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Last active January 17, 2022 03:51
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  • Save bsmithyman/582e64194839a2f5fa33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bsmithyman/582e64194839a2f5fa33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implementation of Kaiser windowed sinc functions after Graham Hicks's 2002 Geophysics paper
1: 1.24,
2: 2.94,
3: 4.53,
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5: 7.91,
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def KaiserWindowedSinc(ireg, offset):
Finds 2D source terms to approximate a band-limited point source, based on
Hicks, Graham J. (2002) Arbitrary source and receiver positioning in finite-difference
schemes using Kaiser windowed sinc functions. Geophysics (67) 1, 156-166.
KaiserWindowedSince(ireg, offset) --> 2D ndarray of size (2*ireg+1, 2*ireg+1)
Input offset is the 2D offsets in fractional gridpoints between the source location and
the nearest node on the modelling grid.
from scipy.special import i0 as bessi0
import warnings
ireg = int(ireg)
b = HC_KAISER.get(ireg)
except KeyError:
print('Kaiser windowed sinc function not implemented for half-width of %d!'%(ireg,))
freg = 2*ireg+1
xOffset, zOffset = offset
# Grid from 0 to freg-1
Zi, Xi = numpy.mgrid[:freg,:freg]
# Distances from source point
dZi = (zOffset + ireg - Zi)
dXi = (xOffset + ireg - Xi)
# Taper terms for decay function
with warnings.catch_warnings():
tZi = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(1 - (dZi / ireg)**2))
tXi = numpy.nan_to_num(numpy.sqrt(1 - (dXi / ireg)**2))
tZi[tZi == inf] = 0
tXi[tXi == inf] = 0
# Actual tapers for Kaiser window
taperZ = bessi0(b*tZi) / bessi0(b)
taperX = bessi0(b*tXi) / bessi0(b)
# Windowed sinc responses in Z and X
responseZ = numpy.sinc(dZi) * taperZ
responseX = numpy.sinc(dXi) * taperX
# Combined 2D source response
result = responseX * responseZ
return result
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