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Created April 25, 2021 13:09
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;;; As originally seen and improved on
(import '[clojure.lang Box])
(defmacro as
[tag sym]
(let [tag (if (class? tag) (.getName ^Class tag) (str tag))]
`(with-meta ~sym {:tag ~tag})))
(definline box!
`(Box. ~v))
(definline unbox!
[^Box b]
`(.-val ~(as Box b)))
(definline bset!
[^Box b v]
`(set! (. ~(as Box b) val) ~v))
(defn bswap!
{:inline-arities #{2 3 4 5 6}
:inline (fn [b f & args] `(bset! ~b (~f (unbox! ~b) ~@args)))}
([^Box b f] (bset! b (f (unbox! b))))
([^Box b f x] (bset! b (f (unbox! b) x)))
([^Box b f x y] (bset! b (f (unbox! b) x y)))
([^Box b f x y z] (bset! b (f (unbox! b) x y z)))
([^Box b f x y z & args] (bset! b (apply f (unbox! b) x y z args))))
(defn with-state
([trf f]
(with-state trf f nil))
([trf f init]
(with-state identity trf f init))
([txf trf f init]
(let [state (box! init)
tf (txf trf)]
(fn [in]
(let [old (unbox! state)]
(bswap! state tf in)
(f old in))))))
(defn right [x y] y)
(sequence (filter (with-state right not=)) [1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5])
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