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Last active February 19, 2024 15:52
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The bare minimum needed for supporting YouCompleteMe
# TODO: Handle headers that do not exist.
# TODO: Documentation.
# TODO: Type hints
import http.client
import json
import sys
import traceback
_MEMFILE_MAX = 10 * 1024 * 1024
class HTTPError( Exception ):
def __init__( self,
status = 500,
body = '',
exception = None,
traceback = None ):
self.status = status
self.body = body
self.exception = exception,
self.traceback = traceback
class Response:
def __init__( self ):
self.headers = []
def set_header( self, name : str, value : str ):
self._headers.append( ( name.title().replace( '_', '-' ), value ) )
def _FixRequestHeaderName( key ):
key = key.replace( '-','_' ).upper()
if key in _WSGI_HEADERS:
return key
return 'HTTP_' + key
class Query:
def __init__( self, query_str : str ):
self._query = {}
for chunk in query_str.split( '&' ):
name, value = chunk.split( '=' )
self._query[ name ] = value
def __getattribute__( self, query_name : str ):
return self._query[ query_name ]
class RequestHeaders( dict ):
def __init__( self, env ):
super().__init__( env )
def __getitem__( self, key : str ):
key = _FixRequestHeaderName( key )
return super()[ key ]
class Request:
def __init__( self, env ):
self.env = env
self.query = Query( env[ 'QUERY_STRING' ] )
self.headers = RequestHeaders( env )
def json( self ):
return json.load( self.env[ 'wsgi.input' ] )
def body( self ):
return self.env[ 'wsgi.input' ]
def _ApplyPlugins( plugins, callback ):
for plugin in plugins:
callback = plugin( callback )
return callback
class AppProducer:
def __init__( self, plugins ):
self.plugins = plugins
self.get_routes = {}
self.post_routes = {}
def ErrorHandler( self, http_error : HTTPError ):
raise RuntimeError( "Should be replaced by application." )
def SetErrorHandler( self, error_handler ):
self.ErrorHandler = error_handler
def post( self, path : str ):
return self.AddRouteDecorator( path, 'POST' )
def get( self, path : str ):
return self.AddRouteDecorator( path, 'GET' )
def AddRouteDecorator( self, path : str, method : str ):
def Decorator( Callback ):
self.AddPath( path, method, Callback )
return Callback
return Decorator
def AddPath( self, path : str, method : str, callback ):
callback = _ApplyPlugins( self.plugins, callback )
if method == 'POST':
self.get_routes[path] = callback
self.post_routes[path] = callback
def __call__( self, environ, start_response ):
status = '200 OK'
request = Request( environ )
response = Response()
if environ[ 'CONTENT_LENGTH' ] > _MEMFILE_MAX:
raise HTTPError( 413, 'Request too large' )
if environ[ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] == 'POST':
out = self.post_routes[ environ[ 'PATH_INFO' ] ]( request, response )
out = self.get_routes[ environ[ 'PATH_INFO' ] ]( request, response )
except HTTPError:
except Exception:
e = HTTPError( 500,
'Internal server error',
sys.exc_info()[ 1 ],
traceback.format_exc() )
response = Response()
out = self.ErrorHandler( e, response )
response_headers = response.headers
response_headers.append( ( 'Content-Length', str( len( out ) ) ) )
start_response( status, response_headers )
return out.encode( 'utf-8' )
except HTTPError as e:
status = http.client.responses[ e.status ]
out = e.body.encode( 'utf-8' )
response_headers = [ ( 'Content-Length', str( len( out ) ) ) ]
start_response( status, response_headers, sys.exc_info() )
return out
def abort( code, text ):
raise HTTPError( code, text )
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