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Created July 15, 2010 14:21
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-- | A general purpose evaluator; useful for evaluating
-- languages/structures that need to:
-- * Access an environment
-- * Log messages or signal errors
-- * Generate free variables
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Evaluator where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Char
-- * Evaluator
-- The evaluator monad is used to sequence
-- computations that can fail:
-- Maybe a
-- Each computation has access to an environment
-- Reader env (Maybe a)
-- which can be used for variable substitutions
-- It also maintains an integer state which can
-- be used to generate new free variables.
-- ReaderT env (State Int) (Maybe a)
-- Lastly, it has access to a msg Writer, which
-- is useful for logging messages.
-- ReaderT env (StateT Int (Writer msg)) (Maybe a)
newtype Eval env msg a = Eval {
runEval :: ReaderT env (StateT Int (Writer msg)) (Maybe a)}
-- Unpacking an Eval looks like this:
-- ReaderT e (StateT Int (Writer m)) (Maybe a)
-- ~
-- e -> StateT Int (Writer m) (Maybe a)
-- ~
-- e -> Int -> Writer m ((Maybe a), Int)
-- ~
-- e -> Int -> (((Maybe a), Int), m)
-- So
-- Eval env msg a ~~ env -> Int -> (((Maybe a), Int) msg)
liftRT :: Monad m => a -> ReaderT env m (Maybe a)
liftRT = return . Just
instance Monoid msg => Functor (Eval env msg) where
fmap f e = e >>= return . f
instance Monoid msg => Applicative (Eval env msg) where
pure = Eval . liftRT
f <*> e = f >>= \f' -> e >>= return . f'
instance Monoid msg => Alternative (Eval env msg) where
empty = Eval (return Nothing)
(Eval e1) <|> (Eval e2) = Eval (e1 >>= maybe e2 liftRT)
instance Monoid msg => Monad (Eval env msg) where
return = pure
(Eval e) >>= f = Eval (e >>= maybe (return Nothing) (runEval . f))
instance Monoid msg => MonadReader env (Eval env msg) where
ask = Eval (ask >>= liftRT)
local f (Eval e) = Eval (local f e)
instance Monoid msg => MonadWriter msg (Eval env msg) where
tell w = Eval (tell w >>= liftRT)
pass e = e >>= Eval . (pass . return >=> liftRT)
listen (Eval e) = Eval (listen e >>= \(a,w) -> return $ fmap (\i -> (i, w)) a)
instance Monoid msg => MonadState Int (Eval env msg) where
get = Eval (get >>= liftRT)
put i = Eval (put i >>= liftRT)
-- ** Helper functions
annotate :: Eval env [msg] res -> msg -> Eval env [msg] res
annotate eval msg = tell [msg] >> eval
(<?>) :: Eval env [msg] res -> msg -> Eval env [msg] res
(<?>) = annotate
fails :: Monoid msg => Eval env msg res
fails = empty
failsWith :: msg -> Eval env [msg] res
failsWith = annotate fails
succeeds :: Monoid msg => res -> Eval env msg res
succeeds = return
succeedsWith :: Monoid msg => msg -> res -> Eval env [msg] res
succeedsWith msg res = annotate (succeeds res) msg
evalEval :: Monoid msg => Eval env msg res -> env -> (Maybe res, msg)
evalEval (Eval e) env = runWriter (evalStateT (runReaderT e env) 0)
-- ** Environments
type E k v = M.Map k v
type Env a = E String a
envLookup :: String -> Eval (Env b) [String] b
envLookup = envLookupWith M.lookup
envLookupWith :: (String -> env -> Maybe b) -> String -> Eval env [String] b
envLookupWith f k = asks (f k) >>=
maybe (failsWith $ "Variable `" ++ k ++ "' not found") succeeds
-- ** Generating free variables
newFreeVar :: Monoid msg => Eval env msg String
newFreeVar = modify (+1) >> gets toVar
toVar :: Int -> String
toVar n | n < 20 = ['?', chr (n + ord 'e')]
| otherwise = ['?', chr (mod n 20 + ord 'e')] ++ show (n `div` 20)
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