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cgrand / gist:564d6e8ad57299f64beb438e4a8b709f
Created July 11, 2020 20:26 — forked from KingCode/gist:773560f4ab5bf91e660a2a26e581b036
cond-let and cond-let| macros, to leverage bindings between test and result expressions, as well as earlier ones (for cond-let)
;; (cond-let
;; (odd? x) [x n] (inc x)
;; (< n 10) [y (inc n)] 10
;; :else n))
;; we want the above to yield
;; (let [x n]
;; (if (odd? x)
;; (inc x)
scttnlsn / debounce.cljs
Created March 24, 2014 17:03
core.async debounce
(defn debounce [in ms]
(let [out (chan)]
(go-loop [last-val nil]
(let [val (if (nil? last-val) (<! in) last-val)
timer (timeout ms)
[new-val ch] (alts! [in timer])]
(condp = ch
timer (do (>! out val) (recur nil))
in (recur new-val))))
;; The deps.edn file describes the information needed to build a classpath.
;; When using the `clojure` or `clj` script, there are several deps.edn files
;; that are combined:
;; - install-level
;; - user level (this file)
;; - project level (current directory when invoked)
;; For all attributes other than :paths, these config files are merged left to right.
;; Only the last :paths is kept and others are dropped.
(defn stateful-map
"Returns a stateful transducer similar to `clojure.core/map-indexed` that
transforms each item with `(f state <the item>)` where `state` is built by
applying `state-building-fn` to the previous state (starting with `init`) and
the transformed item.
Ex., re-implementing map-indexed:
(sequence (stateful-map vector (fn build-state [idx _] (if idx (inc idx) 5))) \"abc\")
; => ([nil \\a] [5 \\b] [6 \\c])
holyjak / defdecorator.clj
Last active October 15, 2021 13:59
Macro to create a decorator (wrapper) for a objects implementing a Java interface
;; A macro to create a decorator (wrapper) for a objects implementing a Java interface
;; Disclaimer: The code most certainly is not perfect and does not handle some corner cases
;; License: The Unlicense
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn type->tag [parameter-type]
(let [array? (-> parameter-type name (str/ends-with? "<>"))
primitive? '#{int long float double short boolean byte char}
type (if array?
(-> parameter-type name (str/replace #"<>$" "") symbol)
wcalderipe /
Last active November 27, 2022 15:15
A gist about what are the solution faces of controlling flow in side-effectful function pipelines.

Control flow in Clojure

A gist containing a problem example and different implementations based on what is being discussed at How are clojurians handling control flow on their projects?.

Feel free to leave a comment and feedback is welcome 😃

Examples in this Gist

  • Bult-in exceptions in a thread macro
  • didibus' trylet macro
didibus / complex_business_process_example.clj
Last active October 12, 2023 11:16
Example of a complex business process to implement in Clojure. Please link to your solutions for alternative ways to implement the same in Clojure (or other languages).
(ns complex-business-process-example
"A stupid example of a more complex business process to implement as a flowchart.")
;;;; Config
(def config
"When set to :test will trigger the not-boosted branch which won't write to db.
When set to :prod will trigger the boosted branch which will try to write to the db."
{:env :prod})
leonoel / complex_business_process_example_missionary.clj
Last active October 12, 2023 11:16
An alternative solution to didibus' business process using missionary.
(ns complex-business-process-example-missionary
"A stupid example of a more complex business process to implement as a flowchart."
(:require [missionary.core :as m])
(:import missionary.Cancelled))
;;;; Config
(def config
"When set to :test will trigger the not-boosted branch which won't write to db.
When set to :prod will trigger the boosted branch which will try to write to the db."
kolber / pandoras_vox.mdown
Created March 20, 2012 05:23
pandora’s vox: on community in cyberspace

pandora’s vox: on community in cyberspace

by humdog (1994)

when i went into cyberspace i went into it thinking that it was a place like any other place and that it would be a human interaction like any other human interaction. i was wrong when i thought that. it was a terrible mistake.

the very first understanding that i had that it was not a place like any place and that the interaction would be different was when people began to talk to me as though i were a man. when they wrote about me in the third person, they would say “he.” it interested me to have people think i was “he” instead of “she” and so at first i did not say anything. i grinned and let them think i was “he.” this went on for a little while and it was fun but after a while i was uncomfortable. finally i said unto them that i, humdog, was a woman and not a man. this surprised them. at that moment i realized that the dissolution of gender-category was something that was happening everywhere, and perhaps it was only just very obvious on the ne