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Created May 20, 2014 03:30
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LaTeX and Stata integration
/* Initialize the TeX master source document */
texdoc init test.tex, replace
/* Begin stream of LaTeX code */
\usepackage[top=1in, left=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{stata, hyperref, fancyhdr}
% (LateX Comment) Define new command to add
% tables with linked header
\lhead{} \rhead{}
\chead{\hyperlink{top}{Back To Top}}
% Manual title (with a link target), and a line break
\hypertarget{top}{\textbf{\Large Model Building Example}}
Author: Ben Southgate
/* End Stream of LaTeX */
/* Use Stata global macros to record run time/date */
tex Compiled: $S_TIME, on $S_DATE
tex \vspace{20pt}
/* Load system data */
sysuse auto, clear
/* Clear any current estimation storage macros */
eststo clear
tex \textbf{\large Sample Restrictions}
/* Comments and code after this point will be ouput to
LaTeX document in full */
texdoc stlog
/* Sample Restrictions */
keep if ( ///
weight < 4500 & ///
price < 10000 ///
texdoc stlog close
/* Now stata code is no longer output */
/* List all the LaTeX tables */
tex \listoftables
/* Run regressions and store results */
eststo: reg price mpg rep78
eststo: reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk
eststo: reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn
eststo: reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio
/* Create LaTeX table to be included in a separate document */
esttab using ModelBuild.tex, tex r2 replace
tex \addtab{ModelBuild}
tex \end{document}
texdoc close
/* Stop LaTeX output from requiring manual continuation */
set more off
/* Execulte shell commands to compile and open LaTeX output,
move the pdf to the output folder, and remove latex junk */
local date = subinstr("$S_DATE _"," ","",.)
local time = subinstr("$S_TIME",":","_",.)
shell /usr/texbin/pdflatex test.tex
shell /usr/texbin/pdflatex test.tex
shell mv test.pdf ./output/test`date'`time'.pdf
shell open ./output/test`date'`time'.pdf
shell rm *test*
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