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Last active October 29, 2019 06:37
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// Use Ammonite REPL to run this example:
import $ivy.`org.typelevel::cats-core:2.0.0`, cats.syntax.either._, $ivy.`com.chuusai::shapeless:2.3.3`, shapeless._
trait CsvValueDecoder[A] {
def decode(value: String): Either[String, A]
object CsvValueDecoder {
def create[A](f: String => Either[String, A]): CsvValueDecoder[A] = (value: String) => f(value)
trait CsvDecoder[A] {
def decode(xs: List[String]): Either[String, A]
object CsvDecoder {
def create[A](f: List[String] => Either[String, A]): CsvDecoder[A] = (xs: List[String]) => f(xs)
implicit val intDecoder: CsvValueDecoder[Int] =
CsvValueDecoder.create[Int](v => Either.catchNonFatal(v.toInt).leftMap(_.getMessage))
implicit val booleanDecoder: CsvValueDecoder[Boolean] =
CsvValueDecoder.create[Boolean](v => Either.catchNonFatal(v.toBoolean).leftMap(_.getMessage))
implicit val stringDecoder: CsvValueDecoder[String] =
// test
implicit def hnilCsvDecoder: CsvDecoder[HNil] = CsvDecoder.create {
case Nil => HNil.asRight
case _ => "Nil expected".asLeft
implicit def hlistCsvDecoder[H, T <: HList](implicit tCsvValueDecoder: CsvValueDecoder[H], tCsvDecoder: CsvDecoder[T]): CsvDecoder[H :: T] = CsvDecoder.create {
case Nil => Left("Nil unexpected")
case xs =>
for {
head <- tCsvValueDecoder.decode(xs.head)
tail <- tCsvDecoder.decode(xs.tail)
} yield head :: tail
// test
implicitly[CsvDecoder[String :: Int :: Boolean :: HNil]].decode(List("a", "22", "true"))
implicit def deriveCsvDecoder[A, R](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, R], decoder: CsvDecoder[R]): CsvDecoder[A] =
CsvDecoder.create(xs => decoder.decode(xs).map(gen.from))
// test
case class Building(name: String, year: Int, height: Int)
implicitly[CsvDecoder[Building]].decode(List("building", "2018", "300"))
implicitly[CsvDecoder[Building]].decode(List("error", "error", "error"))
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