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Created January 6, 2024 03:09
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A script for automatically reframing landscape videos to portrait while keeping the subject centered
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import defaultdict
import cv2
import imageio
import pickle
import argparse
import ffmpeg
import tempfile
import numpy as np
from deep_sort_realtime.deepsort_tracker import DeepSort
from ultralytics import YOLO
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
def detect_people(frame, model):
# Apply the YOLOv8 detector to the frame and keep only people (class_id == 0)
# mps here means it will use the hardware acceleration on macOS
# Change it to cpu if you're on Linux or cuda if you have an Nvidia GPU
detections = model(frame, device="mps")[0]
for data in
confidence = data[4]
class_id = data[5]
if confidence >= 0.5 and class_id == 0:
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = int(data[0]), int(
data[1]), int(data[2]), int(data[3])
yield [[xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin], confidence, class_id]
def bbox_center(bbox):
return (int((bbox[0] + bbox[2]) // 2), int((bbox[1] + bbox[3]) // 2))
def filter_top_percent_tracks(track_durations, top_percent):
# Calculate the number of tracks to keep (top N%)
num_tracks_to_keep = int(len(track_durations) * top_percent)
# Sort tracks by duration and keep the top 40%
sorted_tracks = sorted(track_durations.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
top_tracks = sorted_tracks[:num_tracks_to_keep]
# Create a new dictionary with only the top tracks
filtered_track_durations = {
track_id: duration for track_id, duration in top_tracks}
return filtered_track_durations
def find_subjects(frames, track_durations):
subjects = []
if len(track_durations) > 100:
# The perentage of tracks to keep varies depnding on the crowdiness of the video
track_durations = filter_top_percent_tracks(track_durations, 0.2)
for frame in frames:
longest_duration = 0
subject_center = None
# Don't even try to re-center frames with more than 8 people
if len(frame) <= 8:
for track in frame:
track_id = track['track_id']
duration = track_durations.get(track_id, 0)
if duration > longest_duration:
longest_duration = duration
subject_center = bbox_center(
return subjects
def track(video_path, subjects_fn, preview):
# Open the source file using OpenCV
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
# Initialize the YOLOv8 detector
# It will automatically download the model weights on the first run
detector = YOLO("")
# Also initialize the DeepSort tracker.
# The embedder parameter specifies the model to use for feature extraction.
# In our case we're going to use one of the pre-trained variants of a CLIP model.
tracker = DeepSort(max_age=10, embedder='clip_ViT-B/32',
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
frame_count = 0
detections = []
tracks = []
# For our subject detection logic we'll need to know the total durion of each track
# Due to this, we can't do subject detection in "online", but we'll have to do a second pass
# On the first pass we'll just accumulate tracks and their durations in this dictionary
track_durations = defaultdict(int)
tracks_per_frame = []
subjects = []
while cap.isOpened():
ret, frame =
if not ret:
frame_count += 1
# Skip every other frame to speed up processing
if frame_count % 2 == 0:
# Detect people
detections = list(detect_people(frame, detector))
tracks = tracker.update_tracks(detections, frame=frame)
for track in tracks:
# if the track is not confirmed, ignore it
if not track.is_confirmed():
# Update track durations and save some pre-frame info for the second pass
track_durations[track.track_id] = track.age
'track_id': track.track_id,
'bbox': track.to_ltrb(),
# Draw the bounding box and the track id on the frame
# And display a preview window to track progress
track_id = track.track_id
ltrb = track.to_ltrb()
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = int(ltrb[0]), int(
ltrb[1]), int(ltrb[2]), int(ltrb[3])
cv2.rectangle(frame, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), GREEN, 2)
cv2.rectangle(frame, (xmin, ymin - 20),
(xmin + 20, ymin), GREEN, -1)
cv2.putText(frame, str(track_id), (xmin + 5, ymin - 8),
# Display the frame
if preview:
cv2.imshow('Processed Frame', frame)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
# After all tracking is done, run subject detection and dump the result into an intermediary file
subjects = find_subjects(
tracks_per_frame, track_durations)
pickle.dump(subjects, open(subjects_fn, 'wb'))
def ease_camera_towards_subject(current_pos, target_pos, damping_factor):
# Calculate the distance vector between current position and target
distance_vector = np.array(target_pos) - np.array(current_pos)
# Apply damping to the distance vector
eased_vector = distance_vector * damping_factor
# Update the current position
new_pos = np.array(current_pos) + eased_vector
return tuple(new_pos.astype(int))
def center_subject_in_frame(frame, new_size, subject_position, last_position, damping_factor):
original_height, original_width = frame.shape[:2]
new_width, new_height = new_size
# Calculate desired top-left corner for centered subject
subject_center_x, subject_center_y = subject_position
desired_x = max(0, min(original_width - new_width,
subject_center_x - new_width // 2))
desired_y = max(0, min(original_height - new_height,
subject_center_y - new_height // 2))
# Apply easing towards the subject
new_x, new_y = ease_camera_towards_subject(
last_position, (desired_x, desired_y), damping_factor)
# Ensure the new position is within bounds
new_x = max(0, min(new_x, original_width - new_width))
new_y = max(0, min(new_y, original_height - new_height))
# Crop the frame to the new dimensions
cropped_frame = frame[new_y:new_y + new_height, new_x:new_x + new_width]
return cropped_frame, (new_x, new_y), (new_x, new_y, new_width, new_height)
def round_to_multiple(number, multiple):
return round(number / multiple) * multiple
def reframe(video_path, subjects_fn, preview):
# We could parametrize this one too, but I'm just using this script for my
# vertical IG videos so, 9:16 it is :P
target_aspect_ratio = (9, 16)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
# Get the original video dimensions
width = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
height = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
# Determine the base dimension (shortest side)
base_dimension = min(width, height)
# Calculate target dimensions maintaining aspect ratio
target_aspect_ratio_width, target_aspect_ratio_height = target_aspect_ratio
if width < height: # Landscape to portrait
new_width = int(base_dimension)
new_height = int(
base_dimension * target_aspect_ratio_height / target_aspect_ratio_width)
else: # Portrait to landscape or same orientation
new_height = int(base_dimension)
new_width = int(base_dimension *
target_aspect_ratio_width / target_aspect_ratio_height)
# Ensure new dimensions do not exceed original dimensions
new_width = int(min(round_to_multiple(new_width, 16), width))
new_height = int(min(round_to_multiple(new_height, 16), height))
frame_center = (int(width // 2), int(height // 2))
# Create two temporary files to store the reframed video and the original audio
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp3') as temp_audio, \
tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.mp4') as temp_video:
# I tried using OpenCV's VideoWriter but it segfaults on macOS, hence imageio
writer = imageio.get_writer(, fps=fps, format='mp4', codec='libx264', quality=10)
subjects = pickle.load(open(subjects_fn, 'rb'))
frame_count = 0
last_crop_position = (0, 0)
last_subject_position = (int(width // 2), int(height // 2))
lost_subject_for = 0
while cap.isOpened():
ret, frame =
if not ret:
# If no subject is found, just stick with the last position for a few seconds
# hoping it will reappear. If not - ease back to the center
if not subjects[frame_count]:
subject = last_subject_position
lost_subject_for += 1
subject = subjects[frame_count]
last_subject_position = subject
lost_subject_for = 0
# Drift back towards the center if the subject is lost for too long
if lost_subject_for > LOST_SUBJECT_THRESHOLD_SEC * fps:
subject = frame_center
# The last parameter is the damping factor
# It determines how quickly the camera moves towards the subject
# I found 0.1 to be a good overall value
cropped_frame, last_crop_position, crop_bbox = center_subject_in_frame(
frame, (new_width, new_height), subject, last_crop_position, 0.1
# Write the new frame to the output video
writer.append_data(cv2.cvtColor(cropped_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
# Also create some markings on the original frame for the live preview
cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(subject[0]) - 5, int(subject[1]) - 5),
(int(subject[0]) + 5, int(subject[1]) + 5), GREEN, 2)
cv2.rectangle(frame, (crop_bbox[0], crop_bbox[1]), (crop_bbox[0] + crop_bbox[2],
crop_bbox[1] + crop_bbox[3]), GREEN, 2)
if lost_subject_for > 0:
cv2.putText(frame, f"Lost subject for {lost_subject_for / fps} seconds",
(10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, WHITE, 2)
# Display the live preview
if preview:
cv2.imshow('Processed Frame', frame)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
frame_count += 1
# Extract audio from the original video
q=0, map='a').run(overwrite_output=True)
# Combine the new video with the original audio
input_video_stream = ffmpeg.input(
input_audio_stream = ffmpeg.input(
# Specify your desired codec here. hevc_videotoolbox is the hardware accelerated codec on macOS
ffmpeg.output(input_video_stream, input_audio_stream, f"{video_path.split('.')[0]}_reframed.mp4",
codec='aac', vcodec='libx264', pix_fmt='yuv420p', vf='format=yuv420p', profile='main', level='4.0').run(overwrite_output=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process a GoPro video.")
parser.add_argument('video_path', type=str,
help='Path to the GoPro video file')
parser.add_argument('command', type=str,
help='Action to perform', choices=['track', 'reframe'])
parser.add_argument('--preview', dest='preview', action='store_true',
help='Display the processed video in a window', default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
subjects_fn = f'{args.video_path.split(".")[0]}_subjects.pickle'
if args.command == 'track':
track(args.video_path, subjects_fn, args.preview)
elif args.command == 'reframe':
reframe(args.video_path, subjects_fn, args.preview)
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