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Last active July 13, 2020 02:30
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Here is a collection of book recommendations that I will revisit over time:
"The Rust Programming Language" -
"Programming Rust" - Jim Blandy and Jason Orendorff
"Spring in Action" - Craig Walls (5th Edition)
Software Engineering:
"Domain Driven Design" - Eric Evans
"The Mythical Man Month" - Fred P. Brooks
"The Pragmatic Programmer" - Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt
"The Productive Programmer" - Neal Ford
"Ship It!" - Jared Richardson
"Release It!" - Michael Nygard
"The Phoenix Project" - Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford
"RESTFul Web APIs" - Amundsen et al
Semantic Web:
"Learning SPARQL" - Bob DuCharme
"Resource-Oriented Architecture Patterns" - Brian Sletten
State of AI:
"Rebooting AI" - Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis
"Artificial Intelligence : A Guide For Thinking Humans" - Melanie Mitchell
"WebAssembly : The Definitive Guide" - Brian Sletten (2021)
"Programming WebAssembly with Rust" - Kevin Hoffman
"The Information" - James Gleick
"Information : A Very Short Introduction" - Luciani Floridi
"Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge" - Edward O. Wilson
"Intertwingled" - Peter Morville
"Glut" - Alex Wright
"Cataloging the World" - Alex Wright
"Too Big to Know" - David Weinberger
"Course In General Linguistics" - Ferdinand de Saussure
"Semiotics" - Daniel Chandler
"Security Engineering" - Ross Anderson
"Software Security : Building Security In" - Gary McGraw
"The Tangled Web" - Michal Zalewski
"Applied Cryptography" - Bruce Schneier
"Crypto" - Stephen Levy
"Serious Cryptography" - Jean-Philippe Aumasson
"Cryptography Engineering" - Schneier et al
"Enterprise Software Security" - van Wyk et al
Digital Forensics:
"The Architecture of Open Source Applications : Vol I & II" - Amy Brown and Greg Wilson (
"Angle of Repose" - Wallace Stegner
"The Death of David Debrizzi" - Paul Micou
"The Debt to Pleasure" - John Lanchester
"Daemon", "FreedomTM", "Kill Decision", "Influx", "Change Agent", "Delta-v" - Daniel Suarez
"After On" - Rob Reid
"We" - Yevgeny Zamyatin
"The Martian" - Andy Weir
"Something Supposedly Fun I'll Never Do Again" - David Foster Wallace
"Consider the Lobster" - David Foster Wallace
"Feel Free" - Zadie Smith
"Why Orwell Matters" - Christopher Hitchens
"Letters to a Young Contrarian" - Christopher Hitchens
"Homage to Catalonia" - George Orwell
"Technopoly" - Neil Postman
"Weapons of Math Destruction" - Cathy O'Neill
"The Master Algorithm" - Pedro Domingos
"The Theory that Would Not Die" - Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
"Ghost in the Wires" - Kevin Mitnick
"Diffusion of Innovations" - Everett M. Rogers
"Something Deeply Hidden" - Sean Carroll
"The Universe Speaks in Numbers" - Graham Farmelo
"The Organized Mind" - Daniel J. Levitin
"You Are Now Less Dumb" - David McRaney
"Thinking Fast and Slow" - Daniel Kahneman
"The Believing Brain" - Michael Shermer
"Denialism" - Michael Specter
"Amusing Ourselves to Death" - Neil Postman
"How to Do Nothing" - Jenny Odell
"One Day" - Gene Weingarten
"So You Want to Talk About Race" - Ijeoma Oluo
"Between the World and Me" - Ta Nehisi Coates
Computing History:
"Turing's Cathedral" - George Dyson
"Unix : A History and a Memoir" - Brian Kernighan
"Broadband" - Claire L. Evans
"Rise of the Rocket Girls" - Nathalia Holt
"Magic and Loss" - Virginia Heffernen
"The War that Ended Peace" - Margaret MacMillan
"Big History : From the Big Bang to the Present" - Cynthia Stokes Brown
"SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome" - Mary Beard
"Engaging the Muslim World" - Juan Cole
"The Snow Lion and the Dragon" - Melvyn C. Goldstein
"The Great War for Civilisation" - Robert Fisk
"Attack of the 50ft Blockchain" - David Gerard
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