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Created February 22, 2012 18:29
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Rustc infinite compiler hang
// This program hangs in the compilation phase.
// The only difference is that the closure in #macro is replaced with a block
use std;
import std::rand;
import std::io::println;
iface is_even { fn is_even() -> bool; }
impl of is_even for int { fn is_even() -> bool { self % 2 == 0 } }
fn main() {
let rng = rand::mk_rng();
let gen_even = {|| ( as int) * 2};
let gen_float = {|| rng.next_float()};
fn assert_even<T: is_even>(num_gen: fn() -> T) -> bool {
let num = num_gen();
let prop_holds = num.is_even();
if !prop_holds {
println(#fmt("Failure: %? is not even", num));
ret prop_holds;
fn assert_divisible(num_gen1: fn() -> float,
num_gen2: fn() -> float) -> bool {
let dividend = num_gen1(),
divisor = num_gen2();
let prop_holds = dividend / divisor == 0f;
if !prop_holds {
println(#fmt("Failure: %? are not divisible", (dividend, divisor)));
ret prop_holds;
// Change closure to block
#macro[[#for_all[prop, [gen, ...]], {
let passed_tests = 0;
let prop_holds = true;
while passed_tests < 100 && prop_holds {
prop_holds = prop(gen, ...);
if prop_holds { passed_tests += 1; }
println(#fmt("Tests passed: %d", passed_tests));
}]]; // Close block
#for_all[assert_even, [gen_even]];
#for_all[assert_divisible, [gen_float, gen_float]];
// This program produces output similar to this:
// Tests passed: 100
// Failure: (0.194762, 0.480949) are not divisible
// Tests passed: 0
use std;
import std::rand;
import std::io::println;
iface is_even { fn is_even() -> bool; }
impl of is_even for int { fn is_even() -> bool { self % 2 == 0 } }
fn main() {
let rng = rand::mk_rng();
let gen_even = {|| ( as int) * 2};
let gen_float = {|| rng.next_float()};
fn assert_even<T: is_even>(num_gen: fn() -> T) -> bool {
let num = num_gen();
let prop_holds = num.is_even();
if !prop_holds {
println(#fmt("Failure: %? is not even", num));
ret prop_holds;
fn assert_divisible(num_gen1: fn() -> float,
num_gen2: fn() -> float) -> bool {
let dividend = num_gen1(),
divisor = num_gen2();
let prop_holds = dividend / divisor == 0f;
if !prop_holds {
println(#fmt("Failure: %? are not divisible", (dividend, divisor)));
ret prop_holds;
// Begin anonymous closure here
#macro[[#for_all[prop, [gen, ...]], {||
let passed_tests = 0;
let prop_holds = true;
while passed_tests < 100 && prop_holds {
prop_holds = prop(gen, ...);
if prop_holds { passed_tests += 1; }
println(#fmt("Tests passed: %d", passed_tests));
ret 0; // Necessary to infer type of #for_all invocation, might be a bug?
}()]]; // Close anonymous closure and self-execute
#for_all[assert_even, [gen_even]];
#for_all[assert_divisible, [gen_float, gen_float]];
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