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Created October 4, 2018 19:38
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Resources & References

Common Way to Start Vim

$ vim [options] [file ..]

Useful Command-Line Options

From the man page, in order of usefulness. These should be all that you need:

   +[num]      For the first file the cursor will be positioned on line "num".
               If "num" is missing, the cursor will be positioned on the last line.

   -o[N]       Open N windows stacked.  When N is omitted, open one window for each file.

   -O[N]       Open N windows side by side (columns).  When N is omitted, open one window for each file.
               Example: `vim -O2`

   -p[N]       Open N tab pages.  When N is omitted, open one tab page for each file.

   --help      Give a help message and exit, just like "-h".

   -r          List swap files, with information about using them for recovery.

   -r {file}   Recovery  mode.   The  swap file is used to recover a crashed editing session.
               The swap file is a file with the same filename as the text file with
               ".swp" appended.  See ":help recovery".

   +/{pat}     For the first file the cursor will be positioned in the line with the first occurrence of {pat}.
               See ":help search-pattern" for the available search patterns.

   --version   Print version information and exit.


Vim is a model editor, behaving differently depending on which mode you are in.

  • Normal (command) mode: bottom of screen displays file name or is blank. You use ex-style commands (prefaced with colon :) from here.
  • Insert mode. Bottom of screen displays --INSERT--.
  • Visual mode. Bottom of screen displays --VISUAL--.

To enter insert mode, type i. To exit, press .


~/.vimrc is for your personal Vim initializations.

Example vimrc File

" .vimrc, Vim configuration file
" This is a comment

" If no file type, default to "python"
autocmd BufEnter * if &filetype == "" | setlocal ft=python | endif

set nocompatible   " required by Vundle
filetype off       " required by Vundle

:set background=dark
:set backspace=indent,eol,start
:set autoindent
:set autowrite
:set hlsearch
:set incsearch
:set number
:set ruler
:set shiftwidth=4
:set smarttab
:set softtabstop=0
:set expandtab
:set textwidth=0
:set tabstop=8

:syntax on

Cursor (Direction) Keys

k is up, h is left, l si right, j is down:

h   l

Mnemonic: j key looks like down arrow.


The general syntax of commands is [number]command[motion].

You can optionally precede all movement commands with a number.


  • 9dd to delete 9 lines
  • 5o to insert 5 lines
  • 5fx to move up 5 occurrences of "x"
  • d3w deletes 3 words

For example, add three exclamation points after the cursor with 3a!.

For commands like yw (yank/copy one word) and c$ (delete from cursor to end of line), the first character is the command, and the second is the motion.

General commands:

Insertion, deletion, copying & pasting:

i               enter insert mode.  will insert text *before* the character under cursor
a               enter insert mode, but will insert text *after* character under cursor
x               delete character under cursor

O               insert line *above* the cursor, then enter insert mode
o               insert line *below* the cursor, then enter insert mode

d{motion}       delete.  doesn't enter insert mode after
dd              delete current line
dw              delete current word

p               put previously deleted text after the cursor.  (like paste)
yw              yank (copy) one word

c{motion}       change text.  like d{motion}, but puts you in insert mode after
c$              delete from cursor to end of line
cw              delete from cursor to end of word, then enter insert word

r{x}            replace single character under the cursor with character {x}

.               repeat last change or delete command

Undoing and redoing:

u               undo last edit
<Ctrl> + R      redo
U               undo whole line.  undoes all the changes made on the last line that was edited


/{phrase}       search forward for {phrase}.  to get rid of the highlights, use `:noh`
?{phrase}       search backwards for {phrase}

n               get next search result
N               get previous search result


ZZ              write and exit.  note the Z's are capitalized

~               change current character's case.  can be used with a count (like everything else)

>               indents selected lines by one "shift width."
                amount of whitespace is set with the `:set shiftwidth` option
<               de-dents selected lines by one "shift width."

J               join next line with current one

v               visual mode (highlight text with cursor keys)

<Ctrl> + G      show file status and your location in the file


Movement motions (all of these can take optional numeric arguments):

w               start of next word (2w, 3w, 4w)
e               end of current word (2e, 3e, 4e)
b               start of previous word

$               end of line.  2$: end of next line, etc
0               start of line
^               first non-blank character of the line

gg              go to top of file
G               go to bottom of file

<Ctrl> + U      scrolls up half a screen of text
<Ctrl> + D      scrolls you down half a screen

%               jump cursor to a matching ), ], or }

f{c}            move to the next occurence of character c on current line.
                for example, if you are at start of the line "Searching Along a Single Line,"
                fS will move to the S in "Single"
                this cmd is case sensitive

Ex-Style Commands

Any command that begins with a colon : is considered an ex-style command.

All of these must be finished by pressing .

:q                  exit Vim
:q!                 exit and discard changes without writing/saving
:qa!                exit/discard *all* changes.  this is for multiple tabs/windows/buffers
:wq [filename]      write (save) file and exit

:{number}           go to a line number (or, use `{number}G`)

:set {option}       set an option i.e. :set ic.  See "setting options" section

:shell              takes you to the shell temporarily.  you can exit back to Vim with `exit` (from shell)
:!`cmd`             execute the external shell command `cmd`.  example: :!ls

:s/old/new          substitute first occurrence of `new` for `old` in current line
:s/old/new/g        substitute all occurrences of `new` for `old` in current line
:%s/old/new/g       substitute all occurrences of `new` for `old` in entire file
:%s/old/new/gc      find every occurrence in the whole file, with a prompt whether to substitute or not

:e {file}           edit file
:r {file}           read file
:!rm {file}         remove file

:next               change files, allowing you to edit the next file
:previous           like next, but move back
:wnext              like :w plus :next, combined as one command

:args               displays the list of the files currently being edited
:split [file]       split vertical.  by default, opens the same file in two windows
:new                like split, but open up new file

:syntax [on|off]    syntax highlighting

:noh                clear current highlighting

:digraphs           show currently defined digraphs.
                    digraphs are used to enter characters that normally cannot be entered by an ordinary keyboard.
                    these are mostly printable non-ASCII characters.

Setting Options

For help:

:help set

General/meta options:

:set                    show all options that differ from their default value
:set all                show all but terminal options
:se[t] {option}?        show value of {option}
:se[t] {option}         for "toggle" options, switch it on.  for anything else, shows the value
:se[t] no{option}       for "toggle" options: reset/switch it off
:se[t] {option}&        reset option to its default value
:se[t] all&             set all options to their default value
:se[t] {option}={val}   set string or number option to {value}

Specific options listed below.

Toggle options (optionally preface the "positive" form with no i.e. ic or noic):

:set [no]ic             ignore case in global search patterns
:set [no]number         turn line numbering on
:set [no]paste          put Vim in Paste mode.  This is useful if you want to cut or copy
                        some text from one window and paste it in Vim.
:set [no]autowrite

:set [no]incsearch      incremental search.  search as characters are entered
:set [no]hlsearch       turn highlighting on in search.  highlight matches

:set [no]autoindent
:set [no]smarttab       if on: tabs inserted at the beginning of a line are treated like soft tabs of size 'shiftwidth'
:set [no]expandtab

:set [no]ruler          show line and column number of cursor position, separated by comma

Numeric options:

:set shiftwidth         defaults to 'tabstop'
:set tabstop            number of spaces that a <Tab> in the file counts for
:set sotftabstop
:set scroll             number of lines to scroll with <CTRL> + U and <CTRL> + D commands
:set textwidth          maximum width of text. a longer line will be broken after white space to
                        get this width.  A zero value disables this.
                        set to 0 when the 'paste' option is set and restored when 'paste' is reset
:set colorcolumn        set a line-length colored column marker

String options:

:set syntax
:set background
:set filetype
:set helplang

Plugins/Extensions & Language-Specific Features

Using a Package Manager (Vundle)

Vundle is a popular Vim package manager.

To install:

$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Make sure that ~/.vimrc has these bare minimums:

set nocompatible
filetype off

" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')

" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'

" Specify plugins here

" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
call vundle#end()            " required
filetype plugin indent on    " required

Launch Vim and run :PluginInstall.

For some examples, see here.

Installing Packages with Vundle

To install a new plugin (such as YouCompleteMe for code completion:

  1. Add it to ~/.vimrc, i.e. Bundle 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
  2. Launch Vim, then run :PluginInstall.

The package will be downloaded to ~/.vim/bundle/.

Vim + Python

To check that your Vim install supports Python, see vim --version | grep "[+-]python". If python or python3 has a plus-symbol next to it, it is supported.

To see which specific version of Python Vim is using, enter vim and then, in Vim, use:

:python3 import sys; print(sys.version)

Column Typing

Stack Overflow: In Vim how do I effectively insert the same characters across multiple lines?.

You have the following:

a = (1, 2, 3)
b = (4, 5, 6)
c = (7, 8, 9)

And want:

a = list((1, 2, 3))
b = list((4, 5, 6))
c = list((7, 8, 9))

How to:

  1. Move cursor to the a
  2. Enter visual block mode with <Ctrl> + v
  3. Press j (down) three times
  4. Press I
  5. Type the text
  6. Press <Esc>

Using Regex

Example                 matches
-------                 -------
ab\{2,3}c               "abbc" or "abbbc"
a\{5}                   "aaaaa"
ab\{2,}c                "abbc", "abbbc", "abbbbc", etc.
ab\{,3}c                "ac", "abc", "abbc" or "abbbc"
a[bc]\{3}d              "abbbd", "abbcd", "acbcd", "acccd", etc.
a\(bc\)\{1,2}d          "abcd" or "abcbcd"
a[bc]\{-}[cd]           "abc" in "abcd"
a[bc]*[cd]              "abcd" in "abcd"
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