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Last active December 23, 2017 18:59
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Leaving AWS

Leaving Amazon AWS

Today, I deleted my Amazon AWS account.

And done!

I had been on AWS since about 2011. My usage was mainly for two things:

  1. Saving large amounts of files (build logs and such) on S3;
  2. Running NetBSD VMs on EC2.

EC2 is based on Xen, and NetBSD runs really well in PV (paravirtualized) mode on Xen. However, XSA-240 means that a malicious PV guest may crash (or even otherwise exploit) the hypervisor, with the recommended fix being to not run untrusted PV guests. Over night, Amazon disabled PV, making NetBSD VMs useless.

In general, EC2 has been moving away from Xen. The newer instance types already no longer supported PV; there are two higher-performance paravirtualized modes (PVH and PVHVM) that are preferred these days, and that NetBSD does not support. The newest machine types use a custom hypervisor based on KVM.

The way the PV change was rolled out highlighted another long-standing EC2 problem: instances would continue running until the server they ran on got rebooted, at which point they were migrated to a random machine. If the target machine had PV disabled, the VM simply did not come up again. I have had the same type of issue in the past, where your VM randomly landed on a "good" or a "bad" machine and did not come up on the bad one. There is no way (AFAIK) to constrain to a certain subset of servers, e.g. running a certain hypervisor version.

Also, of course, there was no warning or announcement, just that VMs stopped working all of a sudden. A bunch of people were completely caught by surprise when their service became unavailable. I hope you have monitoring!?

The Alternative

Which brings me to where I did take my workloads: Google Cloud Platform.

(This has nothing to do whatsoever with who my employer is. I pay for my GCP usage with my own money.)

These days, NetBSD (8+) runs great on Google Compute Engine. There is a script (that I created) to stage instances at, though there are no official NetBSD images around. My S3 usage works equally well using Google Cloud Storage. And I have always been a fan of App Engine, particularly because of its great Go support. runs on App Engine.


My general impression is: Features are roughly on par, prices on GCP are a bit cheaper, and the Google Cloud SDK and command-line tools are better. So rather than let old, unusable VM images continue to rot and pay Amazon 2$ a month for that bit of storage, I let go of that AWS account. Bye, Amazon.

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Ok but you literally have a crazy specific use case.

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Out of curiosity did anything prevent or discourage you from creating a new HVM-based ami with a process like:

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ghost commented Dec 4, 2017

This article was a waste of time. Have you considered deleting your git account?

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gsi04598 commented Dec 4, 2017

@neptunerx lol!

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Thanks for the very good explanation of the crises we are experiencing too.
We use a special OS derived from BSD that only supports PV.
It would help a lot if AWS would give a notice a while ago so we could seek for alternative :-(

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Igneous commented Dec 4, 2017

Man you're really intent on overpaying for compute resources, aren't you? Why not check out a cloud provider like like vultr if that's all you need.

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ligue commented Dec 5, 2017

Wow this is one of the reasons why shoulx not consider cloud at all! For our company every bit in the cloud and not only, is a point of failure, thus we built our systems to be resilient to failures. Principles & patterns, such as reentrancy, idempotency, optimistic locking, replication, redundancy etc are a must for us to operate in the cloud. And with AWS (or any other cloud platform similar to such as Azure) you get out of the box always on services such as SQS (to build beautiful cloud apps such as producer/consumer), SNS for large scale pub/sub apps, clusters such ECS, always on RDS with replica etc etc. I think these arw valid reasons to choose a cloud platform, rather than if xeon processors used by EC2 have TPM or not.

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You could always try Vultr, they don't have object storage like DO yet, but you can install any OS you want.

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I wrote some scripts for automating disk-image-based installation of NetBSD (and other images) on Linode too: As far as I know, you should be able use block storage if you deploy in one of the supported datacenters.

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gustopn commented Dec 10, 2017

From what I read Vultr is a good option as cheap compute node instance, as an alternative also digitalocean could be named.
Digitalocean also provides Spaces that are S3 compatible object storage. And for even cheaper storage there is

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