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Drupal Snips
// For 403 @ /admin/settings/customerror
// Title: Access Denied
<?php global $user; // ?>
<?php if ($user->uid): ?>
<p>Sorry <?php print $user->name; ?>, you don't have permission to view the page you've just tried to access.</p>
<p>If you feel that you have received this message in error, please
<a href="/about">contact us</a> with specific details so that we may review your access to this web site.</p>
<?php else: ?>
<p>This page may be available to clients and registered users only. Please select from one of the other options available to you below.</p>
<li><a href="/user/login?<?php print drupal_get_destination(); ?>">Login</a> to view this page</li>
<!--<li>Use the <a href="search">search</a> facility</li>-->
<li>Go to the <a href="/">home page</a></li>
<?php //print drupal_get_form('user_login'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
//Title: Requested Page Not Found
<p>Sorry, no content was found at the requested path - it's possible that you've requested this page in error.</p>
<p>Use the search form below, or go to the <a href="/">home page.</a></p>
// check that the search module exists and the user has permission to hit the form
if (module_exists('search') && user_access('search content')) {
// cool! - customerror doesn't trash the page request and the full path is available
$path = $_REQUEST['destination'];
// bin anything that's not alphanumeric and replace with spaces
$keys = strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+/', ' ', $path));
// retrieve the search form using the data we've pull from the request
// note that we can override the label for the search terms field here too
print drupal_get_form('search_form', NULL, $keys, 'node', 'Search terms');
<?php //if user can administer, display edit link with return url
if (user_access('administer nodes'))
echo l(
'query' => array('destination' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
function themename_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
drupal_add_feed(url(''), t('Feed Title'));
$vars['head'] = drupal_get_html_head();
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