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Last active February 9, 2021 15:45
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PS Vue-spa
npm install eslint@4.5.0 eslint-loader@1.9.0 eslint-plugin-html@3.2.0 eslint-config-standard@10.2.1 eslint-plugin-promise@3.5.0 eslint-plugin-standard@3.0.1 eslint-plugin-import@2.7.0 eslint-plugin-node@5.1.1 --save-dev
module.exports = {
root: true,
parserOptions: {
sourceType: "module"
extends: "standard",
// required to lint *.vue files
plugins: ["html"]
Vue.component('app', {
template: `
<div id="app">
<nav class="nav has-shadow">
<div class="container">
<a href="/">
<img src=""
alt="Vue SPA" />
<section class="main-section section"></section>
<footer class="footer">
<div class="container">
<div class="content has-text-centered">
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npm install babel-core@6.26.0 babel-eslint@7.2.3 babel-loader@7.1.2 babel-preset-es2015@6.24.1 babel-preset-stage-2@6.24.1 --save-dev
data() {
return {
posts: [
{ id: 1, title: 'PWA Stats', content: 'A community-driven list of stats and news related to Progressive Web Apps', link: '' },
{ id: 2, title: 'A Comprehensive Guide To HTTP/2 Server Push', content: 'No longer is HTTP/2 a feature we pine for. It has arrived, and with it comes server push!', link: '' },
{ id: 3, title: 'So what’s this GraphQL thing I keep hearing about?', content: 'Why now is the perfect time to learn what exactly this GraphQL thing you keep hearing about really is.', link: '' },
{ id: 4, title: 'State of The Mobile Gap Between Native and Web', content: 'Clearly PhoneGap, and Cordova are still required today in the mobile world, but when is it really needed? Did the web ever catch up?', link: '' },
{ id: 5, title: 'Learning JavaScript Design Patterns', content: 'Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design.', link: '' },
{ id: 6, title: 'The Power of Custom Directives in Vue', content: 'The beautiful thing about Vue is that it\'s incredibly feature-rich.', link: '' }
<div class="container content">
<div class="columns">
<div class="column is-one-third" v-for="(post, title) in posts" v-bind:key="">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content">
<h3>{{ post.title }}</h3>
{{ post.content }}
<footer class="card-footer">
<a class="card-footer-item" :href="" target="_blank">Read More</a>
padding-bottom: 40px;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
left: 0;
<div class="content">
<div class="field is-horizontal">
<div class="field-label is-normal">
<label class="label">Username</label>
<div class="field-body">
<div class="field">
<div class="control">
<input class="input" type="text"
placeholder="Your username">
<div class="field is-horizontal">
<div class="field-label is-normal">
<label class="label">Password</label>
<div class="field-body">
<div class="field">
<div class="control">
<input class="input" type="password"
placeholder="Your password">
<div class="field is-horizontal">
<div class="field-label">
<!-- Left empty for spacing -->
<div class="field-body">
<div class="field">
<div class="control">
<button class="button is-primary">
const path = require('path')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const base = require('./webpack.base.config')
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals')
const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin')
const config = Object.assign({}, base, {
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/server-entry.js'),
target: 'node',
devtool: 'source-map',
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
filename: 'server/[name].js',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2'
externals: nodeExternals({
whitelist: /\.css$/
plugins: [
new ExtractTextPlugin('server/styles.css')
module.exports = config
npm install --save-dev chai@4.1.2 cross-env@5.0.5 karma@1.7.1 mocha@3.5.3 karma-mocha@1.3.0 karma-phantomjs-launcher@1.0.4 karma-webpack@2.0.4 karma-sinon-chai@1.3.2 sinon@4.0.0 sinon-chai@2.14.0
var webpackConfig = require('../../build/webpack.test.config.js')
module.exports = function (config) {
browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
frameworks: ['mocha', 'sinon-chai'],
files: ['./index.js'],
preprocessors: {
'./index.js': ['webpack']
plugins: [
webpack: webpackConfig,
webpackMiddleware: {
noInfo: true
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