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Created September 29, 2021 18:22
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vo_conesearch remote test failures 2021-09-29
pt -P vo_conesearch -R
/Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/ UserWarning: Distutils was imported before Setuptools. This usage is discouraged and may exhibit undesirable behaviors or errors. Please use Setuptools' objects directly or at least import Setuptools first.
Freezing version number to ./astroquery/
running test
INFO: installing to temporary directory: /private/var/folders/dc/hsm7tqpx2d57n7vb3k1l81xw0000gq/T/astroquery-test-1n7kjymp [astropy.tests.command]
no previously-included directories found matching 'build'
no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/_build'
no previously-included directories found matching 'docs/api'
no previously-included directories found matching 'astropy_helpers/build'
warning: no previously-included files matching '*.o' found anywhere in distribution
WARNING: AstropyDeprecationWarning: The remote_data option should be one of none/astropy/any (found =any). For backward-compatibility, assuming 'any', but you should change the option to be one of the supported ones to avoid issues in future. [astropy.tests.runner]
================================================= test session starts ==================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.1, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
Running tests with astroquery version 0.4.4.dev7012_testrun.
Running tests in astroquery/vo_conesearch docs/vo_conesearch.
Date: 2021-09-29T11:19:32
Platform: macOS-10.13.6-x86_64-i386-64bit
Executable: /Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/bin/python
Full Python Version:
3.9.1 (default, Jan 11 2021, 15:50:22)
[Clang 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)]
encodings: sys: utf-8, locale: UTF-8, filesystem: utf-8
byteorder: little
float info: dig: 15, mant_dig: 15
Package versions:
Numpy: 1.19.5
Matplotlib: 3.3.3
Astropy: 5.0.dev703+ge31867e12
APLpy: not available
pyregion: not available
regions: 0.4
pyVO: 1.1
mocpy: 0.8.5
astropy-healpix: 0.6
vamdclib: not available
astropy-helpers: 4.0.1
Using Astropy options: remote_data: any.
rootdir: /private/var/folders/dc/hsm7tqpx2d57n7vb3k1l81xw0000gq/T/astroquery-test-1n7kjymp/lib/python3.9/site-packages, configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: doctestplus-0.11.0, cov-2.12.1, arraydiff-0.3, remotedata-0.3.2, hypothesis-6.3.1, filter-subpackage-0.1.1, openfiles-0.5.0, astropy-header-0.1.2
collected 51 items
astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ ...FF..FFFFFF......x.... [ 47%]
astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ ..............F [ 76%]
astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/tests/ .... [ 84%]
astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/tests/ .F.F. [ 94%]
docs/vo_conesearch/client.rst s [ 96%]
docs/vo_conesearch/validator.rst s [ 98%]
docs/vo_conesearch/vo_conesearch.rst s [100%]
======================================================= FAILURES =======================================================
_________________________________ TestConeSearch.test_one_search_classic[center0-0.1] __________________________________
center = (0, 0), radius = 0.1
def conesearch(center, radius, *, verb=1, catalog_db=None,
verbose=True, cache=True, query_all=False,
return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False):
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic`` to control
pedantry. When `True`, will raise an error when the result
violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may
be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` to control
timeout limit in seconds for each service being queried.
center : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If astropy quantity is given, it is internally converted
to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the
service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
May be one of the following, in order from easiest to
use to most control:
- `None`: A database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs is
downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``.
The first catalog in the database to successfully return a
result is used.
- *catalog name*: A name in the database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs at
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used.
For a list of acceptable names, use
- *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for
Must end in either '?' or '&'.
- `~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog` object: A
specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the
database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`).
- Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case
they are tried in order.
verbose : bool
Verbose output.
cache : bool
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
query_all : bool
This is used by :func:`search_all`.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``obj`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
obj : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
First table from first successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` parameter for the kind of table returned.
When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search.
n_timed_out = 0
service_type = conf.conesearch_dbname
catalogs = vos_catalog._get_catalogs(
service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
if query_all:
result = {}
result = None
for name, catalog in catalogs:
if isinstance(catalog, str):
if catalog.startswith('http'):
url = catalog
remote_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db(
service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog)
url = catalog['url']
url = catalog['url']
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green')
> r = ConeSearch.query_region(
center, radius, verb=verb, cache=cache, verbose=verbose,
service_url=url, return_astropy_table=return_astropy_table,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.core.ConeSearchClass object at 0x14c893850>, coordinates = (0, 0), radius = 0.1
def query_region(self, coordinates, radius, *, verb=1,
get_query_payload=False, cache=True, verbose=False,
service_url=None, return_astropy_table=True,
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` is given,
it is internally converted to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}, optional
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional.
If the service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters.
cache : bool, optional
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
verbose : bool, optional
Verbose output, including VO table warnings.
service_url : str or `None`
URL for the Cone Search service. If not given, will use
``fallback_url`` from ``vo_conesearch`` configuration.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``result`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
result : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
Table from successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` option for the kind of table returned.
request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, radius, verb)
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
> url = _validate_url(service_url)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
url = ''
def _validate_url(url):
"""Validate Cone Search service URL."""
if url is None:
url = conf.fallback_url
# This is the standard expectation of a service URL
if not url.endswith(('?', '&')):
> raise InvalidAccessURL("URL should end with '?' or '&'")
E astroquery.vo_conesearch.exceptions.InvalidAccessURL: URL should end with '?' or '&'
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ InvalidAccessURL
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14cf07940>, center = (0, 0)
radius = 0.1
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('center', 'radius'),
def test_one_search_classic(self, center, radius):
This does not necessarily uses ``self.url`` because of
unordered dict in JSON tree.
> tab_1 = conesearch.conesearch(
center, radius, verbose=self.verbose, return_astropy_table=False)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in conesearch
vo_warn(W25, (url, err_msg))
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W25("?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'")
config = {'_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}}, stacklevel = 2
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E ?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W25
_______________________________ TestConeSearch.test_one_search_classic[center1-radius1] ________________________________
center = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def conesearch(center, radius, *, verb=1, catalog_db=None,
verbose=True, cache=True, query_all=False,
return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False):
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic`` to control
pedantry. When `True`, will raise an error when the result
violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may
be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` to control
timeout limit in seconds for each service being queried.
center : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If astropy quantity is given, it is internally converted
to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the
service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
May be one of the following, in order from easiest to
use to most control:
- `None`: A database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs is
downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``.
The first catalog in the database to successfully return a
result is used.
- *catalog name*: A name in the database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs at
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used.
For a list of acceptable names, use
- *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for
Must end in either '?' or '&'.
- `~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog` object: A
specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the
database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`).
- Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case
they are tried in order.
verbose : bool
Verbose output.
cache : bool
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
query_all : bool
This is used by :func:`search_all`.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``obj`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
obj : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
First table from first successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` parameter for the kind of table returned.
When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search.
n_timed_out = 0
service_type = conf.conesearch_dbname
catalogs = vos_catalog._get_catalogs(
service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
if query_all:
result = {}
result = None
for name, catalog in catalogs:
if isinstance(catalog, str):
if catalog.startswith('http'):
url = catalog
remote_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db(
service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog)
url = catalog['url']
url = catalog['url']
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green')
> r = ConeSearch.query_region(
center, radius, verb=verb, cache=cache, verbose=verbose,
service_url=url, return_astropy_table=return_astropy_table,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.core.ConeSearchClass object at 0x14c893850>
coordinates = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def query_region(self, coordinates, radius, *, verb=1,
get_query_payload=False, cache=True, verbose=False,
service_url=None, return_astropy_table=True,
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` is given,
it is internally converted to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}, optional
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional.
If the service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters.
cache : bool, optional
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
verbose : bool, optional
Verbose output, including VO table warnings.
service_url : str or `None`
URL for the Cone Search service. If not given, will use
``fallback_url`` from ``vo_conesearch`` configuration.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``result`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
result : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
Table from successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` option for the kind of table returned.
request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, radius, verb)
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
> url = _validate_url(service_url)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
url = ''
def _validate_url(url):
"""Validate Cone Search service URL."""
if url is None:
url = conf.fallback_url
# This is the standard expectation of a service URL
if not url.endswith(('?', '&')):
> raise InvalidAccessURL("URL should end with '?' or '&'")
E astroquery.vo_conesearch.exceptions.InvalidAccessURL: URL should end with '?' or '&'
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ InvalidAccessURL
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14d32aee0>
center = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('center', 'radius'),
def test_one_search_classic(self, center, radius):
This does not necessarily uses ``self.url`` because of
unordered dict in JSON tree.
> tab_1 = conesearch.conesearch(
center, radius, verbose=self.verbose, return_astropy_table=False)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in conesearch
vo_warn(W25, (url, err_msg))
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W25("?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'")
config = {'_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}}, stacklevel = 2
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E ?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W25
_________________________________________ TestConeSearch.test_timeout_classic __________________________________________
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14d3b02b0>
def test_timeout_classic(self):
"""Test timed out query."""
with pytest.warns(NoResultsWarning, match='timed out'):
with conf.set_temp('timeout', 1e-6):
> result = conesearch.conesearch(
verbose=self.verbose, catalog_db=self.url)
E Failed: DID NOT WARN. No warnings of type (<class 'astroquery.exceptions.NoResultsWarning'>,) was emitted. The list of emitted warnings is: [W25("?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=1e-06)")].
astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ Failed
_________________________________________ TestConeSearch.test_searches_classic _________________________________________
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14d22dcd0>
def test_searches_classic(self):
tab_2 = conesearch.conesearch(
SCS_CENTER, SCS_RADIUS, catalog_db=self.url, verbose=self.verbose,
tab_3 = conesearch.conesearch(
catalog_db=[self.catname, self.url], verbose=self.verbose,
tab_4 = conesearch.conesearch(
conf.conesearch_dbname), verbose=self.verbose,
> assert tab_2.url == tab_3.url
E AssertionError: assert 'http://vizie...rce=I/252/out' == 'http://vizie...rce=I/252/out'
E -
E ? ^ ---
E +
E ? ^^
astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ AssertionError
_____________________________________ TestConeSearch.test_search_all[center0-0.1] ______________________________________
center = (0, 0), radius = 0.1
def conesearch(center, radius, *, verb=1, catalog_db=None,
verbose=True, cache=True, query_all=False,
return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False):
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic`` to control
pedantry. When `True`, will raise an error when the result
violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may
be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` to control
timeout limit in seconds for each service being queried.
center : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If astropy quantity is given, it is internally converted
to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the
service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
May be one of the following, in order from easiest to
use to most control:
- `None`: A database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs is
downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``.
The first catalog in the database to successfully return a
result is used.
- *catalog name*: A name in the database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs at
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used.
For a list of acceptable names, use
- *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for
Must end in either '?' or '&'.
- `~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog` object: A
specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the
database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`).
- Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case
they are tried in order.
verbose : bool
Verbose output.
cache : bool
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
query_all : bool
This is used by :func:`search_all`.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``obj`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
obj : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
First table from first successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` parameter for the kind of table returned.
When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search.
n_timed_out = 0
service_type = conf.conesearch_dbname
catalogs = vos_catalog._get_catalogs(
service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
if query_all:
result = {}
result = None
for name, catalog in catalogs:
if isinstance(catalog, str):
if catalog.startswith('http'):
url = catalog
remote_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db(
service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog)
url = catalog['url']
url = catalog['url']
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green')
> r = ConeSearch.query_region(
center, radius, verb=verb, cache=cache, verbose=verbose,
service_url=url, return_astropy_table=return_astropy_table,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.core.ConeSearchClass object at 0x14c893850>, coordinates = (0, 0), radius = 0.1
def query_region(self, coordinates, radius, *, verb=1,
get_query_payload=False, cache=True, verbose=False,
service_url=None, return_astropy_table=True,
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` is given,
it is internally converted to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}, optional
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional.
If the service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters.
cache : bool, optional
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
verbose : bool, optional
Verbose output, including VO table warnings.
service_url : str or `None`
URL for the Cone Search service. If not given, will use
``fallback_url`` from ``vo_conesearch`` configuration.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``result`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
result : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
Table from successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` option for the kind of table returned.
request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, radius, verb)
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
> url = _validate_url(service_url)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
url = ''
def _validate_url(url):
"""Validate Cone Search service URL."""
if url is None:
url = conf.fallback_url
# This is the standard expectation of a service URL
if not url.endswith(('?', '&')):
> raise InvalidAccessURL("URL should end with '?' or '&'")
E astroquery.vo_conesearch.exceptions.InvalidAccessURL: URL should end with '?' or '&'
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ InvalidAccessURL
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14d33a2b0>, center = (0, 0)
radius = 0.1
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('center', 'radius'),
def test_search_all(self, center, radius):
> all_results = conesearch.search_all(
center, radius, catalog_db=['BROKEN', self.url],
verbose=self.verbose, return_astropy_table=False)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in search_all
return conesearch(*args, **kwargs)
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in conesearch
vo_warn(W25, (url, err_msg))
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W25("?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'")
config = {'_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}}, stacklevel = 2
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E ?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W25
___________________________________ TestConeSearch.test_search_all[center1-radius1] ____________________________________
center = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def conesearch(center, radius, *, verb=1, catalog_db=None,
verbose=True, cache=True, query_all=False,
return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False):
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic`` to control
pedantry. When `True`, will raise an error when the result
violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may
be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` to control
timeout limit in seconds for each service being queried.
center : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If astropy quantity is given, it is internally converted
to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the
service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
May be one of the following, in order from easiest to
use to most control:
- `None`: A database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs is
downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``.
The first catalog in the database to successfully return a
result is used.
- *catalog name*: A name in the database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs at
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used.
For a list of acceptable names, use
- *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for
Must end in either '?' or '&'.
- `~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog` object: A
specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the
database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`).
- Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case
they are tried in order.
verbose : bool
Verbose output.
cache : bool
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
query_all : bool
This is used by :func:`search_all`.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``obj`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
obj : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
First table from first successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` parameter for the kind of table returned.
When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search.
n_timed_out = 0
service_type = conf.conesearch_dbname
catalogs = vos_catalog._get_catalogs(
service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
if query_all:
result = {}
result = None
for name, catalog in catalogs:
if isinstance(catalog, str):
if catalog.startswith('http'):
url = catalog
remote_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db(
service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog)
url = catalog['url']
url = catalog['url']
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green')
> r = ConeSearch.query_region(
center, radius, verb=verb, cache=cache, verbose=verbose,
service_url=url, return_astropy_table=return_astropy_table,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.core.ConeSearchClass object at 0x14c893850>
coordinates = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def query_region(self, coordinates, radius, *, verb=1,
get_query_payload=False, cache=True, verbose=False,
service_url=None, return_astropy_table=True,
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` is given,
it is internally converted to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}, optional
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional.
If the service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters.
cache : bool, optional
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
verbose : bool, optional
Verbose output, including VO table warnings.
service_url : str or `None`
URL for the Cone Search service. If not given, will use
``fallback_url`` from ``vo_conesearch`` configuration.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``result`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
result : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
Table from successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` option for the kind of table returned.
request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, radius, verb)
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
> url = _validate_url(service_url)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
url = ''
def _validate_url(url):
"""Validate Cone Search service URL."""
if url is None:
url = conf.fallback_url
# This is the standard expectation of a service URL
if not url.endswith(('?', '&')):
> raise InvalidAccessURL("URL should end with '?' or '&'")
E astroquery.vo_conesearch.exceptions.InvalidAccessURL: URL should end with '?' or '&'
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ InvalidAccessURL
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14d346a30>
center = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('center', 'radius'),
def test_search_all(self, center, radius):
> all_results = conesearch.search_all(
center, radius, catalog_db=['BROKEN', self.url],
verbose=self.verbose, return_astropy_table=False)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in search_all
return conesearch(*args, **kwargs)
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in conesearch
vo_warn(W25, (url, err_msg))
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W25("?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'")
config = {'_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}}, stacklevel = 2
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E ?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W25
______________________________________________ TestConeSearch.test_async _______________________________________________
center = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def conesearch(center, radius, *, verb=1, catalog_db=None,
verbose=True, cache=True, query_all=False,
return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False):
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic`` to control
pedantry. When `True`, will raise an error when the result
violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may
be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` to control
timeout limit in seconds for each service being queried.
center : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If astropy quantity is given, it is internally converted
to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the
service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
May be one of the following, in order from easiest to
use to most control:
- `None`: A database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs is
downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``.
The first catalog in the database to successfully return a
result is used.
- *catalog name*: A name in the database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs at
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used.
For a list of acceptable names, use
- *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for
Must end in either '?' or '&'.
- `~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog` object: A
specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the
database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`).
- Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case
they are tried in order.
verbose : bool
Verbose output.
cache : bool
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
query_all : bool
This is used by :func:`search_all`.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``obj`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
obj : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
First table from first successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` parameter for the kind of table returned.
When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search.
n_timed_out = 0
service_type = conf.conesearch_dbname
catalogs = vos_catalog._get_catalogs(
service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
if query_all:
result = {}
result = None
for name, catalog in catalogs:
if isinstance(catalog, str):
if catalog.startswith('http'):
url = catalog
remote_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db(
service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog)
url = catalog['url']
url = catalog['url']
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green')
> r = ConeSearch.query_region(
center, radius, verb=verb, cache=cache, verbose=verbose,
service_url=url, return_astropy_table=return_astropy_table,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.core.ConeSearchClass object at 0x14c893850>
coordinates = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def query_region(self, coordinates, radius, *, verb=1,
get_query_payload=False, cache=True, verbose=False,
service_url=None, return_astropy_table=True,
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` is given,
it is internally converted to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}, optional
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional.
If the service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters.
cache : bool, optional
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
verbose : bool, optional
Verbose output, including VO table warnings.
service_url : str or `None`
URL for the Cone Search service. If not given, will use
``fallback_url`` from ``vo_conesearch`` configuration.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``result`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
result : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
Table from successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` option for the kind of table returned.
request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, radius, verb)
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
> url = _validate_url(service_url)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
url = ''
def _validate_url(url):
"""Validate Cone Search service URL."""
if url is None:
url = conf.fallback_url
# This is the standard expectation of a service URL
if not url.endswith(('?', '&')):
> raise InvalidAccessURL("URL should end with '?' or '&'")
E astroquery.vo_conesearch.exceptions.InvalidAccessURL: URL should end with '?' or '&'
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ InvalidAccessURL
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14cf4aaf0>
def test_async(self):
async_search = conesearch.AsyncConeSearch(
SCS_CENTER, SCS_RADIUS, return_astropy_table=False)
# Wait a little for the instance to set up properly
> tab = async_search.get(timeout=data.conf.remote_timeout)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in get
result = self.future.result(timeout=timeout)
/Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/ in result
return self.__get_result()
/Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/ in __get_result
raise self._exception
/Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/ in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in conesearch
vo_warn(W25, (url, err_msg))
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W25("?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'")
config = {'_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}}, stacklevel = 2
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E ?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W25
____________________________________________ TestConeSearch.test_async_all _____________________________________________
center = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def conesearch(center, radius, *, verb=1, catalog_db=None,
verbose=True, cache=True, query_all=False,
return_astropy_table=True, use_names_over_ids=False):
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic`` to control
pedantry. When `True`, will raise an error when the result
violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may
be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module.
.. note::
Use ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.timeout`` to control
timeout limit in seconds for each service being queried.
center : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If astropy quantity is given, it is internally converted
to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional. If the
service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
May be one of the following, in order from easiest to
use to most control:
- `None`: A database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs is
downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``.
The first catalog in the database to successfully return a
result is used.
- *catalog name*: A name in the database of
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.conesearch_dbname`` catalogs at
``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used.
For a list of acceptable names, use
- *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for
Must end in either '?' or '&'.
- `~astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog.VOSCatalog` object: A
specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the
database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`).
- Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case
they are tried in order.
verbose : bool
Verbose output.
cache : bool
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
query_all : bool
This is used by :func:`search_all`.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``obj`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
obj : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
First table from first successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` parameter for the kind of table returned.
When invalid inputs are passed into Cone Search.
n_timed_out = 0
service_type = conf.conesearch_dbname
catalogs = vos_catalog._get_catalogs(
service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
if query_all:
result = {}
result = None
for name, catalog in catalogs:
if isinstance(catalog, str):
if catalog.startswith('http'):
url = catalog
remote_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db(
service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose)
catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog)
url = catalog['url']
url = catalog['url']
if verbose: # pragma: no cover
color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green')
> r = ConeSearch.query_region(
center, radius, verb=verb, cache=cache, verbose=verbose,
service_url=url, return_astropy_table=return_astropy_table,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.core.ConeSearchClass object at 0x14c893850>
coordinates = <ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg
(0., 0.)>, radius = <Quantity 0.1 deg>
def query_region(self, coordinates, radius, *, verb=1,
get_query_payload=False, cache=True, verbose=False,
service_url=None, return_astropy_table=True,
Perform Cone Search and returns the result of the
first successful query.
coordinates : str, `astropy.coordinates` object, list, or tuple
Position of the center of the cone to search.
It may be specified as an object from the
:ref:`astropy:astropy-coordinates` package,
string as accepted by
:func:`~astroquery.utils.parse_coordinates`, or tuple/list.
If given as tuple or list, it is assumed to be ``(RA, DEC)``
in the ICRS coordinate frame, given in decimal degrees.
radius : float or `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`
Radius of the cone to search:
- If float is given, it is assumed to be in decimal degrees.
- If `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` is given,
it is internally converted to degrees.
verb : {1, 2, 3}, optional
Verbosity indicating how many columns are to be returned
in the resulting table. Support for this parameter by
a Cone Search service implementation is optional.
If the service supports the parameter:
1. Return the bare minimum number of columns that
the provider considers useful in describing the
returned objects.
2. Return a medium number of columns between the
minimum and maximum (inclusive) that are
considered by the provider to most typically
useful to the user.
3. Return all of the columns that are available for
describing the objects.
If not supported, the service should ignore the parameter
and always return the same columns for every request.
get_query_payload : bool, optional
Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters.
cache : bool, optional
Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO
websites referenced by the database still needs internet
verbose : bool, optional
Verbose output, including VO table warnings.
service_url : str or `None`
URL for the Cone Search service. If not given, will use
``fallback_url`` from ``vo_conesearch`` configuration.
return_astropy_table : bool
Returned ``result`` will be `astropy.table.Table` rather
than ``.
use_names_over_ids : bool
When `True` use the ``name`` attributes of columns as the names
of columns in the `~astropy.table.Table` instance. Since names
are not guaranteed to be unique, this may cause some columns
to be renamed by appending numbers to the end. Otherwise
(default), use the ID attributes as the column names.
result : `astropy.table.Table` or ``
Table from successful VO service request.
See ``return_astropy_table`` option for the kind of table returned.
request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, radius, verb)
if get_query_payload:
return request_payload
> url = _validate_url(service_url)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
url = ''
def _validate_url(url):
"""Validate Cone Search service URL."""
if url is None:
url = conf.fallback_url
# This is the standard expectation of a service URL
if not url.endswith(('?', '&')):
> raise InvalidAccessURL("URL should end with '?' or '&'")
E astroquery.vo_conesearch.exceptions.InvalidAccessURL: URL should end with '?' or '&'
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ InvalidAccessURL
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.tests.test_conesearch.TestConeSearch object at 0x14d350d00>
def test_async_all(self):
async_search_all = conesearch.AsyncSearchAll(
SCS_CENTER, SCS_RADIUS, return_astropy_table=False)
# Wait a little for the instance to set up properly
> all_results = async_search_all.get(
timeout=data.conf.remote_timeout * 3)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in get
result = self.future.result(timeout=timeout)
/Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/ in result
return self.__get_result()
/Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/ in __get_result
raise self._exception
/Users/bsipocz/.pyenv/versions/3.9.1/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/ in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in search_all
return conesearch(*args, **kwargs)
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in conesearch
vo_warn(W25, (url, err_msg))
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W25("?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'")
config = {'_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}}, stacklevel = 2
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E ?:?:?: W25: '' failed with: URL should end with '?' or '&'
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W25
________________________________________________ test_db_from_registry _________________________________________________
self = < object at 0x14d3e3310>
value = 'Band merged JHKs catalogue for first epoch data from CASU v1.3. VVV DR1, corrected for header errors (Mike Irwin, Pri... of the Milky Way bulge and southern plane from the near-infrared ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Vía Láctea.'
config = {'_current_table_number': 1, '_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}, 'chunk_size': 256, 'columns': None, ...}
pos = (1, 5174)
def parse(self, value, config=None, pos=None):
if self.arraysize != '*' and len(value) > self.arraysize:
vo_warn(W46, ('char', self.arraysize), config, pos)
# Warn about non-ascii characters if warnings are enabled.
> value.encode('ascii')
E UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xed' in position 253: ordinal not in range(128)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ UnicodeEncodeError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
def test_db_from_registry():
"""Test database created from VO registry.
.. note::
We have no control of the remote registry.
This test just makes sure it does not crash,
but does not check for quality of data.
> db = VOSDatabase.from_registry(validator_conf.conesearch_master_list,
encoding='binary', show_progress=False)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/vo_conesearch/ in from_registry
tab_all = parse_single_table(fd, pedantic=False)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse_single_table
votable = parse(source, **kwargs)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/utils/ in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
return tree.VOTableFile(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in _add_resource
resource.parse(self, iterator, config)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in _add_table
table.parse(iterator, config)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
self.array = self._parse_tabledata(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in _parse_tabledata
vo_reraise(e, config, pos)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_reraise
raise exc
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in _parse_tabledata
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_reraise
raise exc
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in _parse_tabledata
value, mask_value = parsers[i](
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
vo_warn(W55, (self.field_name, value), config, pos)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W55('None:1:5174: W55: FIELD (res_description) has datatype="char" but contains non-ASCII value (Band merged JHKs cata...f the Milky Way bulge and southern plane from the near-infrared ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Vía Láctea.)')
config = {'_current_table_number': 1, '_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}, 'chunk_size': 256, 'columns': None, ...}
stacklevel = 2
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E None:1:5174: W55: FIELD (res_description) has datatype="char" but contains non-ASCII value (Band merged JHKs catalogue for first epoch data from CASU v1.3. VVV DR1, corrected for header errors (Mike Irwin, Private Communication). Release of the Milky Way bulge and southern plane from the near-infrared ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Vía Láctea.)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W55
___________________________________ TestConeSearchValidation.test_validation[False] ____________________________________
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.validator.tests.test_validate.TestConeSearchValidation object at 0x14d229d60>
parallel = False
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('parallel'), [True, False])
def test_validation(self, parallel):
if os.path.exists(self.out_dir):
> validate.check_conesearch_sites(
destdir=self.out_dir, parallel=parallel, url_list=None)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/utils/ in wrapper
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/ in check_conesearch_sites
for r in mp_list:
astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/ in _do_validation
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/validator/ in validate_vo
t = table.parse(input, verify='warn', filename=path)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/utils/ in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
return tree.VOTableFile(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in _add_definitions
warn_or_raise(W22, W22, (), config, pos)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in warn_or_raise
vo_warn(warning_class, args, config, pos, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W22('/private/var/folders/dc/hsm7tqpx2d57n7vb3k1l81xw0000gq/T/pytest-of-bsipocz/pytest-1/test_validation_False_0/data/.../00/fe/8587b192a40a2bd42cbe133ae687/vo.xml:15:0: W22: The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1. Ignoring')
config = {'_current_table_number': 0, '_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}, 'chunk_size': 256, 'columns': None, ...}
stacklevel = 3
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E /private/var/folders/dc/hsm7tqpx2d57n7vb3k1l81xw0000gq/T/pytest-of-bsipocz/pytest-1/test_validation_False_0/data/results/00/fe/8587b192a40a2bd42cbe133ae687/vo.xml:15:0: W22: The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1. Ignoring
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W22
____________________________________ TestConeSearchValidation.test_url_list[False] _____________________________________
self = <astroquery.vo_conesearch.validator.tests.test_validate.TestConeSearchValidation object at 0x14d3e3d00>
parallel = False
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('parallel'), [True, False])
def test_url_list(self, parallel):
local_outdir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'subtmp1')
local_list = [
> validate.check_conesearch_sites(destdir=local_outdir,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
astroquery/utils/ in wrapper
result = function(*args, **kwargs)
astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/ in check_conesearch_sites
for r in mp_list:
astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/ in _do_validation
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/validator/ in validate_vo
t = table.parse(input, verify='warn', filename=path)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/utils/ in wrapper
return function(*args, **kwargs)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
return tree.VOTableFile(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in parse
tag_mapping.get(tag, self._add_unknown_tag)(
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in _add_definitions
warn_or_raise(W22, W22, (), config, pos)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in warn_or_raise
vo_warn(warning_class, args, config, pos, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ in vo_warn
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
warning = W22('/private/var/folders/dc/hsm7tqpx2d57n7vb3k1l81xw0000gq/T/pytest-of-bsipocz/pytest-1/test_url_list_False_0/data/su.../00/fe/8587b192a40a2bd42cbe133ae687/vo.xml:15:0: W22: The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1. Ignoring')
config = {'_current_table_number': 0, '_warning_counts': {<class ''>: 1}, 'chunk_size': 256, 'columns': None, ...}
stacklevel = 3
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault('_warning_counts', dict()).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config['_warning_counts'][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config['_warning_counts'][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += \
' (suppressing further warnings of this type...)'
> warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
E /private/var/folders/dc/hsm7tqpx2d57n7vb3k1l81xw0000gq/T/pytest-of-bsipocz/pytest-1/test_url_list_False_0/data/subtmp1/results/00/fe/8587b192a40a2bd42cbe133ae687/vo.xml:15:0: W22: The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1. Ignoring
/Users/bsipocz/munka/devel/astropy/astropy/io/votable/ W22
------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call -------------------------------------------------
INFO: Only 2/1 site(s) are validated [astroquery.vo_conesearch.validator.validate]
-------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ---------------------------------------------------
INFO Only 2/1 site(s) are validated
=============================================== short test summary info ================================================
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/[center0-0.1] - astr...
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/[center1-radius1] - ...
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ - Failed: DID NOT WARN...
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ - AssertionError: ass...
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/[center0-0.1] -
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/[center1-radius1] - astropy....
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ -
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ -
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/tests/ -
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/tests/[False] - ...
FAILED astroquery/vo_conesearch/validator/tests/[False] - as...
============================ 11 failed, 36 passed, 3 skipped, 1 xfailed in 96.33s (0:01:36) ============================
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