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Created November 16, 2011 06:25
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Subdomain Routing with Rails 3.1

Implement Routing for Subdomains

Rails 3.0 introduced support for routing constrained by subdomains.

A subdomain can be specified explicitly, like this:

match '/' => 'home#index', :constraints => { :subdomain => 'www' } 

Or a set of subdomains can be matched using a regular expression:

match '/' => 'profiles#show', :constraints => { :subdomain => /.+/ } 

Finally, for greatest flexibility, router constraints can also take objects, allowing custom code.

Create a class like this:


class Subdomain
  def self.matches?(request)
    case request.subdomain
    when 'www', '', nil

This class allows use of a route when a subdomain is present in the request object. If the subdomain is “www,” the class will respond as if a subdomain is not present.

Make sure the class is autoloaded when the application starts. You can require 'subdomain' at the top of the config/routes.rb file. Or you can modify the file config/application.rb (recommended):

# config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)

Use this class when you create routes in the file config/routes.rb:

devise_for :users
resources :users, :only => :show
constraints(Subdomain) do
  match '/' => 'profiles#show'
root :to => "home#index"

A match from a “/” URL (such as will route to the show action of the Profiles controller only when a subdomain is present. If a subdomain is not present (or is “www”), a route with less priority will be applied (in this case, a route to the index action of the Home controller).

Be sure to comment out (or remove) the route that was added by the Rails generator when we created the controller:

#get "profiles/show"

Home Page

The rails3-mongoid-devise example app provides a home page that lists all registered users. We’ll modify the home page to add a link to each user’s profile page, using a URL with a custom subdomain.


%h4 Home
- @users.each do |user|
  User: #{link_to, user}
  Profile: #{link_to root_url(:subdomain =>, root_url(:subdomain =>}

URL Helpers With Subdomains

Applications that do not use subdomains use routing helpers to generate links that either include the site’s hostname (for example, users_url generates or links that only contain a relative path (for example, users_path generates /users). To provide navigation between sites hosted on the subdomains and the main site, you must use URL helpers (“users_url”) not path helpers (“users_path”) because path helpers do not include a hostname. Rails 3.1 provides a way to include a subdomain as part of the hostname when generating links.

You can specify a hostname when creating a link, with the syntax:

root_url(:subdomain => @subdomain)

If you need a link to the main site (a URL without a subdomain), you can force the URL helper to drop the subdomain:

root_url(:host => request.domain)

Is there a better way to do this? Open an issue if you have a suggestion.

Test the Application With Subdomains

If you launch the application, it will be running at http://localhost:3000/ or However, unless you’ve made some configuration changes to your computer, you won’t be able to resolve an address that uses a subdomain, such as http://foo.localhost:3000/.

Some Options

There are several complex solutions to this problem. You could set up your own domain name server on your localhost and create an A entry to catch all subdomains. You could modify your /etc/hosts file (but it won’t accommodate dynamically created subdomains). You can create a proxy auto-config file and set it up as the proxy in your web browser preferences.


There’s a far simpler solution that does not require reconfiguring your computer or web browser preferences. The developer Levi Cook registered a domain, (short for: local virtual host me), that resolves to the localhost IP address and supports wildcards (accommodating dynamically created subdomains).

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donmb1 commented Aug 20, 2015

Well done.
Hint: in rails 4 "match" should get replaced with "get". Rest is superb and solved a big problem for me. Thank you!

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cesc1989 commented Jun 9, 2016

Pretty cool. Be forking this gist. Thanks a lot.

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