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Created May 6, 2020 08:25
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Google's 2016 Halloween Doodle
(function () {
var h, aa = "function" == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function (a) {
var b = function () {};
b.prototype = a;
return new b
if ("function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf) ba = Object.setPrototypeOf;
else {
var ca;
a: {
var da = {
a: !0
ea = {};
try {
ea.__proto__ = da;
ca = ea.a;
break a
} catch (a) {}
ca = !1
ba = ca ? function (a, b) {
a.__proto__ = b;
if (a.__proto__ !== b) throw new TypeError(a + " is not extensible");
return a
} : null
var fa = ba,
ha = function (a, b) {
a.prototype = aa(b.prototype);
a.prototype.constructor = a;
if (fa) fa(a, b);
for (var c in b)
if ("prototype" != c)
if (Object.defineProperties) {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c);
d && Object.defineProperty(a, c, d)
} else a[c] = b[c];
a.Ca = b.prototype
ia = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function (a, b, c) {
a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = c.value)
ja = "undefined" != typeof window && window === this ? this : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ?
global : this,
ka = function (a, b) {
if (b) {
for (var c = ja, d = a.split("."), e = 0; e < d.length - 1; e++) {
var f = d[e];
f in c || (c[f] = {});
c = c[f]
d = d[d.length - 1];
e = c[d];
f = b(e);
f != e && null != f && ia(c, d, {
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: f
la = function (a) {
var b = 0;
return function () {
return b < a.length ? {
done: !1,
value: a[b++]
} : {
done: !0
ma = function (a) {
var b = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator && a[Symbol.iterator];
return b ? : {
next: la(a)
ka("Promise", function (a) {
function b() {
this.g = null
function c(g) {
return g instanceof e ? g : new e(function (k) {
if (a) return a;
b.prototype.i = function (g) {
if (null == this.g) {
this.g = [];
var k = this;
this.j(function () {
var d = ja.setTimeout;
b.prototype.j = function (g) {
d(g, 0)
b.prototype.H = function () {
for (; this.g && this.g.length;) {
var g = this.g;
this.g = [];
for (var k = 0; k < g.length; ++k) {
var m = g[k];
g[k] = null;
try {
} catch (w) {
this.g = null
b.prototype.o = function (g) {
this.j(function () {
throw g;
var e = function (g) {
this.i = 0;
this.j = void 0;
this.g = [];
var k = this.o();
try {
g(k.resolve, k.reject)
} catch (m) {
e.prototype.o = function () {
function g(w) {
return function (u) {
m || (m = !0,, u))
var k = this,
m = !1;
return {
resolve: g(this.T),
reject: g(this.H)
e.prototype.T = function (g) {
if (g === this) this.H(new TypeError("A Promise cannot resolve to itself"));
else if (g instanceof e) this.U(g);
else {
a: switch (typeof g) {
case "object":
var k = null != g;
break a;
case "function":
k = !0;
break a;
k = !1
k ? this.V(g) : this.s(g)
e.prototype.V = function (g) {
var k = void 0;
try {
k = g.then
} catch (m) {
"function" == typeof k ? this.W(k, g) : this.s(g)
e.prototype.H = function (g) {
this.R(2, g)
e.prototype.s = function (g) {
this.R(1, g)
e.prototype.R = function (g, k) {
if (0 != this.i) throw Error("a`" + g + "`" + k + "`" + this.i);
this.i = g;
this.j = k;
e.prototype.S = function () {
if (null != this.g) {
for (var g = 0; g < this.g.length; ++g) f.i(this.g[g]);
this.g = null
var f = new b;
e.prototype.U = function (g) {
var k = this.o();
g.yb(k.resolve, k.reject)
e.prototype.W =
function (g, k) {
var m = this.o();
try {, m.resolve, m.reject)
} catch (w) {
e.prototype.then = function (g, k) {
function m(Q, J) {
return "function" == typeof Q ? function (B) {
try {
} catch (R) {
} : J
var w, u, C = new e(function (Q, J) {
w = Q;
u = J
this.yb(m(g, w), m(k, u));
return C
e.prototype["catch"] = function (g) {
return this.then(void 0, g)
e.prototype.yb = function (g, k) {
function m() {
switch (w.i) {
case 1:
case 2:
throw Error("b`" + w.i);
var w = this;
null == this.g ? f.i(m) : this.g.push(m)
e.resolve = c;
e.reject = function (g) {
return new e(function (k, m) {
e.race = function (g) {
return new e(function (k, m) {
for (var w = ma(g), u =; !u.done; u = c(u.value).yb(k, m)
e.all = function (g) {
var k = ma(g),
m =;
return m.done ? c([]) : new e(function (w, u) {
function C(B) {
return function (R) {
Q[B] = R;
0 == J && w(Q)
var Q = [],
J = 0;
do Q.push(void 0), J++, c(m.value).yb(C(Q.length - 1), u), m =; while (!m.done)
return e
var na = this || self,
oa = function (a) {
return void 0 !== a
pa = function (a) {
return "string" == typeof a
qa = function (a) {
return "number" == typeof a
ra = function () {},
sa = function (a) {
a.Lb = void 0;
a.$ = function () {
return a.Lb ? a.Lb : a.Lb = new a
ta = function (a) {
var b = typeof a;
if ("object" == b)
if (a) {
if (a instanceof Array) return "array";
if (a instanceof Object) return b;
var c =;
if ("[object Window]" == c) return "object";
if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice &&
"undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array";
if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) return "function"
} else return "null";
else if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof return "object";
return b
ua = function (a) {
return "array" == ta(a)
va = function (a) {
var b = ta(a);
return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length
wa = function (a) {
var b = typeof a;
return "object" ==
b && null != a || "function" == b
xa = function (a, b, c) {
return, arguments)
ya = function (a, b, c) {
if (!a) throw Error();
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var d =, 2);
return function () {
var e =;
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(e, d);
return a.apply(b, e)
return function () {
return a.apply(b, arguments)
za = function (a, b, c) {
Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? za = xa : za = ya;
return za.apply(null, arguments)
Aa = function (a, b) {
var c =, 1);
return function () {
var d = c.slice();
d.push.apply(d, arguments);
return a.apply(this, d)
Ba = || function () {
return +new Date
Da = function (a, b) {
var c = a.split("."),
d = na;
c[0] in d || "undefined" == typeof d.execScript || d.execScript("var " + c[0]);
for (var e; c.length && (e = c.shift());) !c.length && oa(b) ? d[e] = b : d[e] && d[e] !== Object.prototype[e] ? d = d[e] : d = d[e] = {}
l = function (a, b) {
function c() {}
c.prototype = b.prototype;
a.Ca = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c;
a.prototype.constructor =
a.Yc = function (d, e, f) {
for (var g = Array(arguments.length - 2), k = 2; k < arguments.length; k++) g[k - 2] = arguments[k];
return b.prototype[e].apply(d, g)
var Fa = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (6 == arguments.length) Ea(this, a, b, c, d, e, f);
else {
if (0 != arguments.length) throw Error("c");
this.j = this.o = 1;
this.s = this.H = this.i = this.g = 0
Ga = function (a) {
return new Fa(a.j, a.s, a.H, a.o, a.i, a.g)
Ea = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (!(qa(b) && qa(c) && qa(d) && qa(e) && qa(f) && qa(g))) throw Error("d");
a.j = b;
a.s = c;
a.H = d;
a.o = e;
a.i = f;
a.g = g;
return a
Fa.prototype.scale = function (a, b) {
this.j *= a;
this.s *= a;
this.H *= b;
this.o *= b;
return this
var Ha = function (a, b, c) {
a.i += b * a.j + c * a.H;
a.g += b * a.s + c * a.o;
return a
Fa.prototype.toString = function () {
return "matrix(" + [this.j, this.s, this.H, this.o, this.i, this.g].join() + ")"
var Ia = function (a, b) {
var c = a.j,
d = a.H;
a.j = b.j * c + b.s * d;
a.H = b.H * c + b.o * d;
a.i += b.i * c + b.g * d;
c = a.s;
d = a.o;
a.s = b.j * c + b.s * d;
a.o = b.H * c + b.o * d;
a.g += b.i * c + b.g * d;
return a
Fa.prototype.transform = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = b;
for (b += 2 * e; f < b;) {
e = a[f++];
var g = a[f++];
c[d++] = e * this.j + g * this.H + this.i;
c[d++] = e * this.s + g * this.o + this.g
var Ja = function (a, b) {
var c = Math.cos(b),
d = Math.sin(b);
return Ea(a, c, d, -d, c, -(0 * c) + 0 * d, -(0 * d) - 0 * c)
var Ka = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function (a, b) {
return, b, void 0)
} : function (a, b) {
if (pa(a)) return pa(b) && 1 == b.length ? a.indexOf(b, 0) : -1;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
return -1
La = Array.prototype.forEach ? function (a, b, c) {, b, c)
} : function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.length, e = pa(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < d; f++) f in e &&, e[f], f, a)
Ma = ? function (a, b) {
return, b, void 0)
} : function (a, b) {
for (var c =
a.length, d = Array(c), e = pa(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < c; f++) f in e && (d[f] = 0, e[f], f, a));
return d
Na = Array.prototype.reduce ? function (a, b, c) {
return, b, c)
} : function (a, b, c) {
var d = c;
La(a, function (e, f) {
d = 0, d, e, f, a)
return d
Oa = function (a, b) {
a: {
var c = a.length;
for (var d = pa(a) ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < c; e++)
if (e in d && 0, d[e], e, a)) {
c = e;
break a
} c = -1
return 0 > c ? null : pa(a) ? a.charAt(c) : a[c]
Pa = function (a, b) {
var c = Ka(a, b),
(d = 0 <= c) &&,
c, 1);
return d
Qa = function (a) {
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments)
Ra = function (a) {
var b = a.length;
if (0 < b) {
for (var c = Array(b), d = 0; d < b; d++) c[d] = a[d];
return c
return []
Sa = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var d = arguments[c];
if (va(d)) {
var e = a.length || 0,
f = d.length || 0;
a.length = e + f;
for (var g = 0; g < f; g++) a[e + g] = d[g]
} else a.push(d)
var Ta = function (a, b, c) {
return Math.min(Math.max(a, b), c)
n = function (a, b, c) {
return a + c * (b - a)
Ua = function (a, b) {
var c = 180 * Math.atan2(b - 0, a - 0) / Math.PI % 360;
return 0 > 360 * c ? c + 360 : c
Va = function (a) {
return Na(arguments, function (b, c) {
return b + c
}, 0)
Wa = function (a) {
return Va.apply(null, arguments) / arguments.length
var p = function (a, b) {
this.x = oa(a) ? a : 0;
this.y = oa(b) ? b : 0
Xa = function (a) {
return Math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)
Ya = function (a, b) {
return new p(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)
p.prototype.ceil = function () {
this.x = Math.ceil(this.x);
this.y = Math.ceil(this.y);
return this
p.prototype.floor = function () {
this.x = Math.floor(this.x);
this.y = Math.floor(this.y);
return this
p.prototype.round = function () {
this.x = Math.round(this.x);
this.y = Math.round(this.y);
return this
p.prototype.scale = function (a, b) {
var c = qa(b) ? b : a;
this.x *= a;
this.y *= c;
return this
var q = function () {
this.H = new Fa; = 1;
this.i = 0;
this.g = !0;
this.V = [];
this.R = null;
this.ub = this.Gb = this.Hb = 0;
this.Ga = new Za
r = function (a, b) {
null != b.R && b.R.removeChild(b);
b.R = a;
q.prototype.removeChild = function (a) {
var b = this.V.indexOf(a); - 1 != b && (this.V.splice(b, 1), a.R = null);
var t = function (a) {
a.R && a.R.removeChild(a)
ab = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.V.length; b++) a.V[b].R = null;
a.V = []
q.prototype.update = function () {};
q.prototype.ra = function () {};
var v = function (a, b, c) {
var d = a.H,
e = -a.H.g;
d.i += -a.H.i;
d.g += e;
d = a.H;
e = void 0 === c ? b.y : c;
d.i += void 0 === c ? b.x : b;
d.g += e;
bb = function (a) {
return new p(a.H.i, a.H.g)
x = function (a, b) {
a.H.j && a.H.scale(1 / a.H.j, 1 / a.H.o);
a.H.scale(b, b);
cb = function (a, b) {
a.ub += b;
var c = a.H;
var d = Ja(new Fa, b);
Ia(c, d);
db = function (a) {
var b = a.H,
c = -a.ub;
c = Ja(new Fa, c);
Ia(b, c);
a.ub = 0;
eb = function (a) {
if (!a.Fb) {
var b = a.R ? Ha(Ia(Ga(eb(a.R)), a.H), a.Gb, a.Hb) : Ha(Ga(a.H), a.Gb, a.Hb);
a.Fb = b
return a.Fb
$a = function (a) {
a.Fb =
for (var b = 0; b < a.V.length; b++) $a(a.V[b])
Za = function () {
this.order = this.Za = this.index = 0
fb = function (a, b) {
var c = a;
for (c.Ga.index = -1; null != c;) {
var d = c.V; - 1 == c.Ga.index && b(c) && (c.Ga.index = d.length);
c.Ga.index < d.length ? (d[c.Ga.index].Ga.index = -1, c = d[c.Ga.index]) : c = c.R
var gb = function () {;
this.U = !1
l(gb, q);
h = gb.prototype;
h.update = function (a) {
this.U || (this.U = !0, this.Zb());
this.Wa() && this.Xa()
h.Mb = function () {};
h.Zb = function () {};
h.Xa = function () {};
h.Wa = function () {
return !1
var hb = function (a) {;
this.j = !1;
this.Zb = a
l(hb, gb);
hb.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.j = !0;
return, a)
hb.prototype.Wa = function () {
return this.j
var y = function (a, b, c) {;
this.j = 0;
this.s = a;
b && (this.Mb = b);
c && (this.Xa = c)
l(y, gb);
var ib = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
y.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.j += a;
return, a)
y.prototype.Wa = function () {
return this.j >= this.s
var jb = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
this.g = a;
this.S = b;
this.i = c;
this.H = d;
this.j = e;
this.s = f;
this.o = g;
this.R = k
lb = function (a, b) {
if (0 == b) return a.g;
if (1 == b) return a.o;
var c = n(a.g, a.i, b),
d = n(a.i, a.j, b),
e = n(a.j, a.o, b);
c = n(c, d, b);
d = n(d, e, b);
return n(c, d, b)
mb = function (a, b) {
if (0 == b) return a.S;
if (1 == b) return a.R;
var c = n(a.S, a.H, b),
d = n(a.H, a.s, b),
e = n(a.s, a.R, b);
c = n(c, d, b);
d = n(d, e, b);
return n(c, d, b)
nb = function (a, b) {
var c = (b - a.g) / (a.o - a.g);
if (0 >= c) return 0;
if (1 <= c) return 1;
for (var d = 0, e = 1, f = 0, g = 0; 8 > g; g++) {
f =
lb(a, c);
var k = (lb(a, c + 1E-6) - f) / 1E-6;
if (1E-6 > Math.abs(f - b)) return c;
if (1E-6 > Math.abs(k)) break;
else f < b ? d = c : e = c, c -= (f - b) / k
for (g = 0; 1E-6 < Math.abs(f - b) && 8 > g; g++) f < b ? (d = c, c = (c + e) / 2) : (e = c, c = (c + d) / 2), f = lb(a, c);
return c
var ob = function (a, b, c) {
var d = new jb(0, 0, a, b, c, 1, 1, 1);
return function (e) {
return mb(d, nb(d, e))
pb = ob(.25, .1, .25),
qb = function (a, b, c, d) {
d = void 0 === d ? pb : d;
return b + d(a) * (c - b)
rb = function (a) {
return a
sb = ob(.4, 0, 1),
tb = ob(0, 0, .6),
ub = ob(.6, 0, .4);
var vb = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {, b, null, e);
this.wa = a;
this.o = c;
this.S = d;
this.T = f || rb
l(vb, y);
vb.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.o || (this.o = bb(this.wa));
a =, a);
var b = Ta(this.j / this.s, 0, 1),
c = qb(b, this.o.x, this.S.x, this.T);
b = qb(b, this.o.y, this.S.y, this.T);
v(this.wa, c, b);
return a
var z = function () {;
this.W = [];
this.S = []
l(z, q);
z.prototype.update = function (a) {
if (0 < this.W.length && 0 < a) {
var b = this.W[0];
b.Wa() && this.W.shift()
for (b = 0; b < this.S.length; b++) this.S[b].update(a), this.S[b].Wa() && this.S.splice(b--, 1)
var A = function (a, b) {
wb = function (a, b) {
a.W.push(new y(b))
D = function (a, b, c) {
a.W.push(new y(b, null, c))
yb = function (a, b) {
D(a, 0, function () {
xb(a, b)
zb = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a.W.push(new vb(a, b, c, d, e, f))
E = function (a) {
a.W = []
xb = function (a, b) {
var Ab = /#(.)(.)(.)/,
Bb = /^#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
var Cb = function (a, b, c) {
b *= c.length;
for (var d = 0, e = c[0]; 0 <= b && d < c.length;) {
e = c[d];
var f = Math.min(b, 1);
if (1 > f) {
var g = e = new jb(e.g, e.S, e.i, e.H, e.j, e.s, e.o, e.R);
if (1 != f) {
var k = n(g.g, g.i, f),
m = n(g.S, g.H, f),
w = n(g.i, g.j, f),
u = n(g.H, g.s, f),
C = n(g.j, g.o, f),
Q = n(g.s, g.R, f);
g.i = k;
g.H = m;
k = n(k, w, f);
m = n(m, u, f);
w = n(w, C, f);
u = n(u, Q, f);
g.j = k;
g.s = m;
g.o = n(k, w, f);
g.R = n(m, u, f)
g = a;
f = e;;
g.moveTo(f.g, f.S);
g.bezierCurveTo(f.i, f.H, f.j, f.s, f.o, f.R);
return e
Db = [255, 255, 255];
var Eb = function (a, b, c) {;
a.translate(b - 73, c - 15);
a.moveTo(66.7, 352.6);
a.bezierCurveTo(66.7, 352.6, 67.8, 279.6, 67.8, 263.1);
a.bezierCurveTo(67.8, 246.6, 50.3, 247.1, 43.3, 234.8);
a.bezierCurveTo(36.4, 222.6, 8.7, 156.5, 49.7, 150.1);
a.bezierCurveTo(52.4, 115.5, 56.1, 50.6, 57.7, 29.2);
a.bezierCurveTo(59.3, 7.9, 90.2, 13.3, 89.7, 29.8);
a.bezierCurveTo(89.1, 46.3, 87.5, 111.3, 87.5, 111.3);
a.bezierCurveTo(87.5, 111.3, 93.4, 103.3, 107.2, 105.9);
a.bezierCurveTo(121.1, 108.6, 124.8, 122.5, 124.8, 122.5);
122.5, 149.9, 98.5, 161, 134.7);
a.bezierCurveTo(176.5, 117.7, 188.2, 133.6, 189.8, 145.9);
a.bezierCurveTo(191, 155.5, 196.2, 192.8, 189.3, 215.7);
a.bezierCurveTo(182.3, 238.6, 163.7, 264.7, 163.7, 264.7);
a.lineTo(162.6, 352.6);
a.lineWidth = 9;
a.strokeStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)";
a.lineCap = "round";
a.lineJoin = "round";
Fb = function (a, b, c) {;
a.translate(b, c);;
a.moveTo(12.5, 43.5);
a.lineTo(.2, 54.7);
a.lineTo(0, 0);
a.lineTo(44.9, 33.4);
a.lineTo(25.9, 36.3);
a.lineTo(33.4, 53);
a.lineTo(12.5, 43.5);
a.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)";
a.moveTo(36.8, 31.1);
a.lineTo(3, 6);
a.lineTo(3.2, 46.8);
a.lineTo(13.2, 36.2);
a.lineTo(22.3, 55.2);
a.lineTo(29.4, 51.7);
a.lineTo(20.2, 32.7);
a.lineTo(36.8, 31.1);
a.fillStyle = "rgb(1, 1, 1)";
Gb = [new jb(390.1, 169.5, 406.9, 185.5, 430.7, 194.3, 476, 162.2), new jb(452.4, 164.3, 455.4, 164.2, 472.5, 162.8, 475.1, 162.6), new jb(466.6, 183.9, 467.2, 178.4, 472.8, 167.5, 475.7, 162.6)],
Hb = function (a,
b, c, d) {
return new jb(a, b, a, b, c, d, c, d)
var Ib = function (a, b) {;
this.j = 0;
v(this, a, b)
l(Ib, q);
Ib.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.j += a
Ib.prototype.ra = function (a) {
var b = Math.min(1, this.j / 1500);;
a.lineCap = "round";
a.lineJoin = "round";
a.lineWidth = 3;
a.strokeStyle = "white";
a.translate(-476, -163);
Cb(a, b, Gb);
var Jb = function (a) {
this.s = a;
this.i = !1;
this.j = []
Kb = function (a) {
if (!a.i) {
a.i = !0;
for (var b = 0, c; c = a.j[b]; b++) c()
Lb = function (a, b) {
a.i ? b() : a.j.push(b)
Mb = function (a) {, a);
this.image = new Image
l(Mb, Jb);
Mb.prototype.g = function () {
if (!this.image.src) {
var a = this;
this.image.onload = function () {
this.image.src = this.s;
(this.image.complete || "complete" == this.image.readyState) && Kb(this)
var Nb = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0, d = 0, e; e = a[d]; d++) Lb(e, function () {
c == a.length && b()
}), e.g()
var Ob = String.prototype.trim ? function (a) {
return a.trim()
} : function (a) {
return /^[\s\xa0]*([\s\S]*?)[\s\xa0]*$/.exec(a)[1]
Pb = function (a, b) {
return -1 != a.indexOf(b)
Qb = function (a, b) {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
var Rb;
a: {
var Sb = na.navigator;
if (Sb) {
var Tb = Sb.userAgent;
if (Tb) {
Rb = Tb;
break a
Rb = ""
var Ub = function (a) {
return Pb(Rb, a)
var Vb = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d in a), a[d], d, a)
Wb = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" "),
Xb = function (a, b) {
for (var c, d, e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) {
d = arguments[e];
for (c in d) a[c] = d[c];
for (var f = 0; f < Wb.length; f++) c = Wb[f],, c) && (a[c] = d[c])
F = function (a) {
var b = arguments.length;
if (1 == b && ua(arguments[0])) return F.apply(null, arguments[0]);
if (b % 2) throw Error("f");
for (var c = {}, d = 0; d < b; d += 2) c[arguments[d]] =
arguments[d + 1];
return c
var Zb = function () {
this.g = "";
this.i = Yb
Zb.prototype.o = !0;
Zb.prototype.j = function () {
return this.g.toString()
var $b = function (a) {
if (a instanceof Zb && a.constructor === Zb && a.i === Yb) return a.g;
return "type_error:SafeUrl"
ac = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i,
cc = function (a) {
if (a instanceof Zb) return a;
a = "object" == typeof a && a.o ? a.j() : String(a);
ac.test(a) || (a = "about:invalid#zClosurez");
return bc(a)
Yb = {},
bc = function (a) {
var b = new Zb;
b.g = a;
return b
var dc = function (a) {
a = a instanceof Zb ? a : cc(a);$b(a), "", void 0, void 0)
var ec = function (a) {
ec[" "](a);
return a
ec[" "] = ra;
var fc = Ub("Opera"),
gc = Ub("Trident") || Ub("MSIE"),
hc = Ub("Edge"),
ic = Ub("Gecko") && !(Pb(Rb.toLowerCase(), "webkit") && !Ub("Edge")) && !(Ub("Trident") || Ub("MSIE")) && !Ub("Edge"),
jc = Pb(Rb.toLowerCase(), "webkit") && !Ub("Edge"),
kc = function () {
var a = na.document;
return a ? a.documentMode : void 0
a: {
var mc = "",
nc = function () {
var a = Rb;
if (ic) return /rv:([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if (hc) return /Edge\/([\d\.]+)/.exec(a);
if (gc) return /\b(?:MSIE|rv)[: ]([^\);]+)(\)|;)/.exec(a);
if (jc) return /WebKit\/(\S+)/.exec(a);
if (fc) return /(?:Version)[ \/]?(\S+)/.exec(a)
}();nc && (mc = nc ? nc[1] : "");
if (gc) {
var oc = kc();
if (null != oc && oc > parseFloat(mc)) {
lc = String(oc);
break a
lc = mc
var pc = lc,
qc = {},
rc = na.document && gc ? kc() : void 0;
var sc;
(sc = !gc) || (sc = 9 <= Number(rc));
var tc = sc,
if (uc = gc) {
var vc;
if (, "9")) vc = qc["9"];
else {
for (var wc = 0, xc = Ob(String(pc)).split("."), yc = Ob("9").split("."), zc = Math.max(xc.length, yc.length), Ac = 0; 0 == wc && Ac < zc; Ac++) {
var Bc = xc[Ac] || "",
Cc = yc[Ac] || "";
do {
var Dc = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(Bc) || ["", "", "", ""],
Ec = /(\d*)(\D*)(.*)/.exec(Cc) || ["", "", "", ""];
if (0 == Dc[0].length && 0 == Ec[0].length) break;
wc = Qb(0 == Dc[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(Dc[1], 10), 0 == Ec[1].length ? 0 : parseInt(Ec[1], 10)) || Qb(0 == Dc[2].length, 0 == Ec[2].length) || Qb(Dc[2], Ec[2]);
Bc = Dc[3];
Cc = Ec[3]
} while (0 == wc)
vc = qc["9"] = 0 <= wc
uc = !vc
var Fc = uc,
Gc = function () {
if (!na.addEventListener || !Object.defineProperty) return !1;
var a = !1,
b = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
get: function () {
a = !0
try {
na.addEventListener("test", ra, b), na.removeEventListener("test", ra, b)
} catch (c) {}
return a
var Hc = function () {
this.S = this.S;
this.o = this.o
Hc.prototype.S = !1;
Hc.prototype.Yb = function () {
this.S || (this.S = !0, this.g())
var Ic = function (a, b) {
a.S ? oa(void 0) ? 0) : b() : (a.o || (a.o = []), a.o.push(oa(void 0) ? za(b, void 0) : b))
Hc.prototype.g = function () {
if (this.o)
for (; this.o.length;) this.o.shift()()
var Jc = function (a) {
a && "function" == typeof a.Yb && a.Yb()
var Kc = function (a, b) {
this.type = a;
this.i = = b;
this.j = !1;
this.hc = !0
Kc.prototype.stopPropagation = function () {
this.j = !0
Kc.prototype.preventDefault = function () {
this.hc = !1
var Mc = function (a, b) {, a ? a.type : "");
this.relatedTarget = this.i = = null;
this.button = this.screenY = this.screenX = this.clientY = this.clientX = 0;
this.key = "";
this.o = 0;
this.metaKey = this.shiftKey = this.altKey = this.ctrlKey = !1;
this.state = null;
this.pointerId = 0;
this.pointerType = "";
this.g = null;
if (a) {
var c = this.type = a.type,
d = a.changedTouches && a.changedTouches.length ? a.changedTouches[0] : null; = || a.srcElement;
this.i = b;
var e = a.relatedTarget;
if (e) {
if (ic) {
a: {
try {
var f = !0;
break a
} catch (g) {}
f = !1
f || (e = null)
} else "mouseover" == c ? e = a.fromElement : "mouseout" == c && (e = a.toElement);
this.relatedTarget = e;
d ? (this.clientX = void 0 !== d.clientX ? d.clientX : d.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== d.clientY ? d.clientY : d.pageY, this.screenX = d.screenX || 0, this.screenY = d.screenY || 0) : (this.clientX = void 0 !== a.clientX ? a.clientX : a.pageX, this.clientY = void 0 !== a.clientY ? a.clientY : a.pageY, this.screenX = a.screenX || 0, this.screenY = a.screenY || 0);
this.button = a.button;
this.o = a.keyCode || 0;
this.key = a.key || "";
this.ctrlKey =
this.altKey = a.altKey;
this.shiftKey = a.shiftKey;
this.metaKey = a.metaKey;
this.pointerId = a.pointerId || 0;
this.pointerType = pa(a.pointerType) ? a.pointerType : Lc[a.pointerType] || "";
this.state = a.state;
this.g = a;
a.defaultPrevented && this.preventDefault()
l(Mc, Kc);
var Lc = {
2: "touch",
3: "pen",
4: "mouse"
Mc.prototype.stopPropagation = function () {;
this.g.stopPropagation ? this.g.stopPropagation() : this.g.cancelBubble = !0
Mc.prototype.preventDefault = function () {;
var a = this.g;
if (a.preventDefault) a.preventDefault();
else if (a.returnValue = !1, Fc) try {
if (a.ctrlKey || 112 <= a.keyCode && 123 >= a.keyCode) a.keyCode = -1
} catch (b) {}
var Nc = "closure_listenable_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0),
Oc = function (a) {
return !(!a || !a[Nc])
Pc = 0;
var Qc = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
this.listener = a;
this.g = null;
this.src = b;
this.type = c;
this.capture = !!d;
this.Ab = e;
this.key = ++Pc;
this.Ya = this.wb = !1
Rc = function (a) {
a.Ya = !0;
a.listener = null;
a.g = null;
a.src = null;
a.Ab = null
var Sc = function (a) {
this.src = a;
this.g = {};
this.i = 0
Sc.prototype.add = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = a.toString();
a = this.g[f];
a || (a = this.g[f] = [], this.i++);
var g = Tc(a, b, d, e); - 1 < g ? (b = a[g], c || (b.wb = !1)) : (b = new Qc(b, this.src, f, !!d, e), b.wb = c, a.push(b));
return b
var Uc = function (a, b) {
var c = b.type;
if (!(c in a.g)) return !1;
var d = Pa(a.g[c], b);
d && (Rc(b), 0 == a.g[c].length && (delete a.g[c], a.i--));
return d
Vc = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a = a.g[b.toString()];
b = -1;
a && (b = Tc(a, c, d, e));
return -1 < b ? a[b] : null
Tc = function (a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) {
var f = a[e];
if (!f.Ya && f.listener == b && f.capture == !!c && f.Ab == d) return e
return -1
var Wc = "closure_lm_" + (1E6 * Math.random() | 0),
Xc = {},
Yc = 0,
$c = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (d && d.once) return Zc(a, b, c, d, e);
if (ua(b)) {
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) $c(a, b[f], c, d, e);
return null
c = ad(c);
return Oc(a) ? a.i.add(String(b), c, !1, wa(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) : bd(a, b, c, !1, d, e)
bd = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (!b) throw Error("g");
var g = wa(e) ? !!e.capture : !!e,
k = cd(a);
k || (a[Wc] = k = new Sc(a));
c = k.add(b, c, d, g, f);
if (c.g) return c;
d = dd();
c.g = d;
d.src = a;
d.listener = c;
if (a.addEventListener) Gc || (e = g), void 0 === e && (e = !1), a.addEventListener(b.toString(),
d, e);
else if (a.attachEvent) a.attachEvent(ed(b.toString()), d);
else if (a.addListener && a.removeListener) a.addListener(d);
else throw Error("h");
return c
dd = function () {
var a = fd,
b = tc ? function (c) {
return, b.listener, c)
} : function (c) {
c =, b.listener, c);
if (!c) return c
return b
Zc = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (ua(b)) {
for (var f = 0; f < b.length; f++) Zc(a, b[f], c, d, e);
return null
c = ad(c);
return Oc(a) ? a.i.add(String(b), c, !0, wa(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, e) : bd(a, b, c, !0, d, e)
gd = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (ua(b))
for (var f =
0; f < b.length; f++) gd(a, b[f], c, d, e);
else d = wa(d) ? !!d.capture : !!d, c = ad(c), Oc(a) ? (a = a.i, b = String(b).toString(), b in a.g && (f = a.g[b], c = Tc(f, c, d, e), -1 < c && (Rc(f[c]),, c, 1), 0 == f.length && (delete a.g[b], a.i--)))) : a && (a = cd(a)) && (c = Vc(a, b, c, d, e)) && hd(c)
hd = function (a) {
if (qa(a) || !a || a.Ya) return !1;
var b = a.src;
if (Oc(b)) return Uc(b.i, a);
var c = a.type,
d = a.g;
b.removeEventListener ? b.removeEventListener(c, d, a.capture) : b.detachEvent ? b.detachEvent(ed(c), d) : b.addListener && b.removeListener && b.removeListener(d);
(c = cd(b)) ? (Uc(c, a), 0 == c.i && (c.src = null, b[Wc] = null)) : Rc(a);
return !0
ed = function (a) {
return a in Xc ? Xc[a] : Xc[a] = "on" + a
jd = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = !0;
if (a = cd(a))
if (b = a.g[b.toString()])
for (b = b.concat(), a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
var f = b[a];
f && f.capture == c && !f.Ya && (f = id(f, d), e = e && !1 !== f)
return e
id = function (a, b) {
var c = a.listener,
d = a.Ab || a.src;
a.wb && hd(a);
return, b)
fd = function (a, b) {
if (a.Ya) return !0;
if (!tc) {
var c;
if (!(c = b)) a: {
c = ["window", "event"];
for (var d = na, e = 0; e < c.length; e++)
if (d = d[c[e]], null ==
d) {
c = null;
break a
} c = d
e = c;
c = new Mc(e, this);
d = !0;
if (!(0 > e.keyCode || void 0 != e.returnValue)) {
a: {
var f = !1;
if (0 == e.keyCode) try {
e.keyCode = -1;
break a
} catch (m) {
f = !0
if (f || void 0 == e.returnValue) e.returnValue = !0
e = [];
for (f = c.i; f; f = f.parentNode) e.push(f);f = a.type;
for (var g = e.length - 1; !c.j && 0 <= g; g--) {
c.i = e[g];
var k = jd(e[g], f, !0, c);
d = d && k
for (g = 0; !c.j && g < e.length; g++) c.i = e[g],
k = jd(e[g], f, !1, c),
d = d && k
return d
return id(a, new Mc(b, this))
cd = function (a) {
a = a[Wc];
return a instanceof Sc ? a : null
kd = "__closure_events_fn_" +
(1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0),
ad = function (a) {
if ("function" == ta(a)) return a;
a[kd] || (a[kd] = function (b) {
return a.handleEvent(b)
return a[kd]
var ld = function () {;
this.i = new Sc(this);
this.V = this;
this.H = null
l(ld, Hc);
ld.prototype[Nc] = !0;
ld.prototype.addEventListener = function (a, b, c, d) {
$c(this, a, b, c, d)
ld.prototype.removeEventListener = function (a, b, c, d) {
gd(this, a, b, c, d)
var nd = function (a, b) {
var c, d = a.H;
if (d)
for (c = []; d; d = d.H) c.push(d);
d = a.V;
var e = b,
f = e.type || e;
if (pa(e)) e = new Kc(e, d);
else if (e instanceof Kc) = || d;
else {
var g = e;
e = new Kc(f, d);
Xb(e, g)
g = !0;
if (c)
for (var k = c.length - 1; !e.j && 0 <= k; k--) {
var m = e.i = c[k];
g = md(m, f, !0, e) && g
e.j || (m = e.i = d, g = md(m, f, !0, e) && g, e.j || (g = md(m, f, !1, e) && g));
if (c)
for (k = 0; !e.j && k < c.length; k++) m = e.i = c[k], g = md(m, f, !1, e) && g;
return g
ld.prototype.g = function () {;
this.H = null
ld.prototype.Nb = function (a) {
if (this.i) {
var b = this.i;
a = a && a.toString();
var c = 0,
for (d in b.g)
if (!a || d == a) {
for (var e = b.g[d], f = 0; f < e.length; f++) ++c, Rc(e[f]);
delete b.g[d];
var md = function (a, b, c, d) {
b = a.i.g[String(b)];
if (!b) return !0;
b = b.concat();
for (var e = !0, f = 0; f < b.length; ++f) {
var g = b[f];
if (g && !g.Ya && g.capture == c) {
var k = g.listener,
m = g.Ab || g.src;
g.wb && Uc(a.i, g);
e = !1 !==, d) && e
return e && 0 != d.hc
var od = function (a, b) {
this.i = {};
this.g = [];
this.j = 0;
var c = arguments.length;
if (1 < c) {
if (c % 2) throw Error("f");
for (var d = 0; d < c; d += 2) this.set(arguments[d], arguments[d + 1])
} else if (a)
if (a instanceof od)
for (c = a.ab(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) this.set(c[d], a.get(c[d]));
for (d in a) this.set(d, a[d])
od.prototype.hb = function () {
for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.g.length; b++) a.push(this.i[this.g[b]]);
return a
od.prototype.ab = function () {
return this.g.concat()
var pd = function (a) {
if (a.j != a.g.length) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0; b < a.g.length;) {
var d = a.g[b];
qd(a.i, d) && (a.g[c++] = d);
a.g.length = c
if (a.j != a.g.length) {
var e = {};
for (c = b = 0; b < a.g.length;) d = a.g[b], qd(e, d) || (a.g[c++] = d, e[d] = 1), b++;
a.g.length = c
od.prototype.get = function (a, b) {
return qd(this.i, a) ? this.i[a] : b
od.prototype.set = function (a, b) {
qd(this.i, a) || (this.j++, this.g.push(a));
this.i[a] = b
od.prototype.forEach = function (a, b) {
for (var c = this.ab(), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d],
f = this.get(e);, f, e, this)
var qd = function (a, b) {
return, b)
var rd = /^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:([^/?#]*)@)?([^/#?]*?)(?::([0-9]+))?(?=[/#?]|$))?([^?#]+)?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#([\s\S]*))?$/,
sd = function (a, b) {
if (a)
for (var c = a.split("&"), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d].indexOf("="),
f = null;
if (0 <= e) {
var g = c[d].substring(0, e);
f = c[d].substring(e + 1)
} else g = c[d];
b(g, f ? decodeURIComponent(f.replace(/\+/g, " ")) : "")
var td = function (a, b) {
this.H = a;
this.o = b;
this.j = this.g = null;
this.R = this.s = !1;
this.S = [];
this.i = null
zd = function (a) {
var b = ud;
if (vd && !b.g) {
b.g = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext);
b.j = b.g.createGain();
for (var c in b.H) b.H[c].H = b.g;
for (var d in b.o) wd(b.o[d], b.g, b.j);
b.g.onstatechange = function () {
Zc(a, ["click", "pointerup", "mouseup", "touchend"], function () {
}, !0)
xd = function (a) {
if ("running" == a.g.state && !a.R) {
a.R = !0;
for (var b =
0; b < a.S.length; b++) a.S[b]()
Ad = function (a) {
a.i = a.g.createBufferSource();
a.i.buffer = a.g.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050);
yd = function (a) {
a.g && (null == a.i ? Ad(a) : void 0 === a.i.playbackState ? Ad(a) : a.i.playbackState !== a.i.PLAYING_STATE && a.i.playbackState !== a.i.FINISHED_STATE && Ad(a))
td.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.g = null
td.prototype.reset = function () {
for (var a in this.H) this.H[a].j = [];
for (var b in this.o) Bd(this.o[b])
var Cd = function () {
var a = ud;
a.j && a.j.gain.setValueAtTime(0, a.g.currentTime);
a.s = !0
td.prototype.isMuted = function () {
return this.s && !!this.j && 0 == this.j.gain.value
var vd = !(!window.AudioContext && !window.webkitAudioContext) && !!window.GainNode,
G = function (a, b, c) {
this.s = a;
this.S = b;
this.R = c;
this.i = {};
this.j = this.H = this.g = this.o = null;
this.V = 0
wd = function (a, b, c) {
a.g = b;
a.H = c
Dd = function (a) {
if (a.g) {
var b = 1E3 * a.g.currentTime,
for (c in a.i) {
var d = a.i[c];
!d.Nc && d.$b + a.R < b && delete a.i[c]
}; = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a = void 0 === a ? 0 : a;
b = void 0 === b ? !1 : b;
c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
e = void 0 === e ? !1 : e;
if (!this.g || !this.H) return -1;
f = void 0 === f ? this.g.currentTime + a / 1E3 : f;
d || (d = this.g.createBufferSource(), d.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(1, this.g.currentTime));
!this.o && this.g.createGain && (this.o = this.g.createGain());
this.j && d.connect(this.j);
this.o ? (this.j ? this.j.connect(this.o) : d.connect(this.o), this.o.connect(this.H)) : this.j ? this.j.connect(this.H) : d.connect(this.H);
this.j = null;
d.loop =
try {
d.buffer = this.s.R
} catch (k) {
return -1
a = this.S / 1E3;
var g = this.R / 1E3 / d.playbackRate.value;
b ? (d.loopStart = a + (e ? c / 1E3 : 0), d.loopEnd = a + g, d.start(f, a + c / 1E3)) : d.start(f, a + c / 1E3, g);
e = this.V++;
this.i[e] = {
node: d,
$b: 1E3 * f - c,
Nc: b
return e
var Bd = function (a, b) {
if (void 0 !== b) {
if (a.i[b]) {
try {
} catch (e) {}
var c = (1E3 * a.g.currentTime - a.i[b].$b) % a.R;
delete a.i[b];
return [c]
return []
c = [];
for (var d in a.i) c = c.concat(Bd(a, d));
return c
Ed = document.createElement("audio"),
Fd = "function" == ta(Ed.canPlayType) && "" != Ed.canPlayType("audio/mpeg") ? ".mp3" : ".ogg",
Gd = function (a, b) {, a + b + Fd);
this.H = this.R = null;
this.o = 0
ha(Gd, Jb);
Gd.prototype.g = function () {
var a = this;
new Promise(function (c) {
Lb(a, c)
if (0 != this.o) Promise.resolve();
else if (this.H) {
var b = new XMLHttpRequest;"GET", this.s, !0);
b.responseType = "arraybuffer";
b.onload = function () {
a.H.decodeAudioData(b.response, function (c) {
c && (a.R = c, a.o = 3, Kb(a))
a.o = 2
this.o = 1
} else Promise.reject()
var H = function () {, H.i, H.g)
ha(H, td);
H.o = Gd;
H.j = G;
H.H = vd;
H.i = {
Fa: new Gd("/logos/2016/halloween16/r4/", "main"),
xc: new Gd("/logos/2016/halloween16/r4/", "initial"),
Kc: new Gd("/logos/2016/halloween16/r4/", "victory"),
Ua: new Gd("/logos/2016/halloween16/r4/", "end")
var I = H.i;
H.g = {};
H.g.kc = new G(I.Fa, 0, 3160.816, 0); = new G(I.Fa, 4160.816, 3233.333, 0); = new G(I.Fa, 8394.15, 3533.333, 0); = new G(I.Fa, 12927.483, 4966.667, 0);
H.g.Ob = new G(I.Ua, 0, 1933.333, 0);
H.g.qc = new G(I.Ua, 2933.333, 4466.667, 0);
H.g.Pb = new G(I.Ua, 8400, 5233.333, 0); = new G(I.Ua, 14633.333, 2309.342, 0);
H.g.Qb = new G(I.Ua, 17942.676, 2966.667, 0); = new G(I.Fa, 18894.15, 1984.014, 0);
H.g.uc = new G(I.Fa, 21878.163, 4957.46, 0); = new G(I.Ua, 21909.342, 3E4, 0);
H.g.Rb = new G(I.Fa, 27835.624, 2472.925, 0);
H.g.Sb = new G(I.Fa, 31308.549, 25263.175, 0);
H.g.Tb = new G(I.Fa, 57571.723, 1741.497, 0);
H.g.wc = new G(I.Fa, 60313.22, 1335.147, 0);
H.g.Ib = new G(I.Kc, 0, 18413.424, 0);
H.g.Oc = new G(I.Fa, 62648.367, 1851.791, 0);
H.g.vb = new G(I.xc, 0, 16921.542, 0);
H.g.Vb = new G(I.Fa, 65500.159, 1573.152, 0);
H.g.Bc = new G(I.Fa, 68073.311, 1168.254, 0);
H.g.Kb = new G(I.Fa, 70241.565, 983.56, 0);
H.g.Wb = new G(I.Fa, 72225.125, 1160, 0);
H.g.Dc = new G(I.Fa, 74385.125, 1248.005, 0);
H.g.Ec = new G(I.Fa, 76633.129, 1386.667, 0);
H.g.Fc = new G(I.Fa, 79019.796, 1482.653, 0);
H.g.Gc = new G(I.Fa, 81502.449, 1271.293, 0);
H.g.Hc = new G(I.Fa, 83773.741, 1567.347, 0);
H.g.Ic = new G(I.Fa, 86341.088, 1625.397, 0);
H.g.Jc = new G(I.Fa, 88966.485, 2066.576, 0);
var K = H;
var Jd = function (a) {
var b = new Image;
b.onerror = b.onload = b.onabort = function () {
delete Hd[Id]
Hd[Id] = b;
b.src = "/gen_204?atyp=i&ct=doodle&cad=" + a + "&zx=" + Ba();
Hd = [],
Id = 0;
var Kd = function (a) {
this.j = this.R = this.o = "";
this.S = null;
this.H = this.i = "";
this.s = !1;
var b;
a instanceof Kd ? (this.s = oa(void 0) ? void 0 : a.s, Ld(this, a.o), this.R = a.R, this.j = a.j, Md(this, a.S), this.i = a.i, Nd(this, Od(a.g)), this.H = a.H) : a && (b = String(a).match(rd)) ? (this.s = !1, Ld(this, b[1] || "", !0), this.R = Pd(b[2] || ""), this.j = Pd(b[3] || "", !0), Md(this, b[4]), this.i = Pd(b[5] || "", !0), Nd(this, b[6] || "", !0), this.H = Pd(b[7] || "")) : (this.s = !1, this.g = new Qd(null, this.s))
Kd.prototype.toString = function () {
var a = [],
b = this.o;
b && a.push(Rd(b, Sd, !0), ":");
var c = this.j;
if (c || "file" == b) a.push("//"), (b = this.R) && a.push(Rd(b, Sd, !0), "@"), a.push(encodeURIComponent(String(c)).replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")), c = this.S, null != c && a.push(":", String(c));
if (c = this.i) this.j && "/" != c.charAt(0) && a.push("/"), a.push(Rd(c, "/" == c.charAt(0) ? Td : Ud, !0));
(c = this.g.toString()) && a.push("?", c);
(c = this.H) && a.push("#", Rd(c, Vd));
return a.join("")
Kd.prototype.resolve = function (a) {
var b = new Kd(this),
c = !!a.o;
c ? Ld(b, a.o) : c = !!a.R;
c ? b.R = a.R : c = !!a.j;
c ? b.j = a.j : c = null != a.S;
var d = a.i;
if (c) Md(b, a.S);
else if (c = !!a.i) {
if ("/" != d.charAt(0))
if (this.j && !this.i) d = "/" + d;
else {
var e = b.i.lastIndexOf("/"); - 1 != e && (d = b.i.substr(0, e + 1) + d)
} e = d;
if (".." == e || "." == e) d = "";
else if (Pb(e, "./") || Pb(e, "/.")) {
d = 0 == e.lastIndexOf("/", 0);
e = e.split("/");
for (var f = [], g = 0; g < e.length;) {
var k = e[g++];
"." == k ? d && g == e.length && f.push("") : ".." == k ? ((1 < f.length || 1 == f.length && "" != f[0]) && f.pop(),
d && g == e.length && f.push("")) : (f.push(k), d = !0)
d = f.join("/")
} else d = e
c ? b.i = d : c = "" !== a.g.toString();
c ? Nd(b, Od(a.g)) : c = !!a.H;
c && (b.H = a.H);
return b
var Ld = function (a, b, c) {
a.o = c ? Pd(b, !0) : b;
a.o && (a.o = a.o.replace(/:$/, ""))
Md = function (a, b) {
if (b) {
b = Number(b);
if (isNaN(b) || 0 > b) throw Error("l`" + b);
a.S = b
} else a.S = null
Nd = function (a, b, c) {
b instanceof Qd ? (a.g = b, Wd(a.g, a.s)) : (c || (b = Rd(b, Xd)), a.g = new Qd(b, a.s))
Pd = function (a, b) {
return a ? b ? decodeURI(a.replace(/%25/g, "%2525")) : decodeURIComponent(a) : ""
Rd = function (a, b, c) {
return pa(a) ? (a = encodeURI(a).replace(b, Yd), c && (a = a.replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1")), a) : null
Yd = function (a) {
a = a.charCodeAt(0);
return "%" +
(a >> 4 & 15).toString(16) + (a & 15).toString(16)
Sd = /[#\/\?@]/g,
Ud = /[#\?:]/g,
Td = /[#\?]/g,
Xd = /[#\?@]/g,
Vd = /#/g,
Qd = function (a, b) {
this.i = this.g = null;
this.j = a || null;
this.o = !!b
Zd = function (a) {
a.g || (a.g = new od, a.i = 0, a.j && sd(a.j, function (b, c) {
a.add(decodeURIComponent(b.replace(/\+/g, " ")), c)
Qd.prototype.add = function (a, b) {
this.j = null;
a = $d(this, a);
var c = this.g.get(a);
c || this.g.set(a, c = []);
this.i += 1;
return this
var ae = function (a, b) {
b = $d(a, b);
if (qd(a.g.i, b)) {
a.j = null;
a.i -= a.g.get(b).length;
var c = a.g,
d = b;
qd(c.i, d) && (delete c.i[d], c.j--, c.g.length > 2 * c.j && pd(c))
be = function (a, b) {
b = $d(a, b);
return qd(a.g.i, b)
h = Qd.prototype;
h.forEach = function (a, b) {
this.g.forEach(function (c, d) {
La(c, function (e) {, e, d, this)
}, this)
}, this)
h.ab = function () {
for (var a = this.g.hb(), b = this.g.ab(), c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
for (var e = a[d], f = 0; f < e.length; f++) c.push(b[d]);
return c
h.hb = function (a) {
var b = [];
if (pa(a)) be(this, a) && (b = Qa(b, this.g.get($d(this, a))));
else {
a = this.g.hb();
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b = Qa(b, a[c])
return b
h.set = function (a, b) {
this.j = null;
a = $d(this, a);
be(this, a) && (this.i -= this.g.get(a).length);
this.g.set(a, [b]);
this.i += 1;
return this
h.get = function (a, b) {
if (!a) return b;
var c = this.hb(a);
return 0 < c.length ? String(c[0]) : b
h.toString = function () {
if (this.j) return this.j;
if (!this.g) return "";
for (var a = [], b = this.g.ab(), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var d = b[c],
e = encodeURIComponent(String(d));
d = this.hb(d);
for (var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
var g = e;
"" !== d[f] && (g += "=" + encodeURIComponent(String(d[f])));
return this.j = a.join("&")
var Od = function (a) {
var b = new Qd;
b.j = a.j;
a.g && (b.g = new od(a.g), b.i = a.i);
return b
$d = function (a, b) {
var c = String(b);
a.o && (c = c.toLowerCase());
return c
Wd = function (a, b) {
b && !a.o && (Zd(a), a.j = null, a.g.forEach(function (c, d) {
var e = d.toLowerCase();
d != e && (ae(this, d), ae(this, e), 0 < c.length && (this.j = null, this.g.set($d(this, e), Ra(c)), this.i += c.length))
}, a));
a.o = b
var ce = navigator.userAgent,
de = new Kd(location.href),
ee = Pb(ce, "iPad") || Pb(ce, "iPhone") || Pb(ce, "iPod"),
fe = Pb(ce.toLowerCase(), "gsa"),
ge = fe && ee,
he = fe && !ee,
ie = Pb(ce, "Gbot"),
je = ee || Pb(ce, "Android") || Pb(ce, "Mobile") || Pb(ce, "Silk") || Pb(ce, "UCBrowser") || Pb(ce, "UCWEB"),
ke = !!document.querySelector("body.hp"),
le = Pb(ce, "MSIE"),
me = Pb(de.i, "/logos/") && Pb(de.i, ".html"),
ne = function () {
return !!document.getElementById("fkbx")
oe = function () {
return "1" == de.g.get("ntp")
pe = function () {
return "1" == de.g.get("fpdoodle") &&
qe = function () {
return !!document.querySelector("body#iframedoodle")
var re = function (a, b) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c += 2) {
var d = arguments[c],
e = arguments[c + 1],
f =;
f && d in f ? f[d] = e : d in a ? a[d] = e : le && f && "opacity" == d && (a.zoom = 1, d = (f.filter || "").replace(/alpha\([^)]*\)/, ""), isNaN(parseFloat(e)) || (d += "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * e + ")"), f.filter = d)
se = function () {
return self.performance && ? : Ba()
te = function () {
var a = ["Itim"];
window.WebFontConfig || (Da("", a), a = document.createElement("script"), a.src = ("https:" ==
document.location.protocol ? "https" : "http") + "://", a.type = "text/javascript", a.async = "true", (document.getElementById("xjsc") || document.body).appendChild(a))
ue = ["Moz", "ms", "O", "webkit"],
ve = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = 0, e; e = ue[d++];)[e + b] = c;[b.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + b.substr(1)] = c
we = ["", "moz", "ms", "o", "webkit"],
xe = function (a, b) {
if (!a) return null;
for (var c = 0; c < we.length; c++) {
var d = we[c],
e = b;
0 < d.length && (e = b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.substr(1));
d += e;
if ("undefined" != typeof a[d]) return d
return null
ye = function (a) {
var b = google.doodle ? google.doodle.url : "";
b && ((a = (a = a && !ge) || oe()) ? dc(b) : (a =, b = b instanceof Zb ? b : cc(b), a.assign($b(b))))
ze = function (a, b) {
var c = ? : null;
return c && void 0 != c[a] ? c[a] : b
Ae = function () {
var a = ze("doodle_args", {}).is_dogfood;
return null != a ? a : !1
Be = ze("alt", ""),
Ce = ze("hl", "en"),
L = function (a) {
var b, c = ze("msgs", {});
oa(b) || (b = a);
if (!(c = c[a])) {
var d = ze("alltranslations", {});
if (d)
if (c = d.messages, d = d.translations, c && d) {
for (var e = -1, f = 0; f < c.length; f++)
if (c[f] == a) {
e = f;
} c = -1 == e ? "" : (d[Ce] || d.en).ALL[e]
} else c = "";
else c = ""
return c || b
Ee = function (a, b, c) {
var d = Math.max(0, c - 230) + (document.querySelector("div.og-pdp") ? 36 : 12);
re(a, "width", b + "px", "height", c + "px");
De = function (a) {
var b = a + "px",
c = document.getElementById("lga");
c && re(c, "marginBottom", b);
if (!ne() && !oe()) {
c = document.getElementById("searchform");
var d = document.getElementById("gb");
c && (re(c, "transform", "translateY(" +
b + ")"), re(d, "transform", "translateY(-" + (a + 311) + "px)"), re(d, "z-index", "1"));
a = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
a.initUIEvent("resize", !1, !1, window, 0);
Fe = null,
Ge = null,
He = null,
Ie = function () {
He || ( && && ? He = : qe() && be(de.g, "ei") && (He = de.g.get("ei")));
return He
Je = function (a, b, c) {
(ne() || oe()) && (a += "&ntp=1");
b ? (Fe || ((b = document.getElementById("hplogoved")) ? Fe = b.getAttribute("data-ved") : qe() && be(de.g, "ved") && (Fe =
de.g.get("ved"))), (b = Fe) && (a += "&ved=" + b)) : c && (Ge || ((b = document.getElementById("hplogoshareved")) ? Ge = b.getAttribute("data-ved") : qe() && be(de.g, "sved") && (Ge = de.g.get("sved"))), (b = Ge) && (a += "&ved=" + b)); - 1 =="&ei=") && (a = Ie() ? a + ("&ei=" + Ie()) : a + "&ei="); && ?"doodle", a) : Jd(a)
var Ke = function (a, b) {
this.g = [];
this.i = [];
for (var c = 0, d; d = b[c]; c++) {
var e = new Mb(a + d.filename);
d = d.size;
Ne = function (a) {
var b = Le(Me, 0);
(new Promise(function (c) {
Lb(b, c);
})).then(function () {
return a && a()
Le = function (a, b) {
return a.g[qa(b) ? b : b[0]]
Oe = function (a, b) {
return b[3]
Ke.prototype.ra = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var k = a[3],
m = a[4];
e = void 0 != e ? e : 1;;
b.translate(c, d);
b.scale(g ? -e : e, e);
var w = -k * (f ? .5 : g ? 1 : 0),
u = a[1],
C = a[2],
Q = a[3],
J = a[4];
void 0 == k ? (c = u, d = C, g = Q, e = J, f = w = 0, k = Q, m = J) : void 0 == w ? (c = u, d = C, g = Q, e = J, f = w = 0) : (c = u + 0, d = C + 0, g = k, e = m, f = -m * (f ? .5 : 0));
if (c < u) {
var B = u - c;
c = u;
g -= B;
w += B;
k -= B
d < C && (B = C - d, d = C, e -= B, f += B, m -= B);
c + g > u + Q && (B = c + g - (u + Q), g -= B, k -= B);
d + e > C + J && (B = d + e - (C + J), e -= B, m -= B);
a = Le(this, a);
if (!a.i) throw Error("n");
0 < g && 0 < e && b.drawImage(a.image, c, d, g, e, w, f, k, m);
var Qe = function () {, "/logos/2016/halloween16/r4/", Pe)
ha(Qe, Ke);
var Pe = [{
filename: "cta-png-sprite.png",
size: [217, 80]
}, {
filename: "main-png-sprite.png",
size: [1381, 1467]
}, {
filename: "level1-png-sprite.png",
size: [3617, 820]
}, {
filename: "level1-png1-sprite.png",
size: [717, 295]
}, {
filename: "level1-jpg-sprite.png",
size: [1283, 360]
}, {
filename: "gameover-png-sprite.png",
size: [441, 119]
}, {
filename: "level2-png-sprite.png",
size: [5929, 378]
}, {
filename: "level2-jpg-sprite.png",
size: [640, 360]
}, {
filename: "level3-png-sprite.png",
size: [2458, 779]
}, {
filename: "level3-jpg-sprite.png",
size: [640,
}, {
filename: "level4-png-sprite.png",
size: [5586, 393]
}, {
filename: "level4-jpg-sprite.png",
size: [640, 360]
}, {
filename: "level5-png-sprite.png",
size: [1251, 1710]
}, {
filename: "level5-png1-sprite.png",
size: [4187, 723]
}, {
filename: "level5-png2-sprite.png",
size: [2566, 1165]
}, {
filename: "level5-png3-sprite.png",
size: [4035, 360]
}, {
filename: "level5-jpg-sprite.jpg",
size: [2703, 1069]
}, {
filename: "end-png-sprite.png",
size: [2360, 1244]
}, {
filename: "end-png1-sprite.png",
size: [2428, 183]
}, {
filename: "end-jpg-sprite.png",
size: [640,
}, {
filename: "main-jpg-sprite.jpg",
size: [1283, 280]
Re = [1, 1315, 1130, 46, 24],
Se = [1, 421, 1200, 43, 32],
Te = [16, 0, 0, 1350, 1069],
Ue = [16, 1353, 0, 1350, 1069],
Ve = [2, 1894, 0, 189, 124],
We = [20, 0, 0, 640, 280],
Xe = [20, 643, 0, 640, 280],
M = [1, 1313, 0, 68, 27],
Ye = [1, 504, 1302, 69, 68],
Ze = [1, 381, 1322, 59, 53],
$e = [1, 1313, 226, 61, 53],
af = [1, 1313, 170, 61, 53],
bf = [1, 1313, 226, 61, 53],
cf = [2, 1438, 0, 453, 140],
df = [14, 0, 1089, 159, 41],
ef = [5, 74, 0, 71, 71],
ff = [5, 0, 0, 71, 71],
gf = [5, 222, 0, 71, 71],
hf = [5, 148, 0, 71, 71],
jf = [5, 370, 0, 71, 71],
kf = [5, 296, 0, 71, 71],
lf = [6,
241, 0, 236, 105
mf = [6, 0, 0, 238, 101],
nf = [2, 2518, 554, 107, 106],
of = [2, 1019, 556, 107, 106],
pf = [2, 0, 560, 107, 106],
qf = [2, 110, 560, 107, 106],
rf = [2, 2959, 0, 160, 106],
sf = [2, 3122, 0, 160, 106],
tf = [2, 3122, 0, 160, 106],
uf = [2, 3285, 0, 160, 106],
vf = [2, 3285, 0, 160, 106],
wf = [2, 3448, 0, 160, 106],
xf = [2, 3448, 0, 160, 106],
yf = [2, 522, 68, 160, 106],
zf = [2, 685, 68, 160, 106],
Af = [2, 848, 68, 160, 106],
Bf = [2, 1011, 68, 160, 106],
Cf = [2, 1174, 68, 160, 106],
Df = [2, 2086, 90, 160, 106],
Ef = [2, 2959, 109, 160, 106],
Ff = [2, 2959, 109, 160, 106],
Gf = [2, 2959, 109, 160, 106],
Hf = [2, 2959, 109,
160, 106
If = [2, 3122, 109, 160, 106],
Jf = [2, 3285, 109, 160, 106],
Kf = [2, 3448, 109, 160, 106],
Lf = [2, 1894, 127, 160, 106],
Mf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Nf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Of = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Pf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Qf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Rf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Sf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Tf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Uf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Vf = [2, 1337, 143, 160, 106],
Wf = [3, 590, 0, 87, 75],
Xf = [3, 590, 0, 87, 75],
Yf = [3, 590, 0, 87, 75],
Zf = [3, 590, 78, 87, 75],
$f = [3, 0, 108, 87, 75],
ag = [3, 90, 108, 87, 75],
bg = [3, 180, 108, 87, 75],
cg = [3, 270, 108, 87, 75],
dg = [3, 270, 108, 87, 75],
eg = [3, 270, 108, 87, 75],
fg = [3, 180, 108, 87, 75],
gg = [3, 90, 108, 87, 75],
hg = [3, 0, 108, 87, 75],
ig = [3, 590, 78, 87, 75],
jg = [3, 590, 0, 87, 75],
kg = [3, 590, 0, 87, 75],
lg = [3, 360, 108, 87, 75],
mg = [3, 450, 108, 87, 75],
ng = [3, 540, 156, 87, 75],
og = [3, 630, 156, 87, 75],
pg = [3, 0, 186, 87, 75],
qg = [3, 0, 186, 87, 75],
rg = [3, 0, 186, 87, 75],
sg = [3, 630, 156, 87, 75],
tg = [3, 540, 156, 87, 75],
ug = [3, 450, 108, 87, 75],
vg = [3, 90, 186, 87, 75],
wg = [3, 590, 0, 87, 75],
xg = [3, 590, 0, 87, 75],
N = [1, 0, 293, 122, 134],
yg = [1, 1101, 300, 122, 134],
zg = [1, 1226, 300, 122, 134],
Ag = [1, 614, 302,
122, 134
Bg = [1, 739, 322, 122, 134],
Cg = [1, 864, 333, 122, 134],
Dg = [1, 375, 335, 122, 134],
Eg = [1, 0, 430, 122, 134],
Fg = [1, 125, 430, 122, 134],
Gg = [1, 250, 430, 122, 134],
Hg = [1, 989, 437, 122, 134],
Ig = [1, 1114, 437, 122, 134],
Jg = [1, 1239, 437, 122, 134],
Kg = [1, 500, 439, 122, 134],
Lg = [1, 750, 470, 122, 134],
Mg = [1, 125, 567, 122, 134],
Ng = [1, 250, 567, 122, 134],
Og = [1, 875, 574, 122, 134],
Pg = [1, 1250, 574, 122, 134],
Qg = [1, 500, 576, 122, 134],
Rg = [1, 625, 596, 122, 134],
Sg = [1, 750, 607, 122, 134],
Tg = [1, 875, 711, 122, 134],
Ug = [1, 500, 713, 122, 134],
Vg = [1, 625, 733, 122, 134],
Wg = [1, 375,
746, 122, 134
Xg = [1, 875, 848, 122, 134],
Yg = [1, 1E3, 848, 122, 134],
Zg = [1, 375, 883, 122, 134],
$g = [1, 1E3, 985, 118, 85],
ah = [1, 1121, 985, 118, 85],
bh = [1, 1242, 985, 118, 85],
ch = [1, 500, 987, 118, 85],
dh = [1, 621, 1007, 118, 85],
eh = [1, 742, 1018, 118, 85],
fh = [3, 0, 0, 115, 105],
gh = [3, 118, 0, 115, 105],
hh = [3, 236, 0, 115, 105],
ih = [3, 354, 0, 115, 105],
jh = [3, 472, 0, 115, 105],
kh = [2, 0, 0, 519, 283],
lh = [2, 2864, 161, 56, 45],
mh = [0, 166, 54, 26, 26],
nh = [1, 85, 1115, 82, 78],
oh = [1, 170, 1115, 82, 78],
ph = [1, 255, 1115, 82, 78],
qh = [1, 795, 1122, 82, 78],
rh = [1, 880, 1122, 82, 78],
sh = [0, 166,
0, 51, 51
th = [1, 989, 333, 102, 87],
uh = [1, 500, 335, 102, 87],
vh = [1, 875, 470, 102, 87],
wh = [1, 375, 1020, 102, 87],
xh = [1, 375, 1020, 102, 87],
yh = [4, 0, 0, 640, 360],
zh = [19, 0, 0, 640, 360],
Ah = [2, 522, 0, 455, 65],
Bh = [2, 980, 0, 455, 65],
Ch = [2, 3233, 709, 78, 63],
Dh = [2, 2802, 296, 50, 50],
Eh = [2, 1286, 177, 42, 31],
Fh = [2, 2432, 718, 42, 31],
Gh = [8, 2327, 0, 59, 77],
Hh = [8, 2148, 564, 154, 205],
Ih = [8, 2305, 564, 153, 179],
Jh = [2, 2271, 0, 169, 158],
Kh = [2, 2086, 0, 182, 87],
Lh = [2, 1134, 177, 149, 95],
Mh = [2, 2206, 199, 20, 40],
Nh = [1, 955, 169, 143, 161],
Oh = [15, 3834, 230, 52, 61],
Ph = [12, 418,
624, 390, 360
Qh = [12, 811, 624, 390, 360],
Rh = [12, 0, 936, 390, 360],
Sh = [12, 393, 987, 390, 360],
Th = [1, 653, 0, 179, 158],
Uh = [17, 360, 943, 108, 72],
O = [1, 421, 1242, 80, 77],
Vh = [1, 900, 1244, 80, 77],
Wh = [1, 983, 1244, 80, 77],
Xh = [2, 1813, 522, 50, 50],
Yh = [1, 480, 1165, 81, 74],
Zh = [1, 564, 1185, 81, 74],
$h = [1, 375, 293, 87, 37],
ai = [5, 48, 74, 45, 45],
bi = [5, 0, 74, 45, 45],
ci = [5, 144, 74, 45, 45],
di = [5, 96, 74, 45, 45],
ei = [5, 240, 74, 45, 45],
fi = [5, 192, 74, 45, 45],
gi = [5, 288, 74, 45, 45],
hi = [5, 384, 74, 45, 45],
ii = [5, 336, 74, 45, 45],
ji = [1, 1248, 1410, 39, 45],
ki = [2, 2518, 431, 127, 120],
li = [2, 2518, 431, 127, 120],
mi = [2, 0, 437, 127, 120],
ni = [2, 130, 437, 127, 120],
oi = [2, 260, 437, 127, 120],
pi = [2, 390, 443, 127, 120],
qi = [2, 520, 443, 127, 120],
ri = [2, 2894, 504, 113, 79],
si = [2, 3010, 504, 113, 79],
ti = [2, 3126, 504, 113, 79],
ui = [2, 3242, 504, 113, 79],
vi = [2, 3358, 504, 113, 79],
wi = [2, 3474, 504, 113, 79],
xi = [2, 447, 312, 144, 128],
yi = [2, 447, 312, 144, 128],
zi = [2, 594, 312, 144, 128],
Ai = [2, 741, 312, 144, 128],
Bi = [2, 888, 312, 144, 128],
Ci = [2, 1957, 350, 144, 128],
Di = [2, 2802, 369, 144, 128],
Ei = [2, 2711, 161, 150, 132],
Fi = [2, 2711, 161, 150, 132],
Gi = [2, 522, 177, 150,
Hi = [2, 675, 177, 150, 132],
Ii = [2, 828, 177, 150, 132],
Ji = [2, 981, 177, 150, 132],
Ki = [2, 981, 177, 150, 132],
Li = [2, 2949, 369, 139, 132],
Mi = [2, 2949, 369, 139, 132],
Ni = [2, 3091, 369, 139, 132],
Oi = [2, 3233, 369, 139, 132],
Pi = [2, 3375, 369, 139, 132],
Qi = [2, 1733, 387, 139, 132],
Ri = [2, 1283, 403, 139, 132],
Si = [2, 1500, 143, 151, 116],
Ti = [2, 1500, 143, 151, 116],
Ui = [2, 1654, 143, 151, 116],
Vi = [2, 2249, 161, 151, 116],
Wi = [2, 2403, 161, 151, 116],
Xi = [2, 2557, 161, 151, 116],
Yi = [2, 2557, 161, 151, 116],
Zi = [2, 650, 443, 120, 130],
$i = [2, 650, 443, 120, 130],
aj = [2, 773, 443, 120, 130],
bj = [2, 896, 443, 120, 130],
cj = [2, 2648, 447, 120, 130],
dj = [2, 1875, 481, 120, 130],
ej = [2, 2771, 500, 120, 130],
fj = [1, 262, 0, 203, 290],
gj = [1, 0, 0, 259, 290];
var hj = new p(320, 180);
var ij = Te[3] / 2;
var jj = new p(ij, -Te[4] / 2 + 360 - 40);
var kj = Qe.$(),
P = function (a, b) {;
this.ya = this.ha = this.time = 0;
this.U = !1;
qa(a[0]) ? this.s = {
Aa: a,
duration: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: null,
children: null
} : ( = a, this.s =[this.ya]);
this.Cc = b ? b : ra
l(P, z);
var lj = function (a) {
for (var b = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b += 0 < a[c].duration ? a[c].duration : 83;
return b
S = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return Ma(a, function (f) {
return {
Aa: f,
duration: b,
x: c,
y: d,
z: void 0 === e ? null : e,
children: null
T = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a = S(a, b, c, d, e);
0 < a.length && (a[a.length - 1].duration = 0);
return a
mj = function (a, b) {
var c = Ma(a, function (d) {
var e = {
Aa: d[0],
duration: b,
x: d[1],
y: d[2],
z: null,
children: null
4 == d.length && d[3] && (e.children = mj(d[3], b));
return e
0 < c.length && (c[c.length - 1].duration = 0);
return c
P.prototype.Qa = function () {
var a =[this.ya].duration;
0 < a && this.ha > a && (this.ya = ++this.ya %, this.ha -= a);
this.s =[this.ya]
P.prototype.update = function (a) {, a);
this.ha += a; && this.Qa()
P.prototype.ra = function (a) {, a);
if (this.s.Aa) {
var b = this.s.x || 0,
c = this.s.y || 0;
kj.ra(this.s.Aa, a, b, c, 1, !0, this.U);
if (this.s.children)
for (var d = 0, e; e = this.s.children[d]; d++) kj.ra(e.Aa, a, b + (e.x || 0), c + (e.y || 0), 1, !0, this.U)
var nj = function (a) {
return a.s.Aa[3]
oj = function (a, b) { = null;
a.s = {
Aa: b,
duration: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: null,
children: null
var pj = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {, c, null, this.Xa);
this.T = a;
this.S = f || ra;
this.W = b;
e && (this.o = new vb(a, c, d, e))
l(pj, y);
pj.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.o && this.o.update(a);, a)
pj.prototype.Xa = function () {
var qj = function (a, b) {
this.state = 0;
this.Ub = a;
this.Na = b || {};, this.Ub[this.state])
l(qj, P);
qj.prototype.Qa = function () {
var a = this.Ub[this.state];
a && ( = a,
var U = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
A(a, new pj(a, b, c, d, e, f))
qj.prototype.ka = function (a) {
this.Na.hasOwnProperty(this.state) && Bd(this.Na[this.state]);
this.state = a;
this.ya = this.ha = 0;
this.Na.hasOwnProperty(a) && this.Na[a].play()
var vj = function () {
var a = F([0, rj, 1, sj, 2, tj, 3, uj]);, a)
l(vj, qj);
var rj = mj([
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[M, 115, 206],
[1, 1300, 1251, 75, 37], 112, 197
[1, 0, 1208, 81, 43], 112, 191
[1, 0, 1254, 75, 37], 112, 192
[1, 1305, 1210, 75, 38], 112, 189
[1, 1066, 1244, 75, 38], 112, 187
[1, 1144, 1244, 75, 38], 112, 180
[1, 1222, 1244, 75, 38], 112, 174
[1, 504, 1262, 75, 37], 112,
[1, 1305, 1163, 75, 44], 112, 148
[1, 232, 1273, 74, 47], 113, 135
[1, 155, 1273, 74, 59], 114, 116
[1, 78, 1273, 74, 64], 114, 101
[1, 658, 1273, 69, 68], 116, 81
[1, 309, 1277, 69, 68], 116, 69
[1, 730, 1280, 69, 68], 116, 55
[1, 802, 1280, 69, 68], 116, 41
[1, 1066, 1285, 69, 68], 116, 26
[1, 1138, 1285, 69, 68], 116, 21
[1, 1210, 1285, 69, 68], 116, 18
[1, 1313, 30, 67, 69], 118, 15
[1, 1282, 1291, 69, 68], 116, 16
[1, 0, 1294, 69, 68], 116, 19
[Ye, 116, 20],
[Ye, 116, 20],
[Ye, 116, 20],
[Ye, 116, 20],
[Ye, 116, 20],
[Ye, 116, 20]
], 83),
sj = mj([
[1, 582, 1273, 73,
], 112, 21
[1, 72, 1340, 52, 45], 132, 26
[1, 232, 1323, 58, 50], 131, 19
[1, 738, 1351, 51, 47], 133, 17
[1, 1044, 1356, 51, 46], 133, 18
[1, 792, 1351, 51, 47], 133, 18
[1, 1098, 1356, 51, 46], 133, 19
[1, 1205, 1356, 50, 46], 120, 5
[1, 1258, 1362, 50, 45], 77, 0
[1, 788, 1401, 47, 44], 29, 16
[1, 656, 1404, 46, 42], 19, 22
[1, 1002, 1405, 46, 42], 19, 20
[1, 1051, 1405, 46, 42], 19, 17
[1, 1100, 1405, 46, 42], 19, 19
], 83),
tj = mj([
[Ze, 60, 84],
[Ze, 60, 84],
[Ze, 60, 84],
[Ze, 60, 84],
[1, 1315, 1073, 59, 54], 66, 92
[1, 1313, 170, 61, 53], 67, 96
[$e, 68, 98],
[$e, 68,
[1, 1315, 1073, 59, 54], 66, 92
[af, 67, 96],
[af, 67, 96],
[bf, 68, 98],
[bf, 68, 98],
[1, 443, 1322, 54, 50], 53, 82
[1, 1101, 223, 54, 51], 17, 53
[1, 576, 1340, 51, 51], 0, 27
[1, 874, 1324, 54, 50], 3, 26
[1, 931, 1324, 54, 50], 35, 26
[1, 988, 1324, 53, 50], 72, 25
[1, 1101, 169, 55, 51], 137, 21
[1, 155, 1335, 53, 50], 198, 20
[1, 630, 1344, 51, 50], 254, 18
[1, 293, 1348, 51, 50], 329, 18
[1, 684, 1351, 51, 50], 366, 18
[1, 1152, 1356, 50, 50], 407, 18
[1, 614, 166, 11, 29], 446, 23
], 83),
uj = T([
[1, 0, 1365, 49, 66],
[1, 500, 1373, 49, 66],
[1, 500, 1373, 49, 66],
500, 1373, 49, 66
[1, 500, 1373, 49, 66],
[1, 500, 1373, 49, 66],
[1, 443, 1375, 49, 66],
[1, 211, 1376, 49, 66],
[1, 846, 1377, 49, 66],
[1, 898, 1377, 49, 66],
[1, 898, 1377, 49, 66],
[1, 898, 1377, 49, 66],
[1, 898, 1377, 49, 66],
[1, 898, 1377, 49, 66],
[1, 950, 1377, 49, 66],
[1, 347, 1378, 49, 66],
[1, 52, 1388, 49, 66],
[1, 104, 1388, 49, 66],
[1, 156, 1388, 49, 66],
[1, 552, 1394, 49, 66],
[1, 604, 1397, 49, 66],
[1, 604, 1397, 49, 66],
[1, 604, 1397, 49, 66],
[1, 263, 1401, 49, 66]
], 83, 0, 0),
wj = 83 * rj.length,
xj = 83 * uj.length;
var yj = function () {
this.g = []
var V = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = a.g.slice(0), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) - 1 != a.g.indexOf(d[e]) && d[e].La(b, c)
yj.prototype.addListener = function (a) {
yj.prototype.removeListener = function (a) {
for (var b = this.g.indexOf(a); - 1 != b;) this.g.splice(b, 1), b = this.g.indexOf(a)
yj.prototype.Nb = function () {
this.g = []
var W = function (a, b, c, d, e) {, b, null, e);
this.wa = a;
this.o = c;
this.S = d
l(W, y);
W.prototype.update = function (a) {
a =, a);
var b = qb(Ta(this.j / this.s, 0, 1), this.o, this.S, rb); = b;
return a
var zj = function (a, b, c, d) {, ib);
this.o = a;
this.W = c;
this.T = b;
this.S = d || 0
l(zj, y);
zj.prototype.update = function (a) {, a);
a = Math.sin(this.T * this.j * 2 * Math.PI / 1E3);
var b = this.o;
b.Gb = a * this.S;
b = this.o;
b.Hb = a * this.W;
var Aj = {
Pc: 0,
Qc: 1,
Rc: 2,
Sc: 3,
Tc: 4,
Uc: 5,
Vc: 6,
Wc: 7,
Xc: 8
Bj = [],
Cj = 0,
for (Dj in Aj) Bj[Cj++] = Aj[Dj];
var Ej = [
[Hb(0, -100, 0, 100)], null, [Hb(175, 0, -175, 0)], null, null, null, [Hb(25, -62.5, -25, 0), Hb(-25, 0, 31, -4), Hb(31, -4, -19, 58.5)], null, null
Fj = [new p(50, 180), null, new p(320, 240), null, null, null, new p(410, 190), null, null],
Gj = [null, null, null, null, K.g.Ic, null, K.g.Jc, null, null],
Hj = function (a) {
for (var b = {}, c = 0, d = Bj.length; c < d; c++) b[Bj[c]] = a[c];
return b
Ij = Hj("#0000ff #22ff43 #ff0000 #ffff00 #ff69b4 #4682b4 #ffd700 #800080 #ff9900".split(" ")),
Jj = {},
for (Kj in Ij) {
var Lj = Kj,
Mj = Ij[Kj],
Nj = Mj;
if (!Bb.test(Nj)) throw Error("e`" + Nj);
4 == Nj.length && (Nj = Nj.replace(Ab, "#$1$1$2$2$3$3"));
Mj = Nj.toLowerCase();
var Oj = parseInt(Mj.substr(1), 16);
Jj[Lj] = [Oj >> 16, Oj >> 8 & 255, Oj & 255]
var Pj = Hj([
[2, 3611, 0, 6, 20],
[2, 2923, 161, 21, 19],
[2, 2057, 171, 21, 6],
[2, 2057, 149, 22, 19],
[2, 2057, 127, 24, 19], null, [2, 2249, 90, 17, 19], null, null
Qj = Hj(Ej),
Rj = Hj(Fj),
Sj = Hj(Gj);
var Tj = function (a, b, c) {
this.g = a;
this.j = b;
this.i = c
X = function (a, b, c, d) {
return new Tj(Uj(a, b), 1E3 * c, Vj(d))
Vj = function (a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b.push(Wj[a[c]]);
return b
Wj = {
"|": 0,
"^": 1,
"-": 2,
v: 3,
z: 6,
3: 4
Uj = function (a, b) {
var c = 2 * a * Math.PI / 360;
return new p(320 + Math.cos(c) * b, Math.sin(c) * b + 203)
var Xj = yj.$(),
sk = function () {
var a = F([0, Yj, 1, Zj, 2, ak, 3, bk, 4, ck, 5, dk, 6, ek, 7, fk, 8, gk, 9, hk, 10, ik, 11, jk, 12, kk, 13, lk, 14, mk, 15, nk, 16, ok, 17, pk, 18, qk, 19, rk]);, a)
l(sk, qj);
var Zj = mj([
[Nh, 33, 5, [
[$h, -2, -27]
], 83),
Yj = mj([
[1, 1313, 102, 64, 65], 62, 47
[1, 0, 1115, 82, 90], 47, 31
[1, 653, 161, 149, 138], 29, 27
[1, 999, 0, 159, 166], 28, 0
], 83),
ak = mj([
[Nh, 33, 3, [
[$h, -2, -25]
[Nh, 33, 1, [
[$h, -2, -23]
], 83),
bk = mj([
[Nh, 33, 5, [
[$h, -3, -23]
[1, 835, 0, 161, 162], 27, 4
[1, 468, 0, 182, 163], 2, 3
], 83),
ck = mj([
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 1]
], 83),
dk = mj([
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 3],
[Th, 0, -1],
[Th, 0, -3],
[Th, 0, -1],
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 3],
[Th, 0, -1],
[Th, 0, -3],
[Th, 0, -1],
[Th, 0, 1],
[Th, 0, 3]
], 83),
ek = mj([
805, 165, 147, 154
], 36, 0
[1, 1161, 0, 149, 149], 47, 0
[1, 1161, 152, 149, 145], 80, 0
], 83),
fk = T([
[1, 468, 166, 143, 166]
], 83, 33, 0),
gk = T([Oh, [15, 3889, 230, 52, 61],
[15, 3944, 230, 52, 61]
], 83, 0, 0),
ik = T([Oh], 83, 0, 0),
jk = T([
[14, 2514, 0, 52, 61]
], 83, 0, 0),
hk = S([
[14, 2095, 726, 195, 218],
[14, 2293, 726, 195, 218],
[14, 2095, 947, 195, 218],
[14, 2293, 947, 195, 218]
], 83, 0, 0),
kk = T([Ph, Qh, Rh, Sh, Ph, Qh, Rh, Sh, [12, 786, 987, 390, 360],
[12, 0, 1299, 390, 360],
[12, 393, 1350, 390, 360],
[12, 786, 1350, 390, 360]
], 83, 0, 0),
lk = S([
[12, 0, 0, 415, 309],
[12, 418, 0, 415, 309],
[12, 836,
0, 415, 309
[12, 0, 312, 415, 309],
[12, 418, 312, 415, 309],
[12, 836, 312, 415, 309],
[12, 0, 624, 415, 309]
], 83, 0, 25),
mk = T([
[17, 0, 0, 373, 360],
[17, 376, 0, 373, 360],
[17, 752, 0, 373, 360],
[17, 1128, 0, 373, 360]
], 83, 0, 0),
nk = S([
[17, 1504, 0, 373, 360],
[17, 1880, 0, 373, 360],
[17, 0, 363, 373, 360],
[17, 376, 363, 373, 360]
], 83, 0, 0),
ok = T([
[17, 620, 726, 59, 67]
], 83, 0, 0),
pk = T([
[15, 0, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 426, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 852, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 1278, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 1704, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 2130, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 2556, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 2982, 0, 423, 360],
[15, 3408, 0, 423, 360]
83, 0, 25),
qk = T([
[13, 0, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 419, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 838, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 1257, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 1676, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 2095, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 2514, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 2933, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 3352, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 3771, 0, 416, 360],
[13, 0, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 419, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 838, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 1257, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 1676, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 2095, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 2514, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 2933, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 3352, 363, 416, 360],
[13, 3771, 363, 416, 360],
[14, 0, 0, 416, 360]
], 83, 0, 25),
rk = T([
[14, 419, 0, 416, 360],
[14, 838, 0, 416, 360],
[14, 1257,
0, 416, 360
[14, 1676, 0, 416, 360],
[14, 2095, 0, 416, 360],
[14, 0, 363, 416, 360],
[14, 419, 363, 416, 360],
[14, 838, 363, 416, 360],
[14, 1257, 363, 416, 360],
[14, 1676, 363, 416, 360],
[14, 2095, 363, 416, 360],
[14, 0, 726, 416, 360],
[14, 419, 726, 416, 360],
[14, 838, 726, 416, 360],
[14, 1257, 726, 416, 360],
[14, 1676, 726, 416, 360]
], 83, 0, 25),
tk = T([
[1, 399, 1378, 40, 40],
[1, 1205, 1405, 40, 40],
[1, 1149, 1409, 40, 40]
], 83, 0, 0),
uk = 83 * Yj.length,
vk = 83 * bk.length,
wk = 83 * ck.length,
xk = 83 * dk.length,
yk = 83 * kk.length,
zk = 83 * mk.length,
Ak = new p(475, 181),
Bk = new p(Ak.x - 90, Ak.y),
Ck = 83 * pk.length,
Dk = 83 * qk.length,
Ek = 83 * rk.length;
sk.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.j && 5 == this.j.state && (this.j = null, E(this), this.S = [], Bd(K.g.Ob), this.ka(17), zb(this, 300, null, Ak), xb(this, new pj(this, 13, Ck)));, a)
var Fk = function (a) {
U(a, 18, 4E3);
yb(a, new y(1E3, null, function () {
U(a, 19, Dk, Ak, Bk, function () {;
V(Xj, 6);
zb(a, 300, null, Ak);
U(a, 13, Ek)
var Gk = Qe.$(),
Hk = 206 + Gh[4] / 2,
Ik = S([
[8, 2389, 0, 53, 74],
[8, 2389, 77, 53, 74],
[8, 2327, 80, 53, 74],
[8, 2383, 154, 53, 74],
[8, 2327, 157, 53, 74],
[8, 2383, 231, 53, 74],
[8, 2327, 234, 53, 74],
[8, 2383, 308, 53, 74],
[8, 2327, 311, 53, 74],
[8, 2383, 385, 53, 74],
[8, 2327, 388, 53, 74],
[8, 2383, 462, 53, 74],
[8, 2327, 465, 53, 74],
[8, 0, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 56, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 112, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 168, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 224, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 280, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 336, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 392, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 448, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 504, 705, 53, 74],
[8, 560, 705, 53, 74]
], 83, 545, 155, Hk - 1),
Jk = S([
[6, 480,
0, 199, 123
[6, 682, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 884, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 1086, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 1288, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 1490, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 1692, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 1894, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 2096, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 2298, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 2500, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 2702, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 2904, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 3106, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 3308, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 3510, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 3712, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 3914, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 4116, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 4318, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 4520, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 4722, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 4924, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 4924, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 4924, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 5126, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 5328, 0, 199, 123],
[6, 5530, 0, 199, 123]
], 83, 329, 81, 0),
Kk = S([Jh, [2, 2443, 0, 169, 158],
[2, 2615, 0, 169, 158],
[2, 2787, 0, 169, 158]
], 83, Jh[3] / 2, 360 - Jh[4] / 2, 273),
Lk = [Le(Gk, 2), Le(Gk, 3), Le(Gk, 4), Le(Gk, 5)],
Tk = [{
title: L("Level Start - Level 1"),
background: [4, 643, 0, 640, 360],
$a: [T([Kh], 83, Kh[3] / 2, 360 - Kh[4] / 2, 360 - Kh[4]), T([Lh], 83, 640 - Lh[3] / 2, 360 - Lh[4] / 2, 360 - Kh[4] / 2), Kk],
mb: [],
nb: [6, 7],
tb: function (a) {
var b = function (d) {
return new y(1E3 * d)
c = function (d) {
return Mk(a, d)
b = [c([X(-20, 295, 8, "-")]), b(.8), c([X(0, 295, 8, "|")]), b(.8), c([X(150, 295,
8, "-")]), Y(a), c([X(0, 295, 8, "|"), X(160, 295, 8, "-"), X(190, 140, 8, "|")]), Y(a), b(1), c([X(0, 295, 8, "^")]), b(.4), c([X(-20, 295, 8, "-")]), b(.4), c([X(180, 295, 8, "v")]), b(.4), c([X(160, 295, 8, "|")]), Y(a), b(1), c([X(50, 140, 8, "-|")]), b(.5), c([X(190, 140, 8, "|^-")]), Y(a), b(1), c([X(-30, 295, 9, "|"), X(210, 295, 9, "|")]), b(.3), c([X(-10, 295, 9, "^"), X(190, 295, 9, "^")]), b(.3), c([X(10, 295, 9, "-"), X(170, 295, 9, "-")]), b(.3), c([X(30, 295, 9, "v"), X(150, 295, 9, "v")]), b(.3), Y(a), b(1), c([X(-30, 295, 12, "|"), X(150, 295, 12, "|")]), b(.3), c([X(-10, 295,
12, "^"), X(170, 295, 12, "^")]), b(.3), c([X(10, 295, 12, "-"), X(190, 295, 12, "-")]), b(.3), c([X(30, 295, 12, "v"), X(210, 295, 12, "v")]), c([X(-10, 285, 0, "3")]), Y(a), b(2), Nk(a), Y(a), b(1)];
Ok(a, b);
return b
state: 13
}, {
title: L("Level Start - Level 2"),
background: [7, 0, 0, 640, 360],
$a: [T([lf], 83, lf[3] / 2, 360 - lf[4] / 2, 360 - lf[4] / 2), T([mf], 83, 640 - mf[3] / 2, 360 - mf[4] / 2, 360 - mf[4] / 2), Jk],
mb: [],
nb: [8, 9],
tb: function (a) {
var b = function (d) {
return new y(1E3 * d)
c = function (d) {
return Mk(a, d)
b = [b(1), c([X(-80, 140, 10, "--"), X(10, 140, 10, "|-"),
X(100, 140, 10, "^-"), X(190, 140, 10, "v-")
]), c([X(0, 295, 10, "z")]), Y(a), b(1), c([X(-80, 140, 10, "-^"), X(10, 140, 10, "|-"), X(100, 140, 10, "^v"), X(190, 140, 10, "v|")]), b(2), c([X(-35, 140, 10, "-^"), X(55, 140, 10, "|-"), X(145, 140, 10, "^v"), X(235, 140, 10, "v|")]), b(1), c([X(130, 217.5, 10, "z")]), Y(a), b(1), c([X(162, 140, 9, "|"), X(90, 140, 9, "-"), X(18, 140, 9, "|"), X(-54, 140, 9, "-"), X(-126, 140, 9, "|")]), b(2), c([X(-162, 217.5, 9, "^-|"), X(-90, 217.5, 9, "v-|"), X(-18, 217.5, 9, "^--"), X(54, 217.5, 9, "v--"), X(126, 217.5, 9, "^-|")]), Y(a), c([X(180, 217.5, 0,
"3")]), b(1), c([X(-20, 295, 22, "z")]), c([X(-30, 140, 12, "|")]), b(.9), c([X(0, 140, 12, "^")]), b(.9), c([X(30, 140, 12, "v")]), b(.9), c([X(60, 140, 12, "-")]), b(.9), c([X(90, 140, 12, "v|")]), b(.9), c([X(120, 140, 12, "-^")]), b(.9), c([X(150, 140, 12, "|v")]), b(.9), c([X(180, 140, 12, "^-")]), b(.9), c([X(210, 140, 12, "v|")]), b(.9), c([X(240, 140, 12, "-^")]), b(.9), c([X(270, 140, 12, "|v")]), b(.9), c([X(300, 140, 12, "^-")]), Y(a), b(2), Pk(a), Y(a), b(1)];
Ok(a, b);
return b
state: 14
}, {
title: L("Level Start - Level 3"),
background: [9, 0, 0, 640, 360],
$a: [T([Hh],
83, Hh[3] / 2, 360 - Hh[4] / 2 - 5, 360 - Hh[4] / 2 - 5), T([Ih], 83, 640 - Ih[3] / 2, 360 - Ih[4] / 2 - 21, 360 - Ih[4] / 2 - 21 - 10), Ik, T([Gh], 83, 546, 206, Hk)],
mb: [],
nb: [10, 11],
tb: function (a) {
var b = function (d) {
return new y(1E3 * d)
c = function (d) {
return Mk(a, d)
b = [b(1), c([X(120, 140, 8, "v-^"), X(15, 140, 8, "|-^")]), Y(a), c([X(-20, 295, 15, "-^-v-^-v"), X(20, 295, 15, "|^|v|^|v")]), Y(a), c([X(0, 295, 15, "-v^-"), X(190, 295, 15, "|v|-"), X(150, 295, 15, "|-|^")]), Y(a), b(1), c([X(-30, 295, 12, "^^-"), X(150, 295, 12, "vv-")]), b(1), c([X(170, 295, 20, "z")]), b(2), c([X(10, 295,
3, "-")]), b(3), c([X(-30, 295, 12, "|^|-"), X(150, 295, 12, "v|v-")]), b(3), c([X(170, 295, 3, "-")]), Y(a), c([X(0, 295, 15, "v|^-"), X(-30, 217.5, 15, "v-"), X(0, 217.5, 15, "|^-"), X(30, 217.5, 15, "^-"), X(150, 217.5, 15, "v^-"), X(180, 217.5, 15, "v|-"), X(210, 217.5, 15, "|-"), X(90, 140, 15, "|-"), X(0, 140, 15, "-"), X(180, 140, 15, "^-"), X(270, 140, 15, "v-")]), b(2), c([X(170, 295, 13, "z")]), Y(a), c([X(0, 295, 3, "-")]), b(.2), c([X(170, 295, 3, "|")]), b(.2), c([X(10, 295, 3, "^")]), b(.2), c([X(190, 295, 3, "v")]), b(.2), c([X(-15, 295, 3, "-")]), b(.2), c([X(160, 295, 3, "|")]),
b(.2), c([X(5, 295, 3, "^")]), b(.2), c([X(10, 295, 23, "z")]), c([X(180, 295, 3, "v")]), b(.2), c([X(0, 295, 3, "-")]), b(.2), c([X(0, 295, 3, "-")]), b(.2), c([X(170, 295, 3, "|")]), b(.2), c([X(10, 295, 3, "^")]), b(.2), c([X(190, 295, 3, "v")]), b(.2), c([X(-15, 295, 3, "z")]), b(.2), c([X(160, 295, 3, "|")]), b(.2), c([X(5, 295, 3, "^")]), b(.2), c([X(-20, 295, 0, "3")]), c([X(180, 295, 3, "v")]), b(.2), c([X(0, 295, 3, "-")]), b(.2), Y(a), b(2), Qk(a), Y(a), b(1)
Ok(a, b);
return b
state: 15
}, {
title: L("Level Start - Level 4"),
background: [11, 0, 0, 640, 360],
$a: [],
ac: new p(320,
mb: [K.g.Pb],
nb: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
scale: .8,
tb: function (a) {
var b = function (d) {
return new y(1E3 * d)
c = function (d) {
return Mk(a, d)
b = [c([X(0, 295, 12, "^^vv^^")]), b(1), c([X(180, 295, 3, "-")]), b(1.5), c([X(30, 295, 3, "|")]), b(1.5), c([X(150, 295, 3, "-")]), Y(a), c([X(-30, 295, 12, "-v-^-v-^")]), b(1), c([X(20, 295, 2, "|")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "|")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "|")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "|")]), Y(a), c([X(-20, 295, 12, "vvvv"), X(160, 295, 12, "^^^^"), X(90, 140, 12, "||||")]), b(1), c([X(20, 295, 2, "-")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "-")]),
b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "-")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "-")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "-")]), Y(a), c([X(-20, 295, 12, "--v^--v^--")]), b(1), c([X(20, 295, 2, "|")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 2, "|")]), b(2), c([X(20, 295, 12, "--||-^-||")]), b(1), c([X(170, 295, 2, "v")]), b(2), c([X(170, 295, 2, "v")]), b(2), c([X(0, 295, 12, "v-v-v-")]), b(1), c([X(180, 295, 2, "^")]), b(2), c([X(180, 295, 2, "^")]), b(2), c([X(180, 295, 2, "^")]), b(2), c([X(180, 295, 2, "^")]), b(2), Y(a), c([X(-30, 295, 2, "|"), X(-10, 295, 3, "-"), X(10, 295, 4, "^"), X(30, 295, 5, "v"), X(150, 295, 6, "v-"), X(170, 295,
7, "^|"), X(190, 295, 8, "v^"), X(210, 295, 9, "^v")]), Y(a), c([X(162, 217.5, 3, "|"), X(90, 217.5, 3, "-"), X(18, 217.5, 3, "|"), X(-54, 217.5, 3, "-"), X(-126, 217.5, 3, "|"), X(-162, 217.5, 9, "^-|^"), X(-90, 217.5, 9, "v-|v"), X(-18, 217.5, 9, "^--^"), X(54, 217.5, 9, "v--v"), X(126, 217.5, 9, "^-|^")]), Y(a), b(2), Rk(a), Y(a), b(1)
Ok(a, b);
return b
state: 16
}, {
title: L("Level Start - Level 5"),
background: Te,
backgroundPosition: new p(-Te[3] / 2 + 640, Te[4] / 2),
scale: .44,
mb: [K.g.Ib],
nb: [17, 18, 19],
$a: [],
ac: new p(160, 230),
wa: new sk,
jc: !0,
tb: function (a) {
var b =
function (d) {
return new y(1E3 * d)
c = function (d) {
return Mk(a, d)
b = [c([X(230, 217.5, 9, "^")]), b(.1), c([X(-90, 217.5, 9, "-")]), b(.1), c([X(150, 295, 9, "v")]), b(.1), c([X(190, 295, 9, "|")]), b(.1), c([X(100, 217.5, 9, "v")]), b(.1), c([X(-100, 217.5, 9, "-")]), b(.1), c([X(160, 295, 9, "|")]), Y(a), Sk(a, "-|-^-^-^z"), Y(a), c([X(-90, 217.5, 12, "vv"), X(160, 295, 12, "^^")]), b(2), c([X(-120, 295, 12, "--"), X(180, 295, 12, "||")]), b(2), c([X(-90, 217.5, 12, "v|"), X(160, 295, 12, "^-")]), Y(a), Sk(a, "^|-v^|-vz"), Y(a), c([X(230, 217.5, 5, "^")]), b(.1), c([X(-90,
217.5, 4, "-")]), b(.1), c([X(150, 295, 5, "v")]), b(.1), c([X(190, 295, 4, "|")]), b(.1), c([X(100, 217.5, 5, "v")]), b(.1), c([X(-100, 217.5, 4, "-")]), b(.1), c([X(160, 295, 5, "|")]), b(.1), c([X(240, 295, 4, "^")]), Y(a), Sk(a, "vv-|vv-|^^vv|||z"), Y(a)];
Ok(a, b);
return b
state: 17
Uk = function () {
return Z.scale || 1
Vk = function () {
return || hj
Wk = function () {
return Z.Mc || K.g.Sb
Xk = function () {
return Ma(Z.mb, function (a) {
return a.s
}).concat(Ma(Z.nb, function (a) {
return Le(Gk, a)
Z = Tk[0];
var Yk = Qe.$(),
Zk = function () {;
this.s = 0;
this.W = new p(0, 0);
this.j = [];
this.S = [];
this.o = [];
this.T = [];
this.U = []
l(Zk, q);
Zk.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.s += a;
a = eb(this);
this.j = [new p(0, -a.g / a.o), this.W];
this.j = $k(this, this.j[0], this.j[1], 3);
this.S = $k(this, this.j[parseInt(Math.random() * this.j.length * .2, 10)], null, 2);
this.o = $k(this, this.j[parseInt(Math.random() * this.j.length * .5, 10)], null, 2);
this.T = $k(this, this.o[this.o.length - 1], null, 2);
this.U = $k(this, this.o[this.o.length - 1], null, 2)
Zk.prototype.ra = function (a) {
var b = 8 + 4 * Math.cos(3 * this.s / 1E3);;
a.globalCompositeOperation = "overlay";
a.shadowColor = "#7fa7fe";
al(a, this.j, b);
al(a, this.S, .5 * b);
al(a, this.o, .3 * b);
al(a, this.T, .2 * b);
al(a, this.U, .1 * b);
var $k = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = .5 < Math.random() ? -1 : 1;
d = Math.pow(2, d) + 1 - 1;
var f = [b];
c || (c = new p(b.x + (20 * Math.random() + 10) * e, b.y + 10 * Math.random() + 30));
f[d] = c;
bl(a, f, 0, d);
return f
bl = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (c + 1 != d) {
var e = Math.floor((c + d) / 2),
f = b[c],
g = b[d];
b[e] = new p((f.x + g.x) / 2 + (20 * Math.random() - 10), (f.y + g.y) / 2 + (10 * Math.random() - 5));
bl(a, b, c, e);
bl(a, b, e, d)
al = function (a, b, c) {
for (var d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d += 1) {
var e = b[d],
f = b[d + 1];;
a.translate(e.x, e.y);
a.scale(.2, .2);
var g = f.x - e.x;
e = f.y - e.y;
f = Math.sqrt(g *
g + e * e);
a.rotate(Math.atan2(e, g) + .5 * Math.PI);
a.scale(2 * c, .14 * f);
Yk.ra(Mh, a, -10, -40, 1);
c -= .5;
c = Math.max(0, c)
a.moveTo(b[0].x, b[0].y);
for (d = 1; d < b.length; d++) a.lineTo(b[d].x, b[d].y);
a.lineWidth = c;
a.strokeStyle = "white";
var cl = yj.$(),
sl = function () {
var a = S([Wf, Xf, Yf, Zf, $f, ag, bg, cg, dg, eg, fg, gg, hg, ig, jg, kg, lg, mg, ng, og, pg, qg, rg, sg, tg, ug, vg, wg, xg], 83, 0, 0),
b = T([nf, of , pf, qf], 83, 0, -31),
c = S([ri, si, ti, ui, vi, wi], 83, 10, -3),
d = T([ki, li, mi, ni, oi, pi, qi], 83, 12, -21),
e = T([xi, yi, zi, Ai, Bi, Ci, Di], 83, 0, -26.5),
f = T([Si, Ti, Ui, Vi, Wi, Xi, Yi], 83, 0, -19),
g = T([Zi, $i, aj, bj, cj, dj, ej], 83, 0, -27),
k = S([$g, ah, bh, ch, dh, eh], 83, 0, -5),
m = T([fh, gh, hh, ih], 83, 14, -15),
w = T([jh, hh, ih], 83, 14, -15),
u = T([Ei, Fi, Gi, Hi, Ii, Ji, Ki], 83, 6, -22),
C = T([Li, Mi, Ni, Oi, Pi, Qi, Ri], 83,
0, -28),
Q = T([rf, sf, tf, uf, vf, wf, xf, yf, zf, Af, Bf, Cf, Df, Ef, Ff, Gf, Hf, If, Jf, Kf, Lf, Mf, Nf, Of, Pf, Qf, Rf, Sf, Tf, Uf, Vf], 83, 0, 0);
a = F([10, c, 1, b, 0, a, 14, c, 8, k, 2, d, 3, e, 4, f, 5, g, 6, u, 7, C, 11, m, 12, w, 13, dl, 9, el, 16, Q, 17, fl, 18, gl, 19, hl, 20, il, 21, jl, 22, kl, 23, ll, 24, ml, 25, nl, 26, ol, 27, pl, 29, ql, 28, rl]);
b = F([8,]);, a, b);
v(this, 320, 180);
this.j = 5;
this.Ba = this.j - 1;
this.state = 0;
this.Da = 83 * Q.length;
this.Ea = 150;
this.ta = 0;
l(sl, qj);
var el = T([
[2, 2057, 199, 146, 148],
[2, 2057, 199, 146, 148],
[2, 2864, 218, 146, 148],
[2, 3013, 218, 146, 148],
[2, 3162, 218, 146, 148],
[2, 3311, 218, 146, 148],
[2, 3460, 218, 146, 148],
[2, 1808, 236, 146, 148],
[2, 1286, 252, 146, 148],
[2, 1435, 262, 146, 148],
[2, 1584, 262, 146, 148],
[2, 1134, 275, 146, 148],
[2, 2206, 280, 146, 148],
[2, 2355, 280, 146, 148],
[2, 2504, 280, 146, 148],
[2, 0, 286, 146, 148],
[2, 149, 286, 146, 148],
[2, 298, 286, 146, 148],
[2, 2653, 296, 146, 148],
[2, 2653, 296, 146, 148],
[2, 2653, 296, 146, 148]
], 83, 0, -36),
dl = T([jh], 83, 14, -15),
fl = T([N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N,
N, N, N, N, N, [1, 125, 293, 122, 134],
[1, 250, 293, 122, 134], N, N, N, N, N, N, N, yg, yg, zg, zg, Ag, Ag, Bg, Bg, Cg, Cg, Dg, Dg, Eg, Eg, Fg, Fg, Gg, Gg, Hg, Hg, Ig, Ig, Jg, Jg, Kg, Kg, Kg, Kg, Kg
], 83, 0, -9),
gl = T([
[1, 625, 459, 122, 134], Lg, Lg, Lg, Lg, Lg, Lg, Lg, Lg, [1, 375, 472, 122, 134],
[1, 0, 567, 122, 134], Mg, Mg, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Ng, Og, Og, Og, Og, Og, Og, [1, 1E3, 574, 122, 134],
[1, 1125, 574, 122, 134]
], 83, 0, -9),
hl = T([Pg, Pg, Pg, Pg, Qg, Rg, Sg, Sg, Qg, Rg, Rg, Sg, Sg, [1, 125, 704, 122, 134],
[1, 250, 704, 122, 134]
], 83, 0, -9),
il = T([Tg, Tg, Tg, Tg, Tg, [1, 1E3, 711, 122,
[1, 1125, 711, 122, 134],
[1, 1250, 711, 122, 134], Ug, Ug, Ug, Vg, Vg, Vg, Vg, [1, 750, 744, 122, 134], Wg, Wg, Wg, Wg, Wg, Wg, Wg, Wg, Wg, Wg, [1, 0, 841, 122, 134],
[1, 125, 841, 122, 134],
[1, 250, 841, 122, 134], Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, Xg, [1, 0, 841, 122, 134], Yg, Yg, Yg, Yg, [1, 1125, 848, 122, 134]
], 83, 0, -9),
jl = T([
[1, 1250, 848, 122, 134],
[1, 500, 850, 122, 134],
[1, 625, 870, 122, 134],
[1, 750, 881, 122, 134], Zg, Zg, Zg, Zg, Zg, Zg, Zg, Zg, Zg, [1, 0, 978, 122, 134],
[1, 125, 978, 122, 134],
[1, 250, 978, 122, 134],
[1, 875, 985, 122, 134]
], 83, 0, -9),
kl = T([
[15, 3834, 0, 99,
[15, 3936, 0, 99, 112],
[15, 3834, 115, 99, 112],
[15, 3936, 115, 99, 112]
], 83, -2, 17),
ll = T([
[17, 2170, 797, 117, 86]
], 83, 20, -2),
ml = T([
[17, 120, 943, 117, 86],
[17, 240, 943, 117, 86]
], 83, 20, -2),
nl = T([
[17, 2170, 886, 117, 86],
[17, 0, 943, 117, 86]
], 83, 20, -2),
ol = T([
[17, 752, 363, 307, 214],
[17, 1062, 363, 307, 214],
[17, 1372, 363, 307, 214],
[17, 1682, 363, 307, 214],
[17, 1992, 363, 307, 214],
[17, 752, 580, 307, 214],
[17, 1062, 580, 307, 214],
[17, 1372, 580, 307, 214],
[17, 1682, 580, 307, 214],
[17, 1992, 580, 307, 214],
[17, 1992, 580, 307, 214],
[17, 0, 726, 307, 214],
[17, 310,
726, 307, 214
[17, 620, 797, 307, 214],
[17, 930, 797, 307, 214],
[17, 1240, 797, 307, 214],
[17, 1550, 797, 307, 214],
[17, 1860, 797, 307, 214]
], 83, 60, -35),
pl = S([
[17, 561, 1160, 74, 81],
[17, 561, 1160, 74, 81],
[17, 638, 1160, 74, 81],
[17, 638, 1160, 74, 81],
[17, 715, 1160, 74, 81],
[17, 715, 1160, 74, 81]
], 83, -14, 0),
rl = T([
[18, 0, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 187, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 374, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 561, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 561, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 561, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 748, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 935, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 1122, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 1309, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 1496, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 1683, 0, 184,
[18, 1870, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 2057, 0, 184, 183],
[18, 2244, 0, 184, 183]
], 83, -62, 38),
ql = S([
[17, 471, 943, 105, 143],
[17, 2170, 975, 105, 143],
[17, 579, 1014, 105, 143],
[17, 687, 1014, 105, 143],
[17, 795, 1014, 105, 143],
[17, 903, 1014, 105, 143],
[17, 1011, 1014, 105, 143],
[17, 1119, 1014, 105, 143],
[17, 1227, 1014, 105, 143]
], 83, -124, 65),
tl = 83 * el.length,
ul = 83 * dl.length,
vl = 83 * hl.length,
wl = 83 * il.length,
xl = 83 * fl.length,
yl = 83 * jl.length,
zl = 83 * ol.length,
Al = 83 * rl.length,
Bl = F([0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6, 5, 0, 6, 7, 7, 0, 8, 0]);
sl.prototype.Bb = function () {
0 >= this.ta && 1 != this.state && (this.j = Math.max(0, this.j - 1), U(this, 1, 0), this.Oa() ? (V(cl, 0), U(this, 16, 350), U(this, 0, this.Da), D(this, 0, function () {
V(cl, 16)
})) : (this.ta = this.Ea, U(this, 0, 350)));
this.j <= this.Ba && (this.Ba--, V(cl, 20))
var Cl = function (a) {
0 != a.state && a.ka(0)
sl.prototype.Oa = function () {
return 0 >= this.j
var Dl = function (a, b) {
if (16 == a.state) return !1;
U(a, 0, 500);
return !0
sl.prototype.reset = function () {
this.j = 5;
this.Ba = this.j - 1
sl.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.ta -= a;, a)
sl.prototype.La = function (a, b) {
if (6 == a) this.Bb();
else if (5 == a) this.o = this.o + b;
else if (7 == a || 9 == a) El(this);
else if (8 == a) Fl(this);
else if (18 == a) {
var c = this.j + 1;
this.j = c;
V(cl, 10, c)
var Gl = function (a, b, c) {
U(a, 8, 0);
U(a, 0, 1E3 / a.H.j, null, b, c)
El = function (a) {
0 == a.state && a.ka(14)
Fl = function (a) {
14 == a.state && a.ka(0)
Hl = function (a) {
a.T ? t(a.T) : (a.T = new P(T([df], 0, -12, 37)), xb(a.T, new zj(a, .7, 3)));
a.T.i = -1;
a.T.U = !1;
r(a, a.T)
Il = function (a) {
a.T && t(a.T)
var Jl = Qe.$(),
Kl = function (a) {;
this.j = a
l(Kl, q);
Kl.prototype.ra = function (a) {
for (var b = this.j.length, c = -5, d = 0; d < b; d++) {
var e = Pj[this.j[d]];
c += e[3] + 5
c = -c / 2;
for (d = 0; d < b; d++) e = Pj[this.j[d]], Jl.ra(e, a, Math.floor(c), Math.floor(-e[4] / 2)), c += e[3] + 5
var Ll = function (a, b) {
this.x = a;
this.y = b
l(Ll, p);
var Ml = function (a) {
return Math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)
Ll.prototype.scale = p.prototype.scale;
Ll.prototype.add = function (a) {
this.x += a.x;
this.y += a.y;
return this
var Nl = yj.$(),
Ol = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {, a, g);
this.Pa = b;
this.Ma = new Zk;
this.Ma.g = !1;
r(this, this.Ma);
this.j = c;
this.U = 320 > d;
this.Va = new Kl(c);
v(this.Va, this.U ? -7 : 7, f);
this.Va.i = 1;
r(this, this.Va);
this.o = 0;
this.Ba = lj(a[2]);
this.T = lj(a[3]);
this.yc = lj(a[5]);
v(this, d, e);
this.i = e + this.s.Aa[4] / 2; = .8;
xb(this, new zj(this, .8, 5));
l(Ol, qj);
var Pl = T([
[2, 1957, 236, 83, 105]
], 83, 0, 0),
Ql = T([
[2, 1701, 522, 109, 91],
[2, 1173, 538, 109, 91],
[2, 1285, 538, 109, 91],
[2, 1397, 543, 109, 91],
[2, 1509, 543, 109, 91],
[2, 1509, 543, 109, 91],
[2, 1509, 543, 109, 91],
[2, 1509, 543, 109, 91]
], 83, 0, 0),
Rl = T([
[2, 1998, 604, 97, 112],
[2, 1813, 614, 97, 112],
[2, 1621, 616, 97, 112],
[2, 1129, 632, 97, 112],
[2, 1229, 632, 97, 112],
[2, 2728, 633, 97, 112],
[2, 1329, 637, 97, 112],
[2, 1429, 637, 97, 112]
], 83, 0, 0),
Sl = T([
[2, 1957, 236, 83, 105],
[2, 1035, 312, 83, 105],
[2, 1173, 426, 83, 105],
[2, 1721, 616, 83, 105],
[2, 1529, 637, 83, 105],
[2, 196,
683, 83, 105
[2, 2098, 684, 83, 105],
[2, 2184, 684, 83, 105],
[2, 2184, 684, 83, 105]
], 83, 0, 0);
Ol.prototype.Ja = function (a) {
if (0 < a) {
this.o = a;
var b = bb(this),
c = Vk(),
d = 1 - .2 * Uk();
U(this, 1, a, bb(this), new Ll(n(b.x, c.x, d), n(b.y, c.y, d)))
var Tl = function (a) { = 0;
xb(a, new W(a, 1E3, 0, .8))
h = Ol.prototype;
h.Oa = function () {
return 6 == this.state
}; = function () {
var a = this;
U(this, 4, this.Ba, null, null, function () { = .8;
xb(a, new W(a, 500, .8, 0))
U(a, 6, 500)
h.Bb = function (a) {
return this.j[0] != a ? !1 : 6 == a ? (V(Nl, 19), !0) : this.Cb()
h.Cb = function () {
var a = this.j.shift();
a = Ij[a];
if (this.rb()) Ul(this, a);
else {
V(Nl, 11, {
Pa: this.Pa,
position: bb(this),
color: a
var b = this;
xb(this, new y(this.T, null, function () {
return !0
h.bc = function () {
h.rb = function () {
return 0 == this.j.length
h.Eb = ra;
var Ul = function (a, b) {
a.S = [];
U(a, 6, a.yc);
V(Nl, 5, {
Pa: a.Pa,
position: bb(a),
color: b
Vl = function (a) {
a.Ma.g = !0;
xb(a, new y(500, null, function () {
a.Ma.g = !1
Ol.prototype.update = function (a) {, a);
this.Oa() ? t(this) : 1 == this.state && (E(this), this.S = [], this.ka(2), V(Nl, 6),,
Ol.prototype.La = function (a) {
19 == a && this.R && this.g && !this.Oa() && (Vl(this), this.Cb())
var Wl = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = F([0, Pl, 2, Sl, 3, Ql, 5, Rl, 6, [Rl[Rl.length - 1]]]);
return new Ol(e, 10, a, b, c, d || -35)
var Xl = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.ta = ["^-^|^-^|", "v-^-v-^-", "|-|--|"];
c = F([5, K.g.kc]);, a, b, Vj(this.ta.shift()), d, e, f, c);
this.Da = d;
this.Ea = e
l(Xl, Ol);
var Yl = T([
[2, 1733, 262, 69, 105],
[2, 3314, 709, 69, 105],
[2, 3386, 709, 69, 105],
[2, 3458, 709, 69, 105],
[2, 3530, 709, 69, 105],
[2, 849, 711, 69, 105],
[2, 921, 711, 69, 105],
[2, 1913, 715, 69, 105]
], 83, 0, 0),
Zl = T([
[2, 1425, 413, 135, 127],
[2, 1563, 413, 135, 127],
[2, 1035, 426, 135, 127],
[2, 2104, 431, 135, 127],
[2, 2242, 431, 135, 127],
[2, 2380, 431, 135, 127],
[2, 2380, 431, 135, 127]
], 83, 0, 0),
$l = T([
[2, 3517, 369, 97, 120],
[2, 3517, 369, 97, 120],
[2, 1998, 481, 97, 120],
[2, 220, 560, 97, 120],
[2, 2098, 561, 97, 120],
[2, 2198, 561, 97, 120],
[2, 2298, 561, 97, 120],
[2, 2398, 561, 97, 120],
[2, 320, 566, 97, 120],
[2, 420, 566, 97, 120],
[2, 520, 566, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 620, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 720, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 820, 576, 97, 120],
[2, 2628, 580, 97, 120],
[2, 2894, 586, 97, 120],
[2, 2994, 586, 97, 120],
[2, 3094, 586, 97, 120],
[2, 3194, 586, 97, 120],
[2, 3294, 586, 97, 120],
[2, 3394, 586, 97, 120],
[2, 3494, 586, 97, 120]
], 83, 0, 0),
am = T([
[2, 920, 576, 95, 132],
[2, 920, 576, 95, 132],
[2, 2498, 663, 95, 132],
[2, 1018, 665, 95, 132],
0, 669, 95, 132
[2, 98, 669, 95, 132],
[2, 98, 669, 95, 132]
], 83, 0, 0),
bm = S([
[3, 180, 186, 67, 109],
[3, 250, 186, 67, 109],
[3, 320, 186, 67, 109],
[3, 390, 186, 67, 109]
], 83, 0, 0); = function () {
var a = this;
U(this, 9, this.Ba);
U(this, 0, this.T, bb(this), new p(this.Da, this.Ea), function () {
Xl.prototype.rb = function () {
return 0 == this.j.length && 0 == this.ta.length
Xl.prototype.Eb = function () {
if (0 == this.j.length) {
var a = this.ta.shift();
a || Ul(this, 0);
var b = this;
U(this, 0, this.T, bb(this), new p(this.Da, this.Ea), function () {
Sa(b.j, Vj(a));
b.o *= .5;
var cm = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {
d = F([5,]);, b, c, [], e, f, g, d);
this.Sa = lj(b[7]);
this.Jb = a;
this.Da = 0;
this.Ra = ["--^--", "||v||", "|-^-|"];
this.Ta = [
[X(-30, 295, 8, "---"), X(20, 140, 8, "|||")],
[X(-30, 295, 8, "-|-"), X(20, 140, 8, "|-|"), X(30, 295, 9, "^")],
[X(-20, 295, 8, "^v"), X(20, 295, 8, "v-"), X(30, 295, 9, "-|")]
this.ta = [];
this.zc = e;
this.Ac = f;
this.Ka = k;
this.Ea = 1200
l(cm, Ol);
var dm = T([
[6, 1600, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 1800, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 2E3, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 2200, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 2400, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 2600, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 2800, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 3E3, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 3200, 253, 197, 124]
], 83, 0, 0),
em = T([
[6, 0, 231, 197, 124],
[6, 200, 235, 197, 124],
[6, 400, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 600, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 800, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 1E3, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 1200, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 1400, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 1400, 253, 197, 124]
], 83, 0, 0),
fm = T([
[6, 1400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 1600, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 1800, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 2E3, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 2200, 126,
197, 124
[6, 2400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 2600, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 2800, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3E3, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3600, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 3800, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4E3, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4600, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 4800, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 5E3, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 5200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 5400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 5600, 127,
197, 124
], 83, 0, 0),
gm = T([
[6, 5732, 0, 197, 124],
[6, 0, 104, 197, 124],
[6, 200, 108, 197, 124],
[6, 400, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 600, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 800, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 1E3, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 1200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 1200, 126, 197, 124],
[6, 1200, 126, 197, 124]
], 83, 0, 0),
hm = T([
[6, 3400, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 3600, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 3800, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 4E3, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 4200, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 4400, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 4600, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 4800, 253, 197, 124]
], 83, 0, 0),
im = S([
[6, 5E3, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 5200, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 5400, 253, 197, 124],
[6, 5600, 254, 197, 124],
[6, 5600, 254, 197, 124]
], 83, 0, 0);
h = cm.prototype;
h.Ja = function (a) {
this.Ka = a;, a)
}; = function () {
var a = this;
U(this, 9, this.Ba);
U(this, 0, this.T, bb(this), new p(this.zc, this.Ac), function () {
h.update = function (a) {, a);
for (var b = this.ta.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--) this.ta[b].Oa() && this.ta.splice(b, 1);
0 < this.Ea && (this.Ea -= a);
0 == this.state && (this.Ka -= a);
if (8 == this.state && 0 == this.ta.length) this.ka(0), this.Da = 0, (a = this.Ra.shift()) || Ul(this, 0), Sa(this.j, Vj(a)), this.Ja(this.Ka);
else if (0 == this.state && 0 == this.j.length && 0 >= this.Ea) {
this.Da = 7;
var c = this;
U(this, 8, this.Sa, null, null, function () {
c.Da = 8;
var d = c.Ta.shift();
d && (d = jm(c.Jb, d), Sa(c.ta, d))
h.bc = function () {
h.rb = function () {
return 0 == this.j.length && 0 == this.Ra.length
h.La = function (a, b) {, a, b);
if (6 == a && 2 != this.state) {
var c = this.state;
U(this, 9, 0);
U(this, c, this.T)
var lm = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
c = F([5,]);, a, b, [], d, e, f, c);
this.ta = ["-^v", "v|-", "-^v", "-|v", "|^|"];
this.Da = d;
this.Ea = e;
var g = this;
U(this, 0, 2E3, null, null, function () {
l(lm, Ol);
var mm = T([
[8, 1253, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 1432, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 1611, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 1790, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 1969, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 2148, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 0, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 179, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 537, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 716, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 895, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 1074, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 1253, 564, 176, 138]
], 83, 0, 0),
nm = T([
[8, 0, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 179, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 537, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 716, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 895, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 1074, 423, 176, 138],
[8, 1074, 423, 176, 138]
], 83, 0, 0),
om = T([
[8, 179, 141, 176,
[8, 358, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 537, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 716, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 895, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 1074, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 1253, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 1432, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 1611, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 1790, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 1969, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 2148, 141, 176, 138],
[8, 0, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 179, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 537, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 716, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 895, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 1074, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 1253, 282,
176, 138
[8, 1432, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 1611, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 1790, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 1969, 282, 176, 138],
[8, 2148, 282, 176, 138]
], 83, 0, 0),
pm = T([
[8, 0, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 179, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 358, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 537, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 716, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 895, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 1074, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 1253, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 1432, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 1611, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 1790, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 1969, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 2148, 0, 176, 138],
[8, 0, 141, 176, 138]
], 83, 0, 0),
qm = S([
[8, 1432, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 1611, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 1790, 564, 176, 138],
[8, 1969, 564, 176, 138]
], 83, 0, 0); = function () {
var a = this;
U(this, 9, this.Ba);
U(this, 0, this.T, bb(this), new p(this.Da, this.Ea), function () {
lm.prototype.rb = function () {
return 0 == this.j.length && 0 == this.ta.length
lm.prototype.Eb = function () {
if (0 == this.j.length) {
U(this, 0, this.T, bb(this), new p(this.Da, this.Ea));
var a = this;
U(this, 0, this.T + 1E3, null, null, function () {
var km = function (a) {
var b = a.ta.shift();
b || Ul(a, 0);
Sa(a.j, Vj(b));
a.o *= .8;
var rm = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
this.Ea = ["^^vv^^vv", "||-||-v-", "--^-|--v"];
d = F([5,]);, b, c, Vj(this.Ea.shift()), e, f, g, d);
this.Jb = a;
this.Ra = [
[X(200, 295, 999, "-")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "|")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "^")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "v")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "--")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "-|")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "-v")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "-^")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "|-")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "||")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "|v")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "|^")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "v-")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "v|")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "^-")],
[X(200, 295, 999, "^|")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "-"), X(200, 295, 999, "-")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "-"), X(200, 295, 999, "|")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "-"), X(200, 295, 999, "v")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "-"), X(200, 295, 999, "^")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "|"), X(200, 295, 999, "-")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "|"), X(200, 295, 999, "|")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "|"), X(200, 295, 999, "v")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "|"), X(200, 295, 999, "^")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "v"), X(200, 295, 999, "-")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "v"), X(200, 295, 999, "|")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "^"), X(200, 295, 999, "-")],
[X(160, 295, 999, "^"), X(200, 295, 999, "|")]
this.Ka = 2500;
this.ta = [];
this.Sa = e;
this.Ta = f;
this.Da = 1E3
l(rm, Ol);
var sm = T([
[10, 2691, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 2898, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 3105, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 3312, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 3519, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 3726, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 198, 204, 195]
], 83, 0, 0),
tm = T([
[10, 1449, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 1656, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 1863, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 2070, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 2277, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 2484, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 2484, 198, 204, 195]
], 83, 0, 0),
um = T([
[10, 1242, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 1449, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 1656, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 1449, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 1863, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 2070, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 2277, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 2484, 0, 204,
[10, 2691, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 2484, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 2898, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3105, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3312, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3519, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3726, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 3933, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4140, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4347, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4761, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 4968, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 5175, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 5382, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 0, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 414, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 621, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 828, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 1035, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 1242, 198, 204, 195]
], 83, 0, 0),
vm = T([
[10, 0, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 207, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 414, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 621, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 828, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 1035, 0, 204, 195],
[10, 1035, 0, 204, 195]
], 83, 0, 0),
wm = S([
[10, 4140, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 4347, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 4554, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 4761, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 4968, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 5175, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 5175, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 5175, 198, 204, 195],
[10, 5175, 198, 204, 195]
], 83, 0, 0),
xm = 83 * wm.length; = function () {
var a = this;
U(this, 9, this.Ba);
U(this, 0, xm, bb(this), new p(this.Sa, this.Ta), function () {
rm.prototype.update = function (a) {, a);
for (var b = this.ta.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--) this.ta[b].Oa() && this.ta.splice(b, 1);
if (0 == this.state && 0 == this.ta.length)
if (0 < this.Da) this.Da -= a;
else {
a = this.Ra[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.Ra.length)];
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b].j = this.Ka;
a = jm(this.Jb, a);
Sa(this.ta, a);
this.Da = 500
rm.prototype.rb = function () {
return 0 == this.j.length && 0 == this.Ea.length
rm.prototype.Eb = function () {
if (0 == this.j.length) {
var a = this.Ea.shift();
a || Ul(this, 0);
var b = this;
U(this, 0, this.T, bb(this), new p(this.Sa, this.Ta), function () {
Sa(b.j, Vj(a));
b.Ka *= .8;
var ym = function () {};
ym.prototype.Xb = function () {
return !0
var zm = function (a, b, c, d) {
this.g = a;
this.i = b;
this.j = Math.abs(c);
this.o = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
this.o || (this.g += this.j, this.i += this.j)
ha(zm, ym);
var Am = function (a, b, c) {
a.g = b;
a.i = c;
a.o || (a.g += a.j, a.i += a.j)
zm.prototype.contains = function (a, b) {
return Math.sqrt((this.g - a) * (this.g - a) + (this.i - b) * (this.i - b)) <= this.j
zm.prototype.ra = function (a) {
a.arc(this.g, this.i, this.j, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0);
var Bm = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, m) {
e = F([0, T([e], 0, 0, 0), 1, T([f || e], 0, 0, 0)]);, e);
this.Ba = g;
this.j = new zm(a, b, c, !0);
this.o = d;
this.ta = k;
this.T = m || ra;
v(this, a, b)
l(Bm, qj);
var Dm = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = Cm;
f = f || 0;
g = Oa(g, function (m) {
a: if (m = m.Aa, va(m) && va(b) && m.length == b.length) {
for (var w = m.length, u = 0; u < w; u++)
if (m[u] !== b[u]) {
m = !1;
break a
} m = !0
} else m = !1;
return m
}) || {
x: 0,
y: 0
var k = Oe(Qe.$(), b) / 2;
return new Bm(g.x + k + f, g.y + k, k, a, b, c, d, e)
Gm = function (a) {
var b = eb(a);
Am(a.j, b.i, b.g);
Em(a.o, a.j, function (c) {
"mouseup" == c ? a.Ba() : "mouseover" == c ? (a.ka(1), a.T(!0), document.getElementById("hplogo").title = a.ta) : "mouseout" == c && (a.ka(0), a.T(!1), document.getElementById("hplogo").title =
Fm(a.o.i, a.j)
Im = function (a) {
Hm(a.o.i, a.j);
document.getElementById("hplogo").title = ""
var Jm = function () {
l(Jm, q);
Jm.prototype.ra = function (a) {
a.clearRect(-320, -180, 640, 360);, a)
var Km = Qe.$(),
Mm = function () {;
this.j = [];
for (var a = 0; 90 > a; a++) this.j.push(new Lm), r(this, this.j[a])
l(Mm, q);
var Om = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; 90 > b; b++) Nm(a.j[b], !0)
Pm = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; 90 > b; b++) Nm(a.j[b], !1)
Lm = function () {;
this.W = !1;
this.o = 640 * Math.random();
this.s = 360 * Math.random();
this.j = 1 - 2 * Math.random();
this.S = 1 - 2 * Math.random();
this.U = this.ha = .2;
this.T = 0
l(Lm, q);
Lm.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.T += a;
this.U = this.W ? Math.min(this.U, this.ha * Ta(1 - this.T / 1E3, 0, 1)) : Math.max(this.U, this.ha * Ta(this.T / 1500, 0, 1));
var b = 2;
this.W ? this.j += 320 > this.o ? -.5 : .5 : (b -= .2, this.j += .2 * (1 - 2 * Math.random()), this.S += .2 * (1 - 2 * Math.random()));
this.j = Ta(this.j, -b, b);
this.S = Ta(this.S, -b, b);
this.o += this.j / 17 * a;
this.s += this.S / 17 * a;
this.o = Ta(this.o, 100, 540);
this.s = Ta(this.s, 110, 250);
if (100 == this.o || 540 == this.o) this.j = this.W ? 0 : -this.j;
if (110 == this.s || 250 == this.s) this.S = -this.S
Lm.prototype.ra = function (a) {
a.globalAlpha = this.U;
Km.ra(sh, a, this.o, this.s, 4, !0);
a.globalAlpha = 1
var Nm = function (a, b) {
b || (a.j = 4 * Math.random());
a.T = 0;
a.W = b
var Tm = function () {;
this.j = new Qm;
r(this, this.j);
for (var a = 0; 50 > a; a++) {
for (var b = new Rm(8 + a * a * .002, 3E3), c = 0; c < 2 * a; c++) b.update(17);
b.i = -1;
r(this, b)
a = new Sm(14, 3E3);
c = new Sm(14, 3E3);
var d = new Sm(14, 3E3);
a.i = -1;
c.i = -1;
d.i = -1;
v(c, 0, 113);
v(d, 100, 56);
a.j = b.j;
c.j = b.j + 2 / 3;
d.j = b.j + 1 / 3;
r(this, a);
r(this, c);
r(this, d)
l(Tm, z);
Tm.prototype.ra = function (a) {
a.fillStyle = "#2c3039";
a.shadowBlur = 50;
a.shadowColor = "#fff";
a.lineTo(0, 113);
a.lineTo(100, 56);
a.lineTo(0, 0);
a.shadowBlur = 0
var Rm = function (a, b) {;
this.o = a;
this.s = b;
this.j = 0
l(Rm, q);
Rm.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.j += a / this.s;
var b = this.j % 1;
b > 2 / 3 ? (a = 100 - 300 * (b - 2 / 3), b = 56 - 168 * (b - 2 / 3)) : b > 1 / 3 ? (a = 300 * (b - 1 / 3), b = 113 - 168 * (b - 1 / 3)) : (a = 0, b *= 339);
v(this, a, b)
Rm.prototype.ra = function (a) {
var b = a.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this.o);
b.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)");
b.addColorStop(.6, "rgba(245, 245, 255, .3)");
b.addColorStop(.8, "rgba(225, 225, 255, .15)");
b.addColorStop(1, "rgba(210, 210, 255, 0)");
a.fillStyle = b;
a.arc(0, 0, this.o, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
var Sm = function (a, b) {;
this.s = a;
this.o = b;
this.j = 0
l(Sm, q);
Sm.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.j += a / this.o;
a = (this.j + .1) % 1;
var b = (.8 - .2) / 2;
b = b + .2 - b * Math.cos(Math.PI * a / .25);
.25 < a && .75 > a && (b = .8); = b
Sm.prototype.ra = function (a) {
var b = this.s * (.7 + .5 *,
c = a.createRadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, b);
c.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)");
c.addColorStop(.6, "rgba(245, 245, 255, .7)");
c.addColorStop(.8, "rgba(225, 225, 255, .25)");
c.addColorStop(1, "rgba(210, 210, 255, 0)");
a.fillStyle = c;
a.arc(0,, b, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1);
var Qm = function () {
l(Qm, q);
Qm.prototype.ra = function (a) {
a.fillStyle = "#fff";
a.moveTo(-1, -1);
a.lineTo(-1, 114);
a.lineTo(101, 56);
a.lineTo(-1, -1);
var Um = function (a, b, c) {;
this.j = a;
this.s = b;
this.o = c
l(Um, z);
Um.prototype.ra = function (a) {
a.fillStyle = this.j;
a.fillRect(0, 0, this.s, this.o)
var Vm = function () {
this.g = new q
Vm.prototype.reset = function () {
this.g = new q
var Ym = function (a, b) {
var c = Wm,
d = [];
fb(c.g, function (g) {
if (g.g) d.push(g);
else return !0
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) d[e].update(a);
d = [];
var f = 0;
fb(c.g, function (g) {
if (g.g) d.push(g), g.Ga.order = ++f, g.Ga.Za = g.i + (g.R ? g.R.Ga.Za : 0);
else return !0
d.sort(function (g, k) {
return g.Ga.Za != k.Ga.Za ? g.Ga.Za - k.Ga.Za : g.Ga.order - k.Ga.order
for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) Xm(b, eb(d[e])), b.globalAlpha = d[e].va, d[e].ra(b);
Xm = function (a, b) {
a.setTransform(b.j, b.H, b.s, b.o, b.i, b.g)
var Zm = function () {
this.j = !1
Zm.prototype.update = function () {
return this.j ? (this.j = !1, 1) : 0
Zm.prototype.Ha = ra;
Zm.prototype.Ia = ra;
var an = function () {
this.R = !0;
this.U = !1;
this.H = [];
this.T = !1;
this.j = this.V = this.i = 0;
this.s = $m
l(an, Hc);
var $m = 1E3 / 60,
bn = function (a) {
this.i = 1E3 / 60;
this.j = a;
this.g = an.$().i;
this.o = 0
cn = function (a) {
var b = a.j(a.o);
a.g = an.$().i + a.i / an.$().s;
return b
bn.prototype.cancel = function () {
this.j = function () {
return !1
var en = function (a, b) {
var c = new bn(b);
dn(a, c)
dn = function (a, b) {
a.T = !0
gn = function (a) {
if (a.R) a.U = !1;
else {
a.U = !0;
a.T && (a.H.sort(function (e, f) {
return e.g == f.g ? f.i - e.i : e.g - f.g
}), a.T = !1);
for (var b = 0, c = 0, d; d = a.H[c]; c++)
if (d.g <= a.i) cn(d) && dn(a, d), b++;
else break;
a.H.splice(0, b);
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
fn = function (a) {
var b = (new Date).getTime();
30 < a.i && a.V && (b - a.V >= 1.05 * a.s ? a.j++ : a.j >>= 1, 20 < a.j && (a.s = Math.min(50, 1.2 * a.s), a.j = 0));
a.V = b
an.prototype.start = function () {
this.R = !1;
this.U || gn(this)
var hn = function (a) {
a.j = 0;
a.V = 0
an.prototype.g = function () {
an.prototype.reset = function () {
this.R = !0;
this.H = [];
this.i = 0;
this.T = !1;
this.s = $m;
var jn = function (a) {
this.g = a
ha(jn, ym);
var kn = function (a, b, c, d) {
return new jn([a, b, a + c, b, a + c, b + d, a, b + d])
jn.prototype.contains = function (a, b) {
var c = this.g;
if (6 > c.length) return !1;
for (var d = !1, e = 0, f = c.length - 2; e < c.length; f = e, e += 2) {
var g = c[e],
k = c[e + 1],
m = c[f];
f = c[f + 1];
a < g != a < m && b > k + (a - g) * (f - k) / (m - g) && (d = !d)
return d
jn.prototype.ra = function (a) {
for (var b = 0; b < this.g.length; b += 2) a.lineTo(this.g[b], this.g[b + 1]);
a.lineTo(this.g[0], this.g[1]);
var ln = Vm.$(),
mn = function (a, b) {
this.j = !1;
this.S = a;
this.V = b;
this.R = kn(25, 25, 590, 310);
this.s = new Jm;
v(this.s, 320, 180);
this.g = new Tm;
v(this.g, 310, 60);
this.g.i = 2;
this.H = new Mm;
this.o = new Um("white", 640, 360);
this.o.i = 460;
this.i = new z;
r(this.i, this.s);
r(this.i, this.H);
r(this.i, this.g);
r(this.i, this.o)
l(mn, Zm);
mn.prototype.Ha = function () { = 0; = 0;
var a = this;
Em(this.S, this.R, function (b) {
switch (b) {
case "mouseup":
A(a.i, new W(a.o, 150, 0, 1));
D(a.i, 300, function () {
a.j = !0;
a.V && (nn(a.V, function () {
var c = an.$();
c.R = !0;
}), an.$().start())
case "mouseover":
a.g.S = [];
xb(a.g, new W(a.g.j, 200,, 1));
case "mouseout":
Pm(a.H), a.g.S = [], xb(a.g, new W(a.g.j, 200,, 0))
r(ln.g, this.i)
mn.prototype.Ia = function () {
Hm(this.S.i, this.R);
var on = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
a = F([0, a, 1, b, 2, c, 3, d, 4, e]);, a);
this.state = 0
l(on, qj);
var pn = S([Yh, Yh, Yh, Yh, Yh, Yh, Zh, [1, 85, 1196, 81, 74],
[1, 169, 1196, 81, 74], Zh, Zh
], 83, 0, 0),
qn = T([
[1, 648, 1196, 81, 74],
[1, 337, 1200, 81, 74],
[1, 732, 1203, 81, 74],
[1, 816, 1203, 81, 74]
], 83, 0, 0),
rn = T([
[17, 2290, 797, 64, 84]
], 83, 0, -2),
sn = T([
[17, 2290, 884, 64, 84],
[17, 387, 1134, 64, 84]
], 83, 0, -2),
tn = S([
[17, 1656, 1014, 100, 113],
[17, 1759, 1014, 100, 113],
[17, 1862, 1014, 100, 113],
[17, 1965, 1014, 100, 113],
[17, 360, 1018, 100, 113],
[17, 0, 1032, 100, 113]
], 83, 0, -2),
un = S([O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, O, Vh, Vh, Wh, Wh, Wh, Wh, Wh, Wh, Vh, Vh], 83, 0, 0),
vn = T([
[17, 792, 1160, 63, 82]
], 83, 0, 0),
wn = T([
[17, 858, 1160, 63, 82],
[17, 924, 1160, 63, 82]
], 83, 0, 0),
xn = S([
[17, 2256, 0, 104, 113],
[17, 2256, 116, 104, 113],
[17, 2256, 232, 104, 113],
[17, 1335, 1014, 104, 113],
[17, 1442, 1014, 104, 113],
[17, 1549, 1014, 104, 113]
], 83, 0, 0),
yn = S([th, th, th, th, uh, uh, vh, vh, wh, wh, xh, xh, xh, xh, xh, xh, xh, xh, xh, xh, wh, wh, vh, vh, uh, uh, th, th, th, th], 83, 0, 0),
zn = T([
[1, 1105, 1073, 102, 87],
[1, 1210, 1073, 102, 87],
[1, 480, 1075, 102, 87],
[1, 585, 1095, 102, 87],
[1, 690, 1106, 102, 87],
[1, 375, 1110, 102, 87]
], 83, 0, 0),
An = T([
[17, 990, 1160, 61,
], 83, 0, -6),
Bn = T([
[17, 1054, 1160, 61, 84],
[17, 1118, 1160, 61, 84]
], 83, 0, -6),
Cn = S([
[17, 2068, 1122, 92, 113],
[17, 1335, 1130, 92, 113],
[17, 1430, 1130, 92, 113],
[17, 1525, 1130, 92, 113],
[17, 1620, 1130, 92, 113],
[17, 1715, 1130, 92, 113]
], 83, 0, -6),
Dn = S([nh, nh, oh, oh, ph, ph, qh, qh, rh, rh], 83, 0, 0),
En = T([
[1, 965, 1163, 82, 78],
[1, 1050, 1163, 82, 78],
[1, 1135, 1163, 82, 78],
[1, 1220, 1163, 82, 78]
], 83, 0, 0),
Fn = S([
[17, 2278, 975, 76, 75],
[17, 1986, 1130, 76, 75],
[17, 103, 1140, 76, 75],
[17, 182, 1140, 76, 75],
[17, 0, 1148, 76, 75]
], 83, 0, 1),
Gn = T([
[17, 1898, 1130, 85, 81],
299, 1134, 85, 81
], 83, 0, 1),
Hn = S([
[17, 2068, 1014, 95, 105],
[17, 103, 1032, 95, 105],
[17, 201, 1032, 95, 105],
[17, 463, 1089, 95, 105],
[17, 2166, 1121, 95, 105],
[17, 2264, 1121, 95, 105]
], 83, 0, 1),
In = 83 * Gn.length;
var Jn = function () {;
var a = new Um("#000", 640, 46);
v(a, 0, 0);
r(this, a);
a = new Um("#000", 640, 46);
v(a, 0, 314);
r(this, a);
this.i = 463
l(Jn, q);
var Kn = function (a, b, c, d) {, a);
this.T = b;
this.S = c;
this.o = d
l(Kn, y);
Kn.prototype.Mb = function () {
this.o(n(this.T, this.S, Ta(this.j / this.s, 0, 1)))
Kn.prototype.Xa = function () {
var Ln = Vm.$(),
Mn = function (a) {
this.j = !1;
this.o = new z;
this.i = a;
this.s = new P(Te);
r(this.o, this.s); = new Jn;
this.R = new P(Uh);
this.R.i = 3;
r(this.o, this.R);
this.ha = new P(df);
this.H = new q;
v(this.H, -jj.x + 320, -jj.y + 180);
r(this.s, this.H);
this.U = new on(un, un, vn, wn, xn);
v(this.U, -190, 73);
r(this.H, this.U);
this.T = new on(yn, zn, An, Bn, Cn);
v(this.T, -82, 73);
r(this.H, this.T);
this.W = new on(pn, qn, rn, sn, tn);
v(this.W, 26, 73);
r(this.H, this.W);
this.V = new on(Dn, En, Fn, Gn, Hn);
v(this.V, 134, 73);
r(this.H, this.V);
this.S = new Um("#fff", 640, 360);
this.S.i = 560;
r(this.o, this.S)
l(Mn, Zm);
Mn.prototype.Ha = function () {
r(Ln.g, this.o);
r(this.o, this.i);
v(this.s, Z.backgroundPosition || hj);
this.S.i = 560;
oj(this.s, Te);
x(this.i, Uk());
v(this.i, Vk());
this.i.i = 4;
this.H.g = !1;
this.T.ka(2); = !1;
this.g = Z.wa;
r(this.o, this.g);
x(this.g, 1);
this.g.i = 2;
this.g.g = !0;
v(this.g, Ak); = 1;
x(this.ha, Uk());
v(this.ha, -10, 18);
this.ha.i = -1;
this.R.g = !0;
x(this.R, Uk());
v(this.R, 330, -50); = 0;;
U(this.g, 15, zk);
new W(this.S, 1E3, 0, 1));
var a = this;
D(this.g, 0, function () {
oj(a.s, Ue); = !0;
A(this.g, new W(this.S, 200, 1, 0));
yb(this.g, new y(1500, function (b) {
cb(a.g, 3.06 / b)
zb(this.g, 1E3, null, new p(Ak.x, 410));
D(this.g, 0, function () {
U(a.i, 24, 0);
U(a.i, 25, 700)
A(this.g, new vb(this.i, 1E3, null, hj, function () {
}, ub));
A(this.g, new vb(this.R, 1E3, null, new p(330, 132), null, tb));
D(this.g, 0, function () {
a.R.g = !1
D(this.g, zl, function () {;
a.i.U = !0;
v(a.i, 345, 200);
a.i.T.U = !0; = 0;
a.H.g = !0
yb(this.g, new Kn(500, Uk(), 1, function (b) {
x(a.i, b)
A(this.g, new vb(this.i, 500, null, new p(420, 100)));
A(this.g, new vb(this.s, 2E3, null, jj));
D(this.g, 100, function () {
a.i.U = !1;;
U(a.V, 3, 200);
U(a.V, 4, In);
U(a.W, 3, 200);
U(a.W, 4, In);
U(a.T, 3, 200);
U(a.T, 4, In);
U(a.U, 3, 200);
U(a.U, 4, In)
D(this.g, Al, function () {
wb(this.g, 1E3);
A(this.g, new W(this.S, 1700, 0, 1));
D(this.g, 700, function () {
a.j = !0
Mn.prototype.Ia = function () {
this.i.U = !1;
this.g.S = [];
db(this.g); = 1;
var Nn = Vm.$(),
On = function (a) {
this.j = !1;
this.o = new z;
this.i = a;
this.S = new P(Te);
r(this.o, this.S);
this.T = new Jn;
r(this.o, this.T);
this.R = new P(df);
this.V = new Um("#000", 640, 360);
this.V.i = 461;
r(this.o, this.V);
this.s = new vj;
this.s.i = 3;
v(this.s, 500, 90);
r(this.o, this.s);
this.H = new Um("#fff", 640, 360);
r(this.o, this.H);
this.H.i = 560
l(On, Zm);
On.prototype.Ha = function () {
r(Nn.g, this.o);
r(this.o, this.i);
v(this.R, 110, 273);
this.R.i = 2;
r(this.o, this.R);
v(this.S, jj);
x(this.i, 1);
v(this.i, -nj(this.i) / 2 - 5, 272);
this.i.i = 4;
this.T.g = !0;
this.g = Z.wa;
r(this.o, this.g);
x(this.g, 1);
this.g.i = 2;
this.g.g = !1;
v(this.g, 540, 130);
this.s.g = !1;
this.H.g = !1; = 0;
v(this.V, 0, 0);
A(this.i, new vb(this.V, 1E3, null, new p(-640, 0)));
zb(this.i, 800, null, new p(bb(this.R).x + 10, 272));
var a = this;
D(this.i, 0, function () {
var b = bb(a.i);
v(a.i, b.x + 2, b.y - 30)
D(this.i, 249, function () {
D(this.i, 300, function () {;
zb(a.S, 1700, null, Z.backgroundPosition || hj, null, ub)
zb(this.i, 700, null, new p(520, -this.i.s.Aa[4] / 2), function () {
x(a.i, Uk())
}, sb);
wb(this.i, 300);
zb(this.i, 700, new p(-nj(this.i) / 2, 360 + this.i.s.Aa[4] / 2), Vk(), null, tb);
D(this.i, 0, function () {
a.g.g = !0
D(this.g, 200, function () {
a.s.g = !0
U(this.g, 8, 200);
U(this.g, 11, xj - 200);
U(this.g, 9, 83, null, null, function () {;
x(a.g, .27)
D(this.g, 1E3, function () {
a.H.g = !0; = 0;
wb(a.o, 100);
A(a.o, new W(a.H, 1400, 0, 1))
A(this.g, new Kn(1500, .27, 1, function (b) {
x(a.g, b)
D(this.g, 0, function () {
x(a.g, 1);
v(a.g, Ak);
a.s.g = !1;
a.T.g = !1;
U(this.g, 12, 0);
yb(this.g, new W(a.H, 200, 1, 0));
U(this.g, 13, yk);
D(this.g, yk, function () {
a.j = !0
On.prototype.Ia = function () {
13 != this.g.state && this.g.ka(13);
v(this.g, Ak);
x(this.g, 1);
this.g.g = !0;
this.g.i = 459;
var Sn = function (a, b) {
var c = F([0, [{
Aa: Eh,
duration: 0
}], 1, [{
Aa: Eh,
duration: 0
}], 2, [{
Aa: Fh,
duration: 0
}], 3, T(Pn, Qn, 0, 0), 4, T(Rn, Qn, -3, 0)]);, c);
v(this, a, b)
l(Sn, qj);
var Pn = [Eh, [2, 1286, 211, 42, 31],
[2, 1621, 543, 42, 31],
[2, 1813, 575, 42, 31],
[2, 1621, 577, 42, 31],
[2, 2828, 633, 42, 31],
[2, 2828, 667, 42, 31],
[2, 2432, 684, 42, 31],
[2, 2677, 703, 42, 31], Fh
Rn = [
[2, 1985, 719, 41, 38],
[2, 2029, 719, 41, 38],
[2, 1721, 724, 41, 38],
[2, 1765, 724, 41, 38],
[2, 1809, 729, 41, 38],
[2, 1853, 729, 41, 38],
[2, 1615, 731, 41, 38],
[2, 1659, 731, 41, 38],
[2, 2677, 737, 41, 38],
[2, 1529, 745, 41, 38],
[2, 1116, 747, 41, 38],
[2, 1160, 747, 41, 38]
Qn = 1E3 / 12,
Tn = Pn.length * Qn,
Un = Rn.length * Qn,
Vn = Eh[3];
Sn.prototype.update = function (a) {, a);
a = 1;
1 == this.state && (a += .1 * Math.max(0, Math.sin(this.ha / 100)));
x(this, a)
var Wn = {
2: !0,
3: !0
Xn = {
0: !0,
1: !0,
4: !0
Sn.prototype.ka = function (a) {
this.state == a || 3 == this.state && 2 == a || 4 == this.state && 1 == a || (Wn[a] && Xn[this.state] ? (E(this), U(this, 2, Tn), a = 3) : Xn[a] && Wn[this.state] && (E(this), U(this, 0, Un), a = 4),, a))
var Yn = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) {;
this.o = a;
this.U = e + "px " + d;
this.s = f || "#000";
this.S = g ? g : "left";
this.T = k;
v(this, b, c)
l(Yn, q);
Yn.prototype.ra = function (a) {, a);;
a.font = this.U;
this.s && (a.fillStyle = this.s);
this.T && (a.shadowColor = this.T, a.shadowBlur = 5);
a.textAlign = this.S;
a.fillText(this.o, 0, 0);
var Zn = yj.$(),
ao = function (a) {;
this.T = a;
this.o = [];
for (a = 0; 5 > a; a++) {
var b = new Sn(Vn * (a + 1), 25);
r(this, b)
this.j = 0;
this.s = new Yn(this.j.toString(), 640 - (ge ? 74 : 25), 37, "'Itim', sans-serif", 40, "orange", "right", "black");
r(this, this.s);
l(ao, z);
ao.prototype.La = function (a, b) {
if (10 == a && 5 < b) this.o[this.o.length - 1].ka(2);
else if (2 == a) {
var c = this;
this.j < b ? A(this, new Kn(300, this.j, b, function (d) {
c.j = Math.ceil(d);
c.s.o = c.j.toString()
})) : (this.j = b, this.s.o = this.j.toString())
ao.prototype.update = function (a) {, a);
var $n = function (a) {
for (var b = a.V, c = 0; 5 > c; c++) {
var d = 0;
c > a.T.j - 1 ? d = 2 : c == a.T.j - 1 && (d = 1);
var bo = function (a) {;
var b = a.position,
c = new Yn("+" + a.Pa.toString(), 0, 0, "'Itim', sans-serif", 24, a.color, "center");
r(this, c);
v(this, b.x, b.y - 30); = 0;
this.i = 470;
xb(this, new vb(this, 400, null, new p(b.x, b.y - 60), pb));
xb(this, new W(c, 400, 1, 0, function () {
xb(this, new zj(this, 1.1 * (320 > b.x ? -1 : 1), 0, 2))
l(bo, z);
var co = function () {
return qe() ? "1" != de.g.get("scta") : !(ne() || oe())
eo = function () {
if (qe()) throw "";
return ke || ne() || oe()
fo = function () {
if (qe()) throw "";
return pe() || me
var go = yj.$(),
ho = function () {;
this.U = this.o = 0;
this.s = new z;
r(this, this.s);
this.ya = 0;
this.j = new Yn("0", 315, 340, "'Itim', sans-serif", 32, "orange", "center", "black");
this.j.i = 470;
xb(this, new zj(this.j, .7, 3));
this.j.g = !1;
this.T = new P(Ve);
this.T.i = -1;
x(this.T, .5); = .6;
v(this.T, 5, -10);
r(this.j, this.T);
r(this, this.j);
this.ha = K.g.Kb;
l(ho, z);
var io = [K.g.Wb, K.g.Dc, K.g.Ec, K.g.Fc];
ho.prototype.La = function (a, b) {
!this.g || 5 != a && 11 != a ? this.g && 0 < this.U && (8 == a || 17 == a) ? (E(this.s), yb(this.s, new W(this.T, 200, .6, 0)), A(this.s, new W(this.j, 200, 1, 0)), : 13 == a && (this.ya = this.o) : (E(this.s), this.s.S = [], this.U++, 2 <= this.U ? (2 == this.U ? (xb(this, new W(this.j, 200, 0, 1)), xb(this, new W(this.T, 200, 0, .6))) : ( = 1, = .6), this.j.g = !0, this.j.o = " x " + this.U, wb(this.s, 500), yb(this.s, new W(this.T, 500, .6, 0)), A(this.s, new W(this.j, 500, 1, 0, za(, this)))) : D(this.s, 1E3, za(, this)),
this.ha = io[(this.U - 1) % io.length], b.Pa *= this.U, jo(this, this.o + b.Pa), r(this, new bo(b)))
}; = function () {
this.U = 0;
this.ha = K.g.Kb
var jo = function (a, b) {
a.o = b;
V(go, 2, a.o);
ie && (document.cookie = "sessionHighScore=" + Math.floor(a.o))
var ko = yj.$(),
no = function (a, b) {
var c = F([0, lo, 2, lo, 3, lo, 5, mo, 6, [mo[mo.length - 1]]]);, c, 20, [4], a, b, -35)
l(no, Ol);
var lo = S([
[2, 2990, 709, 78, 63],
[2, 3071, 709, 78, 63],
[2, 3152, 709, 78, 63], Ch, Ch, Ch, Ch, Ch
], 83, 0, 0),
mo = T([
[2, 1337, 68, 78, 63],
[2, 1808, 143, 78, 63],
[2, 2104, 350, 78, 63],
[2, 1875, 387, 78, 63],
[2, 687, 699, 78, 63],
[2, 768, 699, 78, 63],
[2, 2596, 703, 78, 63],
[2, 2828, 709, 78, 63],
[2, 2909, 709, 78, 63],
[2, 2909, 709, 78, 63],
[2, 2909, 709, 78, 63],
[2, 2909, 709, 78, 63]
], 83, 0, 0);
no.prototype.Cb = function () {
V(ko, 18);
var oo = yj.$(),
po = function (a, b) {;
this.j = a;
this.o = null;
this.S = b;
this.s = null;
l(po, q);
po.prototype.reset = function () {
var a = Z.tb(this)[0];
this.o && t(this.o);
this.o = a;
r(this, a);
this.s = null
var Y = function (a) {
var b = new gb;
b.Wa = function () {
return a.j.V.length == (a.s && !a.s.Oa() ? 1 : 0)
return b
Mk = function (a, b) {
return new hb(function () {
jm(a, b)
jm = function (a, b) {
for (var c = [], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = b[d];
if (!(4 == e.i[0] && 5 <= a.S.j)) {
var f;
0 < e.i.length && 4 == e.i[0] ? f = new no(e.g.x, e.g.y) : f = Wl(e.i.slice(), e.g.x, e.g.y);
0 < e.j && f.Ja(e.j);
x(f, Uk());
r(a.j, f);
return c
Nk = function (a) {
var b = X(5, 295, 14, "");
return new hb(function () {
var c = b.i.slice();
var d = b.g.x,
e = b.g.y,
f = F([0, Yl, 2, am, 9,
bm, 3, Zl, 5, $l, 6, [$l[$l.length - 1]]
c = new Xl(f, 100, c, d, e, -60);
r(a.j, c)
Pk = function (a) {
var b = X(-5, 217.5, 12, "");
return new hb(function () {
var c = b.i.slice();
var d = b.g.x,
e = b.g.y,
f = b.j,
g = F([0, dm, 8, dm, 7, hm, 2, gm, 9, im, 3, em, 5, fm, 6, [fm[fm.length - 1]]]);
c = new cm(a, g, 100, c, d, e, -60, f);
r(a.j, c)
Qk = function (a) {
var b = X(20, 245, 3.8, "");
return new hb(function () {
var c = b.i.slice();
var d = b.g.x,
e = b.g.y,
f = F([0, mm, 2, pm, 9, qm, 3, nm, 5, om, 6, [om[om.length - 1]]]);
c = new lm(f, 100, c, d, e, -60);
r(a.j, c)
Rk = function (a) {
var b = X(5, 295, 12, "");
return new hb(function () {
var c = b.i.slice();
var d = b.g.x,
e = b.g.y,
f = F([0, sm, 2, vm, 9, wm, 3, tm, 5, um, 6, [um[um.length - 1]]]);
c = new rm(a, f, 100, c, d, e, -60);
r(a.j, c)
Sk = function (a, b) {
return new hb(function () {
var c = Wl(Vj(b), 0, 0, -105),
d = Z.wa;
d.j = c;
var e = bb(d);
v(d.j, e.x - 50, e.y);
d.j.Pa = 200; = 0;
d.j.i = d.i + 1;
r(a.j, c)
Ok = function (a, b) {
for (var c = function (e) {
return function () {
if (e < b.length - 1) {
var f = b[e + 1];
a.o && t(a.o);
a.o = f;
r(a, f)
} else V(oo,
}, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) b[d].Xa = c(d)
po.prototype.La = function (a) {
20 != a || this.s && !this.s.Oa() || (a = Uj(190, 295), a = new no(a.x, a.y), Tl(a), x(a, Uk()), r(this.j, a), this.s = a)
var qo = yj.$(),
ro = Vm.$(),
so = function (a, b) {
this.g = a;
this.S = b;
this.H = new q;
this.s = new po(this.H, this.g);
this.V = new ao(this.g);
this.o = new ho;
this.o.g = !1;
this.i = new q;
this.i.g = !1;
this.R = 0;
r(this.i, this.g);
r(this.i, this.H);
r(this.i, this.s);
r(this.i, this.o);
this.V.i = 462;
r(this.i, this.V)
l(so, Zm);
so.prototype.La = function (a, b) {
switch (a) {
case 4:
if (!this.i.g) break;
if (!Dl(this.g, b)) break;
for (var c = this.H.V, d = !1, e = 0, f; f = c[e++];) f.Oa() || (d = f.Bb(b) || d);
d || V(qo, 17);
Sj[b] ? Sj[b].play() :;
case 7:
case 9:
if (!this.i.g) break;
case 8:
if (!this.i.g) break;
case 1:
V(qo, 13);
this.R = 1;
case 0:
this.s.g = !1;
case 16:
this.R = 7;
case 15:
c = this.o;
jo(c, 0);
c.ya = 0;
case 14:
c = this.g, c.j = 5, c.Ba = c.j - 1, c = this.o,
jo(c, c.ya), uo(this)
var uo = function (a) {
so.prototype.Ha = function () {
this.i.g = !0;
this.R = 0;
r(this.i, this.g);
v(this.g, Vk());
this.g.i = 180 + this.g.s.Aa[4] / 2;
x(this.g, Uk());
this.o.g = !0;
this.s.g = !0;
Z.wa && r(this.i, Z.wa);
Z.jc && Hl(this.g);
r(ro.g, this.i);
so.prototype.Ia = function () {
this.i.g = !1;
this.o.g = !1;
Z.wa && (E(Z.wa), Z.wa.S = [], t(Z.wa));
so.prototype.update = function () {
return this.R
var xo = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var k = a.font;
a.font = " " + d + "px " + c;
for (var m = wo(a, b, f); m.length > g && d > e;) d = Math.max(e, 1 < d ? d - 1 : d - .1), a.font = " " + d + "px " + c, m = wo(a, b, f);
for (b = 0; b < m.length; b++)
for (; a.measureText(m[b]).width > f && d > e;) d = Math.max(e, 1 < d ? d - 1 : d - .1), a.font = " " + d + "px " + c;
a.font = k;
return {
lines: m,
fontFamily: c,
fontSize: d,
fontStyle: ""
wo = function (a, b, c) {
b = b.match(/[^\s-]+-?/g);
if (!b || 1 > b.length) return [""];
for (var d = b[0], e = [], f = 1; f < b.length; f++) {
var g = d + ("-" == d[d.length - 1] ? "" : " ") + b[f];
a.measureText(g).width >
c ? (e.push(d), d = b[f]) : d = g
return e
var yo = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k, m, w, u, C) {, b, c, d, g, k, e, f);
this.j = xo(a, b, g, k, m, w, u);
if (C) {
a = new q;
var Q = this;
a.ra = function (J) {
J.fillStyle = "#000";
var B = Q.j;
J.font = B.fontStyle + " " + B.fontSize + "px " + B.fontFamily;
for (var R = 0, Ca = 0; Ca < B.lines.length; Ca++) R = Math.max(R, J.measureText(B.lines[Ca]).width);
var kb = R + 40;
Ca = Q.j.lines.length * k + 20;
B = -Ca / 2;
R = -kb / 2;
kb /= 2;
Ca /= 2;
J.moveTo(R + 20, B);
J.lineTo(kb - 20, B);
J.quadraticCurveTo(kb, B, kb, B + 20);
J.lineTo(kb, Ca - 20);
J.quadraticCurveTo(kb, Ca, kb - 20,
J.lineTo(R + 20, Ca);
J.quadraticCurveTo(R, Ca, R, Ca - 20);
J.lineTo(R, B + 20);
J.quadraticCurveTo(R, B, R + 20, B);
}; = .7;
a.i = -1;
v(a, 0, -5);
r(this, a)
l(yo, Yn);
yo.prototype.ra = function (a) {
a.fillStyle = this.s;
a.textAlign = this.S;
var b = this.j,
c = this.j.fontSize / 4 - (this.j.lines.length - 1) / 2 * this.j.fontSize,
d = this.j.fontSize,
e = a.font;
a.font = b.fontStyle + " " + b.fontSize + "px " + b.fontFamily;
for (var f = 0; f < b.lines.length; f++) a.fillText(b.lines[f], 0, c + f * d);
a.font = e
var zo = function (a, b) {
this.width = a;
this.height = b
h = zo.prototype;
h.aspectRatio = function () {
return this.width / this.height
h.ceil = function () {
this.width = Math.ceil(this.width);
this.height = Math.ceil(this.height);
return this
h.floor = function () {
this.width = Math.floor(this.width);
this.height = Math.floor(this.height);
return this
h.round = function () {
this.width = Math.round(this.width);
this.height = Math.round(this.height);
return this
h.scale = function (a, b) {
var c = qa(b) ? b : a;
this.width *= a;
this.height *= c;
return this
var Ao = function () {
var a = window.document;
a = "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode ? a.documentElement : a.body;
return new zo(a.clientWidth, a.clientHeight)
var Bo = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16],
Co = 0,
Do = 0,
Eo = !1,
Fo = {},
Go = [],
Ho = function (a) {
var b = Ba();
Fo.dt = b - Do;
Do = b;
0 == a && (Co = b);
Fo.e = a;
Fo.t = 0 == Co ? -1 : Math.floor(b - Co);
Fo.m = je ? 1 : 0;
b = Ao();
Fo.w = b.width > b.height ? 1 : 0;
b = [];
for (var c in Fo) Fo.hasOwnProperty(c) && b.push(c + ":" + Fo[c]);
for (Je(b.join(","), 10 == a, 0 <= Bo.indexOf(a)); 0 < Go.length;) delete Fo[Go.pop()];
Eo || 0 != a || (qe() ? "1" == de.g.get("ccta") : pe() && !ne() && !oe() || me && je) || (Eo = !0, Ho(10))
var Io = function (a) {;
this.j = a;
$c(a, "keydown", this.R, !1, this);
$c(a, "click", this.s, !1, this)
l(Io, ld);
Io.prototype.R = function (a) {
(13 == a.o || jc && 3 == a.o) && Jo(this, a)
Io.prototype.s = function (a) {
Jo(this, a)
var Jo = function (a, b) {
var c = new Ko(b);
if (nd(a, c)) {
c = new Lo(b);
try {
nd(a, c)
} finally {
Io.prototype.g = function () {;
gd(this.j, "keydown", this.R, !1, this);
gd(this.j, "click", this.s, !1, this);
delete this.j
var Lo = function (a) {, a.g);
this.type = "action"
l(Lo, Mc);
var Ko = function (a) {, a.g);
this.type = "beforeaction"
l(Ko, Mc);
var Mo = function (a) {;
this.V = a;
this.i = {}
l(Mo, Hc);
var No = [],
Oo = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
ua(c) || (c && (No[0] = c.toString()), c = No);
for (var f = 0; f < c.length; f++) {
var g = $c(b, c[f], d || a.handleEvent, e || !1, a.V || a);
if (!g) break;
a.i[g.key] = g
Po = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (ua(c))
for (var g = 0; g < c.length; g++) Po(a, b, c[g], d, e, f);
else d = d || a.handleEvent, e = wa(e) ? !!e.capture : !!e, f = f || a.V || a, d = ad(d), e = !!e, c = Oc(b) ? Vc(b.i, String(c), d, e, f) : b ? (b = cd(b)) ? Vc(b, c, d, e, f) : null : null, c && (hd(c), delete a.i[c.key])
Qo = function (a) {
Vb(a.i, function (b, c) {
this.i.hasOwnProperty(c) && hd(b)
}, a);
a.i = {}
Mo.prototype.g = function () {;
Mo.prototype.handleEvent = function () {
throw Error("o");
var Ro = function (a, b, c, d, e) {;
this.T = a;
this.ha = b;
this.W = c;
this.U = d;
e && (this.j && Po(this, this.j, "action", this.H), e && (this.j = new Io(e), Ic(this, Aa(Jc, this.j)), this.H = za(this.s, this), Oo(this, this.j, "action", this.H)))
l(Ro, Mo);
Ro.prototype.s = function () {
So() && !Ub("Trident") && !Ub("MSIE") && window.gapi && window.gapi.load ? window.gapi.load("share", za(this.R, this)) :"" + this.T)
var So = function () {
if (!window.gbar) return !1;
var a = !!(window.gbar.sos && 0 < window.gbar.sos().length),
b = !(! || !;
return a || b
Ro.prototype.R = function () {
if (window.gapi && window.gapi.share) {
var a = {
items: [{
type: "",
id: location.protocol + "//" +,
properties: {
url: [this.T],
name: [this.ha],
image: [this.U]
b = window.location.toString().match(/[?&]authuser=(\d+)/);
b = b && b[1];
var c = So() || !!;
window.gapi.share.lightbox(a, {
isLoggedInForGooglePlus: c,
onLoginPopupBlocked: function () {
onLoginStateChanged: za(function () {
Da("google.doodle.sf", !0);
}, this),
editorText: this.W,
sessionIndex: b || "",
sourceForLogging: "doodle"
var To = function (a) {
return 0 == a.indexOf("//") ? "https:" + a : a
Uo = function (a, b) {
var c = new Qd;
for (d in b) c.add(d, b[d]);
var d = new Kd(a);
Nd(d, c);
return d.toString()
var Vo = function () {
return ze("shortlink", "")
Wo = function (a) {
return L("Share Message").replace(/\[.*\]/, "" + a)
Xo = function () {
var a = Vo();
Ae() || (a = To(a), a = Uo("", {
app_id: "738026486351791",
href: a,
hashtag: "#GoogleDoodle"
}), dc(a), Ho(5))
var Cm = [{
Aa: ef,
x: 350,
y: 141
}, {
Aa: ff,
x: 350,
y: 141
}, {
Aa: gf,
x: 431,
y: 141
}, {
Aa: hf,
x: 431,
y: 141
}, {
Aa: jf,
x: 511,
y: 141
}, {
Aa: kf,
x: 511,
y: 141
}, {
Aa: zh,
x: 0,
y: 0
}, {
Aa: ai,
x: 528,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: bi,
x: 528,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: ci,
x: 474,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: di,
x: 474,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: ei,
x: 366,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: fi,
x: 366,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: gi,
x: 445,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: hi,
x: 420,
y: 231
}, {
Aa: ii,
x: 420,
y: 231
var Yo = yj.$(),
Zo = function (a, b, c) {
this.ya = b;
this.ha = c;
this.R = this.S = !1;
this.o = 0;
var d = this;
c = b ? -40 : 0;
this.ta = Dm(a, ef, ff, function () {
d.S = !0
}, L("End Screen - Replay"));
this.Ba = Dm(a, gf, hf, function () {
d.R = !0
}, L("End Screen - New Game"), c);
this.Da = Dm(a, jf, kf, ye, L("Search - Icon"), c);
this.W = Dm(a, ei, fi, function () {
var e = Vo(),
f = Wo(d.o);
Ae() || (e = To(e), (new Ro(e, || "", f, "")).s())
}, L("Share - G+"));
this.Ea = Dm(a, hi, ii, function () {
var e =
f = Wo(d.o);
Ae() || (e = To(e), e = "text=" + encodeURIComponent(String(f + "\n" + e)), dc("" + e), Ho(6))
}, L("Share - Twitter"));
this.U = Dm(a, ci, di, Xo, L("Share - Facebook"));
this.T = Dm(a, ai, bi, function () {
var e = d.o;
var f = window.location;
var g = Vo();
e = Wo(e);
g = To(g);
g = Uo("mailto:", {
subject: Be,
body: e + "\n" + g
f.href = g
}, L("Share - E-mail")); = Dm(a, gi, gi, function () {
window.location = "" + encodeURIComponent(String(Wo(d.o))) +
"&url=" + encodeURIComponent(String(Vo()))
}, L("Share"));
this.g = [this.Ba, this.Da];
b || this.g.push(this.ta);
ge && !me ? this.g.push( : this.g = this.g.concat([this.W, this.Ea, this.U, this.T]);
this.i = new q;
this.i.i = 461;
a = new P(b ? zh : yh);
v(a, 320, 180);
r(this.i, a);
this.H = new q;
r(this.i, this.H);
x(this.H, .9);
v(this.H, 46, 45);
La(this.g, function (e) {
r(d.H, e)
this.s = null;
this.V = new Yn("0", 466, 150, "'Itim', sans-serif", 40, "white", "center");
r(this.i, this.V);
l(Zo, Zm);
Zo.prototype.Ha = function () {
this.R = this.S = !1;
this.s || (this.s = new yo(this.ha, L("Happy Halloween!"), 466, 85, "white", "center", "'Itim', sans-serif", 36, 20, 244, 1, !1), r(this.i, this.s));
r(Vm.$().g, this.i);
La(this.g, function (a) {
this.ya || (Bd(Wk()),
Zo.prototype.Ia = function () {
La(this.g, function (a) {
Zo.prototype.update = function () {
return this.S ? (V(Yo, 14), Z.state) : this.R ? (V(Yo, 15), 13) : 0
Zo.prototype.La = function (a, b) {
2 == a && (this.o = b, this.V.o = "" + this.o)
var $o = Qe.$(),
bp = function () {
this.o = 0;
ap(this, 0, 0)
ap = function (a, b, c) {
a.j = b;
a.g = c;
a.R = .8 * Math.random();
a.S = .5 * Math.random() + .9;
a.i = Math.random() + 2;
a.H = -.2;
a.s = 2 * Math.random() * Math.PI
bp.prototype.update = function (a, b, c) {
this.V = b;
this.T = c;
this.o = a;
this.j += Math.cos(this.s) * this.S;
this.g += Math.sin(this.s) * this.S;
this.g += this.H;
this.i -= .05;
this.H += .04;
2 >= this.i && ap(this, this.V, this.T)
bp.prototype.ra = function (a) {;
a.globalAlpha = .2 * Math.sin(this.i) * this.i;
var b = this.o * (.5 - 2 * this.R + .2 * this.o);
$o.ra(Dh, a, this.j - 4, this.g - 4, .1 * b, !0);
a.globalAlpha = .5 * this.i + .2 * this.o;
b = Math.sin(this.j) + .15 * this.R + .2 * this.o;
$o.ra(Xh, a, this.j - 4, this.g - 4, .3 * b, !0);
var fp = function (a, b, c) {;
this.W = a;
this.ya = b;
this.Ba = c;
this.U = Ba();
this.ha = xe(document, "hidden");
this.s = (this.T = xe(document, "visibilityState")) ? this.T.replace(/state$/i, "change").toLowerCase() : null;
this.R = cp(this);
this.j = !1;
this.H = this.R;
ha(fp, Hc);
var dp = function (a) {
a.s ? gp(a) : he && hp(a, function () {
gp = function (a) {
a.i = function () {
a.R = cp(a);
a.R || (a.U = Ba(), a.j = !1);
var b = window.agsa_ext;
a.s ? document.addEventListener(a.s, a.i, !1) : b && b.registerPageVisibilityListener && (google.doodle || (google.doodle = {}), google.doodle.pvc = function () {
a.i && a.i()
}, b.registerPageVisibilityListener("google.doodle.pvc();"))
hp = function (a, b) {
window.agsa_ext ? b() : = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
fp.prototype.g = function () {
this.i && (this.s && document.removeEventListener ? document.removeEventListener(this.s, this.i, !1) : window.agsa_ext && window.agsa_ext.registerPageVisibilityListener && (this.i = null));
var cp = function (a) {
if (!a.ha && !a.T && window.agsa_ext && window.agsa_ext.getPageVisibility) return "hidden" == window.agsa_ext.getPageVisibility();
var b = document[a.T];
return document[a.ha] || "hidden" == b
ip = function (a) {
var b = a.R || a.j;
a.H && !b ? (a.H = !1, a.Ba(), ep(a)) : !a.H && b && (a.H = !0, a.ya())
ep = function (a) {
a.V && window.clearTimeout(a.V);
var b = Math.max(100, a.W - jp(a));
a.V = window.setTimeout(function () {
a.V = null;
a.j = jp(a) >= a.W;
a.j || ep(a);
}, b)
jp = function (a) {
return Ba() - a.U
var kp = function () {};
ha(kp, ym);
kp.prototype.contains = function () {
return !1
kp.prototype.ra = function () {};
var lp = function (a, b, c) {
this.o = a;
this.V = b;
this.W = void 0 === c ? null : c;
this.i = [];
this.g = null;
this.s = this.H = 0;
this.ha = this.R = !1;
this.S = []; = this.o.width / this.o.clientWidth;
this.T = this.o.height / this.o.clientHeight;
this.ya = [this.o];
this.U = !1
mp = function (a, b) { = a.o.width / a.o.clientWidth;
a.T = a.o.height / a.o.clientHeight;
void 0 !== b && (a.U = b)
Hm = function (a, b) {
for (var c = a.i.length - 1; 0 <= c; c--) a.i[c].i === b && a.i.splice(c, 1);
a.g && b === a.g.i && (a.g = null, np(a));
a.j && b === a.j.i && (a.j = null);
op(a, "areamove", a.H,
Fm = function (a, b) {
for (var c = null, d = 0; d < a.i.length; d++) a.i[d].i === b && (c = a.i[d]);
c && (Pa(a.i, c), a.i.unshift(c))
lp.prototype.handleEvent = function (a) {
var b, c;
c = (c = (c = a.g) || window.event) ? (b = c.targetTouches && c.targetTouches[0] || c.changedTouches && c.changedTouches[0]) && void 0 !== b.pageX ? [b.pageX, b.pageY] : void 0 !== c.clientX ? [c.clientX + ("rtl" == document.dir ? -1 : 1) * (document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || 0), c.clientY + (document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0)] : void 0 !== c.pageX ? [c.pageX, c.pageY] : [0, 0] : [0, 0];
b = this.o;
var d = 0,
e = 0;
if (b) {
do d += b.offsetLeft, e += b.offsetTop; while (b =
b = [d, e];
b = [c[0] - b[0], c[1] - b[1]];
b[0] *=;
b[1] *= this.T;
this.U && (c = b[0], b[0] = b[1], b[1] = 0 - c);
c = b[0];
b = b[1];
this.W && (d = this.W, d.U = Ba(), d.j = !1, ip(d));
this.H = c;
this.s = b;
c = a.type;
this.ha && 0 == c.indexOf("mouse") || (b = {
touchstart: "mousedown",
touchend: "mouseup",
touchmove: "mousemove"
}, c in b && (this.ha = !0, c = b[c]), "mousedown" == c && (a.preventDefault(), this.V && this.V.focus()), op(this, c, this.H, this.s))
var op = function (a, b, c, d) {
if (!a.R && "mousedown" == b) {
a.R = !0;
for (var e = 0; e < a.S.length; e++) a.S[e]()
if ("mousedown" == b) {
if (!a.j)
for (b = 0; b < a.i.length; b++)
if (e = a.i[b], e.i.contains(c, d)) {
a.j = e;
e.g("mousedown", c, d);
} else if ("mouseup" == b) a.j ? (a.j.g("mouseup", c, d), a.j = null) : a.g && a.g.g("mouseup", c, d);
else if ("mousemove" == b || "areamove" == b) {
e = null;
for (var f = 0; f < a.i.length; f++) {
var g = a.i[f];
if (g.i.contains(c, d)) {
e = g;
a.g != e && (a.g && a.g.g("mouseout", c, d), e && e.g("mouseover", c, d), a.g = e);
if ("mousemove" == b)
for (a.j &&
a.j.g("mousemove", c, d), b = 0; b < a.i.length; b++) e = a.i[b], e != a.j && e.i.contains(c, d) && e.g("mousemove", c, d)
} else "mouseout" == b ? (a.g && a.g.g("mouseout", c, d), a.j = null, a.g = null) : "contextmenu" == b && a.g && a.g.g("contextmenu", c, d);
np = function (a) {
for (var b = a.g && a.g.i.Xb() ? "pointer" : "default", c = 0, d; d = a.ya[c]; c++) re(d, "cursor", b)
pp = function (a, b) {
this.i = a;
this.g = b
qp = function () {
var a = new kp;
a.contains = function () {
return !0
a.Xb = function () {
return !1
return a
var rp = yj.$(),
up = function (a) {;
this.j = [];
this.Va = [];
this.Qa = [];
this.Sa = this.Ta = this.Ma = 0;
this.T = new p(0, 0);
this.S = new p(0, 0);
this.ha = new p(0, 0);
this.ya = new p(0, 0);
this.Ea = new p(0, 0);
this.U = new p(0, 0);
this.Ra = a;
this.Ba = [];
if (tp)
for (a = 0; 100 > a; a++) this.Ba.push(new bp);
this.Ka = !1;
this.s = this.o = this.Da = this.ta = this.Na = = 0
l(up, q);
var vo = function (a) {
a.Ka || (Em(a.Ra, qp, function (b, c, d) {
a.handleEvent(b, c, d)
}), a.Ka = !0)
to = function (a) {
a.Ka && (Hm(a.Ra.i, qp), a.Ka = !1, a.W = !1, sp(a))
sp = function (a) {
a.j = [];
a.Qa = [];
a.Ma = 0;
a.T.x = 640;
a.T.y = 360;
a.S.x = 0;
a.S.y = 0;
a.ya.y = 360;
a.ha.y = 0; = 0;
a.Na = 0;
a.ta = 0;
a.Da = 0;
a.o = 0;
a.s = 0
vp = function (a) {
if (3 > a.Ma || 3 > a.j.length) return null;
var b = a.S,
c = a.T;
var d = new Ll(b.x - c.x, b.y - c.y);
var e = Ml(d),
f = a.T.y,
g = a.S.y;
c = a.Ea;
b = a.U;
var k = d.y / 3,
m = Ta(e / 320, 0, 1),
w = 10 < a.Ma / ((d.x / 2 + d.y / 2) / 2);
if (3 < d.x / d.y) return [2, m];
if (3 >
a.Na && (3 < d.y / d.x && 2 > || 5 < d.y / d.x && 4 > return [0, m];
var u = [
[0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]
if (0 < d.y)
for (var C = 0, Q = a.j.length; C < Q - 1; C++)
for (var J = a.Qa[C], B = (a.j[C][1] - f) / d.y, R = 0; R < u.length; R++) u[R][Math.floor(Ta(B * (R + 1), 0, R))] += J;
d = Ml(new Ll(b.x - c.x, b.y - c.y));
C = e / 3;
if (d < C && (m = 1 - Ta(d / C, 0, 1), u[1][0] > u[1][1] && !w)) return [4, m];
if (3 == || u[2][1] > .4 * u[0][0] && (c.y < f + k && b.y > g - k || b.y < f + k && c.y > g - k)) return [6, m];
e /= 6;
m = Ya(a.ya, c);
f = Xa(m);
k = Ya(b, a.ya);
g = Xa(k);
if (f > e && g > e && (m = Ua(m.x, m.y), k = Ua(k.x, k.y), 270 < m && 90 > k || 180 <
m && 270 > m && 90 < k && 180 > k)) return m = Ta(1 - Math.abs(f - Math.min(f, g)) / f, 0, 1), [1, m];
f = Ya(a.ha, c);
c = Xa(f);
b = Ya(b, a.ha);
a = Xa(b);
return c > e && a > e && (e = Ua(f.x, f.y), b = Ua(b.x, b.y), 90 > e && 270 < b || 90 < e && 180 > e && 180 < b && 270 > b) ? (m = Ta(1 - Math.abs(c - Math.min(c, a)) / c, 0, 1), [3, m]) : null
up.prototype.ra = function (a) {;
var b = Ba() - this.Sa,
c = !this.W && 500 > b;
if (this.W || c)
if (c && (a.globalAlpha = 1 - b / 500), this.Ea && this.j.length) {
(c = vp(this)) ? (b = Jj[c[0]], c = c[1], c = Ta(c, 0, 1), b = "rgb(" + [Math.round(Db[0] + c * (b[0] - Db[0])), Math.round(Db[1] + c * (b[1] - Db[1])), Math.round(Db[2] + c * (b[2] - Db[2]))].join() + ")") : b = "white";
a.strokeStyle = b;
a.lineWidth = 10;
a.lineCap = "round";
a.moveTo(this.Ea.x, this.Ea.y);
b = this.j.length;
for (c = 0; c < b - 2; c++) a.quadraticCurveTo(this.j[c][0], this.j[c][1], (this.j[c][0] +
this.j[c + 1][0]) / 2, (this.j[c][1] + this.j[c + 1][1]) / 2);
1 < b && a.quadraticCurveTo(this.j[c][0], this.j[c][1], this.j[c + 1][0], this.j[c + 1][1]);
b = this.j.length;
if (0 < b && (a.beginPath(), a.arc(this.j[b - 1][0], this.j[b - 1][1], 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI), a.fillStyle = "white", a.fill(), tp))
for (a.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter", c = b - 1, b = this.U.x - (0 < c ? this.j[c - 1][0] : 0), c = this.U.y - (0 < c ? this.j[c - 1][1] : 0), b = Math.sqrt(b * b + c * c), b = Math.min(b, 1.5), c = 0; c < this.Ba.length; c++) this.W && this.Ba[c].ra(a), this.Ba[c].update(b, this.U.x, this.U.y)
} a.restore()
var tp = !je,
wp = function (a, b, c) {
a.W && (a.W = !1, a.U = new p(b, c), a.Sa = Ba(), b = vp(a), ua(b) && 0 < b.length ? (a.Ta = b[0], V(rp, 4, a.Ta)) : V(rp, 8))
up.prototype.handleEvent = function (a, b, c) {
switch (a) {
case "mousemove":
if (8 > b || 8 > c || 632 < b || 352 < c) wp(this, b, c);
else if (this.W) {
this.j.push([b, c]);
this.Va.push(new p(b, c));
a = this.j.length - 1;
if (0 < a) {
a = this.j[a - 1];
var d = a[1] - c,
e = Math.abs(d);
0 == this.Da && 3.75 < e ? (this.Na++, this.Da = d / e) : 0 > d * this.Da ? (this.s += e, 15 < this.s && (this.Na++, this.s = 0, this.Da = d / e)) : 0 < d * this.Da && (this.s -= e, -7.5 > this.s && (this.s = 0));
d = a[0] - b;
e = Math.abs(d);
0 == this.ta && 3.75 < e ? (, this.ta = d / e) : 0 > d * this.ta ? (this.o += e, 15 < this.o && (,
this.o = 0, this.ta = d / e)) : 0 < d * this.ta && (this.o -= e, -7.5 > this.o && (this.o = 0));
a = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b - a[0], 2) + Math.pow(c - a[1], 2));
this.Ma += a
this.T.x = Math.min(this.T.x, b);
this.T.y = Math.min(this.T.y, c);
this.S.x = Math.max(this.S.x, b);
this.S.y = Math.max(this.S.y, c);
c > this.ha.y && (this.ha.x = b, this.ha.y = c);
c < this.ya.y && (this.ya.x = b, this.ya.y = c);
this.U = new p(b, c);
V(rp, 9)
case "mousedown":
for (a = 0; a < this.Ba.length; a++) ap(this.Ba[a], b, c);
this.j = [];
this.Va = [];
this.W = !0;
this.Ea = new p(b,
V(rp, 7);
case "mouseup":
wp(this, b, c);
case "mouseout":
wp(this, b, c)
var xp = Vm.$(),
yp = function (a, b) {
this.g = a;
this.S = this.s = 0;
var c = Ah[3];
this.U = new p(-c / 2, 40);
this.ha = new p(c / 2, 40);
this.W = new p(-c / 2, 120); = new p(c / 2, 120);
this.R = b
l(yp, Zm);
var zp = F([0, 1400, 1, 900, 2, 900, 3, 1200]);
yp.prototype.Ha = function () {
this.i = new q;
this.i.i = 461;
this.o = new P(Ah);
v(this.o, this.U);
r(this.o, new yo(this.R, L("Level Start - Ready"), -90, 3, "black", "left", "'Itim', sans-serif", 53, 20, 260, 1, !1));
this.H = new P(Bh);
v(this.H, this.W);
r(this.H, new yo(this.R, L("Level Start - Set"), -90, 3, "black", "left", "'Itim', sans-serif", 53, 20, 260, 1, !1));
this.V = new yo(this.R, L("Level Start - Draw!"), 320, 80, "white", "center", "'Itim', sans-serif", 53, 26.5, 640, 1, !0);
v(this.V, 320, 80);
this.T = new yo(this.R, Z.title, 320, 105, "white",
"center", "'Itim', sans-serif", 53, 26.5, 640, 2, !0);
this.s = 0;
r(xp.g, this.i);
r(xp.g, this.g);
this.g.i = 2;
v(this.g, Vk());
x(this.g, Uk());
Z.wa && r(xp.g, Z.wa);
Z.jc && Hl(this.g);
Ap(this, 0)
yp.prototype.Ia = function () {
this.g.i = 0;
Z.wa && t(Z.wa)
yp.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.s += a;
if (this.s >= zp[this.S]) {
this.s = 0;
if (3 == this.S) return 1;
Ap(this, this.S + 1)
return 0
var Ap = function (a, b) {
switch (b) {
case 0:
r(a.i, a.T);
case 1:
r(a.i, a.o);
zb(a.o, 500, null, a.ha);
case 2:
r(a.i, a.H);
zb(a.H, 500, null,;
case 3:
zb(a.o, 300, null, a.U), zb(a.H, 300, null, a.W), r(a.i, a.V)
a.S = b
var Bp = Qe.$(),
Cp = Vm.$(),
Dp = function (a, b) {
this.j = !1;
this.i = new z;
this.H = a; = new P(We);
v(, 320, 180);
r(this.i, new Jn);
this.W = new on(pn, qn, rn, sn, tn);
v(this.W, 160, 170);
r(this.i, this.W);
this.ha = new on(un, un, vn, wn, xn);
v(this.ha, 65, 250);
r(this.i, this.ha);
this.U = new on(yn, zn, An, Bn, Cn);
v(this.U, 480, 170);
r(this.i, this.U);
this.T = new on(Dn, En, Fn, Gn, Hn);
v(this.T, 575, 230);
r(this.i, this.T);
this.s = new z;
var c = new P(fj);
v(c, nj(c) / 2, 180);
var d = new Um("#fff", 869, 360);
v(d, nj(c) - 2, 0);
var e =
new P(gj);
v(e, nj(c) + 865 + nj(e) / 2, 180);
r(this.s, c);
r(this.s, d);
r(this.s, e);
this.s.i = 462;
r(this.i, this.s);
this.g = new sk;
r(this.i, this.g);
this.V = new vj;
v(this.V, 212, 89);
this.V.i = 461;
r(this.i, this.V);
this.Ba = new Um("#000", 640, 360);
this.Ba.i = 461;
r(this.i, this.Ba);
var f = this;
this.S = new Bm(600, 337, 20, b, ji, null, function () {
f.j = !0
}, "", function (g) { = g ? 1 : .8
x(this.S, .5); = .8;
this.S.i = 470;
r(this.i, this.S);
this.R = new P(Re);
this.o = new P(Se);
r(this.R, this.o);
v(this.R, 48, 337);
this.R.i = 470;
r(this.i, this.R)
l(Dp, Zm);
var Ep = [Le(Bp, 1), Le(Bp, 20), K.g.vb.s];
Dp.prototype.Ha = function () {
this.S.g = !0; = 0;
this.R.g = !0; = .8;
A(this.o, new W(this.o, 600, 0, .8));
A(this.o, new W(this.o, 600, .8, 0));
A(this.o, new W(this.o, 600, 0, .8));
A(this.o, new W(this.o, 600, .8, 0));
A(this.o, new W(this.o, 600, 0, .8));
yb(this.o, new W(this.R, 600, .8, 0));
A(this.o, new W(this.o, 600, .8, 0));
oj(, We);
v(this.H, 320, 224);
r(this.i, this.H);
this.T.g = !0;
this.U.g = !0;
this.ha.g = !0;
this.W.g = !0;
this.s.g = !1;
this.g.g = !1;
v(this.Ba, 640,
this.ya = new P(tk);
v(this.ya, -35, 60);
U(this.V, 1, wj);
r(Cp.g, this.i);
D(this.i, 0, function () {, !1)
var a = this;
U(this.H, 18, xl, null, null, function () {
U(a.W, 1, 0);
U(a.U, 1, 83);
U(a.T, 1, 166)
D(this.i, 4731, function () {
v(a.g, 300, 125);
a.g.g = !0
U(this.g, 1, uk);
U(this.g, 2, 498);
U(this.g, 3, 996);
D(this.g, 0, function () {
v(a.s, -1958, 0);
a.s.g = !0;
wb(a.s, 996);
zb(a.s, 1660, null, new p(640, 0))
U(this.g, 4, vk, null, null, function () {
r(a.g, a.ya)
U(this.g, 5, wk, null, null, function () {
U(this.g, 7, xk);
D(this.g, 240, function () {
Nb(Lk, ra)
var Fp = function (a) {
oj(, Xe);
a.T.g = !1;
a.U.g = !1;
a.ha.g = !1;
a.W.g = !1;
U(a.H, 19, 0);
U(a.V, 2, 0);
D(a.g, 1162, function () {
U(a.g, 6, 0);
zb(a.g, 830, null, new p(640 + nj(a.g) / 2, 125))
U(a.H, 20, vl);
U(a.H, 21, wl);
U(a.H, 8, yl, null, null, function () {
zb(a.Ba, 1E3, null, new p(0, 0));
a.S.g = !1;
a.R.g = !1
zb(a.H, 1E3, new p(340, 224), new p(640 + nj(a.H) / 2, 224));
D(a.H, 1E3, function () {
a.j = !0
Dp.prototype.Ia = function () {
var Gp = yj.$(),
Hp = Vm.$(),
Ip = function (a) {
this.j = !1;
this.H = new z;
this.g = a;
this.i = new P(kh);
this.i.i = 461;
xb(this.i, new zj(this.i, .5, 4));
r(this.H, this.i);
this.R = new Yn(L("Level Complete"), 0, -60, "'Itim', sans-serif", 53, "white", "center"); = .8;
r(this.i, this.R);
this.o = new P(cf);
v(this.o, 0, 40);
r(this.i, this.o);
this.s = 0;
l(Ip, Zm);
var Jp = [new p(-190, 40), new p(-98, 40), new p(5, 40), new p(111, 40), new p(220, 40)];
Ip.prototype.Ha = function () {;
v(this.g, Vk());
r(this.H, this.g);
r(Hp.g, this.H);
for (var a = 0; a < this.s; a++) {
var b = new P(lh);
v(b, Jp[a]);
r(this.o, b)
a = new P(lh);
v(a, Jp[this.s]); = 0;
r(this.o, a);
v(this.i, 640 + nj(this.i) / 2, 180);
U(this.g, 9, 500);
D(this.g, 0, function () {
D(this.g, 1E3, function () {
wb(this.g, tl - 1E3);
A(this.g, new vb(this.i, 500, null, new p(320, 180)));
wb(this.g, 200);
D(this.g, 0, function () {
A(this.g, new W(a, 200, 0, 1));
var c =
wb(this.g, 200);
U(this.g, 0, 0);
wb(this.g, 1E3);
A(this.g, new vb(this.i, 500, null, new p(-nj(this.i) / 2, 180)));
D(this.g, 500, function () {
c.j = !0
Ip.prototype.Ia = function () {
Ip.prototype.La = function (a, b) {
12 == a && (this.s = b)
var Kp = yj.$(),
Lp = Vm.$(),
Mp = function (a, b) {
this.j = !1;
this.i = a;
this.o = b;
this.g = new Um("black", 640, 360);
this.g.i = 461
l(Mp, Zm);
var Np = null,
Op = null;
Mp.prototype.Ha = function () {
Z = Tk[this.i];
Nb(Xk(), ra);
Np ? oj(Np, Z.background) : (Np = new P(Z.background), Np.i = -1, v(Np, 320, 180), r(Lp.g, Np));
v(Np, Z.backgroundPosition || hj);
Op ? ab(Op) : (Op = new q, r(Lp.g, Op));
for (var a = Z.$a, b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
var c = new P(a[b]);
void 0 != a[b][0].z && (c.i = a[b][0].z);
r(Op, c)
V(Kp, 12, this.i);
this.j = !0;
r(Lp.g, this.g);
Wk().play(0, !0)
Mp.prototype.reset = function () {
Op = Np = null
Mp.prototype.Ia = function () {
var Pp = function (a) {, a);
this.i = 462;
v(this, hj)
l(Pp, P);
var Qp = function (a) {
A(a, new y(2E3, function (b) {
cb(a, .1 * 17 / b)
D(a, 0, function () {
var Rp = Vm.$(),
Up = function (a, b) {
this.j = !1;
this.H = a;
this.s = b || null;
this.g = new z;
this.o = new Um(Sp[this.H], 640, 360);
this.o.i = 461;
r(this.g, this.o);
this.i = new Pp(Tp[this.H]);
r(this.g, this.i)
l(Up, Zm);
var Sp = F([0, "white", 1, "black"]),
Tp = F([0, [0, 83, 0, 80, 80], 1, [0, 0, 0, 80, 80]]);
Up.prototype.Ha = function () { = 0;
cb(this.i, -20);
r(Rp.g, this.g)
Up.prototype.Ia = function () {
var Vp = function (a) {
Nb(a.s || Xk(), function () {
0 < && A(a.g, new W(a.i, 200,, 0));
D(a.g, 0, function () {
a.j = !0
wb(a.g, 500);
A(a.g, new W(a.i, 200, 0, 1))
var Wp = Vm.$(),
Xp = function (a) {
this.j = !1;
this.o = new q;
this.g = a;
this.i = new Um("#000", 640, 360);
this.i.i = 461;
r(this.o, this.i)
l(Xp, Zm);
Xp.prototype.Ha = function () {
r(this.o, this.g);
r(Wp.g, this.o);
v(this.i, 0, 0);
var a = Vk();
v(this.g, -nj(this.g) / 2, a.y);
x(this.g, Uk());
var b = this;
A(this.i, new vb(this.i, 1E3, null, new p(-640, 0)));
wb(this.g, 200);
Gl(this.g, a, function () {
b.j = !0
Xp.prototype.Ia = function () {
var Yp = Vm.$(),
Zp = function (a) {
this.j = !1;
this.i = new q;
this.g = a
l(Zp, Zm);
Zp.prototype.Ha = function () {
r(this.i, this.g);
r(Yp.g, this.i);
var a = Vk(),
b = this;
v(this.g, a);
x(this.g, Uk());
Gl(this.g, new p(640 + nj(this.g) / 2, a.y), function () {
b.j = !0
Zp.prototype.Ia = function () {
var $p = function () {
this.g = this.i = this.o = 0;
var aq = {
0: !0,
1: !0,
5: !0,
10: !0,
11: !0,
12: !0
$p.prototype.reset = function () {
this.g = this.i = this.o = 0
$p.prototype.La = function (a, b) {
2 == a ? this.o = b : 3 == a ? this.i = b : 12 == a ? this.g = b : 15 == a && this.reset()
$p.prototype.log = function (a, b) {
if (!aq[a]) {
var c = Ba(),
d = this.j ? c - this.j : 0;
this.j = c;
c = Ao();
c = c.width > c.height;
Je(["halloween16", "s:" + a, "v:" + (oa(b) ? b : "_"), "gs:" + this.o, "ls:" + this.i, "l:" + this.g, "dt:" + d, "t:" + (oa(je) ? je ? "1" : "0" : "_"), "w:" + (oa(c) ? c ? "1" : "0" : "_"), "o:" + ("orientation" in window ? parseInt(window.orientation, 10) : "_")].join())
var bq = $p.$(),
dq = function (a) {
this.o = a;
cq = function (a) {
oa(a.j) && a.o[a.j] && a.o[a.j].Ia();
a.s = 0;
if (!co() || pe() && (!ee || ge)) a.s = 1;
a.j = eq[a.s]
eq = [2, 22, 3, 24, 13, 10, 4, 9, 5, 6, 19, 11, 12, 21, 14, 10, 5, 6, 19, 11, 12, 21, 15, 10, 5, 6, 19, 11, 12, 21, 16, 10, 5, 6, 19, 11, 12, 21, 17, 18, 5, 6, 20, 8, 23];
dq.prototype.update = function (a) {
if (a = this.o[this.j].update(a)) {
if (1 == a && this.s < eq.length - 1) a = eq[++this.s];
else {
var b = eq.indexOf(a); - 1 != b && (this.s = b)
this.j = a;
var fq = function (a) {
return 3 * a * a - 2 * a * a * a
var gq = function (a) {;
this.o = this.j = 0;
this.S = Qj[a];
this.s = Ij[a];
this.T = je ? Eb : Fb;
v(this, Rj[a].x, Rj[a].y)
l(gq, q);
gq.prototype.update = function (a) {
this.j += a;
this.o = fq(Ta(this.j % 2E3 / 1E3, 0, 1))
gq.prototype.ra = function (a) {;
a.lineWidth = 10;
a.lineCap = "round";
a.lineJoin = "round";
a.strokeStyle = this.s;
var b = Cb(a, this.o, this.S);
b = new p(lb(b, 1), mb(b, 1));
this.T(a, b.x, b.y);
var hq = yj.$(),
iq = Vm.$(),
jq = function (a, b, c, d, e) {
this.j = !1;
this.V = d;
this.g = e;
this.wa = new z;
this.T = b;
this.R = [];
this.U = a;
this.o = new q;
v(this.o, 320, 70);
this.o.i = 465;
r(this.wa, this.o);
this.o.g = !1;
r(this.o, new yo(this.U, L("Tutorial"), 0, 0, "white", "center", "'Itim', sans-serif", 50, 20, 400, 2, !0));
this.s = new gq(b);
this.s.i = 464;
this.s.g = !1;
r(this.wa, this.s);
this.i = 0
l(jq, Zm);
h = jq.prototype;
h.Ha = function () {
v(this.g, 320, 180);
r(this.wa, this.g);
this.S = Wl([this.T], 550, 198);
v(this.S, 690, 180);
this.H = new Ib(-20, -30);
this.H.g = !1;
r(this.S, this.H);
r(this.wa, this.S);
this.H && (this.H.g = !1);
this.s.g = !1;
r(iq.g, this.wa);
h.Ia = function () {
for (var a = 0; a < this.R.length; a++) this.wa.removeChild(this.R[a]);
this.R = [];
this.i = 0
h.update = function () {
return 6 == this.i ? 1 : 0
h.La = function (a, b) {
switch (a) {
case 4:
if (b != this.T) {
Dl(this.g, b);
for (var c = 0; c < this.R.length; c++) this.R[c].Bb(b);
Sj[b] ? Sj[b].play() :;
this.H && this.H.g && xb(this.wa, new W(this.H, 200, 1, 0));
case 5:
var d = this;
A(this.wa, new y(500, null, function () {
case 8:
if (3 == this.i || 2 == this.i) this.ka(3), Fl(this.g);
case 7:
if (3 == this.i || 2 == this.i) this.ka(4), El(this.g);
case 9:
3 != this.i && 2 != this.i && 4 != this.i || El(this.g)
h.ka = function (a) {
switch (a) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
this.o.g = !0;
this.s.g = !0;
case 4:
this.o.g = !1;
this.s.g = !1;
case 5:
this.o.g = !1;
this.s.g = !1;
this.o.g = !1;
var b = this;
D(this.g, 1E3, function () {
this.i = a
var kq = function (a) {
U(a.g, 12, 500);
U(a.g, 13, 1E3);
U(a.g, 0, ul);
zb(a.S, 2E3, null, new p(490, 180), function () {
lq = function (a) {
a.o.g = !0;
a.H && (a.H.g = !0);
A(a.wa, new y(2E3, null, function () {
var mq = Vm.$(),
nq = function () {
this.j = !1;
this.g = new Um("#000", 640, 360);
this.g.i = 461
l(nq, Zm);
nq.prototype.Ha = function () {
r(mq.g, this.g);
v(this.g, 640, 0);
A(this.g, new vb(this.g, 1E3, new p(640, 0), new p(0, 0)));
var a = this;
A(this.g, new y(1E3, null, function () {
a.j = !0
nq.prototype.Ia = function () {
var oq = function () {
this.T = this.U = this.W = this.g = this.H = null; = !1;
this.R = null;
this.ha = this.S = this.i = !1;
this.o = !0;
this.j = this.V = !1;
this.s = null
oq.prototype.reset = function () {
this.T = this.U = this.W = this.g = this.H = null; = !1;
this.R = null;
this.ha = this.S = this.i = !1;
this.o = !0;
this.j = this.V = !1;
this.s = null
var qq = function (a) {
a.i && (a.j ? (, a.j = !1) : (, a.s && (window.screen.lockOrientation && window.screen.lockOrientation(a.s), window.screen.orientation && window.screen.orientation.lock && window.screen.orientation.lock(a.s)["catch"](ra))))
tq = function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = rq;
d = void 0 === d ? ra : d;
var f = void 0 === f ? !0 : f;
e.g = a;
e.H = b;
e.W = d;
e.R = a[xe(a, "requestFullscreen")];
a = !!(document[xe(document, "fullscreenEnabled")] && e.R && pq);
if (qe()) throw "";
b = ie ? !1 : pe() && !(ge || he) || me && je;
e.i = b && a;
e.S = f && fo();
e.ha = !f && fo();
e.o = !0;
if (e.i || e.S) re(document.body, "margin", "0"), re(e.g, "overflow", "visible", "width", "100%", "height", "100%"), document.body.scrollLeft = 0, c ? Oo(c, window, "scroll", sq) : $c(window, "scroll", sq, !0)
uq = function () {
var a = rq;
return function (b) {
"mousedown" == b && (a.j = !0)
oq.prototype.close = function () {
this.j = !0;
oq.prototype.update = function () {
if (!this.ha && (this.i || this.S)) {
var a = !!document[vq],
b = window.innerWidth,
c = window.innerHeight;
0 == window.scrollX && 0 == window.scrollY || window.scrollTo(0, 0);
if (b != this.U || c != this.T || a != || this.o) {
this.V = b < c;
for (var d = !1, e = 0; e < this.H.length; ++e) {
var f = this.H[e],
g = f.width || f.dataset.width,
k = f.height || f.dataset.height;
if (qe()) throw "";
fo() && je && !ge && !ie && 0 == e && (d = g < k != this.V);
var m = d ? Math.min(b / k, c / g) : Math.min(b / g, c / k);
g = m * g;
k = m * k;
if (d) {
m = (b - k) / 2 + k;
var w = (c - g) / 2;
var u =
} else m = (b - g) / 2, w = (c - k) / 2, u = "";
ve(f, "TransformOrigin", "0 0");
ve(f, "Transform", u);
re(f, "position", "absolute", "width", g + "px", "height", k + "px", "left", m + "px", "top", w + "px")
Pb(ce, "CriOS") || document.body.clientWidth > b && 0 < b && re(document.body, "width", b + "px");
re(this.g, "height", "100%", "width", "100%");
this.U = b;
this.T = c; = a;
this.o = !1
var vq = xe(document, "fullscreenElement"),
pq = document[xe(document, "exitFullscreen")],
sq = function (a) {
return !1
var rq = oq.$(),
Bq = function (a, b, c, d) {
c = void 0 === c ? [] : c;
d = void 0 === d ? 6E4 : d;;
this.j = b;
this.W = Ao();
this.H = new Mo(this);
Ic(this, Aa(Jc, this.H));
var e = this;
this.U = new fp(d, function () {
}, function () {
var f = xq;
f && !f.R && (f.R = !0, f.V = Ba(), f.s || (f.s = !0, yq(f)));
f = ud;
f.j && f.j.gain.setValueAtTime(1, f.g.currentTime);
f.s = !1
Ic(this, Aa(Jc, this.U));
this.i = new lp(b, a, this.U);
Oo(this.H, a, ["mousedown", "mouseout", "touchstart"], function (f) {
}, !0);
Oo(this.H, document, ["mouseup", "mousemove",
"touchend", "touchmove", "contextmenu"
], function (f) {
}, !0);
tq(a, [b].concat(c), this.H, function (f) {
mp(e.i, f)
zq(this, b);
this.Ba = Me;
this.V = mh;
this.s = .5;
this.ya = !0;
this.T = this.V[3];
this.ha = this.V[4];
this.R = 0; = kn(this.R, 0, this.T + 10, this.ha + 10);
Em(this,, uq());
l(Bq, Hc);
Bq.prototype.g = function () {
Bq.prototype.update = function () {
var a = Ao();
(document[vq] && (this.W.width != a.width || this.W.height != a.height) || this.ya) && 0 < parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.j).width, 10) && (this.W = a, Aq(this), this.ya = !1)
var Aq = function (a) {
a.s = 26 / a.T * a.j.width / parseInt(getComputedStyle(a.j).width, 10);
a.R = a.j.width - a.s * (10 + a.T);
var b = a.s * (10 + a.ha); = [a.R, 0, a.j.width, 0, a.j.width, b, a.R, b];
a = a.i;
op(a, "areamove", a.H, a.s)
Cq = function (a, b) {
document[vq] && a.Ba.ra(a.V, b, a.R, 10 * a.s, a.s)
zq = function (a, b) {
Oo(a.H, b, "touchend", function () {
Em = function (a, b, c) {
a.i.i.push(new pp(b, c))
var Dq = function (a, b, c) {
this.o = a;
this.H = b;
this.s = {};
this.duration = 400;
this.R = fq || pb;
this.j = c || se;
this.g = null;
this.i = !1
Fq = function (a) {
var b = Math.min(Math.max(Eq(a) / a.duration, 0), 1);
a.i && (b = 1 - b);
for (var c in a.o) a.H.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a.s[c] = qb(b, a.o[c], a.H[c], a.R));
return a.s
Eq = function (a) {
return null === a.g ? 0 : a.j() - a.g
Dq.prototype.start = function () {
this.g = this.j();
this.i = !1
Dq.prototype.resume = function () {
if (null === this.g) this.start();
else if (this.i) {
var a = Math.min(this.duration, Eq(this));
this.g = this.j() - (this.duration - a);
this.i = !1
Dq.prototype.reset = function () {
this.g = null
var Gq = function (a, b) {;
this.j = !1;
this.i = a;
this.s = b || null;
this.H = function () {
return !1
this.Db = null;
eo() && ( = "width,height")
ha(Gq, Hc);
var nn = function (a, b) {
b = void 0 === b ? function () {} : b;
var c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
if (a.i && eo() && !a.j) {
var d = a.i;
if (oe()) {
cmd: "resizeDoodle",
width: "640px",
height: "360px",
duration: "400ms"
}, "chrome-search://local-ntp");
a.j = !0;
var e = !1;
a.Db = setTimeout(function () {
e = !0;
}, 500);
window.addEventListener("message", function (C) {
"resizeComplete" === && (null !== this.Db && (clearTimeout(this.Db), this.Db = null), e || (e = !0, b()))
} else {
ne() && re(d.parentNode, "width", "100%");
var f = d.offsetHeight,
g =
c = Math.min(640, d.parentNode.clientWidth) - 2 * c;
var k = c / (640 / 360),
m = an.$(),
w = se(),
u = new Dq({
height: f,
width: g
}, {
height: k,
width: c
}, function () {
return w
a.j = !0;
a.H = function (C) {
w = void 0 !== C ? w + C : se();
C = Fq(u);
Ee(d, Math.round(C.width), Math.round(C.height));
a.s && mp(a.s, !1);
return Eq(u) >= u.duration ? (b(), = "unset", a.H = function () {
return !1
}, !1) : !0
en(m, function () {
return a.H()
Gq.prototype.g = function () {;
this.i = null
Gq.prototype.reset = function () {
this.j && (re(this.i, "width", "", "height", ""), De(0), = "", = "");
this.j = !1
Gq.prototype.update = function (a) {
var Hq = function () {
this.o = this.i = null;
this.g = {};
this.H = null;
this.kb = Number.MIN_VALUE;
this.min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.j = this.s = 0
Hq.prototype.update = function () {
var a = self.performance ? :;
if (this.i) {
var b = a - this.i,
c = Math.round(1E3 / b);
c > this.kb && (this.kb = c);
c < this.min && (this.min = c);
this.j += b;
b = Math.round(1E3 * this.s / this.j);
this.g[a] = c;
this.H = {
now: c,
ad: Iq(this, 1E3, a),
$c: Iq(this, 5E3, a),
hd: {
Lc: b,
kb: this.kb,
min: this.min
this.i = a;
for (var d in this.g) Number(d) + 5100 < a && delete this.g[d];
return this.H
var Kq = function (a) {
var b = Jq;
b.o || (b.o = a)
Iq = function (a, b, c) {
var d = [],
e = Number.MIN_VALUE,
f = Number.MAX_VALUE,
for (g in a.g) Number(g) + b >= c && (a.g[g] > e && (e = a.g[g]), a.g[g] < f && (f = a.g[g]), d.push(a.g[g]));
return {
Lc: Math.round(Wa.apply(null, d)),
kb: e,
min: f
var Lq = function (a, b) { && google.doodle && (b && Da("google.doodle.cpDestroy", b), Da("google.doodle.cpInit", function () {
b && b();
var ud = K.$(),
Me = Qe.$(),
Jq = Hq.$(),
Wm = Vm.$(),
Mq = function (a, b) {, a, b)
ha(Mq, Bq);
var Nq = function (a, b) {;
this.j = b.getContext("2d");
this.i = new Mq(a, b);
Ic(this, Aa(Jc, this.i));
var c = this.i.i,
d = this.i.H;
this.R = !0;
this.s = !1;
this.V = Ba();
this.H = null;
eo() && (this.H = new Gq(a, c), Ic(this, Aa(Jc, this.H)), co() || (nn(this.H, function () {
var g = an.$();
g.R = !0;
}), an.$().start()));
c = new sl;
var e = new up(this.i);
e.i = 461;
r(Wm.g, e);
var f = new so(c, e);
c = F([2, new mn(this.i, this.H), 6, f, 3, new Dp(c, this.i), 5, new yp(c, this.j), 7, new Zo(this.i, !1, this.j), 8, new Zo(this.i, !0, this.j), 4, new jq(this.j,
2, d, e, c), 9, new jq(this.j, 0, d, e, c), 10, new Xp(c), 11, new Zp(c), 12, new nq, 13, new Mp(0, f), 14, new Mp(1, f), 15, new Mp(2, f), 16, new Mp(3, f), 17, new Mp(4, f), 18, new On(c), 19, new Ip(c), 20, new Mn(c), 21, new Up(1), 22, new Up(0, Ep), 23, new Up(0), 24, new Up(1, Lk)]);
this.U = [c[13], c[14], c[15], c[16], c[17]];
this.T = new dq(c);
Oo(d, a, "contextmenu", function (g) {
}, !1)
ha(Nq, Hc);
Nq.prototype.g = function () {
for (var a = 0, b; b = this.U[a++];) b.reset();
Nq.prototype.start = function () {
!this.i.U.H || he ? (this.s = !0, yq(this)) : wq()
var yq = function (a) {
if (a.R) {
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
var b = Ba(),
c = Math.min(b - a.V, 50);
a.V = b;
Ym(c, a.j);
Cq(a.i, a.j)
} else a.s = !1
Oq = function () {
var a = document.getElementById("hplogo"),
b = a ? a.querySelector("canvas") : null;
Ne(function () {
xq = new Nq(a, b);
wq = function () {
var a = xq;
a && (a.R = !1)
xq = null;
(function (a, b) {
var c = function () {
a(); &&
Lq(c, b);
})(function () {
var a = document.getElementById("hplogo"),
b = a ? a.querySelector("canvas") : null;
b && (co() ? Oq() : $c(b, "click", function () {
if (b)
if (Oc(b)) b.Nb("click");
else {
var c = cd(b);
if (c) {
var d = 0,
e = "click".toString(),
for (f in c.g)
if (!e || f == e)
for (var g = c.g[f].concat(), k = 0; k < g.length; ++k) hd(g[k]) && ++d
}, function () {
for (var a = Me, b = 0, c; c = a.g[b]; b++) c.j = [];
xq = null
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