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Created December 15, 2022 14:29
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(defn qualify-definitions
[d prefix]
(let [p (str prefix ".")
p' (str "#/definitions/" p)]
(map (fn [[k v]]
[(str p k)
(fn [o]
(if (string? o)
(str/replace o "#/definitions/" p')
(defmulti json-schema-type #(get % "type"))
(defmethod json-schema-type "object"
[{:strs [properties required]}]
(let [required (set required)]
(seq properties)
(map (fn [[k v]]
[(keyword k)
{:optional (not (contains? required k))}
(json-schema-type v)]))
:else [:ref "empty"])))
(defn maybe-zip
[& kvs]
(into {} (comp (partition-all 2) (filter second)) kvs))
(defn parse-array
[{:strs [items maxItems minItems]}]
(if (or maxItems minItems)
[:vector (maybe-zip :max maxItems :min minItems)]
(json-schema-type items)))
(defn parse-tuple
[{:strs [items]}]
(into [:tuple] (map json-schema-type) items))
(defmethod json-schema-type "array"
[{:strs [items] :as m}]
(if (map? items) (parse-array m) (parse-tuple m)))
(defn parse-ref
(when-let [ref (get m "$ref")]
[:ref (URLDecoder/decode (str/replace-first ref "#/definitions/" ""))]))
(defn parse-any-of
(when-let [any-of (get m "anyOf")]
(let [ts (mapv json-schema-type any-of)]
(and (= (count ts) 2) (some #{:nil} ts))
[:maybe (first (remove #{:nil} ts))]
(some #(and (vector? %)
(= :map (first %))
(< 2 (count %))) ts)
(into [:or] ts)
:else (into [:orn]
(map (fn [[t k :as v]]
(and (vector? v) (= :map t)) [(first k) v]
(and (vector? v) (= :ref t)) [(keyword k) v]
k [(keyword k) v]
:else [:empty :nil]))))
(defn parse-all-of
(when-let [all-of (get m "allOf")]
(into [:and] (map json-schema-type) all-of)))
(defn -parse-default
(or (parse-ref m) (parse-any-of m) (parse-all-of m)))
(defmethod json-schema-type :default [m] (-parse-default m))
(defmethod json-schema-type nil [m] (-parse-default m))
(defmethod json-schema-type "string"
[{:keys [enum]}]
enum (into [:enum] enum)
:else :string))
(defmethod json-schema-type ["string" "null"] [_] [:maybe :string])
(defmethod json-schema-type "null" [_] :nil)
(defmethod json-schema-type "number" [_] :int)
(defmethod json-schema-type "boolean" [_] :boolean)
(defn parse-definitions
[m prefix]
(-> m (get "definitions") (qualify-definitions prefix))
(fn [m k v]
(assoc m k (or (json-schema-type v) :any)))
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