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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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DotA2 autoexec
// my autoexec.cfg
// along with setting up an autoexec, i add -novideo to arguments
// I also use dota2-clarity (
// comment the next line if you don't use it.
//exec clarity/use_tutorials_and_aliases.cfg
say "hi"
///////// bindings
bind "F1" "hero_camera"
bind "F2" "rune" // top rune, bot rune, back to hero
bind "F6" "toggleshoppanel" // open shop
bind "F7" "dota_purchase_quickbuy" // buy first available quick item
bind "F8" "dota_purchase_stickybuy" // buy tp
bind "F9" "dota_pause"
bind "F11" "say gg"
bind "F12" "exec autoexec.cfg" // reload autoexec
unbind "`"; bind "`" "dota_select_courier"
unbind "i" // inspectheroinworld is so annoying
// chat commands
bind "leftarrow" "chat_missing_top"
bind "rightarrow" "chat_missing_bot"
bind "downarrow" "chat_missing_mid"
bind "uparrow" "chat_push"
//////// settings
con_enable 1 // Allows the console to be activated.
//developer 1 // dev mode
dota_force_right_click_attack 1 // deny creeps with right click
dota_ability_quick_cast 1 // double tap an ability to self cast
dota_minimap_hero_size 800
dota_minimap_always_draw_hero_icons 1 // show heros instead of dots
dota_screen_shake 0 // disable screen shaking for spells
dota_player_units_auto_attack 0 // disable autoattack
// Allow escape button to close and open the main interface
//////// aliases
// camera settings
alias hero_camera "dota_select_all; dota_select_all; +dota_camera_follow"
alias rune_top_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos -2273.898682 1832.745483"
alias rune_bot_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 3035.773438 -2472.680176"
alias dire_top_t1_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos -4742 6172"
alias dire_mid_t1_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 1018 500"
alias dire_bot_t1_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 6096 -1502"
alias radiant_top_t1_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 298 3691"
alias radiant_mid_t1_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos -1476 -1166"
alias radiant_bot_t1_camera "dota_camera_set_lookatpos 4939 5908"
// chatwheel aliases
alias "chat_care" "chatwheel_say 1"
alias "chat_back" "chatwheel_say 2"
alias "chat_wards" "chatwheel_say 3"
alias "chat_stun" "chatwheel_say 4"
alias "chat_help" "chatwheel_say 5"
alias "chat_push" "chatwheel_say 6"
alias "chat_well_played" "chatwheel_say 7"
alias "chat_missing_bot" "chatwheel_say 11"
alias "chat_missing_top" "chatwheel_say 9" // or 8?
alias "chat_missing_mid" "chatwheel_say 10"
alias "chat_go" "chatwheel_say 12"
alias "chat_initiate" "chatwheel_say 13"
alias "chat_follow" "chatwheel_say 14"
alias "chat_group_up" "chatwheel_say 15"
alias "chat_spread_out" "chatwheel_say 16"
alias "chat_split_and_farm" "chatwheel_say 17"
alias "chat_attack" "chatwheel_say 18"
alias "chat_brb" "chatwheel_say 19"
alias "chat_dive" "chatwheel_say 20"
alias "chat_omw" "chatwheel_say 21"
alias "chat_get_ready" "chatwheel_say 22"
alias "chat_bait" "chatwheel_say 23"
alias "chat_heal" "chatwheel_say 24"
alias "chat_mana" "chatwheel_say 25"
alias "chat_regret" "chatwheel_say 69"
// i cbf to do the rest
// rune check alias
// first press: goto top rune
// second press: goto bot rune
// third press: back to hero
alias "rune" "rune_top"
alias "rune_top" "rune_top_camera; alias rune rune_bot"
alias "rune_bot" "rune_bot_camera; alias rune rune_hero"
alias "rune_hero" "hero_camera; alias rune rune_top"
// quick courier
// get all items in your stash, send them to your hero and reselect hero
// a lot of people hate this because you'll steal the courier often
alias "quick_courier" "dota_select_courier; dota_ability_execute 3; dota_ability_execute 4; dota_ability_execute 5; +dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow"
// send courier to secret shop
alias "courier_ss" "dota_select_courier; dota_ability_execute 5; dota_ability_execute 1; say_team Courier is going to the secret shop.; +dota_camera_follow;"
// range - hold for a range circle of 1025
alias "+range" "dota_range_display 1025"
alias "-range" "dota_range_display 0"
// gg alias, for the lulz
// press g twice to say gg in all chat and disconnect
// you probably shouldn't use this.
alias "gg" "g_1"
alias "g_1" "alias gg g_2"
alias "g_2" "say gg; alias gg g_1; disconnect;"
alias "enable_gg" "bind g gg"
///////// misc defaults
bind "0" "+dota_control_group 10"
bind "1" "+dota_control_group 1"
bind "2" "+dota_control_group 2"
bind "3" "+dota_control_group 3"
bind "4" "+dota_control_group 4"
bind "5" "+dota_control_group 5"
bind "6" "+dota_control_group 6"
bind "7" "+dota_control_group 7"
bind "8" "+dota_control_group 8"
bind "9" "+dota_control_group 9"
bind "a" "mc_attack"
bind "b" "dota_item_execute 4"
bind "c" "dota_item_execute 2"
bind "k" "toggle_tower_next"
bind "s" "dota_stop"
bind "u" "dota_learn_stats"
bind "v" "dota_item_execute 3"
bind "x" "dota_item_execute 1"
bind "n" "dota_item_execute 5"
bind "o" "dota_ability_learn_mode"
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