for monitoring #2098

  • Don't prevent job failures when in inline test mode #2096

  • Sidekiq::Stats getting caught in a redis multi block (when not expecting to be) #2095

  • Sidekiq spawns more workers than it set in config #2093

  • Sidekiq worker crashes when Twitter library throws an exception, even if exception is rescued #2092

  • 'Task was terminated' on Heroku #2090

  • Sidekiq support for multiple namespaces #2089

  • Web UI not showing jobs in queues page #2087

  • Event bus based on Sidekiq #2086

  • NameError: uninitialized constant {class} #2084

  • Open-ended Batches #2083

  • Job parameters not being submitted to errbit/airbrake #2082

  • Document perform_in #2081

  • Web UI doesn't seem to use my Redis server configuration #2080

  • The best way to terminate process/worker #2079

  • Log BID #2076

  • Have a separated logfile for each queue #2074

  • Do not retry for certain exceptions #2072

  • Cleaning up after hard shutdowns #2071

  • Large Memory Growth on Heroku's Cedar-14 Stack #2070

  • Batches with no items are not removed from the Pro UI #2069

  • Sidekiq hangs on boot #2067

  • Another stack level too deep problem #2066

  • test/workers/foo_worker_test.rb is missing from gem (3.3.0) #2065

  • Using foreman constant Sidekiq::Scheduled::POLL_INTERVAL not defined #2064

  • Segmentation Fault issue #2062

  • Concurrency=1, poll_time = 0.01 and sidekiq is utilizing around 15% of CPU while no tasks are available #2061

  • First failing job after deploy cycle is not retried #2060

  • Memory Problem with Sidekiq #2059

  • Memory profile job execution #2058

  • NoMethodError in exception_handler #2057

  • Batches sometimes not executing their success event. #2051

  • busy queue stuck #1993

  • Sidekiq stops processing new jobs, seems alive in system process list #1963

  • Batches incorrectly reporting pending number #1772

  • Redesign Batch data format #1620

  • Push recovered jobs back to public queue #1600

  • Retry and cleanup correctly after an abnormal exit #1493

Merged pull requests:

v3.3.0 (2014-11-20)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Inconsistant Interval Polling #2055

  • Web UI mount point #2054

  • Sidekiq not starting when the server starts on Ubuntu Rackspace instance #2053

  • Sidekiq time #2052

  • Sidekiq and Docker #2048

  • Sidekiq::Middleware::Chain only allows one instance of a middleware class in the chain #2047

  • Jobs aren't being executed by sidekiq? #2045

  • paperclip/shellscript inside sidekiq worker loses PATH? #2044

  • 3.2.6 webUI defaults to English? #2042

  • Tell me if I'm using a config? #2041

  • Doesn't work with phony_rails gem #2040

  • bundler: not executable: scripts/sidekiq_pusher.rb #2039

  • Version 3.2.6 has no tag #2038

  • Sidekiq Not Processing Scheduled Jobs #2033

  • Strange behaviour with queues #2032

  • Not possible to globally set number of retries? #2030

  • scheduling poller thread died! #2028

  • sidekiq web Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError - "\xC3" on US-ASCII #2027

  • undefined class/module or uninitialized constant #2026

  • Anyone want Unique Jobs? #2025

  • Redis connection support only localhost #2024

  • Memory issues with atomic Sidekiq batches #2023

  • Logging Format #2022

  • Batches and sidekiq-unique-jobs compatibility #2020

  • Reason for celluloid version lock at 0.15.2? #2017

  • undefined method `bid=' #2015

  • Access to sidekiq pro repo #2014

  • undefined class/module ConsultorMailer #2013

  • Sidekiq freezes #2012

  • Scheduled jobs perform late #2011

  • Passing a block to .perform_async method #2010

  • If no jobs are inserted into a Sidekiq::Batch job will on_success, or on_complete ever get called? #2009

  • Long running jobs on TERM/deploy #2006

  • Web UI - Busy tab with large arguments #1988

  • Sidekiq Crashes #1987

  • Is there any reason for "natrual" Bloating? #1985

  • Expiring jobs #1982

  • Threads seem to not work in parallel #1977

  • Clearer job failure messaging #1959

  • uninitialized constant RefreshCacheWorker #1958

  • Redis debugging and latency tools? #1891

Merged pull requests:

v3.2.6 (2014-10-16)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Sideqik running as unicorn process #2007

  • Clarifiy documentation regarding Recurring Jobs #2005

  • Is the batch id (bid) no longer defined for delay extensions? #2001

  • 500 in busy tab #2000

  • How to get the Job ID inside the worker? #1999

  • Request to be added to Pro Collaborators #1998

  • Configuring namespace when using redis-sentinel? #1997

  • Sidekiq Process Hangs on 'stopping' #1996

  • Add ability to set default retry count #1994

  • sidekiq not stopping... #1992

  • Dashboard does not pick up job status if using a namespace #1990

  • Question: Rotating log files. #1986

  • Sidekiq performance issues #1983

  • Show expiry in Batch show page #1981

  • uninitialized constant MyWorker::Sidekiq #1979

  • Sidekiq Pro and Open Source projects #1978

  • Jobs not going into Dead Job Pool when sidekiq thread crashes due to redis I/O #1976

  • Occasional Sidekiq::Batch::Lifecycle notifications still going to default queue #1975

  • Sidekiq started from foreman doesn't shut down cleanly #1974

  • Document the usage through Active Job #1972

  • Access to retry_count in a worker #1970

  • When host crashes #1969

  • Custom Queue not being picking up jobs #1968

  • Job classes are not correctly displayed in Web UI #1967

  • Sidekiq (3.2.5) not respecting retry specification #1966

  • Reliable fetch push jobs to dead queue? #1965

  • Question: Is it possible to communicate between 2 processes through one Redis using Sidekiq? #1961

  • Correction in Wiki for Complex Workflows #1957

  • Gather Pro testimonials #1956

  • invoke delay_for on an instance method #1955

  • Pubsub a batch notification when a batch succeeds? #1953

  • Default redis connection pool in sidekiq? #1952

  • Middleware not used with ActionMailer extension? #1950

  • Sidekiq Web: TypeError - can't convert String into an exact number #1949

  • Batch Logging #1947

  • What's a good http client to use with sidekiq for web crawling? (Mechanize seems to not be thread safe) #1946

  • (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) "Errno::EBADF: Bad file descriptor #1945

  • History overview by days error #1940

  • Reaping frequency #1936

  • Update ActionMailer extensions for upcoming Rail 5.0 #1933

  • Sentinel support for Redis #1932

  • Stucking in Stoping #1929

  • Uninitialized constant NameError raised in jobs, leading to no automatic retries #1927

  • How to trace stale busy process (Always have 1 busy process) #1920

  • Some task were not execute #1916

  • Web UI Retries tab doesn't allow "Retry Now"/"Delete" #1911

  • Cancelling a batch of jobs. #1888

  • Sidekiq worker disappears #1882

  • Jobs stalling with 3.0 / connection_pool 2.0 #1585

  • Workers slowly dropping off. #1503

  • Thoughts on changing the implementation of scheduled jobs for Sidekiq 3.0? #1491

  • Get array of pending jobs in batch #1455

  • Scheduled jobs are usually persisted & run, sometimes not. #1202

  • Add the ability to drain a worker unless job is scheduled later #1106

  • Enter Celluloid issues for all hacks #965

  • Add pause button in Web interface #764

Merged pull requests:

  • Add non-production environment names to web UI title #2004 (JacobEvelyn)

  • Added method to Util module to clean up process records... #1984 (epchris)

  • Deprecated delay extension for ActionMailer 4.2+ #1980 (seuros)

  • fix supported rails versions [ci skip] #1964 (rselk)

  • Update web_helpers.rb #1962 (wndfly)

  • Don't return 404 when no key is provided, redirect to the get request #1954 (seuros)

  • ISO 639-2 Language Czech CODE #1948 (Strnadj)

v2.17.8 (2014-09-11)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Call #handle_exception when Worker.perform_one is called #1944

  • Specify db pool size at runtime via cli option and/or upstart config #1942

  • ERROR: heartbeat: Waited 1 sec #1941

  • Why isn't my Sidekiq using all the threads? #1939

  • Restart or Shutdown sidekiq on Heroku #1930

Merged pull requests:

v3.2.5 (2014-09-10)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Takes a long time for enqueued jobs to enter the busy tab #1937

  • How to further postpone a batched job, reschedule it but keep it in same batch? #1935

  • Potential memory leak when running sidekiq with jRuby #1934

  • Accept custom connection options when using Sidekiq.redis #1931

  • Message Bus? #1926

  • ruby mri or jruby? #1925

  • Keep getting segment fault #1921

  • Batch race conditions and push_bulk with multiple job types #1893

  • Lua version of delete from job set by class and args #1886

v3.2.4 (2014-09-07)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • ActionMailer proxy doesn't work with Rails 4.2 #1923

  • Atomic Batch definition #1919

Merged pull requests:

  • extract attempt_retry method in RetryJobs middleware #1928 (substars)

v3.2.3 (2014-09-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::RetryJobs::DeadSet #1915

  • WEB UI #1914

  • which is the best way to load job from external gem #1912

  • Sidekiq tries to run in test env #1907

  • sidekiq log file doesn't be closed?? #1906

  • [BUG] Bus Error #1905

  • Sorted Queues #1904

  • WebUI seems to double count longer running jobs #1903

  • Sidekiq startup crashes if config file is empty #1901

  • Testing Middleware #1900

  • Apparent Serialization / Deserialization Issue #1899

  • sidekiq crashes when exception called from deep within call stack #1896

  • Delay jobs don't go to dead job queue #1894

  • Reorganizing the Related Projects Page #1892

  • Batch lifecycle event for "complete and retries exhausted" #1887

  • segfaults, and not causing respawn with init #1864

  • Web Console Busy tab is inconsistent #1827

  • Sidekiq.dump_json must not fail #1705

Merged pull requests:

v3.2.2 (2014-08-11)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • What's the alternative of Resque.peek? #1890

  • Feature idea: Worker that works until queue is empty, then quits #1889

  • sidekiqctl ignores timeouts specified during process creation #1885

  • Sidekiq recovers from timeout, but Web UI "Busy" tab does not reflect this under the Processes section #1884

  • Filtering in morgue fails in Sidekiq-Pro #1883

  • is there a way yo stop dashboard/stats..? #1881

  • Session being dropped when redirecting with routing constraints #1877

  • [WEB UI] How to give names each process at /sidekiq/busy? #1876

  • [WEB UI] add link to return to the app #1873

  • Scheduler - underutilised worker #1872

  • disappear processes #1871

  • Hung Jobs Diagnosing #1868

  • "Kill" button in retries tab? #1866

  • Warning re: 'info' command when using redis-namespace master branch #1865

  • Unable to get sidekiq_options unique: true to work... #1863

  • Jobs don't get processed unless I restart the server #1862

  • Do we need to restart sidekiq when some files other than the workers chanaged? #1861

  • Jobs stuck on celluloid mailbox #1860

  • Jobs stuck on ActiveRecord define_attribute_methods #1859

  • Sidekiq affecting Celluloid in other gems? #1858

  • WEBUI - allocator undefined for Proc: #1857

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `delay' #1856

  • Namespacing Redis per subdomain Sidekiq jobs. #1855

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `perform' #1854

  • Sidekiq and "interrupted" jobs #1853

  • ERR wrong number of arguments for 'srem' command #1852

  • problem undefined method `first' for nil:NilClass #1851

  • more info in documentation regarding job control, aka long running worker #1850

  • Allow usage of custom image in place of the sidekiq log #1849

  • open command from 'open-uri' is not working under worker method. #1848

  • undefined method `start!' for #<Sidekiq::Manager:0x0000000ccd5e18> #1847

  • Drain method doesn't invoke server middleware #1846

  • How to approach batch processing w/ retry #1845

  • MessagePack #1844

  • Job retries with wrong arguments #1840

  • Branches cleanup #1839

  • "error_message"=>"stack level too deep", "error_class"=>"SystemStackError" #1836

  • How to kill a running job? #1835

  • Have v3.2.1 in the Gemfile but error happens in v3.1.4 #1834

  • Load Error even if place the worker in app/models #1833

  • Web UI not showing a correct busy count #1826

  • Rails' eager load hooks at not invoked #1791

Merged pull requests:

  • [Webui] Fix style bug in tablet mode #1880 (seuros)

  • [Webui] Fix style bug #1879 (seuros)

  • [Webui] Add tag label to processes list, closes #1876 #1878 (seuros)

  • [Webui] Add back button, closes #1873 #1875 (seuros)

  • Calling poll\_interval= doesn't account for scaling due to interval randomization #1874 (eprothro)

  • [WEB UI] Add Kill button to retriable jobs #1867 (seuros)

  • Allow user-specified maximum error message size #1843 (mikegee)

  • Raise error if ruby 1.9.3 is detected. #1838 (seuros)

  • Require ruby 2+ #1837 (seuros)

v3.2.1 (2014-07-08)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Models not being loaded on rails 3.2.19 and ruby 2.1.2 #1832

  • Sidekiq is not reliable out of the box? #1831

  • NoMethodError - undefined method `do_something_async' for MyWorker:Class (Sinatra/JRuby/Puma) #1829

  • Client in Rails and Servers in other machines - processes not showing up #1825

  • Setting the queue name at run time. #1824

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `duration' for nil:NilClass #1823

  • Add about page to #1822

  • Mail interceptors skipped with delayed extension #1818

  • queuing async job from Rails controller or model #1807

  • Specifying Redis connection depending on environment with pure Ruby #1806

  • Job being invoked twice? #1762

  • Delay extensions should be optional #1684

  • lost jobs in busy queue - reliable_fetch not working #1527

  • Frozen worker #1032

Merged pull requests:

v3.2.0 (2014-07-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • "undefined method `multi' for nil:NilClass" on Sinatra app #1811

  • Add new Support page #1810

  • sidekiq using all database connections with postgresql #1809

  • Upgrade pages #1808

  • Use default concurrency but get 36 threads running, why? #1804

  • Ignore SIGHUP when daemonising #1803

  • Dead jobs queue in web UI should list most recent jobs first #1802

  • Dashboard legends wrapping #1800

  • Http request crashes the sidekiq instance #1799

  • FYI: longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame #1798

  • ERROR: Error fetching message: Waited 1 sec - After upgrading to 3.0.2 #1797

  • stack level too deep after upgrade sidekiq from 2.17.0 to 3.1.4 (pro 1.7.4) #1796

  • Trouble with scheduling jobs #1793

  • Scheduled tab never shows less than "4 minutes from now" #1792

  • Sidekiq::Batch::Lifecycle and reliable fetch race condition? #1789

  • using upstart script. sidekiq dies immediately... #1788

  • Get error message out of job #1787

  • Show arguments passed to the worker on the logs #1786

  • Handle exception in Sidekiq 3 jobs #1785

  • Idle Sidekiq Process Increasing in Memory Size #1784

  • Getting undefined class/module error in Sidekiq manager interface #1783

  • Redis::CommandError: ERR unknown command 'has_key?' #1782

  • RuntimeError : Can't add a new key into hash during iteration #1781

  • Using namespace conf option result in crash #1780

  • Redis Timeout error #1779

  • Workers are not starting up automatically #1777

  • Retries: undefined class/module #1776

Merged pull requests:

v3.1.4 (2014-06-13)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • feature request #1775

  • Parameters are not stringified when passed to a worker in testing mode #1774

  • Prioritize the queue #1773

  • add_to_queue queues all jobs with the same timestamp #1771

  • Dashboard table column widths are too narrow #1770

  • Using postgres and getting "database configuration does not specify adapter" error #1766

  • Job always goes into default queue #1765

  • Can we restore the Clear Workers List button? #1764

  • How to populate the context for exception handler #1763

  • Restarting worker while there are retries in the queue causes ArgumentError on retries page #1760

  • Memory-Related Outage on really long running tasks mixed with ActiveRecord batch creations #1759

  • Support named parameters for Workers #perform #1757

  • One worker, few calls. #1756

  • Problem lock mysql with requests sql execute by concurrency wokers #1752

  • Integrate sick new Sidekiq Pro ANSI art #1751

  • Web UI date/time formatting #1749

  • Retries table looks ridiculous #1747

  • Sidekiq worker in zombie mode #1746

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `call' for "fd941a28e3588387ad7ef2ca":String #1731

  • Stale Sidekiq jobs blocking sidekiq #1667

  • When starting sidekiq with -L or by adding a path to a log file within a config file - relative or absolute, sidekiq will not run, just hangs #1640

  • Scheduled Poller scalability issue #1630

  • ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 error inside sidekiq #1597

  • DelayedClass worker instead of DelayedMailer worker for an ActionMailer #1552

  • Jobs not sending #1551

Merged pull requests:

v3.1.3 (2014-06-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • dynamic number of queue and enqueue job in specific queue? #1750

  • Sidekiq::Web with Amazon ELB #1748

  • Remove successful batches from the UI #1745

  • Batch callback error handling #1744

  • Batches show pending jobs, even though no further retries are being attempted #1743

  • Process name in Busy view meaningless on Heroku #1742

  • instructions on how to add an error handler don't seem to work #1741

  • Sidekiq worker in zombie mode / freeze / not processing the enqueue #1740

  • show number of available workers #1739

  • WARN: uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Batch - Are batches possible only with Pro-version? #1738

  • warning: already initialized constant #1737

  • can't view individual queues in sidekiq UI #1736

  • NameError: uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Queue / Sidekiq::ScheduledSet .... etc after upgrading to Sidekiq 3 #1732

  • Nested Sidekiq Jobs Not Enqueuing #1722

  • Cannot retrieve jobs for a given ActiveRecord model #1717

  • Feature request: Web UI should show 'reliable' queues. #1673

v3.1.2 (2014-05-26)

Full Changelog

v3.1.1 (2014-05-26)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • REDIS_PROVIDER env is useless and breaks production on heroku #1733

  • Update README screenshot #1724

  • Give more informative reliable push messages #1723

  • Wrong number of arguments (4 for 3) #1721

  • Redis::CannotConnectError (Error connecting to Redis on (ECONNREFUSED)) #1720

  • What is the difference between perfrom_async and delay? #1719

  • Unwrap Delay jobs in the Web UI #1718

  • Sidekiq adding item twice times in queue #1716

  • Internal Server Error when opening busy #1715

  • randomly class not found, weird issue #1712

  • Make Web UI poll interval configurable #1711

  • WARN: uninitialized constant ValidationAdWorker #1710

  • Configure a worker for all queues? #1709

  • Sidekiq 3.0.2 crashes on Rubinious 2.2.6 #1708

  • retry: 0 not retry: false #1707

  • Access Rails Controller Method from Worker #1706

  • Force retry a Sidekiq job #1704

  • ActiveRecord Query Runner #1699

  • Sidekiq ERROR #1698

  • Complete vs. Success callback question #1697

  • Two different Sidekiq jobs are being processed on same thread at the same time #1696

  • Help with limiting sidekiq retries per worker in 2.x #1695

  • Finish job from within the Worker class #1693

  • Setting custom location of sidekiq pid file through capistrano #1692

  • Sidekiq::Workers#each['run_at']) can't convert String into an exact number #1691

  • Celluloid::DeadActorError raised on shutdown #1690

  • shutdown exception problem. #1686

  • Rails.logger not working as expected from inide of the worker in rails 4 #1682

  • Show hover details for both processed and failed jobs at the same time #1656

Merged pull requests:

v3.0.2 (2014-05-05)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Perform_at timestamp supported formats including timezone support? #1689

  • WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value #1688

Merged pull requests:

v3.0.1 (2014-05-03)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • exec: bundle: not found #1683

  • Support for multiple namespaces in Sidekiq::Web #1679

  • Errors not moving to Dead #1678

  • PID files are racy #1677

  • Sidekiq does not automatically restart after server hangs . #1676

  • undefined method `jid=' #1675

  • Feature request: Web UI should show 'paused' status of queues. #1672

  • Redis::TimeoutError (Connection timed out) #1671

  • 0 busy, 0 in queue in web interface (but still processing) #1669

  • Testing against redis #1668

  • ActiveRecord transactions not getting rolled back in sidekiq worker #1665

  • Inconsistent behaviour of retry period option #1664

  • Sidekiq rspec with no redis testing #1662

  • Switch maximum batch expiration to be end-inclusive #1661

  • Allow Batch callback options to work with symbols or strings #1660

  • Manually retry specific job and update retry_count #1658

  • Add more context to retries_exhausted & callback exception handling? #1655

  • Sidekiq::Logging.reopen_logs blows up on JRuby with ObjectSpace disabled #1653

  • Jobs argument column grows too wide #1652

  • Ability to pause individual queues #1651

  • init.d script for /examples? #1649

  • private method `retry_attempts_from' called #1648

  • A way to disable / rename the 'delay' methods introduced in ActiveRecord and ActionMailer to avoid ActiveRecord::DangerousAttributeError errors #1647

  • Set log for demonized sidekiq in rails initializer #1646

  • Logging output in rspec tests #1645

  • Replacing existing jobs #1643

  • MySQL thread in use #1642

  • Worker not getting triggered in one of the production server #1641

  • Potential race condition in ReliableFetch causing duplicate job run #1639

  • Upgrading to Sidekiq 3.0.0 produces NameError: uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Stats; #1638

  • Jobs are not picked up by the server from console #1637

  • Sidekiq 3.0 crashes on startup with Rubinius 2.2.6 #1636

  • Is there a better documentation available to use sidekiq with sinatra? #1635

  • OpenSSL:SSL::SSLError #1634

  • sidekiq with tableless model and he can not send email #1633

  • SystemStackError (stack level too deep) when running "RailsBestPractices::Analyzer#analyze" #1632

  • SystemStackError (stack level too deep) when running "Bundler#resolve_remotely!" #1631

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `async' for nil:NilClass / Manager#processor_died died #1628

  • Sidekiq logger printing to stdout? #1627

  • Hipchat notifications documentation #1625

  • sidekiq 3 and rubinius #1624

  • Sidekiq 3.0 not showing busy processes and jobs #1622

  • Mails not sending, and no logs at all #1619

  • NameError: uninitialized constant Sidekiq::ExceptionHandler #1616

  • Question about Sidekiq process #1614

  • Update UI translations for Sidekiq 3.0 #1554

  • Refactor Redis usage #1498

  • Support for forked sidekiq #1497

  • Sidekiq with whenever without loading rails AND WITH arguments #1411

  • Celluloid::Task::TerminatedError: task was terminated #1312

  • Sidekiq worker crashes without warning #1301

  • new created worker keep busy after previous worker crashed. #1295

  • Upgrading to sidekiq 2.16.0 breaks redis connection #1294

  • Sidekiq nearly 10x slower than foreground processing? #1263

  • Sidekiq timeouts connecting to Redis #1236

  • Workers freezing with fog gem #1179

  • Sidekiq Notification for Pusher #1169

  • Sidekiq Pro and Persistent Queue Names on Heroku #1168

  • More granular logging controls #1152

  • Capistrano start/stop tasks skipping file when using more than one process #1044

Merged pull requests:

v3.0.0 (2014-03-28)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Long running jobs disappear from Web UI #1612

  • Gem release #1608

  • Auto restart sidekiq in code changes #1607

  • Sidekiq 3.0 web UI stats are left aligned #1606

  • individual logging for every worker #1605

  • Getting some difficulty with sidekiq on rails 4 #1601

  • Sidekiq doesn't start from Capistrano #1596

  • Librato Metrics #1594

  • Remove History expiration #1593

  • Remove profile feature #1592

  • Sidekiq puts job to queue #1591

  • Sidekiq puts job to queue #1590

  • Redis error in heartbeat causes Sidekiq to die #1586

  • Sidekiq 3: where? #1581

  • Use TaskThreads for actors #1580

  • Fix test warnings #1578

  • Segfault during bundler install when using https source on Heroku #1577

  • Possibility to cancel busy workers #1576

  • Sidekiq::Batch::NoSuchBatch errors in web UI #1575

  • Make reliable fetch work well with dynamic hostnames #1573

  • Sidekiq workers finishing but getting stuck in queue #1571

  • Possible file handle / connection leak with 3.0 #1569

  • Sidekiq using high memory #1549

  • what is a failed job in the dashboard? #1548

  • Ghost processes #1544

  • Understanding Queues and Weighting #1543

  • Sidekiq cli 'require' option should accept gem names #1542

  • "You need to reconnect to Redis after forking" #1541

  • undefined method `getutc' when looking at my workers #1540

  • Pushed jobs ignored? #1538

  • Internal Server Error when opening busy or queue #1537

  • Shutdown Hooks #1536

  • mysql connection lost from sidekiq job running on puma on heroku #1535

  • Add process lifecycle events #1534

  • Failed jobs count increments, but no failures logged. #1533

  • 'SSL_read: cert already in hash table' in jobs #1531

  • Use of Sidekiq.redis #1528

  • Sidekiq with Mongoid/Kiqstand and Connection Pooling #1526

  • Jobs are stucking in the Web UI #1524

  • Ascii art logo on bootup #1520

  • Best way to limit concurrency within a process? #1518

  • Valid batch callback names #1517

  • After including Sidekiq/Sinatra seem to be preventing controller specs from running #1516

  • Sidekiq not using config file with capistrano #1515

  • Add error handler block support #1512

  • Process not terminating on segfault #1505

  • Need Capistrano tests #1499

  • Customize view #1418

  • Sidekiq suddenly refuses to process the "default" queue #1249

  • Sidekiq consuming 100% CPU Utilization on Server #1213

  • Jobs getting stuck #1045

  • Capistrano rollback doesn't restart Sidekiq #1029

Merged pull requests:

v2.17.7 (2014-02-28)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • curious problem with missing env["PATH_INFO"] #1514

  • Is there a way to see Failed Jobs in Web UI? #1513

  • Add *do not use the Sidekiq redis connection while the app is booting* to Troubleshooting #1510

  • Auto-prune worker records older than one hour #1508

  • busy queue not clearing #1507

  • Stuck Workers #1504

  • Capistrano aborts on sidekiq:stop #1502

  • rails sidekiq unable to start #1500

  • Concurrency issues using SQLite in development #1487

  • Does not read config file by default, even at default location #1486

  • Ruby VM crashes when I write to Sidekiq #1484

  • Bash script throwing "command not found" from Sidekiq #1482

  • sidekiq does not read config/sidekiq.yml by default #1481

  • sidekiq not processing queues #1478

  • Jobs in named queues only run if i specify only that queue on the command line #1477

  • Store timestamps in Redis as floats, not Strings #1473

  • Dead job queue #1471

  • Delete PID file when stopped #1470

  • Capistrano tasks + Upstart = good match? #1469

  • Negative number in "pending" field of a sidekiq batch #1468

  • sidekiq_options :retry => false does not work #1466

  • undefined method `*' for nil:NilClass #1465

  • sidekiq_retry_in confusing behavior #1464

  • Monitor job duration / jobs history #1462

  • How to gracefully finalize worker threads in case of sidekiq shutdown? #1461

  • sidekiq testing modes try to connect to redis #1460

  • How to kill a job running inside a worker process? #1459

  • Use of queues in sidekiq #1458

  • symbolize keys of option hashes #1457

  • memory leak with jruby? #1442

  • not populating in the test environment #1438

  • Hybrid concurrency model support #1435

  • Memory Leak with Ruby 2.1? #1421

  • Queued jobs not getting submitted occasionally #1377

  • sidekiq web interface show Forbidden when I try delete or post operations. #1289

  • Generic log reopen support #1163

  • Sidekiq Pro batch tab sorting #1098

  • New Relic plugin for Sidekiq #1019

  • Two i18n issues #831

Merged pull requests:

v2.17.4 (2014-02-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Job ID unavailable in testing/inline mode #1454

  • Worker arguments in Web UI #1453

  • Changes to nested data structure arguments are persisted for retry #1452

  • Sidekiq workers are just lazying around #1451

  • Process sidekiq with different database for different environments on same server #1450

  • Send email notification when sidekiq stops or start #1449

  • Filtering in web app: Internal Server Error #1447

  • "You need to reconnect to Redis after forking" issue #1446

  • Cannot allocate memory - file -b --mime 'Test.xls' #1445

  • Sidekiq died due to the following error -- when trying to start #1443

  • (Pro Repo Access Request for PR) -- 100% CPU Utilization With Weighted Queues #1441

  • Busy Status #1440

  • Puma & Sidekiq #1439

  • Sidekiq Pro: Git is missing the 1.4.1 release tag #1433

  • Sidekiq Pro: gem source is not available via https #1430

  • NoMethodError from ActionMailer class using delay and inline testing strategy #1422

  • Can the Dashboard load with the last five minutes showing? #1417

  • delayed mailer is not sending email #1412

  • Can't delete (clear) a queue that has '.' in its name #1401

  • Sidekiq Web: log scale for graphs #1344

  • Redis options ignored with jRuby #1318

Merged pull requests:

v2.17.3 (2014-01-16)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • YAML objects deserialization in DelayedMailer #1429

  • Using .delay or .delay_for breaks (some) sidekiq extensions #1426

  • Sidekiq::Web undefined method 'blank?' for "":String #1425

  • Syntax for multiple queues has changed? #1419

  • Unable to load assets in production #1404

  • Sidekiq.redis= should either work or fail #1319

Merged pull requests:

list (2014-01-03)

Full Changelog

v2.17.2 (2014-01-03)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Middleware::I18n not compatible with I18n enforce\_available\_locales = true #1415

  • Jobs being processed by the wrong app #1414

  • Slow to insert jobs; push_bulk not helping #1410

  • Sidekiq.inline interferes/interacts with transactions? #1405

  • Cannot run as daemon with jruby 1.7.8 #1403

  • Random sidekiq crashes #1400

  • Sidekiq sometimes not releasing memory? #1399

  • [PRO] Display progress bar in batch view pages #1398

Merged pull requests:

  • Add I18n test for #1415 #1416 (tmaier)

  • Feature/generalized start script #1413 (rchekaluk)

  • Add Ruby 2.1.0 to Travis config #1409 (petergoldstein)

  • Set strict option correctly when using multiple queue options. #1408 (DouweM)

  • @in_progress got cleared in #requeue but was being logged after the requ... #1407 (jonhyman)

  • Attempt a bulk requeue for reliable-fetch when shutting down. #1406 (jonhyman)

  • Allow Sidekiq::Stats#reset to reset individual stats independently #1402 (bwthomas)

v2.17.1 (2013-12-15)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Why sidekiq want to have such big amount of memory?! #1391

  • workers don't exit after USR1 signal #1386

  • Sidekiq::Processor crashing when issuing HTTP GET/POST request #1383

  • Dedicate worker to a queue even if other queues have jobs #1380

  • Sidekiq::Batch::NoSuchBatch exception when trying to access batches #1379

  • Simple hashes as worker attributes? #1378

  • Retry page arguments display #1375

  • Processing many http requests concurrently? #1374

  • [PRO] Batches view missing? #1373

  • sidekiq-pro 1.3.0 requires redis to be available to run any rake task #1372

  • Sidekiq has fake workers busy and returns internal server error #1371

  • Shutting Down Sidekiq Fails #1370

  • Running sidekiq locally #1369

  • Sidekiq does not delay classes from applications lib/ folder #1368

  • Sidekiq backend embedded in application layout #1367

  • Allow filtering of retries in Web UI #1366

  • Sidekiq Failed Jobs not in the retry queue, no manual retry mechanism? #1365

  • Block scoping bug causes sidekiq-pro reliable fetch to block until timeout #1360

  • perform_one does not run a single perform when there are nested perform_async calls in a batch #1352

  • Calling separate workers within a sidekiq worker in rails app #1351

  • Make Sidekiq Pro semver track Sidekiq semver #1350

  • Dynamically assign queue? #1346

  • Scheduled tasks timezone question #1341

  • Workers loaded from gem #1334

  • Dynamic queue names? #1333

  • Workers associated with an account? #1332

  • add method to Batch to expose job ids #1308

  • Getting Internal Server Error when accessing Dashboard on production #1303

Merged pull requests:

v2.17.0 (2013-11-24)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Web UI Internal Server Error w/Passenger (Redis connection reuse after fork) #1362

  • Mailer in Engine not found by Sidekiq #1359

  • Workers fail with ruby 2.0 keyword arguments in the perform method #1356

  • Force an error? #1347

  • suggestion for unique jobs #1345

  • Connecting sidkiq to multiple redis servers #1342

  • Example middleware in comments does not work #1340

  • Client middleware does not always use string for queue name #1339

  • Batches set redis TTL for long-running batches #1338

  • When namespace is set in config file, all system calls cause 'closed stream' error #1335

  • sidekiq capistrano/rvm integration issue #1327

  • Sidekiq pro application #1325

  • Getting broken pipe exceptions using jRuby #1324

  • Job was lost after Redis timeout updating the stats #1322

  • Can you override Sidekiq.configure_client? #1321

  • ArgumentError: Wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) #1320

  • Sidekiq: retry not working as expected #1316

  • should Sidekiq::Client.push_bulk return the array of jids? #1314

  • stack level too deep (SystemStackError) #1313

  • YAML Serialization with Class Method Delayed Extensions #1311

  • Capistrano 3 sidekiq tasks fail #1310

  • Process Sidekiq Queue in random order #1307

  • Add to Sidekiq Pro repository #1306

  • Sidekiq log issues #1304

  • Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2) #1298

  • embedded twitter feed #1287

Merged pull requests:

  • changed #determine_redis_provider to first check REDIS_PROVIDER #1363 (spra85)

  • Groundwork for transfering reliable fetch working queue back to public q... #1358 (jonhyman)

  • Travis CI change to get MRI specs green #1357 (petergoldstein)

  • Larger clickable area for checkboxes on the retries page #1355 (bradleypriest)

  • memory leak detection #1353 (grosser)

  • Don't log Redis AUTH requirepass. #1349 (jonhyman)

  • set default cap hooks in a pre-deploy task #1348 (dleavitt)

  • Normalize queue name to string when pushing a job #1343 (aackerman)

  • Added rescue from NameError to the require ActiveSupport Inflections to provide (unofficial) support for the sidekiq process for Rails 2.3 #1336 (willsu)

  • fix issues with jruby failing tests #1330 (kevinzen)

  • Fix method name collision between Sidekiq::Fetcher and Sidekiq::Exceptio... #1328 (aackerman)

  • #push_bulk returns an array of jids #1315 (barelyknown)

  • Sidekiq Web: If text contains invalid byte sequence, replace them instead of raising an exception #1305 (dleung)

  • Embedded twitter feed #1300 (aackerman)

v2.16.1 (2013-10-31)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Possible XSS issue #1297

  • :sidekiq_default_hooks for capistrano 3 #1291

  • How to detect native gems in a Gemfile #1290

  • json error with json-pure #1286

  • uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Testing (NameError) #1282

  • Circular Dependency #1281

  • Stop failing with timeout being nil #1276

  • Define middleware at an instance level #1275

  • Tests: jobs not being enqueued #1269

  • Stopping sidekiq fails to cleanly terminate all actors #1268

  • Sidekiq worker stopping with Illegal instruction: 4 #1267

  • Amazon SQS as Data store #1266

  • sidekiq debug logging after logrotate/USR2 signal #1262

  • I18n - enable to add more than one path to load ymls from #1260

  • Connection Pooling example actually good idea? #1259

  • Use resolv-replace #1258

  • Live Poll button is squished up on mobile w/ Bootstrap 3 #1218

  • "Live Poll" link redirects to the first page when on a page > 1 #1185

  • First time deployment #1171

  • Only report exceptions after retries_exhausted #1096

  • Possible freezing issue in 2.11.0 #881

Merged pull requests:

v2.15.2 (2013-10-17)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Is it possible to set a default retry < 25 for delayed extensions? #1256

  • Batch Job Count not reflecting actual jobs created #1255

  • Support of Unix domain socket in Redis configuration #1252

  • Is it safe to use undocumented options? #1251

  • Why use LPUSH to enqueue and BRPOP to dequeue? Is it a stack instead of a queue? #1250

  • UI redirect loses pagination context #1247

  • sidekiq hates my models with hstore columns #1245

  • Sidekiq is running only on 1 CPU core (from 10 CPUs) #1244

  • calling sunspot solr search true a worker fails #1241

  • support running server/client in same process #1240

  • Can't find the batches tab on sidekiq pro's web interface #1239

  • Support for instance level retry_in #1238

  • Manual-Only Retry #1237

  • Logging issue when a job is executed via delay_until #1235

  • Sidekiq workers stuck at celluloid create on JRuby #1231

  • Worker Argument to_s behavior #1229

  • Batch progress bars not colorized #1228

  • Really long error messages blow out the UI #1226

  • Broken pagination styling #1225

  • Chrome still makes update requests to dashboard after closing tab #1224

  • Support for multiple namespaces in Sidekiq::Web #1223

  • [PRO] rubygem dead #1220

  • Minor Documentation Issue: Client-side Middleware #1219

  • An increasing number of workers #1217

  • Connecting Sidekiq to Twemproxy(Nutcracker) #1215

  • Upgrade Web UI to Bootstrap 3 #1210

  • Workers tab #1209

  • Include partial backtrace in job item hash #1208

  • Web UI busy count different on dashboard #1207

  • Add Sidekiq::Batch.delete #1205

  • How to show localtime in Sidekiq Web? #1204

  • sidekiq client connection issue #1203

  • job.reschedule results in a ERR value is not a double #1200

  • TERM worker handler #1199

  • Web UI ideas: Make summary links clickable? #1197

  • Heroku Static Assets #1195

  • Capistrano deployment #1189

  • Supervise the Manager actor #1188

  • Better status design in the Web UI? #1187

  • Chain arguments through middleware #1186

  • Custom subject/body for notifications #1184

  • Multiple Sidekiq #1183

  • Sidekiq status message lost in Web UI rewrite #1182

  • Dalli Store Cache #1181

  • Cannot Test ActionMailer delay and delay_for methods #1180

  • Workers disapear? #1178

  • Testing error : "Celluloid::Error: Thread pool is not running" #1176

  • Intense CPU and memory usage on no jobs #1175

  • Segfaults with ruby 2.0 #1174

  • Alternative Monit config #1172

  • Capistrano 3: undefined method `instance' for Capistrano::Configuration:Class #1166

  • You have already activated i18n 0.6.4, but your Gemfile requires i18n 0.6.1 #1164

  • `block in handle_signal' issue #1151

  • Dashboard chats not working #1150

  • sidekiq workers get stuck #1149

  • Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded) #1148

  • Handling SIGHUP differently #1137

  • Stack level too deep: Celluloid::FiberStackError #1129

  • Sidekiq Web: Standalone Rack/sinatra with custom external authentication #1128

  • Need a way to filter arguments in the web UI #1119

  • Retry Arguments looks bad in the UI #1116

  • Android Connection with Rails & Redis #1113

  • Rails environment not being inherited with rails-4.0.0 vanilla app #1112

  • Problem with the finished batch trigger #1111

  • Thoughts on Processing Fairness? #1110

  • Filter scheduled jobs by queue #1107

  • Improve the ability for middleware to customize different portions of the code by using code hooks instead #1079

  • Change in performance #1064

  • rake test fails some test randomly few times #1056

  • Testing and inline non-mutually exclusive #1053

  • Sending email is really slow #987

  • Why is sidekiq Job API only getting half the jobs from scheduled? #866

Merged pull requests:

v2.14.1 (2013-09-12)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Segfaults with ruby 2.0 #1173

  • Do Sidekiq JIDs get reused? #1167

  • Sidekiq-pro prepending a namespace to Statsd metrics #1162

  • RuntimeError: can't create tasks inside of tasks #1161

  • Setting redis port using .require and yml file doesn't appear to work #1160

  • Sidekiq web worker queue name format in 2.14.0 #1159

  • Sidekiq::Web - too many arguments for format string #1157

  • jobs from different apps getting mixed #1156

  • Changing the queue for delayed email #1154

  • Sidekiq Pro Access #1147

  • Importing/using scheduled jobs from resque #1145

  • Is there a way to signal Sidekiq to reload it's configuration? #1144

  • sidekiq/testing doesn't support Sidekiq::Batch? #1143

  • issue with running sidekiq #1142

  • sidekiq doesn't restart when deploying #1141

  • Sidekiq up and running, workers in default queue but do not start #1140

  • Pro Repo Access #1139

  • undefined method `location' for #<Redis::Client:...> #1136

  • Stuck workers leading to out of memory errors #1130

  • alias_method': undefined method raw\_push' for class Class' in 'sidekiq/testing' #1125

Merged pull requests:

v2.14.0 (2013-08-25)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Batch exception handling NoMethodError #1134

  • Sending USR2 signal to reopen log resets logger level to INFO #1132

  • Dependencies - Slim + Sinatra #1131

  • WARN log related to encoding of json data #1127

  • Change redis port for Sidekiq with Capistrano #1126

  • Remove slim dependency #1120

  • Configure logfile in Ruby #1118

  • request access to pro repo #1114

  • Sidekiq Pro Reliable Fetch #1109

  • Enqueued at time has a timezone #1108

  • undefined method `related_async' for PostsWorker:Class #1105

  • Reliable Queueing and Prioritized Requests #1102

  • Sidekiq Pro Batches leaving many keys in redis #1097

Merged pull requests:

  • Use the same method to reopen log after USR2 as is used during startup. ... #1133 (fpetrini)

  • slight typo for RetryJobs in changelog #1124 (snkashis)

  • Closes #1120 Removed slim. #1122 (Locke23rus)

  • Update redis version to fix issue using redis namespaces #1117 (bwthomas)

v2.13.1 (2013-08-10)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Worker not releasing memory #1100

  • Redis connection required while testing #1099

  • ActionMailer::delay sending duplicate mails #1094

  • retry: 'false' for Mailer.delay.method(...) use case #1093

  • sidekiq_retry_in not defined? #1092

  • can't use attachment with delayed mail #1089

  • Creating records in plain model callback vs sidekiq: why is my plain model callback insanely faster? #1087

  • Sidekiq dumps core, possibly due to TinyTDS? #1086

  • batch complete events firing early (and only once) #1085

  • Where is a proper place to declare my rack app for deploy #1084

  • sinatra + sidekiq + foreman #1082

  • Adding Capistrano 3 breaks the mounted monitoring site #1080

  • Clustered Mode #1078

  • Is there API call for reseting (clearing) all history, queues, data? #1077

  • longjmp causes uninitialized stack frame #1075

  • Sidekiq Pro: Batches lifecycle events don't fire when there are no jobs in the batch #1074

  • schedule jobs and retries not queueing #1073

  • Do you need to set the environment for sidekiq? #1072

  • uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Actor::Celluloid when upgrading to sidekiq 2.13.0 #1071

  • JSON.generate throws error but MultiJson.dump does not #1070

  • Should we make the ActiveRecord middleware optional? #1069

  • Rolling restart of multiple Sidekiq processes #1068

  • "Clear workers list" gives "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'srem' command" #1067

  • Is there a way to separate the sinatra log? #1066

  • Best practice for not running workers X,Y, or Z if worker A is running #1065

  • Increasing workers causing jobs to take exponentially longer to complete #1063

  • Queue#latency throws "TypeError: nil can't be coerced into Float" #1061

  • Replace delete API #1060

  • thread limit and queues #1058

  • standardexception #1057

  • Monit script - Should cd to app directory to run bundle exec? #1055

  • Strange behaviour with system call to "ffmpeg ..." #1054

  • Manage multiple sidekiq instances via a single sidekiq.yml config file #1052

  • can't dump anonymous module: #1051

  • Logger not working anymore?? #1050

  • Has anyone know how to move create method into worker? #1049

  • Sending mail using Sidekiq #1048

  • Large number of failed jobs after upgrading to ActiveRecord4 #1047

  • NameError: uninitialized constant UniqueTextWorker #1043

  • Routing Error. No route matches [GET] "/api" #1042

  • Input/output error - <STDERR> #1039

  • Sidekiq workers stuck and not responding to TTIN #1037

  • Symbols cause problems #1036

  • Can't start, stop and then restart Sidekiq using "foreman start" / undefined method `get_sidekiq_options' #1031

  • Update dashboard UI to fit large number of processed jobs #1025

  • sidekiq workers don't release file descriptor when passed a SIGUSR2 on Illumos systems (SmartOS/OmniOS, etc) #1015

  • Graph "peaking" during high concurrency #991

  • Use live Celluloid in test suite #964

  • Sidekiq::Fetcher crashed on shutdown #926

  • PG::Error: SSL SYSCALL error: EOF detected on Heroku #847

Merged pull requests:

  • Change the deprecated way for instantiate Redis #1103 (guipdutra)

  • Switches to using File#open when loading web locale YAMLs due to error using #read #1101 (philostler)

  • Allow for default number of retry attempts to be set for RetryJobs middl... #1091 (czarneckid)

  • Adding the jquery timeago locales support. Adds to #831 #1088 (MadRabbit)

  • User workers_size instead of workers.size for better performance. #1081 (benubois)

  • Adds a job info page for scheduled jobs which doesn't truncate args #1076 (jonhyman)

  • Allow the configuration of the Redis Connection Pool Timeout #1062 (LeakyBucket)

  • Revert "Revert "Use ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception"" #1059 (cap10morgan)

  • Make status summary responsive, relating issue #1025 #1046 (manishval)

v2.13.0 (2013-07-02)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Any thoughts on sidekiq-unique-jobs? #1035

  • Switch workers at /sidekiq/failures #1034

  • Ability to connect a Worker box to multiple redis servers #1028

  • Delayed extensions failing with latest version of sidekiq? #1026

  • bug @ clear workers list #1023

  • Sidekiq crashes regularly with really light tasks load #1022

  • Sidekiq loadbalancing with multiple redis #1021

  • Discussion: Instance Methods & Throttle #1018

  • about 6gb of wired memory and 6gb swapped, not sure how to diagnose it... #1017

  • Sidekiq scheduled jobs are not correctly dispatched in queues #1016

  • Feedback needed for customizing seconds\_to\_delay #1013

  • I18n not working with retries #1011

  • Sidekiq sticker design needed #1010

  • Bulk insert #1009

  • USR2 signal doesn't close old logfile #1008

  • Can't boot sidekiq with daemonize from init script #1007

  • redis gone wild after sidekiq 2.13.3 deploy #1006

  • Sidekiq workers getting stuck in activesupport #1005

  • test helper for SchduleSet api #1003

  • JSON change is not backwards compatible. #1002

  • unitialized constant when using Modules for workers #1001

  • Manual locale change for Web UI is missing #1000

  • Sidekiq command doesn't follow queue priorities defined in config/sidekiq.yml #999

  • Sidekiq Web Not Loading #998

  • Sidekiq memory usage off the charts, but no idea why! #995

  • in worker? #992

  • Sidekiq hangs while processing images #984

  • exception_notification with Sidekiq Pro? #941

  • Complex arguments turn into a hash #933

  • sidekiq client view timing out. #915

  • Use MonoLogger #785

  • Redis::TimeoutError after updating from 1.x to 2.7.2 #720

  • can't test code that uses a Batch without access to a redis instance #493

Merged pull requests:

  • JID not beign set on workers during tests #1041 (rmello)

  • Minor optimization to just enqueue something now if it's set to perform_in the past or now #1033 (jonhyman)

  • Allow retries_exhausted to be defined in a block #1030 (jmazzi)

  • Add custom retry delay #1027 (jmazzi)

  • Fix crash when trying to clear the worker list #1024 (kek)

  • Adding 'add to queue' button to the list of scheduled jobs on monitor web interface #1020 (guiceolin)

  • Replace with a randomly generated class variable #1014 (jakemack)

  • Use existing variable in api to clear a queue #1012 (brainopia)

v2.12.4 (2013-06-13)

Full Changelog

v2.12.3 (2013-06-11)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Hard shutdown can lock up #997

  • Client-side Redis connection pools in forking app servers #994

  • Get the current actor in a worker #993

  • Middleware breaking potentially due to the expectation of receiving a class not a string classname. #988

  • I just want to kill all workers before starting a new one... #986

  • Workers die silently after upgrading to 2.12.1 #985

  • Augment concurrency/weighting to allow for per-queue concurrency #983

  • Constraints/permission in production? #982

  • Sidekiq crashing the server #981

  • Sidekiq losing some jobs, not starting others #980

  • Retry jobs losing information #979

  • Sidekiq worker not behaving as a standard Ruby object #978

  • Sidekiq is dying without any notice leaving unfinished work list #976

  • Shutdown completed cleanly messages #975

  • Capistrano deploys restart Sidekiq in an old release #972

  • Fix web UI to work with Slim < 1.3.8 #970

  • worker class not loaded #967

  • Sidekiq::Stats::History.cleanup keys * is slow and kills our servers #966

  • Batches never finishing #960

  • Create sidekiq vector assets #959

  • Inline testing - how to debug? #956

  • Is restarting graceful? (Heroku) #955

  • Sidekiq Assets issues with Rails and Thin #953

  • Sidekiq and Rails 3.1.10 #952

  • Stack level too deep in cli.rb #947

  • Reliable push missing in Sidekiq Pro? #938

  • Could you handle signal HUP as reload? #937

  • Sidekiq opens unnecessary database connections (1 per worker) #925

  • Sidekiq freezing up #857

  • Allow multiple Sidekiq processors in the same process #810

  • Improved client reliability #793

  • Show number of registered workers #773

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix bug of "status" option returning false for versions likes "2.12.1". #989 (arthurfurlan)

  • add capistrano option sidekiq_default_hooks with compatibility #977 (artempartos)

  • Document methods and make documentation uniform for extensions #973 (vipulnsward)

  • make cleanup unnecessary by using expire fixes #966 #971 (grosser)

  • remove duplicate slim requirement leading to lower verserion being bundled #969 (grosser)

  • Correct slim version dependency #968 (stephankaag)

v2.12.1 (2013-05-31)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: This connection is still waiting for a result, try again once you have the result #958

  • (mongoid) failed with error 10068: "invalid operator: $oid" #951

  • Data not cleared with "clear worker list" #950

  • Add Sidekiq::Job#latency #949

  • sidekiq-web: Text interpolation: Expected closing } #946

  • [BUG] Segmentation fault & pointer being freed was not allocated #942

  • Transactions inside workers? #940

  • Throwing exceptions in workers not thread safe? #939

  • How to draining the mail-queue for tests? #936

  • using a worker to kick off delayed-mails?! #935

  • Does sidekiq respond to something like Resque::TermException? #934

  • sidekiq dying with some versions of newrelic_rpm #932

  • Psych error: control characters are not allowed at line 1 column 1 #929

  • Sidekiq with whenever without loading rails #928

  • Failing vs Retrying with Sidekiq Pro #927

  • Sidekiq web UI segfault from psych.rb #924

  • Unintended exception handling failure #923

  • uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Actor::Celluloid (NameError) + Cucumber #922

  • postgres deadlock #921

  • Re-authentication to MongoDB each time a job is processed #912

  • Request for better logging / raise error when no matching queue found in Sidekiq #899

  • Ignore exceptions #884

  • Rails 4 Compatibility? #806

  • Sidekiq making recursive #792

  • Obsolete workers remaining in sidekiq-web view #592

  • Job Status #536

  • All jobs enqueued should go through controlled queue interface #527

Merged pull requests:

  • Add a testing method shift_and_perform to dequeue a single job #963 (fumin)

  • Show more information in the retry page #962 (rafaelss)

  • Updates Redis version requirement #694 #957 (phstc)

  • Executing client middleware inside retries and scheduled poller #948 (dimko)

  • make sure sidekiq processes receive proper stop signals #945 (richardpeng)

  • Add recording of job queued at times #944 (mariovisic)

  • Compare gem versions by their version number, not a lexicographic sort o... #931 (nirvdrum)

  • fixes #928 example of using sidekiq with whenever without loading rails #930 (didil)

v2.12.0 (2013-05-13)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Upgrade Celluloid, remove defer usage #919

  • Kill Sidekiq worker on each cap deploy #917

  • Sidekiq process does not check queue configured in worker #916

  • Sidekiq fails to start #914

  • No such file or directory when upload image Sidekiq + carrierwave + carrierwave_backgrounder to S3 #911

  • Sidekiq on Rubinius crash #907

  • threads listed by htop don't match up with concurrency setting #906

  • Sidekiq Processed Jobs #905

  • Are the same arguments that are passed to perform passed to retries_exhausted? #904

  • Standard for putting a job back into the queue? #903

  • Sidekiq Pro 0 jobs show up in batch #902

  • Sidekiq assets (stylesheets and javascript) returning a 404 #900

  • Sidekiq::Shutdown duplicates jobs after sidekiq:stop/sidekiq:start #897

  • Custom Job ID #896

  • Daemonization problem #895

  • query sidekiq's config #894

  • No worker after deploy to VPS using Capistrano #891

  • Sidekiq web error on 2.11.1 dashboard screen #889

  • plain ruby and sidekiq doesnt works #883

  • Concurrency on Heroku #827

  • Sinatra error require': cannot load such file -- sinatra/base (LoadError) #814

Merged pull requests:

v2.11.2 (2013-05-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Add button to reset processed/failed stats to sidekiq web #887

  • Mail content pollutes by stdout output #885

  • Signal to reload source without restarting #880

  • :timeout warning too verbose? #879

  • can't test DelayedMailer #877

  • Sidekiq worker using a a “custom” queue name gets assigned to “default” queue #872

Merged pull requests:

  • Add reset stats to Web UI summary box and method to API #888 (brandonhilkert)

  • Added Norwegian locale #882 (espen)

  • Accept stringy values for -i (like -i worker.1) #878 (jelder)

  • Modified the Japanese translation. #876 (ogom)

  • Custom tab will be included in the translation? #875 (ogom)

v2.11.1 (2013-04-25)

Full Changelog

Merged pull requests:

v2.11.0 (2013-04-25)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • uninitialized constant Sidekiq::Batch::EXPIRY #870

  • Warnings occurring from retry_jobs middleware #869

  • Issue with inline testing and mailers #867

  • Possible issue with admin web app in 2.10.1 #863

  • Remove timeout support #862

  • Access to Sidekiq Pro repo #860

  • Print redis connection info on startup #858

  • Flag exceptions as being retried, for middleware further up the chain #855

  • Unexpected locales in I18n.available_locales #853

  • 'nil' returning for almost all Mongoid operations after some time, threads die, queue gets stuck #852

  • Sidekiq up, jobs not processing #849

  • Dump thread backtraces in a easy to parse format. #848

  • Identify Processors by index, not thread ID #842

  • Allow more character types in queue names in cli #837

  • All Queues Wild Card in Order to Process all Remaining Queues #835

  • Sidekiq Timeout Connection Pool is always 5. #832

  • Redis runs fine but rescue in establish_connection' in sidekiq log #828

  • Celluloid 0.13 upgrade #808

  • Sidekiq using localhost rather than ENV['REDIS_URL'] in production #778

  • Testing (keys for hash arguments passed in) #757

  • Ctrl-C to stop but it never stops #569

  • Add ability to export asset files to disk #526

  • Sending USR1 then TERM results in forceful shutdown every time #509

  • Signals make sidekiq exit on 1.9.2 #232

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix AreYouSureDeleteQueue JA translation #871 (mitchellh)

  • Japanese translations #868 (bosslee)

  • Use the Web UI in other locales. #864 (ogom)

  • Update test_fetch to use behavior test syntax #861 (jroes)

  • Adding functionality to find a job by job id and delete a job by job id from a SortedSet #859 (jharbert)

  • Remove i18n, prefer simple solution #851 (brandonhilkert)

  • Link to LICENSE from README. #850 (jroes)

v2.10.0 (2013-04-12)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Redis error when queuing job #846

  • Getting retry count for current job? #845

  • support for sphinx #844

  • Workers aren't cleaned up from redis if we disconnect from redis while processing a job #840

  • Poller dies on redis ECONNREFUSED #839

  • WARN: deadlock; recursive locking #838

  • Redis::InheritedError after upgrade to sidekiq 2.9.0 #836

  • Getting # of Sidekiq workers for a queue? #826

  • ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound #816

  • sidekiq hanging in "stopping" on USR1 #815

  • Inject and mocking collaborator when testing worker #813

  • ActiveREcord::Base.connection.execute threadsafe? #812

  • Upgrading to 2.9.0 sees test env attempt Redis connection #809

  • Configure #seconds_to_delay per Worker #807

  • Sidekiq send mail every minute #805

  • Sidekiq not obeying :retry option? #803

  • How to make Sidekiq insert to end of the queue? #802

  • rails 4 delayedmailer not working #801

  • class in arguments gives stacklevel too deep error #800

  • undefined method bid #799

  • Rails Helper Method Within SideKiq #798

  • Capistrano integration failing with undefined method `_cset' error #797

  • Sidekiq timeout error when I change system time. #796

  • ActionMailer delay extension. Email not sending properly #795

  • Implement simpler, easier configuration #794

  • Mongoid 3.x, Sidekiq and Kiqstand #791

  • Sidekiq error Uninitialized Constant #789

  • random segfaults #786

  • Sometimes I really need to fork #783

  • Long jobs #781

  • Timeout::Error: Waited 1 sec #779

  • Sidekiq and Capistrano 'No such file to load' #777

  • DelayedClass worker instead of DelayedMailer worker on ActionMailer after deployment #776

  • Devise, Sidekiq and Ruby 1.9.2? #775

  • Pool size not working #772

  • undefined method `each_pair' for nil:NilClass #771

  • TimeOut error - fail after 60s #770

  • Retry worker within worker #769

  • Using Unicorn & Sidekiq #762

  • Sidekiq configuration for multiple environments #758

  • Yajl encoder error #756

  • sidekiq web interface crashing with: NoMethodError at /sidekiq/ private method `select' called for #<String #755

  • sidekiq with devise-async -> /css isn't in paths: #753

  • How to include a rb file (class) in sidekiq worker? #752

  • Jobs don't get processed #751

  • Process shows 0 workers active, some jobs still processed #741

  • Testing sidekiq at Sidekiq::Client level #713

  • Sidekiq doesn't start on Heroku anymore. #685

  • Sidekiq "killed" after a while. #672

  • Sidekiq doesn't ROLLBACK ActiveRecord transactions on quit #377

  • ERROR: scheduling poller thread died! #309

  • ps aux shows worker as busy but none in web ui #261

Merged pull requests:

v2.8.0 (2013-03-04)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • I18n not working with delay and email #750

  • I18n not working with delay and email #749

  • Testing with Cucumber #748

  • Rejigger namespace support #747

  • can't get jobs to execute. #746

  • Namespace issue #745

  • MyWorker.perform_async(*args) is returning 'true' #742

  • Testing the API tries to connect to Redis #740

  • client_push testing override does not copy the provided Hash #739

  • DeadTaskErrors on JRuby 1.7.3 #738

  • Not processing after capistrano deploy restart #729

Merged pull requests:

  • Changed return of client_push method on testing #743 (jdanielnd)

v2.7.5 (2013-02-25)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Feature: support for priorities as numerical values #737

  • Why sidekiq throws "Couldn't find Notification with id=17529119" #736

  • No route match in middleware on Rails 3 #734

  • Add status "Succeeded" to jobs status overview on dashboard #733

  • No route matches [GET] /dashboard/stats #732

  • Best way to start sidekiq after server reboot? #731

  • Refactor signal handlers to avoid doing anything #730

  • Ctrl+C can't be called from trap context #728

  • Sidekiq thinks a mailer method is undefined. #723

Merged pull requests:

v2.7.4 (2013-02-22)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Hang at exit when launched with -d (daemonize) flag #727

  • Setting Sidekiq Namespace via CLI #725

  • How to test delay on ActionMailer #724

v2.7.3 (2013-02-21)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Make Dashboard the default web page #722

  • Ignored :namespace? #716

  • sidekiq/capistrano requires a sidekiq.yml #715

  • Busy count doesn't update in Sidekiq Dashboard #712

  • Scheduling poller thread died! #711

  • Sidekiq workers not processing jobs #710

  • Sidekiq + Daemons #709

  • Add Scout Sidekiq plugin to #708

  • Sidekiq worker not being assigned job id in test environment. #707

  • Extract retry logic or non-exceptional retries #706

  • Segmentation Fault #704

  • sidekiq:stop capistrano deploy task fails when sidekiq is run as a different user #703

  • Memory Leak Issue in 2.7.2 #701

  • Why arguments go to #perform and not to constructor? #699

  • Sidekiq not executing scopes correctly #696

  • Sidekiq crashes with can't create thread #695

  • "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'srem' command" during hard_shutdown #694

  • After upgrade sidekiq from 2.6.4 to 2.7.0, cap script doesnt start sidekiq now #687

  • Retry All button only retries half of the retries #686

  • Delayed Extension issue on Heroku Redis #642

  • Undefined method client_push for Sidekiq::Worker::ClassMethods #615

  • Foreman SIGTERM won't shut down workers? #85

Merged pull requests:

v2.7.2 (2013-02-08)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Is it possible to use worker queuing in unit and functional tests and inline workers in integration tests? #690

  • Possible to temporarily specify a different redis sever? #689

  • sidekiq-web delete action drops http port and defaults to 80 #684

  • Ability to reset retries count #683

  • Capistrano Deploy Fails #682

Merged pull requests:

  • Remove reference to signing key in gemspec #688 (wllrd)

v2.7.1 (2013-02-06)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `bulk_requeue' for nil:NilClass #680

  • 2.7.0 Version capistrano start task invalid option: -d #679

  • Sidekiq not picking up alternative Redis URL from initializer #678

  • Error when installing the gem for 2.7.0 #677

  • sidekiq continuous miss the email sending tasks #676

  • perform method arguments? #674

  • "Cannot find ModelName with ID=12345" - Continues after retry #671

v2.7.0 (2013-02-02)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Allow running jobs from redis in console #669

  • A proposed update to the Wiki documentation - #666

  • Connection refused - connect(2) for Sidekiq Request #665

  • Sidekiq should daemonize properly #662

  • Use with sharded Redis setup? #660

  • Bundler hangs #656

  • Sidekiq inserting items to front, not back? #655

  • Fetcher test is failing #653

  • [CSS] Make customer logos look better #650

  • ActionMailer layout ignored #649

  • Connection reset by peer #648

  • Array.wrap is a Rails addition - Can't test with inline testing outside of a rails application #647

  • Rescheduling a job #645

  • Raising an exception from worker hangs the worker process #641

  • sidekiq : # (NoMethodError) "undefined method `aliased_name_for' for #<ActiveRecord::Associations::AliasTracker:0x00000008a2e538>" #640

  • How to see the stats about workers in Sidekiq? #639

  • What is a server and a client? #638

  • cap sidekiq:stop fails if it's already stoped #637

  • Sidekiq stops polling jobs showing 0 of N busy and a full queue #636

  • Restart with overtime scheduled jobs results in all of them being run immediately #635

  • sidekiq-pro batch email notification NoMethodError #634

  • Code Inconsistence After "deploy:restart" #628

  • Sidekiq and Puma #627

  • Is there a way to debug/breakpoint sidekiq jobs? #626

  • No pid file is written #625

  • Sidekiq takes too long to push busy jobs back to redis during hard termination. #623

  • Empty Mail #617

  • idle queues borked #614

  • perform_async from a rake task does nothing #584

Merged pull requests:

v2.6.5 (2013-01-17)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Signals don't properly re-enqueue unfinished jobs #621

  • priority queue #613

  • Test if sidekiq active? #611

Merged pull requests:

  • Improve hard shutdown procedure to reduce risk of dropping jobs. #623 #624 (ardell)

  • Fix #621 fix job re-queueing on hard shutdown (e.g. SIGTERM). #622 (ardell)

  • Add retry_queue to sidekiq_options #620 (ryanlower)

  • Fix Capistrano Task #619 (tmandke)

  • Simplify BasicFetch#queues_cmd #618 (brainopia)

  • INIT script for Sidekiq message processor #616 (ramiyer28)

v2.6.4 (2013-01-08)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • undefined method `gsub' for nil:NilClass if queue is empty #612

  • Support Reliable queueing #607

  • sidekiq randomly(?) hangs. #547

v2.6.3 (2013-01-08)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • upgrade celluloid to 0.12.4 please (potential memory leak fix) #608

  • NoMethodError - undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass in sidekiq web #538

  • Unable to obtain db connection from sidekiq even though i have 25 connections #523

  • Manager refuses to stop if Redis server is unavailable #514

  • Orphan sidekiq processes after deployment with capistrano #433

  • kill sidekiq at heroku #409

  • Any way to dynamically adjust concurrency? #408

  • No route matches [GET] "/sidekiq/img/glyphicons-halflings.png" #396

  • Max MAX_RETRIES user configurable #313

  • Can long-running workers be notified of forceful shutdown? #243

  • client middleware missing from processors #175

Merged pull requests:

v2.6.2 (2013-01-03)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • make notifications aware of failures/retries/etc (sidekiq-pro) #541

Merged pull requests:

v2.6.1 (2012-12-31)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Batch email broken #603

  • Batch behavior in test environment #602

  • Random wrong number of arguments(1 for 0) #601

  • Question about using pub/sub #599

  • Using sidekiq pro #597

  • Update wiki with latest Stats APIs #596

  • SQL and ActiveRecord errors #594

  • Crashing in development using OSX, RVM and Ruby 1.9.3 #593

  • Getting Internal Server Error when accessing Dashboard on production #590

  • Rails url helpers not working in Sidekiq job #589

  • Tag the two latest releases #588

  • stage not defined in yml #561

  • First job gets ignored? #528

Merged pull requests:

  • Update Dashboard summary stats with real-time graph update. #605 (brandonhilkert)

  • Fix issue with #insert_before and #insert_after #600 (jackrg)

  • Prevent capistrano from running sidekiq start twice #598 (invalidusrname)

  • Add new middleware chain methods for insertion into the middle of the list #595 (jackrg)

  • Conditionally show redis info in dashboard only if available #591 (brandonhilkert)

v2.6.0 (2012-12-16)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Clear cache in dev #585

  • cassandra clients on sidekiq #583

  • Process n workers per second #582

  • Can't add to a batch when in server mode. #579

  • Middleware Execution order #578

  • Do I need to set serve_static_assets = true to get sidekiq web working? #577

  • sidekiq web doesn't load stylesheet every other request #576

  • Automatically process queues with custom names #575

  • Initialize workers with parameters in perform_async #574

  • poor man's middleware #568

  • Can't stop sidekiq with Ctrl-C on ruby 1.9.2, only with 1.9.3 #563

  • Live polling doesn't work on the Queues, Retries and Scheduled sections #562

  • MultiJson methods to be deprecated #555

  • Getting an "allocator undefined for Proc" error ("error_class"=>"TypeError") #553

  • how do you deploy on a plain ole linux box without capistrano? #552

  • Pro/non-Pro feature policy #551

  • Middleware documentation clarification #545

  • Web UI looks weird with over 100 million jobs processed #544

  • Web UI assets not loading in apps deployed on Heroku (X-Sendfile not supported) #543

  • Standalone Monitoring Application Dependency #537

  • Sidekiq 2.5.2 - delay actionmailer method seems to have regressed? #533

  • Workers with timeouts don't increment retry_count when job is pushed back to redis #532

  • sidekiq crashes on ubuntu 12.04 with "object allocation during garbage collection phase" #531

  • Individual scheduled jobs identified with 'score' #530

  • Retries count and job successfully retried #529

  • More workers => slower time by thread? #522

  • Allow direct access to queues #521

  • Status icon not displaying in Web UI #515

  • No route matches [GET] "/assets/status-sd8051fd480.png" #486

Merged pull requests:

v2.5.3 (2012-11-15)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • New Web UI gradients looks bad in Firefox #519

  • Retries disappeared from web UI #518

  • Redis::TimeoutError: Connection timed out #517

  • Will this work on jruby? #513

  • Custom exponential backoff / retry delay #510

  • Assets not loading #508

  • Add Monit support to Capistrano recipe #506

  • Warning about accessing fonts from google over http when accessing sidekiq mount thru https #502

  • Redis::CannotConnectError ECONNREFUSED #501

  • Upgrade Celluloid API usage #500

  • Sidekiq Pro -- Sidekiq::Batch::NoSuchBatch thrown when viewing batches #474

  • Email notification for failed jobs #462

  • System calls do not get good performance #458

  • sidekiq's memory usage? #453

  • Use mock_redis for tests? #449

  • Is there a better solution to make logrotation? #446

  • sidekiq -r dies on 1.9 when given an unqualified relative path #442

Merged pull requests:

  • Allow other fields that specify recipients, not just "to" #520 (bbhoss)

  • Fix retry on normalize_item method #511 (elpic)

  • Support for strictly ordered queues in config #507 (brainopia)

  • Use regular object for exception data #504 (dbussink)

v2.5.2 (2012-11-02)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Web: If trailing slash is missing in URL, links are broken #495

  • The best way to pause a Sidekiq job #491

  • Remove / reduce web-only dependencies #490

  • Status sprite not mounted in proper location #487

  • Error compiling CSS asset with 2.5.1 #484

  • Error compiling CSS asset with 2.5.0 #481

  • Similar retry times for multiple failed jobs causes jobs to fail again #480

  • Is there configuration option similar to Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs #478

  • Sidekiq Pro -- Add description to batches #476

  • Add namespace to process name #463

  • Error using delay with Mongoid #460

  • Ability to Stop Running Woker #459

  • Add programmatic API for job and retry queue manipulation #457

Merged pull requests:

v2.5.0 (2012-10-30)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Join function #477

  • Workers never start #470

  • x #468

  • Webhook notification is using symbols #467

  • Batches raise EmptyBatch exception when using the testing/inline support. #465

  • LoadError #461

  • redis remote, jobs wont run #431

  • Low workers concurrency on server #428

Merged pull requests:

v2.4.0 (2012-10-19)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Add ability to tweak delayed settings #450

  • ArgumentError: undefined class/module #447

  • Support for openRedis #443

  • `start_tcp_server': no acceptor (port is in use or requires root privileges) (RuntimeError) in production #441

  • Using capistrano with Sinatra for deploys. #440

  • Simpler way to offload instance methods to Sidekiq? #439

  • Sidekiq workers not getting triggered #438

  • Sidekiq within URLMap failing #437

  • Sidekiq.options #435

  • Option to define queue explicitly for Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedMailer #434

  • Sidekiq crashes with "buffer overflow detected" #430

  • [1.9.3] Error fetching message: getaddrinfo #429

  • Inline worker testing is broken as of 2.3.1 #427

  • Built-in scheduler into sidekiq #426

  • Request to add a few simple examples for thread safety in wiki #425

  • Sidekiq Front End Live Poll DOM/Memory Leak? #424

  • perform_in no longer available? #422

  • Monitoring interface has problems with Slim 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 #419

  • run on Openshift #416

  • unable to find job count from console or clear jobs queue from console #405

  • TERM'ing Sidekiq doesn't cause it to exit immediately #404

  • Feature: job notifications #365

  • Documenting sidekiq.yml config #342

Merged pull requests:

  • Testing clear_all and drain_all #455 (sj26)

  • Add Bignum to the list of classes which cannot be duped. #454 (dkatten)

  • Stringify Extensions::Proxy options #452 (sj26)

  • use 'retry' option to customize max retry attempts #451 (noahd1)

  • The test for throwing away after too many retries didn't test anything! #448 (chewi)

  • Allow generic Redis providers via env var #444 (jc00ke)

  • Avoid timeago auto-refreshing itself #436 (jeremyruppel)

  • Add :pidfile and :namespace option into example config.yml #432 (joneslee85)

v2.3.3 (2012-10-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Queue Backlog #420

  • can't convert Bignum into String #418

  • Sinatra NoMethodError: undefined method `join' for #<String> #414

  • NoMethodError at /sidekiq/ undefined method `join' for #<String:0x007f520088d408> file: index.slim location: evaluate_source line: 11 #413

  • Slim error(Option :outvar is not supported by Slim::Engine) #411

  • ArgumentError - Option :outvar is not supported by Slim::Engine: #410

  • Sidekiq Sinatra app: timestamps instead of 'friendly' ones #406

  • Rails hooks will always be enabled #401

  • executing 2 workers at exact same time, sidekiq calls workers but not working #400

  • Workers freezing due to Celluloid updates #391

  • Handling sudden worker death? #383

  • Connections cut in half after upgrade celluloid to 0.11.1 from 0.11.0 #378

  • Rails logger deadlock hanging sidekiq workers #375

  • WebUI reports Sidekiq is idle when it's not #367

  • Some FailedJobs not making it to Retry Queue #336

  • Implemented callback/notifier to watch/update task progress. #323

  • Thread-local variables are cleared out #318

  • Putting long running jobs on retry queue on shutdown #293

  • Better delayed extension for ActiveRecord instances? #278

  • Catch-all/Wildcard workers? #275

  • Worker classes should be optional in sidekiq-client apps #269

Merged pull requests:

v2.3.2 (2012-09-20)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • SystemStackError: stack level too deep #398

  • Jobs in queue, idle workers won't process them #395

  • ERROR -- : Sidekiq::Manager crashed! 09:26:55 sidekiq.1 | ArgumentError: A sender (Return-Path, Sender or From) required to send a message #394

  • failing if hostname cmd does not exist #393

  • Stack level too deep #392

  • Redis connections only grows up when using delayed extensions #389

  • On sidekiq restart, how might I look for tasks that didn't finish and restart them? #387

  • Sidekiq macro for HireFire::Resource #386

  • stats timeout in 1 hour but actual processing has no timeout #385

  • assert_select_email gives "No e-mail in delivery list" error #384

  • Async Mailer in Background using Sidekiq #381

  • Memory problem #379

  • Processor died #376

  • Setting ENV variables at startup? #374

  • uninitialized constant inside rake tasks when enabling threadsafe #371

  • Monitoring #370

  • Resque Compatibility: Hooks #369

  • So, cocaine isn't thread safe - what now? #310

Merged pull requests:

v2.2.1 (2012-08-23)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • StandardError vs. Exception #362

  • How to make sure that jobs and scheduled jobs are unique based on the parameters provided #359

  • Maximum number of processors allocated per queue #355

  • TypeError at /sidekiq/retries/1345106995.7055612 #354

  • quiet not triggered on deploy:migrations #352

  • capistrano should not hardcode PID #348

  • Manager#processor_died (2.1.1) #347

  • View Extensions #346

  • scheduling poller thread died! error #345

  • Using Celluloid actors as workers #341

  • Determining if a worker with arguments has been scheduled #340

  • Booting sidekiq: Error fetching message: ERR unknown command 'blpop' #339

  • RMagick, Paperclip, S3 Silent Failing #338

  • Can't clone Fixnum error when passing a Fixnum as an argument into a worker #335

  • Web ui NoMethodError #333

  • Raising an exception within a worker silently fails #332

  • NoMethodError: undefined method on initial jobs #331

  • Queue escalation? #330

  • Workers hang and eventually crash system #328

  • Stack Level Too Deep #327

  • allow serial processing within a queue #326

  • Adding hooks like resque? #324

  • Workers sometimes can't find records #322

  • Sidekiq silently removes jobs from the queue when there's no worker to handle them #321

  • Sidekiq 2.1.0 definitely broke something #316

  • Specify queue at time of enqueue #315

  • Several Potential Enhancements #314

  • Queues Slowing and Stopping... Looks like thread death. #312

  • Web.rb undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass #311

  • Infinite redirect loop when accessing "/sidekiq" #308

  • Autosave doesn't always work properly with sidekiq #307

  • Middleware Unique Jobs removed ? But still in Middlaware docs on Wiki ? #305

  • "You may have encountered a bug in the Ruby interpreter or extension libraries." #304

  • delay proxy with sidekiq options or alternate design question? #303

  • Remove optional middlewares #302

  • Sidekiq does not start with capistrano deploy #296

  • Should arguments be cloned when passing to worker? #265

  • Queue is silently emptied if worker class is not defined #210

  • unique jobs middleware doesn't take retries into account #182

Merged pull requests:

  • allow custom pid file for capistrano #364 (mattdbridges)

  • Refer to Sidekiq::Web as self.class #363 (mhfs)

  • Add support for custom tabs to Sidekiq::Web #346 #361 (mhfs)

  • Add Numeric Time support #360 (ohler55)

  • Pad minutes and seconds in poll status #358 (hakanensari)

  • Catch more Exceptions to avoid scheduling poller thread death #353 (ncr)

  • Actually deliver the exception notifications #351 (jfirebaugh)

  • Support queue-names-with-dashes #350 (jfirebaugh)

  • Update rails gem and add dependency status badge #337 (vanstee)

  • Fix broken links in the Problem section #329 (jmazzi)

  • extract error handling middleware into processor-level code #325 (subelsky)

  • Implemented a strictly ordered queue switch #319 (jakemack)

  • Added polling to the index page to monitor jobs and workers more easily #317 (jakemack)

  • Railscast link #306 (asanghi)

v2.1.0 (2012-07-21)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • #perform as a class method instead of an instance method #301

  • Sidekiq with Sinatra app and Foreman #299

  • ERR max number of clients reached (Redis::CommandError) #298

  • dynamic queuing #297

  • scheduler in sidkiq #292

  • priority queue #291

  • Workers got stuck #289

  • using a custom logger inside the workers? #288

  • feature idea: perform_now #287

  • get line_number + ruby on rails error like in resque web #286

  • Queue default weightage? #285

  • package sidekiq-web as a gem #284

  • Sidekiq interoperability with Sax Machine in workers #283

  • Test helper #279

  • heroku worker autoscaling #274

  • Sidekiq web does not load assets in production #272

  • concurrency by queue? #271

  • Turn off logging #270

  • Memory usage and concurrency #268

  • Fatal error #267

  • Usage Design Question? #266

  • Error when deploying to Jruby EngineYard #262

  • Loading assets in production? #260

  • Retries and scheduled need pagination in the web site #253

  • Pluggable interchange format #197

  • Undefined Method #186

  • Client appears to be leaking connections (?) #179

  • any way to protect jobs from kill -9? #170

  • Mongoid ODM Extension #166

  • simple method to detect if job is currently enqueued #162

Merged pull requests:

v2.0.3 (2012-06-20)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Mailing List #256

  • Error: can't create Thread (11) #251

  • Limit number of concurrent jobs per class #250

  • not in actor scope #249

  • Ability to remove scheduled jobs #248

  • Change poll interval #247

  • Jobs pushed with the resque client are not retried #244

  • Include dates in Changelog #242

  • Redis::TimeoutError - Connection timed out #239

  • Leveraging TCPSocket as a Worker ? #237

  • ActiveRecord loses database connection #235

  • Can Workers be subclasses ? #234

  • Dead actors? #233

  • Any chance that AR objects are not being refreshed correctly #231

  • Moving Queues tab to it's own section #229

  • Allow to use Socket instead of TCP #228

  • Web UI lost track of long running tasks #227

  • Testing code with delay calls? #226

  • Help in understanding behavior on redis-server downtime #225

  • Need clarification on how to migrate from resque to sidekiq #223

  • Subclass doesn't inherit sidekiq_options #221

  • Help understanding middleware #220

  • sidekiq for windows : unsupported signal SIGUSR1 #205

  • Not Stable Worker #201

  • Feature request: limit number of workers per queue #200

  • Feature Request: Add button to reset stats to the web UI. #196

  • sidekiq stops processing anything #181

  • Odd Deadlock in Sidekiq Tests #173

Merged pull requests:

v2.0.1 (2012-06-05)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Starting sidekiq using foreman #222

  • test helpers for schedule #218

  • Errno::EPIPE (Broken pipe) #213

Merged pull requests:

v2.0.0 (2012-06-01)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • is stuck on v1.2.1 #216

  • distributed redis support #215

  • Manual retries should not count against the 25 retry limit #212

  • worker count in process title not matching web ui #211

  • Auto-reload code changes in development #209

  • web ui, index undefined method #208

  • In-Progress Jobs with UniqueJobs middleware #206

  • Web UI Broken with No Method Error #203

  • Add ActiveSupport::Notification instrumentation #202

  • Feature/Change Request: Make queues the default tab in Sidekiq::Web #195

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix inline testing argument handling to match server mode #217 (betelgeuse)

  • Gracefully handle receipt of multiple termination signals #207 (dazuma)

  • Use Inject instead of Sum to compute queue backlog size #204 (aselder)

  • do not halt deployment if no servers are going to run sidekiq workers #199 (bzanchet)

v1.2.1 (2012-05-16)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Rename project Sidekwiq #198

  • Make logger available to Sidekiq::Worker #193

  • Unsupported Signal SIGINFO - Ubuntu 12.04 #192

  • Allow configuring redis key expiry #191

  • Handle Psych errors? #190

  • stat:processed:#{processor} don't clean up on hard errors #189

  • Sidekiq with different data stores #185

  • Production issues at theclymb #184

  • Need a way to generate stack dumps for all threads #183

  • Ability to clear all retries #180

  • Best way to end a job early #178

  • Use Marshal, not YAML for delayed extensions #177

  • failed jobs deadlock the queue #176

Merged pull requests:

v1.2.0 (2012-05-07)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • sending quiet signal when retries pending leads to forcefull stop #174

  • Commercial license still mentions GPL and not LGPL #168

  • /sidekiq Redirects to RoutingError #167

  • Document using constraints to lock down Sidekiq-web #165

  • Seg fault running job under Sidekiq #164

  • Rack::Lint::LintError at /sidekiq - No Content-Type header found #163

  • running sidekiq on a different redis server/namespace #160

  • Stuck workers (or i'm confused) #159

  • Nginx/Passenger throws 404s on queue and retries page #158

  • Handle lingering workers #156

  • Full stack trace inside Retry Jobs #155

  • Remove queue option #154

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `new_attachment' for "Notifier":String #152

  • 'No method error' when calling delay in an already delayed method. #151

  • 'testing' module doesn't clear #jobs between runs #143

  • Sidekiq.syncronous = true (Processing Jobs Automatically in Test Mode) #132

Merged pull requests:

v1.1.4 (2012-04-25)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • update docs to include example of locking down web interface #157

  • Old workers are not removed when Sidekiq is closed with kill -9 #153

  • sidekiq client connects locally, server on another computer #150

  • Rails 3.2.3 doesn't seem to recognize mounted sidekiq-web #148

  • Email via Amazon SES not sending #140

  • Redis options #139

  • Support different configuration per environment in sidekiq.yml #138

  • Failed job is not report in "failed" tab resque-web #127

  • "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" errors #126

  • How can delay() jobs be deleted? #100

Merged pull requests:

v1.1.1 (2012-04-18)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • cap deploy:stop should also call sidekiq:stop #136

  • Manager#assign died #134

  • [capistrano] cannot run sidekiq:start #131

  • [capistrano] error during sidekiq:restart #130

  • sidekiq_options unique is ignored #129

  • Opinions regarding (L)GPL #128

  • Switch to LGPL #124

  • Jobs are lost between scheduling them and before performing them #121

  • Discussion on UniqueJobs as default middleware #119

  • Unique jobs middleware raising IOError: stream closed #89

Merged pull requests:

v1.1.0 (2012-04-12)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Sidekiq and pre-forking servers (e.g Unicorn with preload_app=true) #120

  • "Manager#processor_died died" when polling #118

  • Slow performance/Rails environment startup time? #92

Merged pull requests:

  • By default jobs are added to the default queue. #125 (ayrton)

  • Have Redis tell us if perform_async succeeded #123 (Burgestrand)

v1.0.0 (2012-04-10)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Heroku deployment - RuntimeError - ERR max number of clients reached #117

  • Restart fails on Heroku #116

  • Workers crash when processing jobs #115

  • sidekiq_options in DelayedModel possible? #114

  • Recommended Sidekiq scheduler extension #111

  • Sidekiq::Manager loses long-running jobs on exit #110

  • Sidekiq retry jobs puts jobs on wrong queue when using namespaces #109

  • Is it necessary to enable config.threadsafe! for better Sidekiq performance #108

  • Advantages of Sidekiq over multithreaded Resque #107

  • Deploying first time failed #106

  • Feature request: conditional retry #103

  • Not Cleaning out working id's in redis set workers #96

  • Enqueueing a job via Resque throws ArgumentError #90

  • README doesn't talk about (not) forking #88

Merged pull requests:

  • Re-introduce weighted queues #112 (ryanlecompte)

  • Use require_relative to load the sidekiq cli #105 (bnorton)

  • Display timestamps as relative in web interface #102 (jcoene)

  • Add retry details page #101 (jcoene)

  • Fix deployment issues #99 (hinrik)

  • Reset button on sidekiq monitoring page to remove list of workers #98 (garrensmith)

  • Add quiet and stop in a single command (finish and exit) #97 (bensie)

v0.10.0 (2012-03-28)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Dependencies are too greedy. #95

  • Capistrano deploy for first time fails #94

  • Client::UniqueJobs middleware is not thread-safe (nor multi-client safe) #87

  • Document how to remove middleware #86

  • Mailer #delay method #84

  • Tests can flush needed db data #83

  • Unique job configuration #82

  • exception in web-ui #81

  • Broken autoloading classes in lib #80

  • Verbose mode raises exception #79

  • capistrano start task fails #78

  • Issues and exception with delay #77

  • issues with sidekiq:restart #74

  • Sidekiq web does not load without sprockets #71

  • Feature Request: Respond to unix signals #69

  • Killed Jobs are not requeued on Heroku #68

  • web-ui route not found on workers #67

  • Add support for scheduling jobs to run at a particular time in the future #66

  • CURSOR_NOT_FOUND errors running MongoDB queries inside Sidekiq workers #63

  • Support Rails 3.2's RequestId feature #56

  • "ThreadError: can't create thread (11)" on Heroku #54

  • Fatal error in sidekiq, dispatch loop died #53

  • Re-queue jobs that get terminated #51

  • Can not break from a while loop #48

Merged pull requests:

  • Add hook_rails configuration option to make the Rails extensions optional #93 (jonhinson)

  • Clarify that Sidekiq uses multithreading instead of forking #91 (seamusabshere)

  • task wasn't dropping pid file, use current_path everywhere. #75 (matthewford)

  • fix cap task not returning #73 (matthewford)

  • Fix for: sh: cannot create log/sidekiq.log: Directory nonexistent #72 (matthewford)

v0.8.0 (2012-03-02)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Synchronously performing a single job (for testing) #65

  • Can't seem to set Namespace properly #62

  • Redis namespace not honored as parameter in CLI #61

  • ExceptionNotifier support #57

  • Better logging #55

  • Create capistrano recipe #52

Merged pull requests:

  • Add support for ExceptionNotifier #59 (masterkain)

  • Switch airbrake to generic ExceptionHandler class and add support for Exceptional #35 (bensie)

v0.7.0 (2012-02-22)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Please warn about deprecation of 'log' #49

  • Configuration for server/client in the same initializer #47

  • JRuby throws TypeError: can't dump anonymous class Class for AR/AM extensions #46

  • Sidekiq hangs after Manager crashes #43

  • Thread safe connections #40

  • Refactor server/client-side stuff to not suck #39

  • Option for tests/development to process job immediately #38

  • Terminated workers on Heroku #37

  • Sending Rails mail #36

  • test_client.rb raising TypeError - Can't convert String to Integer #31

  • Start sidekiq with config file #30

  • database configuration does not specify adapter #27

  • c-level backtrace and error when creating new Processors #26

  • Retry logic #24

  • Processor death: Got 'O' as initial reply byte. #23

  • Stale workers on Heroku #22

  • Resque failed queue #21

  • blpop instead of pop + sleep #20

  • Bus Error #16

  • Need plain Ruby example #15

  • New Relic instrumentation #14

  • queues_idx is not persistent, could lead to starvation #13

  • NoMethodError: undefined method `clear_active_connections!' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class #11

  • Use sidekiq with Sinatra #10

  • Testing #9

  • Web UI #8

  • Only process jobs from a certain queue #7

  • Queue syntax #6

  • Rails environment not being inherited #5

  • Support for unique jobs #4

  • MongoDB support #3

Merged pull requests:

v0.5.1 (2012-02-05)

Full Changelog

v0.5.0 (2012-02-05)

Merged pull requests:

  • Design spike #2 (bruce)

  • Execution of middleware chain using blocks, unit tests, and minor cleanup #1 (ryanlecompte)

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