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Pure Python implementation of SEG-Y file input; originally from
Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License
Originally part of 'pygeo' (also by Brendan Smithyman).
#!/usr/bin/env python
# pygeo - a distribution of tools for managing geophysical data
# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Brendan Smithyman
# This file is part of pygeo.
# pygeo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# pygeo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pygeo. If not, see <>.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import mmap
import struct
import numpy as np
import sys
import warnings
MEGABYTE = 1048576
BHEADLIST = ['jobid','lino','reno','ntrpr','nart','hdt','dto','hns','nso',
# TRHEADLIST and TRHEADSTRUCT are now obsolete (but left here for clarity in this version)
TRHEADLIST = ['tracl','tracr','fldr','tracf','ep','cdp','cdpt','trid','nvs',
0: ['I', 'tracl'],
4: ['I', 'tracr'],
8: ['I', 'fldr'],
12: ['I', 'tracf'],
16: ['I', 'ep'],
20: ['I', 'cdp'],
24: ['I', 'cdpt'],
28: ['H', 'trid'],
30: ['H', 'nvs'],
32: ['H', 'nhs'],
34: ['H', 'duse'],
36: ['I', 'offset'],
40: ['i', 'gelev'],
44: ['i', 'selev'],
48: ['I', 'sdepth'],
52: ['I', 'gdel'],
56: ['I', 'sdel'],
60: ['I', 'swdep'],
64: ['I', 'gwdep'],
68: ['h', 'scalel'],
70: ['h', 'scalco'],
72: ['I', 'sx'],
76: ['I', 'sy'],
80: ['I', 'gx'],
84: ['I', 'gy'],
88: ['H', 'counit'],
90: ['H', 'wevel'],
92: ['H', 'swevel'],
94: ['H', 'sut'],
96: ['H', 'gut'],
98: ['H', 'sstat'],
100: ['H', 'gstat'],
102: ['H', 'tstat'],
104: ['h', 'laga'],
106: ['h', 'lagb'],
108: ['H', 'delrt'],
110: ['H', 'muts'],
112: ['H', 'mute'],
114: ['H', 'ns'],
116: ['H', 'dt'],
118: ['H', 'gain'],
120: ['H', 'igc'],
122: ['H', 'igi'],
124: ['H', 'corr'],
126: ['H', 'sfs'],
128: ['H', 'sfe'],
130: ['H', 'slen'],
132: ['H', 'styp'],
134: ['H', 'stas'],
136: ['H', 'stae'],
138: ['H', 'tatyp'],
140: ['H', 'afilf'],
142: ['H', 'afils'],
144: ['H', 'nofilf'],
146: ['H', 'nofils'],
148: ['H', 'lcf'],
150: ['H', 'hcf'],
152: ['H', 'lcs'],
154: ['H', 'hcs'],
156: ['H', 'year'],
158: ['H', 'day'],
160: ['H', 'hour'],
162: ['H', 'minute'],
164: ['H', 'sec'],
166: ['H', 'timbas'],
168: ['H', 'trwf'],
170: ['H', 'grnors'],
172: ['H', 'grnofr'],
174: ['H', 'grnlof'],
176: ['H', 'gaps'],
178: ['H', 'otrav'],
MAJORHEADERS = [1,2,3,4,7,38,39]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# Written by Robert Kern on the SciPy-user mailing list.
def ibm2ieee (ibm):
""" Converts an IBM floating point number into IEEE format. """
sign = ibm >> 31 & 0x01
exponent = ibm >> 24 & 0x7f
mantissa = ibm & 0x00ffffff
mantissa = (mantissa * 1.0) / 2**24
ieee = (1 - 2 * sign) * mantissa * 16.0**(exponent - 64)
return ieee
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SEGYFileException(Exception):
Catch-all exception class for SEGYFile.
def __init__ (self, value):
self.parameter = value
def __str__ (self):
return repr(self.parameter)
class SEGYTraceHeader (object):
Provides read access to trace headers from an existing :py:class:`SEGYFile` instance.
:param sf: Parent class to attach to.
:param sf: :py:class:`SEGYFile`
:returns: :py:class:`SEGYTraceHeader` instance
class STHIter (object):
def __init__ (self, sth):
self.sth = sth
self.stop = len(sth)
self.index = 0
def next (self):
if (self.index >= self.stop):
raise StopIteration
result = self.sth.__getitem__(self.index)
self.index += 1
return result
def __iter__ (self):
return self.STHIter(self)
def __init__ (self, sf):
self.sf = sf
def __len__ (self):
return self.sf.ntr
def __getitem__ (self, index):
Returns dictionary (or list of dictionaries) that maps header information
for each defined SEG-Y trace header. SU style names, see TRHEADLIST.
:param index: Slice object or trace number (using zero-based numbering).
:type traces: slice object
:returns: dict, list
if isinstance(index, slice):
indices = index.indices(self.sf.ntr)
return (self.__getitem__(i) for i in xrange(*indices))
if (index < 0):
index = self.sf.ntr + index
sf = self.sf
curloc = sf._fp.tell(), sf.ns))
traceheader =
traceheader = struct.unpack(sf.trheadstruct,traceheader)
tracehead = {}
for i, label in enumerate(sf.trheadlist):
tracehead[label] = traceheader[i]
if ('PADDING' in tracehead.keys()):
del tracehead['PADDING']
return tracehead
class SEGYFile (object):
Provides read access to a SEG-Y dataset (headers and data).
:param filename: The system path of the SEG-Y file to open.
:type filename: str
:param verbose: Controls whether diagnostic information is printed. This includes status messages when endian and format conversions are made, and may be useful in diagnosing problems.
:type verbose: bool
:param majorheadersonly: Only read certain specific headers (legacy). No longer relevant, but may be expected by some old programs.
:type majorheadersonly: bool
:param isSU: Controls whether SEGYFile treats the datafile as a Seismic Unix variant SEG-Y file. This overrides assumptions for endianness and format, and presumes the absence of the 3200-byte text header and 400-byte binary header.
:type isSU: bool
:param endian: Allows specification of file endianness [Foreign,Native,Little,Big]. By default this is auto-detected using a heuristic method, but it will fail for e.g., SEG-Y files that contain all zeros, or very noisy data.
:type endian: str
:param usemmap: Controls whether memory-mapped I/O is used. Default True. In most (all?) cases this should be more efficient, and will be disabled automatically if not supported.
:type usemmap: bool
:returns: SEGYFile instance
:var thead: *str* -- contains an ASCII-encoded translation of the EBCDIC 3200-byte tape header.
:var bhead: *dict* -- contains key:value pairs describing the data in the 400-byte binary reel header.
:var trhead: :py:class:`SEGYTraceHeader` instance -- acts like a list of all the trace headers. Individual items each return a dictionary that contains key:value pairs describing the data in the trace header.
:var endian: *str* -- describing the endian of the datafile.
:var mendian: *str* -- autodetected machine endian.
:var ns: *int* -- number of samples in each trace.
:var ntr: *int* -- number of traces in dataset.
:var filesize: *int* -- size of datafile in bytes.
:var ensembles: *dict* -- only exists if the experimental function :py:func:`SEGYFile._calcEnsembles` is called. Maps shot gather numbers to trace numbers. *Experimental*
filename = None
verbose = False
majorheadersonly = True
isSU = False
endian = 'Auto'
samplen = 4
mendian = None
usemmap = True
thead = None
bhead = None
trhead = None
ensembles = None
initialized = False
filesize = 0
ns = 0
ntr = 0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _makeTraceHeaderList (self, augment):
localdict = TRHEADDICT.copy()
for key in augment:
code, name = augment[key]
killrange = range(key, key + struct.calcsize(code))
for i in killrange:
if (i in localdict):
del localdict[i]
iterkeys = localdict.keys()
trheadstructlist = ['>']
trheadlist = []
loc = 0
for key in iterkeys:
if (key > loc):
trheadstructlist.append('%ds'%(key - loc, ))
loc = key
if (key == loc):
code, name = localdict[key]
loc += struct.calcsize(code)
self.trheadlist = trheadlist
self.trheadstruct = ''.join(trheadstructlist)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _detectMachineEndian (self):
Detects native (machine) endian.
if struct.pack('h', 1) == '\x01\x00':
endian = 'Little'
endian = 'Big'
return endian
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _isInitialized (self):
return self.initialized
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _maybePrint (self, text):
if self.verbose:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _readHeaders (self):
Read SEG-Y headers.
Returns 3 elements:
1. Text header: Returned as ASCII text, converted from IBM500 EBCIDIC.
2. Block header: Returned as a dictionary of values, named per SU style.
3. Trace headers: Returned as a list of dictionaries, in trace order.
Dictionaries of values are named per SU style.
self._maybePrint('Reading SEG-Y headers...')
if (not self.isSU):
textheader =' ','\x25').decode('IBM500')
textheader = '\n'.join(textheader[pos:pos+80] for pos in xrange(0, len(textheader), 80))
blockheader =
blockheader = struct.unpack(BHEADSTRUCT,blockheader[:60])
bhead = {}
for i, label in enumerate(BHEADLIST):
bhead[label] = blockheader[i]
if (bhead['hns'] != 0):
self.ns = bhead['hns']
traceheader =
traceheader = struct.unpack(self.trheadstruct,traceheader[:180])
self.ns = traceheader[38]
textheader = None
bhead = None
traceheader =
traceheader = struct.unpack(self.trheadstruct,traceheader[:180])
self.ns = traceheader[38]
self.thead = textheader
self.bhead = bhead
# Determine length of each sample from FORMAT code
self.trhead = SEGYTraceHeader(self)
self._maybePrint('Read SEG-Y headers.\n\t%d traces present.\n' % (self.ntr))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _calcHeadOffset (self, trace, ns):
Calculates the byte offset of the beginning of the head portion of a
seismic trace, given the trace number and the number of samples per.
if (not self.isSU):
return 3200 + 400 + (ns*self.samplen + 240)*(trace-1)
return (ns*4 + 240)*(trace-1)
def _calcDataOffset (self, trace, ns):
Calculates the byte offset of the beginning of the data portion of a
seismic trace, given the trace number and the number of samples per.
return self._calcHeadOffset(trace, ns) + 240
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _detectFileEndian (self):
if (self.endian != 'Auto'):
self._maybePrint('%s endian specified... Not autodetecting.'%(self.endian,))
if (self.endian != self.mendian):
self._maybePrint('%s endian != %s endian, therefore Foreign.'%(self.endian,self.mendian))
self.endian = 'Foreign'
self._maybePrint('Auto endian specified... Trying to autodetect data endianness.')
with warnings.catch_warnings():
for i in xrange(self.ntr):
locar = self[i]
if ((not abs(locar).sum() == 0.) and (not np.isnan(locar.mean()))):
nexp = abs(np.frexp(locar.astype(np.float64)**2)[1]).mean()
locar = locar.newbyteorder()
fexp = abs(np.frexp(locar.astype(np.float64)**2)[1]).mean()
if (fexp > nexp):
self.endian = 'Native'
self.endian = 'Foreign'
self._maybePrint('Scanned %d trace(s). Endian appears to be %s.'%(i, self.endian))
if (self.endian == 'Foreign'):
self._maybePrint('Will attempt to convert to %s endian when traces are read.\n'%(self.mendian,))
elif (self.endian == 'Auto'):
self._maybePrint('Couldn\'t find any non-zero traces to test!\nAssuming Native endian.\n')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def readTraces (self, traces=None):
Returns trace data as a list of numpy arrays (i.e. non-adjacent trace
numbers are allowed). Requires that traces be fixed length.
:param traces: List of traces to return, using 1-based trace numbering. Optional; if omitted, all traces are returned.
:type traces: list, None
:returns: ndarray -- 2D array containing (possibly non-adjacent) seismic traces
.. versionchanged:: devel
This is now a legacy interface, and is superseded by the __getitem__
interface, which uses standard Python slice notation.
if (traces == None):
return self.__getitem__(slice(None))
if not np.iterable(traces):
return self.__getitem__(traces-1)
return np.array([self.__getitem__(trace-1) for trace in traces], dtype=np.float32)
def __getitem__ (self, index):
Returns traces from the open seismic dataset, with support for standard
Python slice notation. Trace numbers are zero-based.
:param index: Slice object or trace number (using zero-based numbering).
:type traces: slice object
:returns: ndarray -- 2D array containing (possibly non-adjacent) seismic traces
if isinstance(index, slice):
indices = index.indices(len(self))
traces = range(*indices)
traces = [index]
ns = self.ns
result = []
# Handles SU format and IEEE floating point
if (self.isSU or self.bhead['format'] == 5):
for trace in traces:
if (trace < 0):
trace = self.ntr + trace, ns))
tracetemp =*4)
result.append(np.array(struct.unpack('>%df'%(ns,), tracetemp), dtype=np.float32))
# Handles everything else
if (self._isInitialized()):
self._maybePrint('FORMAT == %d'%(self.bhead['format'],))
# format == 1: IBM Floating Point
if (self.bhead['format'] == 1):
if (self._isInitialized()):
self._maybePrint(' ...converting from IBM floating point.\n')
for trace in traces:, ns))
tracetemp = struct.pack('%df'%(ns,),*[ibm2ieee(item) for item in struct.unpack('>%dL'%(ns,),*4))])
result.append(np.array(struct.unpack('>%df'%(ns,), tracetemp), dtype=np.float32))
elif (self.bhead['format'] == 2):
if (self._isInitialized()):
self._maybePrint(' ...reading from 32-bit fixed point.\n')
for trace in traces:, ns))
result.append(np.array(struct.unpack('>%dl'%(ns,),*4)), dtype=np.int32))
elif (self.bhead['format'] == 3):
if (self._isInitialized()):
self._maybePrint(' ...reading from 16-bit fixed point.\n')
for trace in traces:, ns))
result.append(np.array(struct.unpack('>%dh'%(ns,),*2)), dtype=np.int32))
elif (self.bhead['format'] == 8):
if (self._isInitialized()):
self._maybePrint(' ...reading from 8-bit fixed point.\n')
for trace in traces:, ns))
result.append(np.array(struct.unpack('>%db'%(ns,),, dtype=np.int32))
elif (self.bhead['format'] == 4):
if (self._isInitialized()):
self._maybePrint(' ...converting from 32-bit fixed point w/ gain.\n')
for trace in traces:, ns))
tracemantissa = np.array(struct.unpack('>%s'%(ns*'xxh',),, dtype=np.float32)
traceexponent = np.array(struct.unpack('>%s'%(ns*'xbxx',),, dtype=np.byte)
raise SEGYFileException('Unrecognized trace format.')
result = np.array(result, dtype=np.float32)
if (result.shape[0] == 1):
result.shape = (result.shape[1],)
if (self.endian == 'Foreign'):
return result.byteswap()
return result
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__ (self):
#return 'SEGYFile(%r, verbose=%r, isSU=%r, endian=%r)'%(self.filename,self.verbose,self.isSU,self.endian)
return 'SEGYFile(%r)'%(os.path.split(self.filename)[1],)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def findTraces (self, key, kmin, kmax):
Finds traces whose header values fall within a particular range. Trace numbers are 1-based, i.e., for use with readTraces.
:param key: Key value of trace header to scan (uses lower-case SU names; see TRHEADLIST.
:type key: str
:param kmin: Minimum key value (inclusive).
:type kmin: int
:param kmax: Maximum key value (inclusive).
:type kmax: int
if not self.trhead[0].has_key(key):
raise SEGYFileException('Invalid trace header: %s'%key)
validtraces = []
for i,trace in enumerate(self.trhead):
if (trace[key] <= kmax and trace[key] >= kmin):
return validtraces
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _calcEnsembles (self):
Prototype interface for calculating ensemble boundaries (currently hard-coded to find shot gathers).
self.ensembles = {}
self._maybePrint('Scanning ensembles...')
for i in xrange(len(self)):
fldr = self.trhead[i]['fldr']
except ValueError:
self.ensembles[fldr] = i
self._maybePrint('Complete. Found %d ensemble(s).\n'%(len(self.ensembles),))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__ (self, filename, verbose = None, majorheadersonly = None, isSU = None, endian = None, usemmap = None, extraheaders = None):
self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
if (verbose is not None):
self.verbose = verbose
if (majorheadersonly is not None):
self.majorheadersonly = majorheadersonly
if (isSU is not None):
self.isSU = isSU
if (endian is not None):
self.endian = endian
if (usemmap is not None):
self.usemmap = usemmap
if (extraheaders is not None):
augment = extraheaders
augment = {}
self._maybePrint('Detecting machine endianness...')
self.mendian = self._detectMachineEndian()
self.filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
fp = open(self.filename, 'r+b')
if (self.usemmap):
self._maybePrint('Trying to create memory map...')
self._fp = mmap.mmap(fp.fileno(), 0)
self._maybePrint('Success. Using memory-mapped I/O.\n')
self._fp = fp
self.usemmap = False
self._maybePrint('Memory map failed; using conventional I/O.\n')
self._fp = fp
# Get header information from file
# Determine length of each sample from FORMAT code
# Attempt to find shot-record boundaries
# Autodetect data endian
# Confirm that the SEGYFile object has been initialized
self.initialized = True
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def __del__ (self):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def _getSamplen (self):
if (self.isSU):
self.samplen = 4
self.ntr = (self.filesize) / (240 + self.samplen*self.ns)
if (self.bhead['format'] == 3):
self.samplen = 2
elif (self.bhead['format'] == 8):
self.samplen = 1
self.samplen = 4
self.ntr = (self.filesize - 3600) / (240 + self.samplen*self.ns)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def sNormalize (self, traces):
Utility function that takes seismic traces and returns an amplitude
normalized version.
:param traces: List or array of traces to normalize.
:type traces: ndarray, list
if not np.iterable(traces):
traces = [traces]
self._maybePrint('Normalizing each trace to unit amplitude.\n')
return np.array([trace/max(abs(trace.max()),abs(trace.min())) for trace in traces])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def writeFlat (self, outfilename):
Outputs seismic traces as a flat file in IEEE floating point and
native endian.
:param outfilename: Filename for new flat datafile.
:type outfilename: str
ntraces = len(self.trhead)
ns = self.ns
fp_out = open(outfilename, "w")
for trace in xrange(1, ntraces+1):,ns))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def writeSEGY (self, outfilename, traces, headers=None):
Outputs seismic traces in a new SEG-Y file, optionally using the headers
from the existing dataset.
:param outfilename: Filename for new SEG-Y datafile.
:type outfilename: str
:param traces: Array of seismic traces to output.
:type traces: ndarray, list
:param headers: List of three headers: [thead, bhead, trhead]. If omitted, the existing headers in the SEGYFile instance are used. *thead* is an ASCII-formatted 3200-byte text header. *bhead* is a list of binary header values similar to SEGYFile.bhead. *trhead* is a list or list-like object of trace header values.
:type headers: list, None
if (headers == None):
[thead, bhead, trhead] = headers
ntraces = len(traces)
ns = self.ns
fp = open(outfilename, 'w+b')
bheadbin = struct.pack(BHEADSTRUCT, *[bhead[key] for key in BHEADLIST]) + '\x00' * 340
for i, trace in enumerate(traces):
trheadbin = struct.pack(self.trheadstruct, *[trhead[i][key] for key in self.trheadlist]) + '\x00' * 60
tracetemp = struct.pack('>%df'%(ns,), *list(trace))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def writeSU (self, outfilename, traces, trhead=None):
Outputs seismic traces in a new CWP SU file, optionally using the headers
from the existing dataset.
:param outfilename: Filename for new SU datafile.
:type outfilename: str
:param traces: Array of seismic traces to output.
:type traces: ndarray, list
:param trhead: List or list-like object of trace header values. If omitted, the existing headers in the SEGYFile instance are used.
:type trhead: list, None
if (trhead == None):
ntraces = len(traces)
ns = self.ns
fp = open(outfilename, 'w+b')
for i, trace in enumerate(traces):
trheadbin = struct.pack(self.trheadstruct, *[trhead[i][key] for key in self.trheadlist]) + '\x00' * 60
tracetemp = struct.pack('>%df'%(ns,), *list(trace))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def __len__ (self):
return self.ntr
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
class SIter (object):
def __init__ (self, sf):
self.sf = sf
self.stop = len(sf)
self.index = 0
def next (self):
if (self.index >= self.stop):
raise StopIteration
result = self.sf.__getitem__(self.index)
self.index += 1
return result
def __iter__ (self):
return self.SIter(self)
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