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Created February 17, 2020 07:15
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All the ways to split a sequence in two based on a predicate
(ns clj-seperate-bench.core
[criterium.core :as c]))
;;; Run with:
;;; java -Xmx8G -Xms8G -XX:+UseG1GC -jar target/uberjar/clj-seperate-bench-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
;; 54, 60 ms range
;; 54, 34 ms vector
(defn lazy-separate
"Return a vector of (filter pred coll) (remove pred coll)."
[pred coll]
[(filter pred coll)
(remove pred coll)])
;; 30, 30 ms range
;; 48, 44 ms range
(defn separate
[pred coll]
(loop [coll coll
truthy ()
falsey ()]
(if coll
(let [head (first coll)]
(if (pred head)
(recur (next coll) (conj truthy head) falsey)
(recur (next coll) truthy (conj falsey head))))
[truthy falsey])))
;; 29, 29 ms range
;; 45, 45 ms vector
(defn vseparate
[pred coll]
(loop [coll coll
truthy (transient [])
falsey (transient [])]
(if coll
(let [head (first coll)]
(if (pred head)
(recur (next coll) (conj! truthy head) falsey)
(recur (next coll) truthy (conj! falsey head))))
[(persistent! truthy)
(persistent! falsey)])))
;; 254, 254 ms range
;; 250, 248 ms vector
(defn split [pred coll]
(fn [[xs ys] x] (if (pred x) (list (cons x xs) ys) (list xs (cons x ys))))
(list () ())
;; 32, 34 ms range
;; 27, 27 ms vector
(defn splitv [pred coll]
(fn [[xs ys] x] (if (pred x) [(cons x xs) ys] [xs (cons x ys)]))
[() ()]
;; 39, 37 ms range
;; 35, 35 ms vector
(defn splitjv [pred coll]
(fn [[xs ys] x] (if (pred x) [(conj xs x) ys] [xs (conj ys x)]))
[() ()]
;; 39, 38 ms range
;; 36, 36 ms vector
(defn vsplit [pred coll]
(let [[xs ys]
(fn [[xs ys] x]
(if (pred x)
[(conj! xs x) ys]
[xs (conj! ys x)]))
[(transient [])
(transient [])])
[(persistent! xs)
(persistent! ys)]))
(defn criterium-bench
(let [coll (doall (range 1e6))]
(println "range::lazy-seperate")
(c/bench (let [x (lazy-separate odd? coll)]
(doall (first x)) (doall (second x))))
(println "range::seperate")
(c/bench (separate odd? coll))
(println "range::vseparate")
(c/bench (vseparate odd? coll))
(println "range::split")
(c/bench (split odd? coll))
(println "range::splitv")
(c/bench (splitv odd? coll))
(println "range::splitjv")
(c/bench (splitjv odd? coll))
(println "range::vsplit")
(c/bench (vsplit odd? coll)))
(let [coll (into [] (range 1e6))]
(println "vector::lazy-seperate")
(c/bench (let [x (lazy-separate odd? coll)]
(doall (first x)) (doall (second x))))
(println "vector::seperate")
(c/bench (separate odd? coll))
(println "vector::vseparate")
(c/bench (vseparate odd? coll))
(println "vector::split")
(c/bench (split odd? coll))
(println "vector::splitv")
(c/bench (splitv odd? coll))
(println "vector::splitjv")
(c/bench (splitjv odd? coll))
(println "vector::vsplit")
(c/bench (vsplit odd? coll))))
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