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Created October 19, 2012 20:42
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struct Vec2 {
x: f32,
y: f32,
fn lerp(a: f32, b: f32, v: f32) -> f32 {
a * (1f32 - v) + b * v
fn smooth(v: f32) -> f32 {
v * v * (3f32 - 2f32 * v)
fn random_gradient(r: rand::Rng) -> Vec2 {
let v = r.gen_float() * float::consts::pi * 2.0;
x: float::cos(v) as f32,
y: float::sin(v) as f32,
fn gradient(orig: Vec2, grad: Vec2, p: Vec2) -> f32 {
let sp = Vec2{x: p.x - orig.x, y: p.y - orig.y};
grad.x * sp.x + grad.y + sp.y
struct Noise2DContext {
rgradients: ~[Vec2],
permutations: ~[int],
fn Noise2DContext() -> ~Noise2DContext {
let r = rand::Rng();
let rgradients = do vec::from_fn(256) |_i| { random_gradient(r) };
let mut permutations = do vec::from_fn(256) |i| { i as int };
rgradients: move rgradients,
permutations: move permutations,
impl Noise2DContext {
fn get_gradient(x: int, y: int) -> Vec2 {
let idx = self.permutations[x & 255] + self.permutations[y & 255];
self.rgradients[idx & 255]
fn get_gradients(gradients: &[mut Vec2 * 4], origins: &[mut Vec2 * 4], x: f32, y: f32) {
let x0f = float::floor(x as libc::c_double) as f32;
let y0f = float::floor(y as libc::c_double) as f32;
let x0 = x0f as int;
let y0 = y0f as int;
let x1 = x0 + 1;
let y1 = y0 + 1;
gradients[0] = self.get_gradient(x0, y0);
gradients[1] = self.get_gradient(x1, y0);
gradients[2] = self.get_gradient(x0, y1);
gradients[3] = self.get_gradient(x1, y1);
origins[0] = Vec2{x: x0f + 0f32, y: y0f + 0f32};
origins[1] = Vec2{x: x0f + 1f32, y: y0f + 0f32};
origins[2] = Vec2{x: x0f + 0f32, y: y0f + 1f32};
origins[3] = Vec2{x: x0f + 1f32, y: y0f + 1f32};
fn get(x: f32, y: f32) -> f32 {
let p = Vec2{x: x, y: y};
let gradients: [mut Vec2 * 4] = [mut
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
let origins: [mut Vec2 * 4] = [mut
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
Vec2{x:0f32, y:0f32},
self.get_gradients(&gradients, &origins, x, y);
let v0 = gradient(origins[0], gradients[0], p);
let v1 = gradient(origins[1], gradients[1], p);
let v2 = gradient(origins[2], gradients[2], p);
let v3 = gradient(origins[3], gradients[3], p);
let fx = smooth(x - origins[0].x);
let vx0 = lerp(v0, v1, fx);
let vx1 = lerp(v2, v3, fx);
let fy = smooth(y - origins[0].y);
lerp(vx0, vx1, fy)
fn main() {
let symbols = [" ", "░", "▒", "▓", "█", "█"];
let pixels = vec::to_mut(vec::from_elem(256*256, 0f32));
let n2d = Noise2DContext();
for 100.times {
for int::range(0, 256) |y| {
for int::range(0, 256) |x| {
let v = n2d.get(
x as f32 * 0.1f32,
y as f32 * 0.1f32
) * 0.5f32 + 0.5f32;
pixels[y*256+x] = v;
// for int::range(0, 256) |y| {
// for int::range(0, 256) |x| {
// io::print(symbols[pixels[y*256+x] / 0.2f32 as int]);
// }
// io::println("");
// }
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