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Last active May 20, 2024 23:04
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Generate integer partitions and compositions
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def main():
print("partitions of 5:")
for p in partitions(5):
print("compositions of 5:")
for c in compositions(5):
def partitions(n):
# This generates the partitions of n in reverse lexicographical order
# (higher numbers come first in each partition).
if n == 0:
# Trivially, there is only the empty partition of 0.
yield ()
# Start by generating the partitions of n-1.
for p in partitions(n - 1):
# We can always create a unique partition by appending 1 to the end
# of partitions of n-1. This will always be canonical becacuse 1
# is the lowest possible number of any part and we're putting it
# last.
yield p + (1,)
if len(p) == 1 or (len(p) > 1 and p[-2] > p[-1]):
# Similarly, we can create a new partition by adding 1 to any
# constituent element of each partitions of n-1. However, we
# need to avoid duplicates. To do so, we ensurer that the output
# is canonical. This is achieved by only adding the the last
# element and only if the penultimate element (if it exists) is
# strictly greater than the last element. This keeps the output
# in reverse lexicographical order.
yield p[:-1] + (p[-1] + 1,)
def compositions(n):
# NOTE: It's natural to think that we might be able to bootstrap from the
# partitions generator above. For example, by inserting a 1 into each
# position of compositions of n - 1 (avoiding multiple insertions into runs)
# and then adding a 1 to each composition of n - 1. Unfortunately, this
# results in duplicate compositions due to some addition operations
# resulting in the same output as other addition operations. (You can easily
# see that these will never be equivalent to the 1 insertions since those
# always change the size of the partition, so there will be no overlap.)
# Instead, we generate k-compositions of n (n into exactly k parts) for
# k = 1 to n.
for k in range(1, n+1):
yield from k_compositions(n, k)
def k_compositions(n, k):
# Generate all k-compositions in increasing lexicographical order. See
# for notes.
if k > n:
# Impossible (without weak compositions)
if k == 0:
# The loop below assumes we have at least a zeroth element. Special
# casing here lets us short-circuit that.
yield ()
c = (1,) * (k - 1) + (n - k + 1,)
yield c
while c[0] < n - k + 1:
# We're looking for the rightmost index where all values to the right of
# it are 1 and whose value is greater than 1. Call this value m, i.e.,
# c[idx] = m, and m > 1 and all values to the right of idx are 1. In
# other words, everything to the right of and including idx makes up the
# highest lexicographic composition of (m + n - k + 1) into (n-k) parts.
# This means that we've exhausted all compositions of (m + n - k + 1)
# and must reduce it to compositions of (m + n - k) into (n - k) parts.
# We know this is possible because m > 1, i.e., we won't end up with a
# weak composition by doing this. To keep the entire sequence a
# k-composition of n, we need to add one to the value at (idx - 1). At
# the same time, we want to start with the _lowest_ lexicographical
# composition of (m + n - k) into (n - k) parts, so we need to keep the
# rest of the right subsequence as 1s and put ((m + n - k) - (n - k - 1))
# = (m - 1) into the rightmost position. We repeat this process until we
# reach the highest lexicographical value (highest possible value in the
# first index of the k-composition).
idx = k - 1
while c[idx] == 1:
idx -= 1
assert idx > 0 # By construction, we know we are not at the last composition
m = c[idx]
# Annoyingly, we have to perform the update operation in multiple steps.
# This lets us avoid special casing where idx == k - 1.
# original incremented tail incl idx
# | | |
# v v v
c = c[:idx-1] + (c[idx-1] + 1,) + c[idx+1:]
# original idx tail right of idx
# | | |
# v v v
c = c[:idx] + (1,) + c[idx+1:]
# up to last last
# | |
# v v
c = c[:k-1] + (m-1,)
yield c
if __name__ == "__main__":
fn main() {
println!("partitions of 5:");
partitions(5, &mut |p| {
println!("compositions of 5:");
compositions(5, &mut |p| {
fn partitions<F>(n: u8, f: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&[u8]),
fn rec(n: u8, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut Vec<u8>), p: &mut Vec<u8>) {
if n == 0 {
} else {
let mut f_rec = |p: &mut Vec<u8>| {
if p.len() == 1 || (p.len() > 1 && p[p.len() - 2] > p[p.len() - 1]) {
let idx = p.len() - 1;
p[idx] += 1;
p[idx] -= 1;
rec(n - 1, &mut f_rec, p);
rec(n, &mut |p| f(p), &mut Vec::with_capacity(n as usize));
fn compositions<F>(n: u8, f: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&[u8]),
for k in (1..=n).rev() {
k_compositions(n, k, f);
fn k_compositions<F>(n: u8, k: u8, f: &mut F)
F: FnMut(&[u8]),
if k > n {
if k == 0 {
let mut c = vec![1; k as usize];
let last_idx = c.len() - 1;
c[last_idx] = n - k + 1;
while c[0] < n - k + 1 {
let mut idx = (k - 1) as usize;
while c[idx] == 1 {
idx -= 1;
assert!(idx > 0);
let m = c[idx];
c[idx - 1] += 1;
c[idx] = 1;
c[(k - 1) as usize] = m - 1;
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