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Created January 17, 2019 20:11
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haskell, cabal, nix err

cabal file

name: hero-server
version: 2
license: AllRightsReserved
license-file: LICENSE
cabal-version: >= 1.18
build-type: Simple

executable hero-server
  main-is: Main.hs
  ghc-options: -O2 -threaded -Wall -rtsopts -fwarn-unused-imports
  hs-source-dirs: .
  -- other-modules:
  --     Hero.Api
  --   , Hero.Config
  --   , Hero.Init
  --   , Hero.Logger
  build-depends: base < 5
               , aeson
               , containers
               , hero-common
               , http-types
               , lucid
               , miso
               , mtl
               , servant
               , servant-lucid
               , servant-server
               , text
               , wai
               , wai-app-static
               , wai-extra
               , warp
               -- , beam-core
               -- , beam-migrate
               -- , beam-postgres
               -- , bytestring
               -- , ekg
               -- , ekg-core
               -- , fast-logger
               -- , foreign-store
               -- , katip
               -- , microlens
               -- , monad-control
               -- , monad-logger
               -- , monad-metrics
               -- , resource-pool
               -- , safe
               -- , time
               -- , transformers
               -- , unordered-containers
               -- , wai-middleware-metrics
  default-language: Haskell2010

nix file

# default.nix
{ pkgs ? import (fetchGit (import ../nix/pkgs.nix)) {}
, compiler ? "ghc844"

with pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler};

developPackage {
  root = ./.;
  name = "hero-server";
  overrides = with pkgs.haskell.lib; self: super: {
    #aeson           = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.aeson);
    hero-common     = import ../common { inherit compiler; };
    #http-types      = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.http-types);
    #lucid           = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.lucid);
    #miso            = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.miso);
    #servant         = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.servant);
    #servant-lucid   = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.servant-lucid);
    #servant-server  = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.servant-server);
    #wai             = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.wai);
    #wai-app-static  = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.wai-app-static);
    #wai-extra       = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.wai-extra);
    #warp            = dontCheck (doJailbreak super.warp);

shell output

$ nix-build
these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/qrid78r6nc9vi8cbksjb824kf94xi0wl-hero-server-2.drv'...
Build with /nix/store/w63xdfjw13jy676v3rnflmblnsbqj8qg-ghc-8.4.4.
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/lkr6pa5i6ss78mnz66liivby0pmysk16-server
source root is server
patching sources
setupCompileFlags: -package-db=/build/setup-package.conf.d -j1 -threaded
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /nix/store/4mdp8nhyfddh7bllbi7xszz7k9955n79-Setup.hs, /build/Main.o )
Linking Setup ...
configureFlags: --verbose --prefix=/nix/store/gx3p6vv2y6xnm2r89mpzxyigyp3w79v5-hero-server-2 --libdir=$prefix/lib/$compiler --libsubdir=$abi/$libname --docdir=/nix/store/xxn2igczai94k2s581ihbxjml5qcivyx-hero-server-2-doc/share/doc/hero-server-2 --with-gcc=gcc --package-db=/build/package.conf.d --ghc-option=-j1 --disable-split-objs --enable-library-profiling --profiling-detail=exported-functions --disable-profiling --enable-shared --disable-coverage --enable-static --disable-executable-dynamic --enable-tests --enable-library-vanilla --enable-library-for-ghci --ghc-option=-split-sections --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/2lbhgxlrhgnij2c3bm719xidymmhp0m0-ncurses-6.1-20181027/lib --extra-lib-dirs=/nix/store/077sn4sz2mxzjm5zqlxxag2170jkkc5n-gmp-6.1.2/lib
Using Parsec parser
Configuring hero-server-2...
Dependency aeson -any: using aeson-
Dependency base <5: using base-
Dependency containers -any: using containers-
Dependency hero-common -any: using hero-common-2
Dependency http-types -any: using http-types-0.12.1
Dependency lucid -any: using lucid-2.9.10
Dependency miso -any: using miso-
Dependency mtl -any: using mtl-2.2.2
Dependency servant -any: using servant-0.14.1
Dependency servant-lucid -any: using servant-lucid-0.8.1
Dependency servant-server -any: using servant-server-0.14.1
Dependency text -any: using text-
Dependency wai -any: using wai-
Dependency wai-app-static -any: using wai-app-static-
Dependency wai-extra -any: using wai-extra-
Dependency warp -any: using warp-3.2.23
Source component graph: component exe:hero-server
Configured component graph:
    component hero-server-2-Kfl9aiDDA6o2OpzMJdKeLR-hero-server
        include base-
        include aeson-
        include containers-
        include hero-common-2-f4GVbU3hLWIyBnr8MyM96
        include http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
        include lucid-2.9.10-KdbsURw0sAwI73srcRCERW
        include miso-
        include mtl-2.2.2
        include servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA
        include servant-lucid-0.8.1-8d4Nd6DKhd3GAjRbLwquQ6
        include servant-server-0.14.1-HLUCMNmW8Gk4A00BIeF8O0
        include text-
        include wai-
        include wai-app-static-
        include wai-extra-
        include warp-3.2.23-Hyta1QYExlFLHc1DVmjAbb
Linked component graph:
    unit hero-server-2-Kfl9aiDDA6o2OpzMJdKeLR-hero-server
        include base-
        include aeson-
        include containers-
        include hero-common-2-f4GVbU3hLWIyBnr8MyM96
        include http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
        include lucid-2.9.10-KdbsURw0sAwI73srcRCERW
        include miso-
        include mtl-2.2.2
        include servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA
        include servant-lucid-0.8.1-8d4Nd6DKhd3GAjRbLwquQ6
        include servant-server-0.14.1-HLUCMNmW8Gk4A00BIeF8O0
        include text-
        include wai-
        include wai-app-static-
        include wai-extra-
        include warp-3.2.23-Hyta1QYExlFLHc1DVmjAbb
Ready component graph:
    definite hero-server-2-Kfl9aiDDA6o2OpzMJdKeLR-hero-server
        depends base-
        depends aeson-
        depends containers-
        depends hero-common-2-f4GVbU3hLWIyBnr8MyM96
        depends http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
        depends lucid-2.9.10-KdbsURw0sAwI73srcRCERW
        depends miso-
        depends mtl-2.2.2
        depends servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA
        depends servant-lucid-0.8.1-8d4Nd6DKhd3GAjRbLwquQ6
        depends servant-server-0.14.1-HLUCMNmW8Gk4A00BIeF8O0
        depends text-
        depends wai-
        depends wai-app-static-
        depends wai-extra-
        depends warp-3.2.23-Hyta1QYExlFLHc1DVmjAbb
    This package indirectly depends on multiple versions of the same package. This is very likely to cause a compile failure.
      package wai-extra (wai-extra- requires aeson-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA) requires aeson-
      package miso (miso- requires aeson-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF) requires aeson-
      package miso (miso- requires aeson-
      package hero-server (hero-server-2) requires aeson-
      package uri-bytestring (uri-bytestring- requires attoparsec-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF) requires attoparsec-
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires attoparsec-
      package attoparsec-iso8601 (attoparsec-iso8601- requires attoparsec-
      package aeson (aeson- requires attoparsec-
      package uri-bytestring (uri-bytestring- requires attoparsec-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA) requires attoparsec-
      package http-date (http-date-0.0.8-74FTfb32k1GDajmpkIkJ6X) requires attoparsec-
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires attoparsec-
      package attoparsec-iso8601 (attoparsec-iso8601- requires attoparsec-
      package aeson (aeson- requires attoparsec-
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires attoparsec-iso8601-
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires attoparsec-iso8601-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF) requires http-api-data-
      package miso (miso- requires http-api-data-
      package servant-server (servant-server-0.14.1-HLUCMNmW8Gk4A00BIeF8O0) requires http-api-data-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA) requires http-api-data-
      package miso (miso- requires http-api-data-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF) requires http-types-0.12.1-3PMZhoTgT7YWGWo1kz3k1
      package miso (miso- requires http-types-0.12.1-3PMZhoTgT7YWGWo1kz3k1
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires http-types-0.12.1-3PMZhoTgT7YWGWo1kz3k1
      package warp (warp-3.2.23-Hyta1QYExlFLHc1DVmjAbb) requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package wai-logger (wai-logger-2.3.2-HcpZqE3hrSg9cP4oP98o1r) requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package wai-extra (wai-extra- requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package wai-app-static (wai-app-static- requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package wai (wai- requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package servant-server (servant-server-0.14.1-HLUCMNmW8Gk4A00BIeF8O0) requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA) requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package miso (miso- requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package hero-server (hero-server-2) requires http-types-0.12.1-AfBhA6Dmokc65GZ3PIOqqo
      package hero-server (hero-server-2) requires miso-
      package hero-common (hero-common-2-f4GVbU3hLWIyBnr8MyM96) requires miso-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF) requires natural-transformation-0.4-3WYpUmMdgiKKIiTEZGpCXl
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA) requires natural-transformation-0.4-J1vXvF72tgL4lU6S6EG8a8
      package attoparsec (attoparsec- requires scientific-
      package aeson (aeson- requires scientific-
      package attoparsec (attoparsec- requires scientific-
      package aeson (aeson- requires scientific-
      package servant-server (servant-server-0.14.1-HLUCMNmW8Gk4A00BIeF8O0) requires servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA
      package servant-lucid (servant-lucid-0.8.1-Aj2uMfYhV6Y5MdPc4xRc0w) requires servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA
      package miso (miso- requires servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA
      package hero-server (hero-server-2) requires servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA
      package servant-lucid (servant-lucid-0.8.1-8d4Nd6DKhd3GAjRbLwquQ6) requires servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF
      package miso (miso- requires servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF
      package hero-common (hero-common-2-f4GVbU3hLWIyBnr8MyM96) requires servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF
      package miso (miso- requires servant-lucid-0.8.1-8d4Nd6DKhd3GAjRbLwquQ6
      package hero-server (hero-server-2) requires servant-lucid-0.8.1-8d4Nd6DKhd3GAjRbLwquQ6
      package miso (miso- requires servant-lucid-0.8.1-Aj2uMfYhV6Y5MdPc4xRc0w
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-IEZiuPniWtZJBLH5HTQVNF) requires string-conversions-
      package servant-server (servant-server-0.14.1-HLUCMNmW8Gk4A00BIeF8O0) requires string-conversions-
      package servant (servant-0.14.1-4UoCqmXvX3CBqicSMjjyiA) requires string-conversions-
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires uri-bytestring-
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires uri-bytestring-
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires uuid-types-1.0.3-9HB0BQbkVFx86TKu8QWj96
      package aeson (aeson- requires uuid-types-1.0.3-9HB0BQbkVFx86TKu8QWj96
      package http-api-data (http-api-data- requires uuid-types-1.0.3-FyDGH3UltqnB9QgDSO2UQk
      package aeson (aeson- requires uuid-types-1.0.3-FyDGH3UltqnB9QgDSO2UQk
Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-8.4
Using compiler: ghc-8.4.4
Using install prefix:
Executables installed in:
Libraries installed in:
Dynamic Libraries installed in:
Private executables installed in:
Data files installed in:
Documentation installed in:
Configuration files installed in:
No alex found
Using ar found on system at:
No c2hs found
No cpphs found
No doctest found
Using gcc version 7.3.0 given by user at:
Using ghc version 8.4.4 found on system at:
Using ghc-pkg version 8.4.4 found on system at:
No ghcjs found
No ghcjs-pkg found
No greencard found
Using haddock version 2.20.0 found on system at:
No happy found
Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
No hmake found
Using hpc version 0.67 found on system at:
Using hsc2hs version 0.68.3 found on system at:
No hscolour found
No jhc found
Using ld found on system at:
No lhc found
No lhc-pkg found
No pkg-config found
Using runghc version 8.4.4 found on system at:
Using strip version 2.30 found on system at:
Using tar found on system at:
No uhc found
*** abort because of serious configure-time warning from Cabal
builder for '/nix/store/qrid78r6nc9vi8cbksjb824kf94xi0wl-hero-server-2.drv' failed with exit code 1
error: build of '/nix/store/qrid78r6nc9vi8cbksjb824kf94xi0wl-hero-server-2.drv' failed
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