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Last active August 18, 2017 18:06
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# coding: utf-8
# # Tab/Pageload Behavior of Firefox Release Users
# Author:
# Date: 8-May-2017
# Status: Partially-reviewed draft.
# In[1]:
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyspark.sql.functions
import numpy as np
# In[2]:
main_summary ="mergeSchema", "true") .parquet('s3://telemetry-parquet/main_summary/v3/') .createOrReplaceTempView("main_summary")
# In[37]:
sample_unfiltered = spark.sql("""
SUM(CASE WHEN app_version < '52' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS bad_version,
count(1) as subsession_count,
max(max_concurrent_tab_count) as max_concurrent_tab_count,
sum(tab_open_event_count) as tab_open_event_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN subsession_length < 0 OR subsession_length > 172800 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS bad_length,
sum(subsession_length) as subsession_length_sum,
sum(total_uri_count) as total_uri_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN reason = 'aborted-session' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS aborted_sessions,
SUM(CASE WHEN reason = 'shutdown' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS shutdown_session,
SUM(CASE WHEN reason = 'environment-change' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS environment_session,
SUM(CASE WHEN reason = 'daily' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS daily_session
FROM main_summary
submission_date_s3 >= '20170415' AND submission_date_s3 <= '20170429'
AND subsession_start_date >= '2017-04-16' AND subsession_start_date < '2017-04-23'
HAVING bad_version = 0 AND bad_length = 0
# In[38]:
# # Discarding severe outliers
# When defining heavy users in terms of total pageloads, we can suffer from bots and other unreal situations that inflate pageloads. Discard anyone who loads more than a page every 10 seconds or more than 30000/week (because WTF).
# In[39]:
total_uri_count_unfiltered =[0]
# In[40]:
outliers = sample_unfiltered.where((sample_unfiltered.total_uri_count > 30000) | (sample_unfiltered.subsession_length_sum / sample_unfiltered.total_uri_count < 10))
outliers_uri_count =[0]
print "total outliers: {}".format(outliers.count())
print "total URIs loaded by outliers: {} ({:.0f}%)".format(outliers.count(), 100.0 * outliers_uri_count / total_uri_count_unfiltered)
print "example outliers:""subsession_count", "max_concurrent_tab_count", "tab_open_event_count", "subsession_length_sum", "total_uri_count").sample(False, 0.001).toPandas()
# In[61]:
# how many users just have >30000 uri loads?
sample_unfiltered.where(sample_unfiltered.total_uri_count > 30000).count()
# In[41]:
sample = sample_unfiltered.where((sample_unfiltered.total_uri_count <= 30000) & (sample_unfiltered.subsession_length_sum / sample_unfiltered.total_uri_count >= 10))
# ## Heavy users
# There are multiple definitions of a heavy user being proposed. We can't calculate heavy users by activeTicks as proposed at because this dataset doesn't yet have activeTicks.
# Instead, this calculates it by pageloads: at what threshold of pageloads (total_uri_count) do we find the users who are responsible for 80% of all pageloads?
# In[42]:
total_users = sample.count()
total_uri_count =[0]
# In[43]:
ranked_by_uri = spark.sql("""
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY total_uri_count) AS rank
FROM sample
ORDER BY total_uri_count
# In[44]:
def top_npct_uris(n):
topn = ranked_by_uri.where(ranked_by_uri.rank > total_users * (100.0 - n) / 100)
cutoff = topn.first().total_uri_count
uri_count =[0]
print "The top {}% of users accounted for {:.0f}% of total URI loads. (cutoff={})".format(n, 100.0 * uri_count / total_uri_count, cutoff)
return cutoff
heavy_user_cutoff = top_npct_uris(10)
_ = top_npct_uris(30)
# For the purposes of this analysis and as suggested by bcolloran, we're going to look at the top 10% of users as "heavy users".
# In[45]:
print "Heavy users are users who loaded more than {} pages this week.".format(heavy_user_cutoff)
# ## Do page loads distribute differently than usage hours
# bcolloran did a previous analysis of the distribution of session hours and active ticks. We don't have active ticks yet, but let's calculate the distribution of usage hours to double-check our data and repeat the previous analysis
# In[46]:
total_session_length =[0]
# In[47]:
ranked_by_session_length = spark.sql("""
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY subsession_length_sum) AS rank
FROM sample
ORDER BY subsession_length_sum
# In[48]:
def top_npct_length(n):
topn = ranked_by_session_length.where(ranked_by_session_length.rank > total_users * (100.0 - n) / 100)
cutoff = topn.first().subsession_length_sum
length_sum =[0]
print "The top {}% of users accounted for {:.0f}% of total session hours. (cutoff={:.1f} hours)".format(n, 100.0 * length_sum / total_session_length, cutoff / 60.0 / 60.0)
# ## Comparing light and heavy user behavior
# The following charts compare the behavior of heavy users and normal users.
# In[49]:
def iter_with_next(l):
"Generate (first, next) pairs for a list (skipping the last item)."
i = iter(l)
prev =
for v in i:
yield (prev, v)
prev = v
# In[50]:
def show_histogram(colname, minv, maxv, num_buckets, label):
buckets = range(minv, maxv, (maxv - minv) / num_buckets) + [maxv]
selected ="data"), "total_uri_count")
label_map = {
-1: "<{}".format(minv),
maxv: ">={}".format(maxv)
caseExpr = pyspark.sql.functions.when(selected['data'] < minv, -1)
for start, end in iter_with_next(buckets):
caseExpr = caseExpr.when(selected['data'] < end, start)
label_map[start] = start == end - 1 and str(start) or "{}-{}".format(start, end - 1)
caseExpr = caseExpr.otherwise(maxv)
def print_chart(data, subgroup):
bucketed ="bucket"))
counts = bucketed.groupBy("bucket").count().toPandas().set_index("bucket").sort_index()
max_count = counts.max()['count']
total_count = counts.sum()['count']
counts.plot(kind="bar", legend=None, figsize=((num_buckets + 2) / 3, float(max_count) / total_count * 5))
xticks = [label_map[v] for v in counts.index.values]
plt.xticks(range(0, num_buckets + 1), xticks)
ytick_ratios = np.arange(0.05, float(max_count) / total_count, 0.05)
yticks = ["{:.0f}%".format(r * 100) for r in ytick_ratios]
yticks_pos = [r * total_count for r in ytick_ratios]
plt.yticks(yticks_pos, yticks)
plt.ylabel("% of {} users".format(subgroup))
print_chart(selected, "all")
print_chart(selected.where(selected['total_uri_count'] > heavy_user_cutoff), "heavy")
# In[51]:
show_histogram("subsession_length_sum / 60 / 60", 0, 160, 20, "usage hours")
# Possible conclusions:
# 1. heavy users tend to use their browser more (let's state the obvious!)
# 2. heavy users are more likely to be the kind of user who keeps their browser open overnight.
# In[52]:
show_histogram("subsession_count", 0, 100, 10, "# of subsessions")
# No easy conclusions here, although there appear to be a bunch of heavy users who still open and close their browser regularly? Should validate this with the ping reason data.
# In[53]:
show_histogram("max_concurrent_tab_count", 1, 25, 12, "max # of tabs open any time during the week")
# Conclusions: heavy users tend toward a few more tabs in general, and there is a more significant proportion of tab-hoarders who regularly keep >25 tabs open.
# In[54]:
show_histogram("tab_open_event_count", 0, 2000, 25, "# of tabs opened")
# In[67]:
# how many users have a null tab_open_event_count? This could mean they didn't open any tabs... need to check how this behaves more precisely.
null_tabopen_count = sample.where(pyspark.sql.functions.isnull(sample.tab_open_event_count)).count()
print "users with no tab open count: {:,} ({:.0f}%)".format(null_tabopen_count, 100.0 * null_tabopen_count / total_users)
# In[55]:
show_histogram("total_uri_count", 0, 10000, 25, "Total toplevel URIs loaded")
# In[56]:
show_histogram("total_uri_count / subsession_length_sum * 60 * 60", 0, 1000, 25, "pageloads per session-hour")
# In[57]:
show_histogram("total_uri_count / tab_open_event_count", 0, 500, 25, "page loads per tab-open-event")
# ## Other checking
# In[58]:
show_histogram("daily_session", 0, 8, 7, "'daily' pings (evidence of leaving browser on overnight)")
# Conclusion: **confirmed** that heavy users are much more likely to leave their browser open overnight.
# In[59]:
show_histogram("aborted_sessions", 0, 20, 10, "'aborted-session' ping count (evidence of crash or abrupt logoff)")
# An environment-change ping can be caused by changing some settings, installing/enabling/disabling addons. It probably doesn't mean much.
# In[60]:
show_histogram("environment_session", 0, 20, 10, "'environment-change' ping count")
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To close the loop on this, there was an error in the first version of this sheet which @bcolloran detected and has since been fixed. This has been rereviewed and this statement is perhaps the key takeaway: "The top 10% of users accounted for 48% of total URI loads. (cutoff=1490)"

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