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Created July 16, 2018 13:28
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APL for ML: K-means clustering (from
⍝ This is a comment in APL. Comments are denoted by the "⍝" symbol
⍝ which is called "lamp" or "thumb". A comment begins with the lamp
⍝ symbol and continues to the end of the line.
⍝ Here is a coordinate in 2-D space. It is a vector of two elements.
p←0.712 0.848
⍝ The symbol "←" denotes assignment and is called "copula". We have
⍝ given the name "p" to our first coordinate. Here is another 2-D
⍝ coordinate we will name "q".
q←0.962 0.362
⍝ Most APL functions are called "verbs". A verb that takes a single
⍝ argument is called a "monadic" verb, while a verb that takes two
⍝ arguments is called a "dyadic" verb. Many symbols have both a
⍝ monadic and dyadic meaning.
⍝ Monadic verbs appear to the left of their argument. The symbol "≢"
⍝ is called "tally" when used as a monadic verb; it returns the number
⍝ of elements in a vector.
⍝ The result of "≢p" is "2" since "p" is a vector with two elements.
⍝ Dyadic verbs appear between their two arguments. Subtraction is a
⍝ dyadic verb denoted by the symbol "-" called "minus".
⍝ The result of "p-q" is "¯0.25 0.486" which is the difference of each
⍝ element of "q" from the corresponding element of "p". Negative
⍝ numbers are indicated by a prefix symbol "¯" called "high minus".
⍝ Most APL operations work element-wise with vector arguments.
⍝ The dyadic verb called "exponential" or "power" is denoted by the
⍝ "⋆" symbol. It raises the argument on the left to the power of the
⍝ argument on the right. The expression "7⋆2" can be read as "seven
⍝ squared"; the expression "9⋆.5" can be read as "square root of
⍝ nine".
⍝ The result of "(p-q)⋆2" is "0.0625 0.236196" which is the square of
⍝ each element in "p-q". When one of the arguments of a dyadic verb is
⍝ a vector and the other is a scalar, the function will extend the
⍝ scalar argument by repeating it to match the length of the vector
⍝ argument.
⍝ Parentheses are used for grouping parts of an expression; the part
⍝ inside the parentheses is evaluated before the parts outside. APL
⍝ expressions without parentheses have no special operator precedence
⍝ rules; they always evaluate from right-to-left.
⍝ The result of "2⋆7-4" is "8" because "7-4" is evaluated first, the
⍝ result of which is "3"; the result of "2⋆3" is "8".
⍝ Addition is a dyadic verb denoted by the symbol "+" which is called
⍝ "plus".
⍝ The result of "1+1+2+3+5" is "12".
⍝ Some special APL functions are called "operators". An operator takes
⍝ an additional argument, often another function, in addition to its
⍝ normal arguments. The operator denoted by "/" is called "reduce".
+/1 1 2 3 5
⍝ The reduce operator takes a dyadic verb argument on the left, which
⍝ it evaluates between each element of the vector argument on the
⍝ right. The result of "+/1 1 2 3 5" is also "12". The symbols "+/"
⍝ together can be read as "sum".
⍝ The "euclidean distance" between two coordinates is the length of
⍝ the straight line that connects them. It is defined as the square
⍝ root of the sum of the squares of the element-wise differences of
⍝ the elements of the coordinates.
⍝ <>
⍝ It is complicated to describe this formula in plain language but
⍝ simple in APL. The result of "(+/(p-q)⋆2)⋆.5" is "0.5465308774".
⍝ Braces are used for defining custom verbs called "direct functions".
p {(+/(⍺-⍵)⋆2)⋆.5} q
⍝ The symbols "⍺" and "⍵" are called "alpha" and "omega" which
⍝ respectively denote the left and right arguments of a dyadic direct
⍝ function. We can assign a name to a direct function using a copula.
⍝ We can now use the name "Distance" to measure the euclidean distance
⍝ between any two coordinates.
p Distance q
⍝ The result of "p Distance q" is also "0.5465308774".
⍝ Here is a vector of coordinates in 2-D space, including "p" and "q"
⍝ and seven more points, which we will call "coords".
coords←p q (0.301 0.234) (0.347 0.168) (0.57 0.003) (0.16 0.009) (0.252 0.539) (0.595 0.487) (0.439 0.412)
⍝ The symbol "." denotes an operator called "dot". The symbol "∘"
⍝ denotes an operator called "jot" or "compose". When used together
⍝ the symbols "∘." are called the "outer product" operator. This
⍝ operator applies its function argument to each combination of the
⍝ elements of its left and right arguments.
2 3 ∘.+ 1 1 2 3 5
⍝ The result of "2 3 ∘.+ 1 1 2 3 5" is a matrix that looks like this:
⍝ 3 3 4 5 7
⍝ 4 4 5 6 8
⍝ The shape of the result depends on the number of elements in each
⍝ argument. In this case, the left argument has two elements and the
⍝ right argument has five elements. The result is a two-by-five
⍝ matrix.
⍝ The symbol "⍴" is called "rho". As a monadic verb it is called
⍝ "shape" because it returns the length of each dimension of its
⍝ argument.
⍴2 3 ∘.+ 1 1 2 3 5
⍝ The result of "⍴2 3 ∘.+ 1 1 2 3 5" is "2 5".
⍝ We can use the outer product operator with our "Distance" function
⍝ to compute the distance from each coordinate to each of "p" and "q".
⍝ We will call the result "deltas".
deltas←coords ∘.Distance p q
⍝ The result is a nine-by-two matrix that looks like this:
⍝ 0 0.5465308774
⍝ 0.5465308774 0
⍝ 0.7388619628 0.6732792883
⍝ 0.771767452 0.6448728557
⍝ 0.8568482946 0.5315496214
⍝ 1.004303241 0.8762493937
⍝ 0.554148897 0.7317301415
⍝ 0.3794864951 0.387703495
⍝ 0.5144171459 0.525384621
⍝ The symbol "⌊" is called "downstile". As a dyadic verb it is also
⍝ called "minimum" because it returns the smaller of its two
⍝ arguments.
⍝ The result of "5⌊3" is "3".
⍝ When its argument is a matrix, the reduce operator works on each row
⍝ independently.
⍝ The result of "⌊/deltas" is a vector of nine elements containing the
⍝ smallest value from each row of "deltas". It looks like this:
⍝ 0 0 0.6732792883 0.6448728557 0.5315496214 0.8762493937 0.554148897 0.3794864951 0.5144171459
⍝ The symbol "=" is called "equal to". As a dyadic verb it compares
⍝ its arguments and returns "1" when they are equal and "0" when they
⍝ are not.
3=1 1 2 3 5
⍝ The result of "3=1 1 2 3 5" is "0 0 0 1 0".
⍝ We can use "equal to" to find whether "p" or "q" is closer to each
⍝ coordinate by comparing the elements of "deltas" to the minima of
⍝ their respective rows. We call the result "clusters".
⍝ When the arguments of a verb have different shapes, we can specify
⍝ the dimension along which the verb will be applied in brackets,
⍝ which are called the "axis" operator. In this case we want to
⍝ compare along the first dimension.
⍝ The result is a nine-by-two matrix that looks like this:
⍝ 1 0
⍝ 0 1
⍝ 0 1
⍝ 0 1
⍝ 0 1
⍝ 0 1
⍝ 1 0
⍝ 1 0
⍝ 1 0
⍝ The number of coordinates in each cluster is the sum of each column
⍝ of the "clusters" matrix.
⍝ The result of "+/[1]clusters" is "4 5".
⍝ Multiplication is a dyadic verb denoted by the symbol "×" called
⍝ "times". Division is a dyadic verb denoted by the symbol "÷" called
⍝ "divide".
¯1 0 1×3
⍝ The result of "¯1 0 1×3" is "¯3 0 3".
1 1 2 3 5÷5
⍝ The result of "1 1 2 3 5÷5" is "0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 1".
⍝ We can use multiplication to select the coordinates of each cluster.
⍝ To find the average (mean) coordinate in each cluster, we divide its
⍝ sum by its count.
⍝ The result "means" is a vector of two coordinates "(0.4995 0.5715) (0.468 0.1552)".
⍝ This completes been a single iteration of the algorithm for "k-means
⍝ clustering" of our coordinates where k is 2.
⍝ <>
⍝ We would now want to repeat this iteration with the new means in
⍝ place of "p" and "q", until the results converge. First, let us
⍝ define a direct function for this step.
Step←{(+/[1]clusters×[1]⍺)÷+/[1]clusters←deltas=[1]⌊/deltas←⍺ ∘.Distance ⍵}
⍝ We can now use our function called "Step" to compute the same answer
⍝ as before.
coords Step p q
⍝ The result of "coords Step p q" is also "(0.4995 0.5715) (0.468 0.1552)".
⍝ The symbol "≡" is called "match". As a dyadic verb it returns "1"
⍝ when its arguments are completely identical, and "0" otherwise. It
⍝ is different from "=" in that it compares the arguments entirely
⍝ rather than element-wise.
¯1 0 1≡1 0 1
⍝ The result of "¯1 0 1≡1 0 1" is "0".
1 2 3≡1 2 3
⍝ The result of "1 2 3≡1 2 3" is "1".
¯1 0 1=1 0 1
⍝ The result of "¯1 0 1=1 0 1" is "0 1 1".
1 2 3=1 2 3
⍝ The result of "1 2 3=1 2 3" is "1 1 1".
⍝ The symbol "⍣" denotes the "power operator". When used with two
⍝ functions, it recursively evaluates the left function, and uses the
⍝ right function to determine when to stop. When the right function is
⍝ "≡" it is called a "fixpoint operator".
means←coords Step⍣≡ p q
⍝ This repeats our "Step" function until the answer converges. The
⍝ result is a vector of the cluster means "(0.592 0.5296) (0.3445 0.1035)".
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