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Last active February 26, 2019 23:40
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings, OverloadedLabels #-}
module Main where
import Database.Selda
import Database.Selda.SQLite
import Database.Selda.Backend
data Pet = Dog | Horse | Dragon
deriving (Show, Read, Bounded, Enum)
instance SqlType Pet
data Person = Person
{ pid :: ID Person
, name :: Text
, age :: Int
, pet :: Maybe Pet
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance SqlRow Person
people :: Table Person
people = table "people" [#pid :- autoPrimary]
insertAndPrintPK :: SeldaM ()
insertAndPrintPK = do
pk <- insertWithPK people [Person def "Sara" 14 Nothing]
liftIO (print pk)
petsForEveryone :: SeldaM Int
petsForEveryone = do
update people
(\person -> isNull (person ! #pet))
(\person -> person `with` [#pet := just (literal Dog)])
compiledPetsForEveryone = compileUpdate defPPConfig
(\person -> person `with` [#pet := just (literal Dog)])
(\person -> isNull (person ! #pet))
getAdultsAndTheirPets = do
person <- select people
restrict (person ! #age .>= 18)
return (person ! #name :*: person ! #pet)
-- main :: SeldaM ()
main = withSQLite "people-2.sqlite" $ do
dropTable people
createTable people
insert_ people
[ Person def "Velvet" 19 (Just Dog)
, Person def "Kobayashi" 23 (Just Dragon)
, Person def "Miyu" 10 Nothing
, Person { pid = def, name = "Brad", age = 31, pet = Nothing }
adultsAndTheirPets <- query $ getAdultsAndTheirPets
liftIO $ print adultsAndTheirPets -- ["Velvet" :*: Just Dog,"Kobayashi" :*: Just Dragon,"Brad" :*: Nothing]
liftIO $ print compiledPetsForEveryone -- ("UPDATE \"people\" SET \"pet\" = CAST($1 AS TEXT) WHERE (\"pet\") IS NULL",[Param "Dog"])
numUpdates <- petsForEveryone
liftIO $ print numUpdates -- 2
adultsAndTheirPets <- query $ getAdultsAndTheirPets
liftIO $ print adultsAndTheirPets -- ["Velvet" :*: Just Dog,"Kobayashi" :*: Just Dragon,"Brad" :*: Just Dog]
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