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Last active April 25, 2021 13:09
(defn stateful-map
"Returns a stateful transducer similar to `clojure.core/map-indexed` that
transforms each item with `(f state <the item>)` where `state` is built by
applying `state-building-fn` to the previous state (starting with `init`) and
the transformed item.
Ex., re-implementing map-indexed:
(sequence (stateful-map vector (fn build-state [idx _] (if idx (inc idx) 5))) \"abc\")
; => ([nil \\a] [5 \\b] [6 \\c])
(sequence (stateful-map (fn stateful-map [seen n] (if (seen n) :duplicate n)) conj #{})
[1 2 1 3 4 2 2 5])
; => (1 2 :duplicate 3 4 :duplicate :duplicate 5)
See also [[stateful-filter]]."
([f state-building-fn] (stateful-map f state-building-fn nil))
([f state-building-fn init]
(fn [rf]
(let [state (volatile! init)]
([] (rf))
([result] (vreset! state nil) (rf result))
([result input]
(let [out (f @state input)]
(vswap! state state-building-fn out)
(rf result out))))))))
(defn stateful-filter
"A transducer similar to `(filter pred)` but the `pred`-icate is invoked with
a state and the current item, where state is built from previously filtered
items (i.e from the previous state [starting from `init`] and the
current item) by the `state-building-fn`.
(sequence (stateful-filter not= (fn build-state [_ prev] prev)) [1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5])
; => (1 2 3 4 5)
;; Ensure an increasing seq:
(sequence (stateful-filter < max -1) (shuffle (range 20)))
; => (7 9 10 12 16 17 19)
See also [[stateful-map]].
([pred state-building-fn] (stateful-filter pred state-building-fn nil))
([pred state-building-fn init]
(fn [rf]
(let [state (volatile! init)]
([] (rf))
([result] (vreset! state nil) (rf result))
([result input]
(if (pred @state input)
(vswap! state state-building-fn input)
(rf result input))
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bsless commented Apr 16, 2021

Replied it on slack but I'll comment here too for posterity:
This can be generalized with a wrapper of sort:

(defn with-state
  ([trf f]
   (with-state trf f nil))
  ([trf f init]
   (with-state identity trf f init))
  ([txf trf f init]
   (let [state (volatile! init)
         tf (txf trf)]
     (fn [in]
       (let [old @state]
         (vswap! state tf in)
         (f old in))))))

(defn right [x y] y)
(sequence (stateful-filter not= right) [1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5])
(sequence (filter (with-state right not=)) [1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5])

tf - transition function
trf - transition reducing function
txf - transition transducer

This works differently for map since it takes the input rather than the output. It may be more semantically correct if you consider the stateless lifecycle function:
[state in] -> [state' out]

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holyjak commented Apr 16, 2021

Great idea, thanks a lot!

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holyjak commented Apr 17, 2021

As discovered by others, we could replace the volatile! with the thread-unsafe (which is OK since it will ever only be accessed by a single thread) but faster mutable var:

(let [b (clojure.lang.Box. 3)]
  ; ...
  (set! (. b val) 4))

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bsless commented Apr 25, 2021

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