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# coding: utf-8
title: "Longitudinal Dataset Tutorial"
- vitillo
- tutorial
- examples
- dataset
- longitudinal
created_at: 2016-03-10
updated_at: 2016-06-24
tldr: Tutorial of how to use the Longitudinal Dataset
# ### Longitudinal Dataset Tutorial
# The longitudinal dataset is logically organized as a table where rows represent profiles and columns the various metrics (e.g. startup time). Each field of the table contains a list of values, one per Telemetry submission received for that profile.
# The dataset is going to be regenerated from scratch every week, this allows us to apply non backward compatible changes to the schema and not worry about merging procedures.
# The current version of the longitudinal dataset has been build with all main pings received from 1% of profiles across all channels after mid November, which is shortly after Unified Telemetry landed. Future version will store up to 180 days of data.
# In[1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.plotly as py
get_ipython().magic(u'pylab inline')
# In[2]:
# The longitudinal dataset can be accessed as a Spark [DataFrame](, which is a distributed collection of data organized into named columns. It is conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame in R/Python.
# In[4]:
frame = sqlContext.sql("SELECT client_id, profile_subsession_counter, build, settings FROM longitudinal")
# Number of profiles:
# In[5]:
# The dataset contains all histograms but it doesn't yet include all metrics stored in the various sections of the pings. See the [code]( that generates the dataset for a complete list of supported metrics. More metrics are going to be included in future versions of the dataset, inclusion of specific metrics can be prioritized by filing a bug.
# ### Scalar metrics
# A Spark bug is slowing down the *first* and *take* methods on a dataframe. A way around that for now is to first convert the dataframe to a rdd and then invoke *first* or *take*, e.g.:
# In[6]:
first = frame.rdd.first()
#filter("normalized_channel = 'release'")\
# .select("build",
# "system",
# "gc_ms",
# "fxa_configured",
# "browser_set_default_always_check",
# "browser_set_default_dialog_prompt_rawcount")
# As mentioned earlier on, each field of the dataframe is an array containing one value per submission per client. The submissions are chronologically sorted.
# In[9]:
# In[12]:
def get_version(v):
return int(v.split(".")[0])
except ValueError:
return None
# In[13]:
print get_version("")
print get_version("12.3")
print get_version("12")
print get_version("abcd")
# In[26]:
count_total = sc.accumulator(0)
count_backwardsversion = sc.accumulator(0)
count_channelswitch = sc.accumulator(0)
count_backwardsversion_releaseonly = sc.accumulator(0)
def mapper(row):
channel_switch = False
release_only = True
backwardsversion = False
# sessions are sorted by subsessionStartDate and then profileSubsessionCounter, newest-first.
last_version = 99
last_channel = None
for settings in row.settings:
channel =
if channel != "release":
release_only = False
if last_channel is None:
last_channel = channel
elif last_channel != channel:
channel_switch = True
for build in
version = get_version(build.version)
if version is not None:
if version > last_version:
backwardsversion = True
last_version = version
if backwardsversion:
if release_only:
if channel_switch:
total = float(count_total.value)
print "users that switched channels at all: {:.2f}%".format(count_channelswitch.value / total * 100)
print "users that reverted to an older version: {:.2f}%".format(count_backwardsversion.value / total * 100)
print "users that reverted to an older version, staying on the release channel: {:.2f}".format(count_backwardsversion_releaseonly.value / total * 100)
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