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Last active January 4, 2016 19:31
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Project Euler 14
#load "Helpers.fs"
open Helpers
let next n =
match n with
| Even64 -> n/2L
| Odd64 -> 3L*n+1L
let collatzLength start =
let mutable count = 1L
let mutable current = start
while current > 1L do
current <- next current
count <- count + 1L
let cache = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<int64,int64>()
let collatzLengthCached start =
let mutable count = 1L
let mutable current = start
while current > 1L do
match cache.TryGetValue current with
| true,cachedCount ->
count <- count + cachedCount
current <- 1L
| _ ->
current <- next current
count <- count + 1L
let findLengthsAsync startNum endNum = async {
seq { startNum..endNum }
|> (fun i -> i,collatzLength i)
|> Seq.maxBy snd
let sanswer = seq { 1L..999999L } |> Seq.maxBy collatzLength
let canswer = seq { 1L..999999L} |> Seq.maxBy collatzLengthCached
let ranges = [ 1L,125000L; 125001L,250000L; 250001L,375000L; 375001L,500000L; 500001L,625000L; 625001L,750000L; 750001L,875000L; 875001L,999999L ]
let aanswer =
|> (fun (s,e) -> findLengthsAsync s e)
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> Seq.maxBy snd
|> fst
printfn "Answer sync : %i" sanswer
printfn "Answer cache: %i" canswer
printfn "Answer async: %i" aanswer
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