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Created December 11, 2015 19:57
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py.test scikit-image
(astropy-dev)bsipocz@tegla2:~/munka/devel/scikit-image$ py.test
================================================== test session starts ==================================================
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.10, pytest-2.8.2, py-1.4.30, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: /Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/scikit-image, inifile:
plugins: cov-2.1.0, html-1.6, mpl-0.3, selenium-1.0b1, variables-1.2
collected 1319 items / 3 skipped
skimage/_shared/tests/ F
skimage/_shared/tests/ ..
skimage/_shared/tests/ .F.
skimage/_shared/tests/ ....
skimage/color/tests/ ......
skimage/color/tests/ ......................................
skimage/color/tests/ ...........
skimage/color/tests/ ........
skimage/data/tests/ ...........
skimage/draw/tests/ ....................................
skimage/draw/tests/ ......
skimage/exposure/tests/ .......................FFF.............
skimage/external/ ..................
skimage/feature/tests/ ....
skimage/feature/tests/ ......
skimage/feature/tests/ ......
skimage/feature/tests/ ........
skimage/feature/tests/ .......................
skimage/feature/tests/ .......
skimage/feature/tests/ .....
skimage/feature/tests/ .....
skimage/feature/tests/ ....
skimage/feature/tests/ .......................
skimage/feature/tests/ .........
skimage/feature/tests/ ..........
skimage/feature/tests/ .....................
skimage/feature/tests/ .....
skimage/filters/rank/tests/ ..............................
skimage/filters/tests/ ..
skimage/filters/tests/ ..............................................
skimage/filters/tests/ ......
skimage/filters/tests/ ...
skimage/filters/tests/ FFFFF.
skimage/filters/tests/ .
skimage/filters/tests/ ......................................
skimage/future/graph/tests/ ......
skimage/graph/tests/ .
skimage/graph/tests/ .
skimage/graph/tests/ .
skimage/graph/tests/ ..
skimage/graph/tests/ ...............
skimage/graph/tests/ ...
skimage/io/tests/ ..FFFF.FF
skimage/io/tests/ .....................
skimage/io/tests/ .....
skimage/io/tests/ sssssssE
skimage/io/tests/ .....E
skimage/io/tests/ ssssE
skimage/io/tests/ ...
skimage/io/tests/ .......
skimage/io/tests/ FFFFFFF
skimage/io/tests/ ......................................................
skimage/io/tests/ ............
skimage/io/tests/ ..........E
skimage/io/tests/ ..
skimage/io/tests/ ssss
skimage/io/tests/ ..................
skimage/measure/tests/ ......
skimage/measure/tests/ ....
skimage/measure/tests/ ....................
skimage/measure/tests/ ....
skimage/measure/tests/ .....
skimage/measure/tests/ .
skimage/measure/tests/ ..
skimage/measure/tests/ ..............
skimage/measure/tests/ ......................................
skimage/measure/tests/ ............
skimage/morphology/tests/ .................
skimage/morphology/tests/ ...................
skimage/morphology/tests/ .....
skimage/morphology/tests/ ..........FFFFFFFFF...............
skimage/morphology/tests/ ........
skimage/morphology/tests/ ..........
skimage/morphology/tests/ ..........
skimage/morphology/tests/ ................
skimage/morphology/tests/ ...........
skimage/novice/tests/ ...........................
skimage/restoration/tests/ ................
skimage/restoration/tests/ ....
skimage/restoration/tests/ ................
skimage/segmentation/tests/ ...
skimage/segmentation/tests/ .
skimage/segmentation/tests/ ....
skimage/segmentation/tests/ .....
skimage/segmentation/tests/ ...
skimage/segmentation/tests/ ...............
skimage/segmentation/tests/ ...........
skimage/transform/tests/ .
skimage/transform/tests/ ....................
skimage/transform/tests/ ...................
skimage/transform/tests/ ....
skimage/transform/tests/ .........
skimage/transform/tests/ ....................................................................
skimage/transform/tests/ .
skimage/transform/tests/ .........................
skimage/util/tests/ ....
skimage/util/tests/ ...................................................................
skimage/util/tests/ ..................................
skimage/util/tests/ ......
skimage/util/tests/ ............
skimage/util/tests/ ....
skimage/util/tests/ ..................
skimage/util/tests/ .....
skimage/viewer/tests/ ..........
skimage/viewer/tests/ ..F..
skimage/viewer/tests/ ....
skimage/viewer/tests/ ...
skimage/viewer/tests/ .......
======================================================== ERRORS =========================================================
________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of test _________________________________________________
file /sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/, line 319
def test(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
fixture 'self' not found
available fixtures: _skip_sensitive, tmpdir_factory, pytestconfig, _verify_url, cov, _environment, cache, selenium, recwarn, capabilities, base_url, environment, sensitive_url, monkeypatch, record_xml_property, capfd, variables, capsys, tmpdir
use 'py.test --fixtures [testpath]' for help on them.
________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of test _________________________________________________
file /sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/, line 319
def test(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
fixture 'self' not found
available fixtures: _skip_sensitive, tmpdir_factory, pytestconfig, _verify_url, cov, _environment, cache, selenium, recwarn, capabilities, base_url, environment, sensitive_url, monkeypatch, record_xml_property, capfd, variables, capsys, tmpdir
use 'py.test --fixtures [testpath]' for help on them.
________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of test _________________________________________________
file /sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/, line 319
def test(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
fixture 'self' not found
available fixtures: _skip_sensitive, tmpdir_factory, pytestconfig, _verify_url, cov, _environment, cache, selenium, recwarn, capabilities, base_url, environment, sensitive_url, monkeypatch, record_xml_property, capfd, variables, capsys, tmpdir
use 'py.test --fixtures [testpath]' for help on them.
________________________________________________ ERROR at setup of test _________________________________________________
file /sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/, line 319
def test(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
fixture 'self' not found
available fixtures: _skip_sensitive, tmpdir_factory, pytestconfig, _verify_url, cov, _environment, cache, selenium, recwarn, capabilities, base_url, environment, sensitive_url, monkeypatch, record_xml_property, capfd, variables, capsys, tmpdir
use 'py.test --fixtures [testpath]' for help on them.
======================================================= FAILURES ========================================================
____________________________________________________ test_coord_map _____________________________________________________
def test_coord_map():
symmetric = [coord_map_py(4, n, 'S') for n in range(-6, 6)]
expected_symmetric = [2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2]
assert_array_equal(symmetric, expected_symmetric)
wrap = [coord_map_py(4, n, 'W') for n in range(-6, 6)]
expected_wrap = [2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1]
assert_array_equal(wrap, expected_wrap)
edge = [coord_map_py(4, n, 'E') for n in range(-6, 6)]
expected_edge = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3]
assert_array_equal(edge, expected_edge)
reflect = [coord_map_py(4, n, 'R') for n in range(-6, 6)]
expected_reflect = [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
assert_array_equal(reflect, expected_reflect)
constant = [coord_map_py(4, n, 'C') for n in range(-6, 6)]
expected_constant = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0]
> assert_array_equal(constant, expected_constant)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/ in assert_array_equal
verbose=verbose, header='Arrays are not equal')
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
comparison = <built-in function __eq__>, x = array([-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
y = array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0]), err_msg = '', verbose = True, header = 'Arrays are not equal'
precision = 6
def assert_array_compare(comparison, x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True,
header='', precision=6):
from numpy.core import array, isnan, isinf, any, all, inf
x = array(x, copy=False, subok=True)
y = array(y, copy=False, subok=True)
def safe_comparison(*args, **kwargs):
# There are a number of cases where comparing two arrays hits special
# cases in array_richcompare, specifically around strings and void
# dtypes. Basically, we just can't do comparisons involving these
# types, unless both arrays have exactly the *same* type. So
# e.g. you can apply == to two string arrays, or two arrays with
# identical structured dtypes. But if you compare a non-string array
# to a string array, or two arrays with non-identical structured
# dtypes, or anything like that, then internally stuff blows up.
# Currently, when things blow up, we just return a scalar False or
# True. But we also emit a DeprecationWarning, b/c eventually we
# should raise an error here. (Ideally we might even make this work
# properly, but since that will require rewriting a bunch of how
# ufuncs work then we are not counting on that.)
# The point of this little function is to let the DeprecationWarning
# pass (or maybe eventually catch the errors and return False, I
# dunno, that's a little trickier and we can figure that out when the
# time comes).
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
return comparison(*args, **kwargs)
def isnumber(x):
return x.dtype.char in '?bhilqpBHILQPefdgFDG'
def chk_same_position(x_id, y_id, hasval='nan'):
"""Handling nan/inf: check that x and y have the nan/inf at the same
assert_array_equal(x_id, y_id)
except AssertionError:
msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
err_msg + '\nx and y %s location mismatch:'
% (hasval), verbose=verbose, header=header,
names=('x', 'y'), precision=precision)
raise AssertionError(msg)
cond = (x.shape == () or y.shape == ()) or x.shape == y.shape
if not cond:
msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
+ '\n(shapes %s, %s mismatch)' % (x.shape,
verbose=verbose, header=header,
names=('x', 'y'), precision=precision)
if not cond:
raise AssertionError(msg)
if isnumber(x) and isnumber(y):
x_isnan, y_isnan = isnan(x), isnan(y)
x_isinf, y_isinf = isinf(x), isinf(y)
# Validate that the special values are in the same place
if any(x_isnan) or any(y_isnan):
chk_same_position(x_isnan, y_isnan, hasval='nan')
if any(x_isinf) or any(y_isinf):
# Check +inf and -inf separately, since they are different
chk_same_position(x == +inf, y == +inf, hasval='+inf')
chk_same_position(x == -inf, y == -inf, hasval='-inf')
# Combine all the special values
x_id, y_id = x_isnan, y_isnan
x_id |= x_isinf
y_id |= y_isinf
# Only do the comparison if actual values are left
if all(x_id):
if any(x_id):
val = safe_comparison(x[~x_id], y[~y_id])
val = safe_comparison(x, y)
val = safe_comparison(x, y)
if isinstance(val, bool):
cond = val
reduced = [0]
reduced = val.ravel()
cond = reduced.all()
reduced = reduced.tolist()
if not cond:
match = 100-100.0*reduced.count(1)/len(reduced)
msg = build_err_msg([x, y],
+ '\n(mismatch %s%%)' % (match,),
verbose=verbose, header=header,
names=('x', 'y'), precision=precision)
if not cond:
> raise AssertionError(msg)
E AssertionError:
E Arrays are not equal
E (mismatch 66.6666666667%)
E x: array([-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
E y: array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0])
/sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_____________________________________________________ test_skipper ______________________________________________________
def test_skipper():
def f():
class c():
def __init__(self): = "I think, therefore..."
docstring = \
""" Header
>>> something # skip if not HAVE_AMODULE
>>> something + else
>>> a = 1 # skip if not HAVE_BMODULE
>>> something2 # skip if HAVE_AMODULE
f.__doc__ = docstring
c.__doc__ = docstring
f2 = doctest_skip_parser(f)
c2 = doctest_skip_parser(c)
assert_true(f is f2)
assert_true(c is c2)
""" Header
>>> something # doctest: +SKIP
>>> something + else
>>> a = 1
>>> something2
> """)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/sw/lib/python2.7/unittest/ in assertEqual
assertion_func(first, second, msg=msg)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = < testMethod=nop>
first = ' Header\n\n >>> something # doctest: +SKIP\n >>> something + else\n >>> a = 1\n >>> something2\n '
second = ' Header\n\n >>> something # doctest: +SKIP\n >>> something + else\n >>> a = 1\n >>> something2\n '
msg = "' Header\\n\\n >>> something # doctest: +SKIP\\n >>> something + else\\n >>> a = 1\\n >>>... >>> something + else\\n >>> a = 1\\n >>> something2\\n '"
def _baseAssertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
"""The default assertEqual implementation, not type specific."""
if not first == second:
standardMsg = '%s != %s' % (safe_repr(first), safe_repr(second))
msg = self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)
> raise self.failureException(msg)
E AssertionError: ' Header\n\n >>> something # doctest: +SKIP\n >>> something + else\n >>> a = 1\n >>> something2\n ' != ' Header\n\n >>> something # doctest: +SKIP\n >>> something + else\n >>> a = 1\n >>> something2\n '
/sw/lib/python2.7/unittest/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_______________________________________________ test_adapthist_grayscale ________________________________________________
def test_adapthist_grayscale():
"""Test a grayscale float image
img = skimage.img_as_float(data.astronaut())
img = rgb2gray(img)
img = np.dstack((img, img, img))
with expected_warnings(['precision loss|non-contiguous input',
adapted_old = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img, 10, 9, clip_limit=0.01,
> adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img, kernel_size=(57, 51), clip_limit=0.01, nbins=128)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/sw/lib/python2.7/ in __exit__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
matching = ['precision loss|non-contiguous input', 'deprecated']
def expected_warnings(matching):
"""Context for use in testing to catch known warnings matching regexes
matching : list of strings or compiled regexes
Regexes for the desired warning to catch
>>> from skimage import data, img_as_ubyte, img_as_float
>>> with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
... d = img_as_ubyte(img_as_float(data.coins()))
Uses `all_warnings` to ensure all warnings are raised.
Upon exiting, it checks the recorded warnings for the desired matching
Raises a ValueError if any match was not found or an unexpected
warning was raised.
Allows for three types of behaviors: "and", "or", and "optional" matches.
This is done to accomodate different build enviroments or loop conditions
that may produce different warnings. The behaviors can be combined.
If you pass multiple patterns, you get an orderless "and", where all of the
warnings must be raised.
If you use the "|" operator in a pattern, you can catch one of several warnings.
Finally, you can use "|\A\Z" in a pattern to signify it as optional.
with all_warnings() as w:
# enter context
yield w
# exited user context, check the recorded warnings
remaining = [m for m in matching if not '\A\Z' in m.split('|')]
for warn in w:
found = False
for match in matching:
if, str(warn.message)) is not None:
found = True
if match in remaining:
if not found:
> raise ValueError('Unexpected warning: %s' % str(warn.message))
E ValueError: Unexpected warning: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 128 but corresponding boolean dimension is 127
skimage/_shared/ ValueError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_________________________________________________ test_adapthist_color __________________________________________________
def test_adapthist_color():
"""Test an RGB color uint16 image
img = skimage.img_as_uint(data.astronaut())
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
hist, bin_centers = exposure.histogram(img)
assert len(w) > 0
with expected_warnings(['precision loss', 'deprecated']):
> adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img, clip_limit=0.01)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/sw/lib/python2.7/ in __exit__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
matching = ['precision loss', 'deprecated']
def expected_warnings(matching):
"""Context for use in testing to catch known warnings matching regexes
matching : list of strings or compiled regexes
Regexes for the desired warning to catch
>>> from skimage import data, img_as_ubyte, img_as_float
>>> with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
... d = img_as_ubyte(img_as_float(data.coins()))
Uses `all_warnings` to ensure all warnings are raised.
Upon exiting, it checks the recorded warnings for the desired matching
Raises a ValueError if any match was not found or an unexpected
warning was raised.
Allows for three types of behaviors: "and", "or", and "optional" matches.
This is done to accomodate different build enviroments or loop conditions
that may produce different warnings. The behaviors can be combined.
If you pass multiple patterns, you get an orderless "and", where all of the
warnings must be raised.
If you use the "|" operator in a pattern, you can catch one of several warnings.
Finally, you can use "|\A\Z" in a pattern to signify it as optional.
with all_warnings() as w:
# enter context
yield w
# exited user context, check the recorded warnings
remaining = [m for m in matching if not '\A\Z' in m.split('|')]
for warn in w:
found = False
for match in matching:
if, str(warn.message)) is not None:
found = True
if match in remaining:
if not found:
> raise ValueError('Unexpected warning: %s' % str(warn.message))
E ValueError: Unexpected warning: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 256 but corresponding boolean dimension is 86
skimage/_shared/ ValueError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_________________________________________________ test_adapthist_alpha __________________________________________________
def test_adapthist_alpha():
"""Test an RGBA color image
img = skimage.img_as_float(data.astronaut())
alpha = np.ones((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float)
img = np.dstack((img, alpha))
with expected_warnings(['precision loss', 'deprecated']):
> adapted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/sw/lib/python2.7/ in __exit__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
matching = ['precision loss', 'deprecated']
def expected_warnings(matching):
"""Context for use in testing to catch known warnings matching regexes
matching : list of strings or compiled regexes
Regexes for the desired warning to catch
>>> from skimage import data, img_as_ubyte, img_as_float
>>> with expected_warnings(['precision loss']):
... d = img_as_ubyte(img_as_float(data.coins()))
Uses `all_warnings` to ensure all warnings are raised.
Upon exiting, it checks the recorded warnings for the desired matching
Raises a ValueError if any match was not found or an unexpected
warning was raised.
Allows for three types of behaviors: "and", "or", and "optional" matches.
This is done to accomodate different build enviroments or loop conditions
that may produce different warnings. The behaviors can be combined.
If you pass multiple patterns, you get an orderless "and", where all of the
warnings must be raised.
If you use the "|" operator in a pattern, you can catch one of several warnings.
Finally, you can use "|\A\Z" in a pattern to signify it as optional.
with all_warnings() as w:
# enter context
yield w
# exited user context, check the recorded warnings
remaining = [m for m in matching if not '\A\Z' in m.split('|')]
for warn in w:
found = False
for match in matching:
if, str(warn.message)) is not None:
found = True
if match in remaining:
if not found:
> raise ValueError('Unexpected warning: %s' % str(warn.message))
E ValueError: Unexpected warning: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 256 but corresponding boolean dimension is 86
skimage/_shared/ ValueError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
___________________________________________ TestLPIFilter2D.test_ip_shape[0] ____________________________________________
self = <skimage.filters.tests.test_lpi_filter.TestLPIFilter2D object at 0x10db4ad10>
x = array([[156, 157, 160, ..., 161, 161, 162],
[156, 157, 159, ..., 161, 1... ..., 159, 159, 158],
[153, 154, 154, ..., 160, 159, 158]], dtype=uint8)
def tst_shape(self, x):
> X = self.f(x)
E AttributeError: 'TestLPIFilter2D' object has no attribute 'f'
skimage/filters/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
___________________________________________ TestLPIFilter2D.test_ip_shape[1] ____________________________________________
self = <skimage.filters.tests.test_lpi_filter.TestLPIFilter2D object at 0x10db4ad10>
x = array([[156, 157, 160, ..., 160, 162, 166],
[156, 157, 159, ..., 160, 1... ..., 159, 159, 159],
[153, 154, 154, ..., 159, 159, 160]], dtype=uint8)
def tst_shape(self, x):
> X = self.f(x)
E AttributeError: 'TestLPIFilter2D' object has no attribute 'f'
skimage/filters/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
___________________________________________ TestLPIFilter2D.test_ip_shape[2] ____________________________________________
self = <skimage.filters.tests.test_lpi_filter.TestLPIFilter2D object at 0x10db4ad10>
x = array([[156, 157, 160, ..., 160, 160, 158],
[156, 157, 159, ..., 160, 1... ..., 160, 160, 158],
[153, 154, 154, ..., 161, 161, 158]], dtype=uint8)
def tst_shape(self, x):
> X = self.f(x)
E AttributeError: 'TestLPIFilter2D' object has no attribute 'f'
skimage/filters/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_____________________________________________ TestLPIFilter2D.test_inverse ______________________________________________
self = <skimage.filters.tests.test_lpi_filter.TestLPIFilter2D object at 0x11d8fc190>
def test_inverse(self):
> F = self.f(self.img)
E AttributeError: 'TestLPIFilter2D' object has no attribute 'f'
skimage/filters/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
______________________________________________ TestLPIFilter2D.test_wiener ______________________________________________
self = <skimage.filters.tests.test_lpi_filter.TestLPIFilter2D object at 0x11d74cf10>
def test_wiener(self):
> F = self.f(self.img)
E AttributeError: 'TestLPIFilter2D' object has no attribute 'f'
skimage/filters/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_____________________________________________ TestImageCollection.test_len ______________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x1186342d8>
def test_len(self):
> assert len(self.images) == 2
E AttributeError: TestImageCollection instance has no attribute 'images'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
___________________________________________ TestImageCollection.test_getitem ____________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x1186487a0>
def test_getitem(self):
> num = len(self.images)
E AttributeError: TestImageCollection instance has no attribute 'images'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
___________________________________________ TestImageCollection.test_slicing ____________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x118634710>
def test_slicing(self):
> assert type(self.images[:]) is ImageCollection
E AttributeError: TestImageCollection instance has no attribute 'images'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
________________________________________ TestImageCollection.test_files_property ________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x10d78dc20>
def test_files_property(self):
> assert isinstance(self.images.files, list)
E AttributeError: TestImageCollection instance has no attribute 'images'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_________________________________________ TestImageCollection.test_concatenate __________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x11d8e7dd0>
def test_concatenate(self):
> array = self.images_matched.concatenate()
E AttributeError: TestImageCollection instance has no attribute 'images_matched'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_____________________________ TestImageCollection.test_concatentate_mismatched_image_shapes _____________________________
self = < instance at 0x11d72c3f8>
def test_concatentate_mismatched_image_shapes(self):
> assert_raises(ValueError, self.images.concatenate)
E AttributeError: TestImageCollection instance has no attribute 'images'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
______________________________________________ TestMultiImage.test_shapes _______________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x118649a28>
def test_shapes(self):
> img = self.imgs[-1]
E AttributeError: TestMultiImage instance has no attribute 'imgs'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
________________________________________________ TestMultiImage.test_len ________________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x1114dc638>
def test_len(self):
> assert len(self.imgs[0]) == len(self.imgs[1]) == 2
E AttributeError: TestMultiImage instance has no attribute 'imgs'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
______________________________________________ TestMultiImage.test_slicing ______________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x11222bb00>
def test_slicing(self):
> img = self.imgs[-1]
E AttributeError: TestMultiImage instance has no attribute 'imgs'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
______________________________________________ TestMultiImage.test_getitem ______________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x110b24758>
def test_getitem(self):
> for img in self.imgs:
E AttributeError: TestMultiImage instance has no attribute 'imgs'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
__________________________________________ TestMultiImage.test_files_property ___________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x110b1dd40>
def test_files_property(self):
> for img in self.imgs:
E AttributeError: TestMultiImage instance has no attribute 'imgs'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
_____________________________________ TestMultiImage.test_conserve_memory_property ______________________________________
self = < instance at 0x110b2b638>
def test_conserve_memory_property(self):
> for img in self.imgs:
E AttributeError: TestMultiImage instance has no attribute 'imgs'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
____________________________________________ TestMultiImage.test_concatenate ____________________________________________
self = < instance at 0x110b24d40>
def test_concatenate(self):
> for img in self.imgs:
E AttributeError: TestMultiImage instance has no attribute 'imgs'
skimage/io/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
______________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_dilate_erode_symmetry ______________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x10df7b1b8>
def test_dilate_erode_symmetry(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
________________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_open_black_pixel _________________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x10df7b248>
def test_open_black_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
________________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_close_white_pixel ________________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x10df8b758>
def test_close_white_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
________________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_open_white_pixel _________________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x112109290>
def test_open_white_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
________________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_close_black_pixel ________________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x10df73440>
def test_close_black_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
____________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_white_tophat_white_pixel _____________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x1128d4290>
def test_white_tophat_white_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
____________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_black_tophat_black_pixel _____________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x10df762d8>
def test_black_tophat_black_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
____________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_white_tophat_black_pixel _____________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x10dfbe518>
def test_white_tophat_black_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
____________________________ TestEccentricStructuringElements.test_black_tophat_white_pixel _____________________________
self = <skimage.morphology.tests.test_grey.TestEccentricStructuringElements instance at 0x10df7dc20>
def test_black_tophat_white_pixel(self):
> for s in self.selems:
E AttributeError: TestEccentricStructuringElements instance has no attribute 'selems'
skimage/morphology/tests/ AttributeError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
____________________________________________________ test_rect_tool _____________________________________________________
args = (), kwargs = {}
original_units_registry = {<type 'datetime.time'>: <pandas.tseries.converter.TimeConverter object at 0x10a755650>, <type 'datetime.datetime'>: <...ct at 0x10a755690>, <type 'numpy.datetime64'>: <pandas.tseries.converter.DatetimeConverter object at 0x11493ed90>, ...}
original_settings = {'agg.path.chunksize': 0, 'animation.avconv_args': [], 'animation.avconv_path': 'avconv', 'animation.bitrate': -1, ...}
def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):
original_units_registry = matplotlib.units.registry.copy()
original_settings = mpl.rcParams.copy()
> func(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/ in skipper_func
return f(*args, **kwargs)
skimage/viewer/tests/ in test_rect_tool
assert_equal(tool.geometry, [120, 150, 120, 150])
/sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/ in assert_equal
assert_equal(actual[k], desired[k], 'item=%r\n%s' % (k, err_msg), verbose)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
actual = 100, desired = 120, err_msg = 'item=0\n', verbose = True
def assert_equal(actual,desired,err_msg='',verbose=True):
Raises an AssertionError if two objects are not equal.
Given two objects (scalars, lists, tuples, dictionaries or numpy arrays),
check that all elements of these objects are equal. An exception is raised
at the first conflicting values.
actual : array_like
The object to check.
desired : array_like
The expected object.
err_msg : str, optional
The error message to be printed in case of failure.
verbose : bool, optional
If True, the conflicting values are appended to the error message.
If actual and desired are not equal.
>>> np.testing.assert_equal([4,5], [4,6])
<type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>:
Items are not equal:
if isinstance(desired, dict):
if not isinstance(actual, dict):
raise AssertionError(repr(type(actual)))
assert_equal(len(actual), len(desired), err_msg, verbose)
for k, i in desired.items():
if k not in actual:
raise AssertionError(repr(k))
assert_equal(actual[k], desired[k], 'key=%r\n%s' % (k, err_msg), verbose)
if isinstance(desired, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(actual, (list, tuple)):
assert_equal(len(actual), len(desired), err_msg, verbose)
for k in range(len(desired)):
assert_equal(actual[k], desired[k], 'item=%r\n%s' % (k, err_msg), verbose)
from numpy.core import ndarray, isscalar, signbit
from numpy.lib import iscomplexobj, real, imag
if isinstance(actual, ndarray) or isinstance(desired, ndarray):
return assert_array_equal(actual, desired, err_msg, verbose)
msg = build_err_msg([actual, desired], err_msg, verbose=verbose)
# Handle complex numbers: separate into real/imag to handle
# nan/inf/negative zero correctly
# XXX: catch ValueError for subclasses of ndarray where iscomplex fail
usecomplex = iscomplexobj(actual) or iscomplexobj(desired)
except ValueError:
usecomplex = False
if usecomplex:
if iscomplexobj(actual):
actualr = real(actual)
actuali = imag(actual)
actualr = actual
actuali = 0
if iscomplexobj(desired):
desiredr = real(desired)
desiredi = imag(desired)
desiredr = desired
desiredi = 0
assert_equal(actualr, desiredr)
assert_equal(actuali, desiredi)
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError(msg)
# Inf/nan/negative zero handling
# isscalar test to check cases such as [np.nan] != np.nan
if isscalar(desired) != isscalar(actual):
raise AssertionError(msg)
# If one of desired/actual is not finite, handle it specially here:
# check that both are nan if any is a nan, and test for equality
# otherwise
if not (gisfinite(desired) and gisfinite(actual)):
isdesnan = gisnan(desired)
isactnan = gisnan(actual)
if isdesnan or isactnan:
if not (isdesnan and isactnan):
raise AssertionError(msg)
if not desired == actual:
raise AssertionError(msg)
elif desired == 0 and actual == 0:
if not signbit(desired) == signbit(actual):
raise AssertionError(msg)
# If TypeError or ValueError raised while using isnan and co, just handle
# as before
except (TypeError, ValueError, NotImplementedError):
# Explicitly use __eq__ for comparison, ticket #2552
if not (desired == actual):
> raise AssertionError(msg)
E AssertionError:
E Items are not equal:
E item=0
/sw/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/testing/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------- pytest-selenium ----------------------------------------------------
==================== 33 failed, 1267 passed, 18 skipped, 5 pytest-warnings, 4 error in 91.26 seconds ====================
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