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Last active May 2, 2022 12:34
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Enhance CLI with ZX
export const askForAuthProfile = async () => {
// Since 'minimist' is integrated a 'argv' is available out-of-box
if( argv.authindex ) {
// If a 'authindex' is provided as argument
// select the given authentication profile
await $`pac auth select --index ${argv.authindex}`
// list all available authentication profile
await $`pac auth list`
// interactively ask for a profile
const choice = await question('choose profile index (enter for confirm active one): ')
// select the given authentication profile
await $`pac auth select --index ${choice}`
export const askForSolutionFolder = async () => {
let solution
// Since 'minimist' is integrated a 'argv' is available out-of-box
if( argv.solution ) {
// If a 'solution' is provided as argument use it
solution = argv.solution
else {
// otherwise ask for it
solution = await question('solution folder: ')
// Since 'fs-extra' and 'chalk' are integrated 'fs' and 'chalk' are available out-of-box
try {
// Folder validation
const stats = await fs.stat( solution )
if( stats.isDirectory() )
return solution
console.log(`solution folder '${solution}' is not a directory!`))
catch( e ) {
console.log(`solution folder '${solution}' doesn't exist!`))
try {
await askForAuthProfile()
const solution = await askForSolutionFolder()
// import Solution as 'Managed' into selected profile
await $`pac solution pack --zipfile /tmp/${solution} -f ${solution} -p Managed -aw`
await $`pac solution import -p /tmp/${solution} -f -pc -a`
} catch (p) {
if (p.exitCode)
console.log(`error occurred code: ${p.exitCode} error: ${p.stderr}`)
function description
cd() Changes the current working directory.
fetch() A wrapper around the node-fetch package.
question() A wrapper around the readline package.
sleep() A wrapper around the setTimeout function.
nothrow() Changes behavior of $ to not throw an exception on non-zero exit codes.
quiet() Changes behavior of $ to disable verbose output.
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