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Last active August 18, 2017 18:07
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# coding: utf-8
# In[17]:
import ujson as json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
from moztelemetry import get_pings_properties
from moztelemetry.dataset import Dataset
from moztelemetry.histogram import Histogram
from operator import add
from datetime import date, timedelta
get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
# In[18]:
from collections import namedtuple
# In[19]:
pings = Dataset.from_source("telemetry") .where(docType="main") .where(submissionDate=lambda d: "20170413" <= d <= "20170427") .where(appUpdateChannel="nightly") .records(sc)
# In[94]:
data = get_pings_properties(pings, [
], with_processes=True)
# In[95]:
def add_nullq(a, b):
if a is None:
return b
if b is None:
return a
return a + b
def max_nullq(a, b):
if a is None:
return b
if b is None:
return a
return max(a, b)
def import_keyedh(d):
The BLOCKED_ON_* histograms are keyed on the plugin name with version, which
is pretty pathetic, and since we're only running Flash anyway it doesn't matter. So
at import time we combine any/all of the values."""
if d is None:
return None
return reduce(add_nullq, d.values())
props = (
('session_length', 'payload/info/subsessionLength', add_nullq, None),
('input_event_response_chrome', 'payload/histograms/INPUT_EVENT_RESPONSE_MS_parent', add_nullq, None),
('input_event_response_content', 'payload/histograms/INPUT_EVENT_RESPONSE_MS_children', add_nullq, None),
('blocked_on_instance_init', "payload/keyedHistograms/BLOCKED_ON_PLUGIN_INSTANCE_INIT_MS", add_nullq, import_keyedh),
('blocked_on_stream_init', "payload/keyedHistograms/BLOCKED_ON_PLUGIN_STREAM_INIT_MS", add_nullq, import_keyedh),
('blocked_on_instance_destroy', "payload/keyedHistograms/BLOCKED_ON_PLUGIN_INSTANCE_DESTROY_MS", add_nullq, import_keyedh),
('plugins_notification_shown', "payload/histograms/PLUGINS_NOTIFICATION_SHOWN", add_nullq, None),
('plugins_notification_user_action', "payload/histograms/PLUGINS_NOTIFICATION_USER_ACTION", add_nullq, None),
('plugins_infobar_shown', "payload/histograms/PLUGINS_INFOBAR_SHOWN", add_nullq, None),
('plugins_infobar_block', "payload/histograms/PLUGINS_INFOBAR_BLOCK", add_nullq, None),
('plugins_infobar_allow', "payload/histograms/PLUGINS_INFOBAR_ALLOW", add_nullq, None),
('plugin_crashes', "payload/keyedHistograms/SUBPROCESS_CRASHES_WITH_DUMP/plugin", add_nullq, None),
('content_crashes', "payload/keyedHistograms/SUBPROCESS_CRASHES_WITH_DUMP/content", add_nullq, None),
('shutdown_kill', "payload/keyedHistograms/SUBPROCESS_KILL_HARD/ShutDownKill", add_nullq, None),
PingData = namedtuple("PingData", (p for p, h, o, f in props))
def json_to_pingdata(d):
return PingData._make((f or (lambda i: i))(d[h]) for p, h, o, f in props)
def add_pingdata(a, b):
return PingData._make(o(va, vb) for (p, h, o, f), va, vb in zip(props, a, b))
def ping_has_flash(p):
plugins = p["environment/addons/activePlugins"]
if plugins is None:
return False
for plugin in plugins:
if any(i == "application/x-shockwave-flash" for i in plugin.get("mimeTypes", [])):
return True
return False
def ping_filter(p):
if p.get("payload/info/subsessionLength", 0) <= 0:
return []
e = p["environment/addons/activeExperiment"]
if e is None:
return []
if e.get("id", None) != "":
return []
# The test group is split into "test" and "no-flash", but the control group
# is not. Do that artificially here by inspecting activePlugins.
branch = e.get("branch", None)
if branch == "control" and not ping_has_flash(p):
branch = "control-no-flash"
return [(branch, p['clientId'], json_to_pingdata(p))]
data2 = data.flatMap(ping_filter).cache()
# In[96]: (branch, id, d): branch).countByValue()
# In[97]:
bybranch = (branch, id, d): (branch, d)).reduceByKey(add_pingdata)
# In[98]:
branch_data = dict(bybranch.collect())
# In[101]:
print branch_data['control'].session_length
print branch_data['test'].session_length
print branch_data['test-waiting'].session_length
# In[102]:
# how many total plugin instances were there in each group?
print "control: ", branch_data['control'].blocked_on_instance_init.sum()
print "test: ", branch_data['test'].blocked_on_instance_init.sum()
# In[123]:
# what did this do to plugin init/stream/destroy jank?
def reduce_jank(cohort):
d = branch_data[cohort]
return reduce(add_nullq, [d.blocked_on_instance_init, d.blocked_on_stream_init, d.blocked_on_instance_destroy])
control_jank = reduce_jank('control')
test_jank = reduce_jank('test')
for (cutoff, control_count), (cutoff2, test_count) in zip(control_jank.iteritems(), test_jank.iteritems()):
print "{:5d}ms: {:6.0f} {:6.0f} ({:+.1f}%)".format(
(float(test_count) - control_count) / control_count * 100
# In[103]:
# if we count opening with the plugin dialog as a "failure", how often does this happen?
print "{:.1f} hours".format(float(branch_data['test'].session_length) / 60 / 60 / branch_data['test'].plugins_notification_shown.sum())
# In[113]:
# How often do users take an action on the plugin dialog?
print "{:.0f}%".format(float(branch_data['test'].plugins_notification_user_action.sum()) / branch_data['test'].plugins_notification_shown.sum() * 100)
# In[106]:
# Which action do they take on the dialog?
actions = branch_data['test'].plugins_notification_user_action
print "User chose 'Allow Now': {:d}".format(int(actions[0]))
print "User chose 'Allow and Remember': {:d}".format(int(actions[1]))
print "User chose 'Block': {:d}".format(int(actions[2]))
# In[124]:
# if we count seeing the infobar as a failure, how often does this happen?
total_infobar = branch_data['test'].plugins_infobar_shown.sum()
print "{:.1f} hours".format(branch_data['test'].session_length / 60 / 60 / total_infobar)
# In[128]:
# What actions to users take on the infobar?
print "allow: {:.1f}%".format(branch_data['test'].plugins_infobar_allow.sum() / total_infobar * 100)
print "block: {:.1f}%".format(branch_data['test'].plugins_infobar_block.sum() / total_infobar * 100)
print "(no action): {:.1f}%".format((total_infobar - branch_data['test'].plugins_infobar_allow.sum() - branch_data['test'].plugins_infobar_block.sum()) / total_infobar * 100)
# In[107]:
print branch_data['control'].plugin_crashes
print branch_data['test'].plugin_crashes
# In[108]:
print branch_data['control'].content_crashes - branch_data['control'].shutdown_kill
print branch_data['test'].content_crashes - branch_data['test'].shutdown_kill
# In[109]:
print branch_data['control'].shutdown_kill
print branch_data['test'].shutdown_kill
# In[111]:
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