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Created February 3, 2024 10:55
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Compare and contrast unclebob/functor ur example and different implementation tradeoffs
;; Baseline
(defn encrypt-if-direct-message [content tags]
(if (re-find #"^D \#\[\d+\]" content)
(let [reference-digits (re-find #"\d+" content)
reference-index (Integer/parseInt reference-digits)
p-tag (get tags reference-index)]
(if (nil? p-tag)
[content 1]
(let [recipient-key (hex-string->num (second p-tag))
private-key (get-mem [:keys :private-key])
sender-key (hex-string->num private-key)
shared-secret (SECP256K1/calculateKeyAgreement sender-key recipient-key)
encrypted-content (SECP256K1/encrypt shared-secret content)]
[encrypted-content 4])))
[content 1]))
;; Functor
(def encrypt-if-direct-message
([content tags]
(if (is-direct?)
(is-direct? [] (re-find #"^D \#\[\d+\]" content))
(let [reference-digits (re-find #"\d+" content)
reference-index (Integer/parseInt reference-digits)]
(get tags reference-index)))
(let [recipient-key (hex-string->num (second p-tag))
private-key (get-mem [:keys :private-key])
sender-key (hex-string->num private-key)
shared-secret (SECP256K1/calculateKeyAgreement sender-key recipient-key)]
(SECP256K1/encrypt shared-secret content)))
(<- p-tag (get-p-tag-from-content))
(if (nil? p-tag)
[content 1]
[(encrypt-content) 4]))
(leave-unencrypted [] [content 1])))
;; Factor to functions
(defn- direct? [content]
(re-find #"^D \#\[\d+\]" content))
(defn- get-p-tag-from-content
[content tags]
(let [reference-digits (re-find #"\d+" content)
reference-index (Integer/parseInt reference-digits)]
(get tags reference-index)))
(defn- encrypt-content
[content p-tag]
(let [recipient-key (hex-string->num (second p-tag))
private-key (get-mem [:keys :private-key])
sender-key (hex-string->num private-key)
shared-secret (SECP256K1/calculateKeyAgreement sender-key recipient-key)]
(SECP256K1/encrypt shared-secret content)))
(defn- encrypt-if-properly-referenced [content tags]
(let [p-tag (get-p-tag-from-content content tags)]
(if (nil? p-tag)
[content 1]
[(encrypt-content content p-tag) 4])))
(defn- leave-unencrypted [content] [content 1])
(defn encrypt-if-direct-message
[content tags]
(if (direct? content)
(encrypt-if-properly-referenced content tags)
(leave-unencrypted content)))
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bsless commented Feb 5, 2024

Another point brought up on Slack by @alexander-yakushev: less REPL friendly, which is somewhat associated with it being less test friendly. I can imagine wanting to tinker with the regex and having a lot of unnecessary concerns mixed in while I figure out the right regex and edge cases.

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