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Created October 15, 2021 13:15
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Crust of Rust: Atomics and Memory Ordering // My Notes
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
const LOCKED: bool = true;
const UNLOCKED: bool = false;
pub struct Mutex<T> {
locked: AtomicBool,
v: UnsafeCell<T>,
unsafe impl<T> Sync for Mutex<T> where T: Send {}
impl<T> Mutex<T> {
pub fn new(t: T) -> Self {
Self {
locked: AtomicBool::new(UNLOCKED),
v: UnsafeCell::new(t),
/// pesky thread interleavings
/// One of the reasons this is broken is due to race between the `load` and `store`, and multiple
/// threads might "win" the race at the same time.
//pub fn with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> R) -> R {
// while self.locked.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != UNLOCKED {}
// // maybe another thread runs here
// std::thread::yield_now();
//, Ordering::Relaxed);
// // Safety: we hold the lock, therefore we can create a mutable reference.
// let ret = f(unsafe { &mut *self.v.get() });
//, Ordering::Relaxed);
// ret
/// compare_exchange
/// There is no space between loading and storing, it's one atomic operation. However, calling
/// it within a loop can be an expensive operation as multi-core CPU architecture can experience
/// contention with each core trying to obtain exclusive access to the underlying memory
/// location.
//pub fn with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> R) -> R {
// while self
// .locked
// .compare_exchange(UNLOCKED, LOCKED, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed)
// .is_err()
// {
// // MESI protocol
// while self.locked.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == LOCKED {}
// }
// // Safety: we hold the lock, therefore we can create a mutable reference.
// let ret = f(unsafe { &mut *self.v.get() });
//, Ordering::Relaxed);
// ret
/// Ordering: Acquire/Release
pub fn with_lock<R>(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut T) -> R) -> R {
while self
.compare_exchange(UNLOCKED, LOCKED, Ordering::Acquire, Ordering::Relaxed)
// MESI protocol
while self.locked.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == LOCKED {
// Safety: we hold the lock, therefore we can create a mutable reference.
let ret = f(unsafe { &mut *self.v.get() });, Ordering::Release);
// Ordering: SeqCst // See the chapter in the video:
use std::thread::spawn;
fn main() {
let l: &'static _ = Box::leak(Box::new(Mutex::new(0)));
let handles: Vec<_> = (0..10)
.map(|_| {
spawn(move || {
for _ in 0..100 {
l.with_lock(|v| {
*v += 1;
for handle in handles {
handle.join().expect("join all handles");
assert_eq!(l.with_lock(|v| *v), 10 * 100);
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