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Created November 16, 2012 17:31
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REPO ?= riak
.PHONY: rel stagedevrel deps
all: deps compile
./rebar compile
./rebar get-deps
clean: testclean
./rebar clean
distclean: clean devclean relclean ballclean
./rebar delete-deps
./rebar generate
TEST_LOG_FILE := eunit.log
@rm -f $(TEST_LOG_FILE)
# Test each dependency individually in its own VM
test: deps compile testclean
@$(foreach dep, \
$(wildcard deps/*), \
(cd $(dep) && ../../rebar eunit deps_dir=.. skip_deps=true) \
|| echo "Eunit: $(notdir $(dep)) FAILED" >> $(TEST_LOG_FILE);)
./rebar eunit skip_deps=true
@if test -s $(TEST_LOG_FILE) ; then \
cat $(TEST_LOG_FILE) && \
exit `wc -l < $(TEST_LOG_FILE)`; \
## Release targets
rel: deps compile generate riaknostic-rel
rm -rf rel/riak
## Developer targets
## devN - Make a dev build for node N
## stagedevN - Make a stage dev build for node N (symlink libraries)
## devrel - Make a dev build for 1..$DEVNODES
## stagedevrel Make a stagedev build for 1..$DEVNODES
## Example, make a 68 node devrel cluster
## make stagedevrel DEVNODES=68
.PHONY : stagedevrel devrel
# 'seq' is not available on all *BSD, so using an alternate in awk
SEQ = $(shell awk 'BEGIN { for (i = 1; i < '$(DEVNODES)'; i++) printf("%i ", i); print i ;exit(0);}')
$(eval stagedevrel : $(foreach n,$(SEQ),stagedev$(n)))
$(eval devrel : $(foreach n,$(SEQ),dev$(n)))
dev% : all
mkdir -p dev
rel/gen_dev $@ rel/vars/dev_vars.config.src rel/vars/$@_vars.config
(cd rel && ../rebar generate target_dir=../dev/$@ overlay_vars=vars/$@_vars.config)
stagedev% : dev%
$(foreach dep,$(wildcard deps/*), rm -rf dev/$^/lib/$(shell basename $(dep))-* && ln -sf $(abspath $(dep)) dev/$^/lib;)
devclean: clean
rm -rf dev
stage : rel
$(foreach dep,$(wildcard deps/*), rm -rf rel/riak/lib/$(shell basename $(dep))-* && ln -sf $(abspath $(dep)) rel/riak/lib;)
## Doc targets
./rebar skip_deps=true doc
@cp -R apps/riak_core/doc doc/riak_core
@cp -R apps/riak_kv/doc doc/riak_kv
orgs: orgs-doc orgs-README
@emacs -l orgbatch.el -batch --eval="(riak-export-doc-dir \"doc\" 'html)"
@emacs -l orgbatch.el -batch --eval="(riak-export-doc-file \"\" 'ascii)"
APPS = kernel stdlib sasl erts ssl tools os_mon runtime_tools crypto inets \
xmerl webtool snmp public_key mnesia eunit syntax_tools compiler
COMBO_PLT = $(HOME)/.$(REPO)_combo_dialyzer_plt
check_plt: compile
dialyzer --check_plt --plt $(COMBO_PLT) --apps $(APPS) \
build_plt: compile
dialyzer --build_plt --output_plt $(COMBO_PLT) --apps $(APPS) \
dialyzer: compile
@echo Use "'make check_plt'" to check PLT prior to using this target.
@echo Use "'make build_plt'" to build PLT prior to using this target.
@sleep 1
dialyzer -Wno_return --plt $(COMBO_PLT) deps/*/ebin | \
fgrep -v -f ./dialyzer.ignore-warnings
@echo "Are you sure? It takes about 1/2 hour to re-build."
@echo Deleting $(COMBO_PLT) in 5 seconds.
sleep 5
## Version and naming variables for distribution and packaging
# Tag from git with style <tagname>-<commits_since_tag>-<current_commit_hash>
# Ex: When on a tag: riak-1.0.3 (no commits since tag)
# For most normal Commits: riak-1.1.0pre1-27-g1170096
# Last tag: riak-1.1.0pre1
# Commits since tag: 27
# Hash of commit: g1170096
REPO_TAG := $(shell git describe --tags)
# Split off repo name
# Changes to 1.0.3 or 1.1.0pre1-27-g1170096 from example above
REVISION ?= $(shell echo $(REPO_TAG) | sed -e 's/^$(REPO)-//')
# Primary version identifier, strip off commmit information
# Changes to 1.0.3 or 1.1.0pre1 from example above
MAJOR_VERSION ?= $(shell echo $(REVISION) | sed -e 's/\([0-9.]*\)-.*/\1/')
## Release tarball creation
## Generates a tarball that includes all the deps sources so no checkouts are necessary
# Use git archive to copy a repository at a current revision to a new directory
archive_git = git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(1)/ HEAD | (cd $(2) && tar xf -)
# Checkout tag, fetch deps (so we don't have to do it multiple times) and collect
# the version of all the dependencies into the MANIFEST_FILE
CLONEDIR ?= riak-clone
MANIFEST_FILE ?= dependency_manifest.git
get_dist_deps = mkdir distdir && \
git clone . distdir/$(CLONEDIR) && \
cd distdir/$(CLONEDIR) && \
git checkout $(REPO_TAG) && \
$(MAKE) deps && \
echo "- Dependencies and their tags at build time of $(REPO) at $(REPO_TAG)" > $(MANIFEST_FILE) && \
for dep in deps/*; do \
cd $${dep} && \
printf "$${dep} version `git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse HEAD`\n" >> ../../$(MANIFEST_FILE) && \
cd ../..; done && \
# Name resulting directory & tar file based on current status of the git tag
# If it is a tagged release (REVISION == MAJOR_VERSION), use the toplevel
# tag as the package name, otherwise generate a unique hash of all the
# dependencies revisions to make the package name unique.
# This enables the toplevel repository package to change names
# when underlying dependencies change.
NAME_HASH = $(shell git hash-object distdir/$(CLONEDIR)/$(MANIFEST_FILE) 2>/dev/null | cut -c 1-8)
# To ensure a clean build, copy the CLONEDIR at a specific tag to a new directory
# which will be the basis of the src tar file (and packages)
# The vsn.git file is required by rebar to be able to build from the resulting
# tar file
build_clean_dir = cd distdir/$(CLONEDIR) && \
$(call archive_git,$(DISTNAME),..) && \
cp $(MANIFEST_FILE) ../$(DISTNAME)/ && \
mkdir ../$(DISTNAME)/deps && \
for dep in deps/*; do \
cd $${dep} && \
$(call archive_git,$${dep},../../../$(DISTNAME)) && \
mkdir -p ../../../$(DISTNAME)/$${dep}/priv && \
printf "`git describe --long --tags 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse HEAD`" > ../../../$(DISTNAME)/$${dep}/priv/vsn.git && \
cd ../..; done
$(if $(REPO_TAG), $(call get_dist_deps), $(error "You can't generate a release tarball from a non-tagged revision. Run 'git checkout <tag>', then 'make dist'"))
distdir/$(DISTNAME): distdir/$(CLONEDIR)/$(MANIFEST_FILE)
$(call build_clean_dir)
dist $(DISTNAME).tar.gz: distdir/$(DISTNAME)
cd distdir && \
tar czf ../$(DISTNAME).tar.gz $(DISTNAME)
rm -rf $(DISTNAME).tar.gz distdir
## Packaging targets reside in package directory
# Strip off repo name for packaging
PKG_VERSION = $(shell echo $(DISTNAME) | sed -e 's/^$(REPO)-//')
package: dist
$(MAKE) -C package package
pkgclean: distclean
$(MAKE) -C package pkgclean
riaknostic: deps
cd deps/riaknostic && make
riaknostic-rel: riaknostic
mkdir rel/riak/lib/riaknostic && \
cp deps/riaknostic/riaknostic rel/riak/lib/riaknostic
.PHONY: package
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