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Created August 25, 2011 18:21
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this code works
// GDAL_WARPTEST.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "gdal_priv.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//#include "cpl_conv.h" // for CPLMalloc()
//#include <stdio.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
GDALDataset* raster; // declare the GDALDataset we will create
GDALAllRegister(); // Attempts to register all known drivers, required to recognize bmp file
const char* filenameImg = "img/cea.tif"; // identifies the file we want to open
raster = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen(filenameImg, GA_ReadOnly); // opens file
if (raster == NULL)
cout << "Something went wrong!\n";
else cout << "Image opened successfully!\n";
int rasterXSize = raster->GetRasterXSize();
int rasterYSize = raster->GetRasterYSize() ;
cout << "x size is " << rasterXSize << "\n";
cout << "y size is " << rasterYSize << "\n";
int pixelX = rasterXSize + 1;
while (pixelX > rasterXSize || pixelX < 0) {
cout << "Enter pixel X coordinate: ";
scanf("%d", &pixelX);
if (pixelX > rasterXSize) cout << "X coordinate must be less than X size of image\n";
cout << "Pixel X = " << pixelX << "\n";
int pixelY = rasterYSize + 1;
while (pixelY > rasterYSize || pixelY < 0) {
cout << "Enter pixel Y coordinate: ";
scanf("%d", &pixelY);
if (pixelY > rasterYSize) cout << "Y coordinate must be less than Y size of image\n";
cout << "Pixel Y = " << pixelY << "\n";
float lati;
float longi;
cout << "Latitude: ";
scanf("%f", &lati);
cout << "Latitude = " << lati << "\n";
cout << "Longitude: ";
scanf("%f", &longi);
cout << "Longitude = " << longi << "\n";
// create a GCP
firstGCP.pszId = "1";
firstGCP.pszInfo = "";
firstGCP.dfGCPPixel = pixelX;
firstGCP.dfGCPLine = pixelY;
firstGCP.dfGCPX = lati;
firstGCP.dfGCPY = longi;
firstGCP.dfGCPZ = 0;
// Driver tests
const char* outputFilename = "img/output.tif";
GDALDriver* driverName = GetGDALDriverManager()-> GetDriverByName("GTiff");
GDALDataset* outputRaster = driverName->CreateCopy(outputFilename, raster, FALSE,
if (outputRaster != NULL) GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) outputRaster);
if (raster != NULL) GDALClose( (GDALDatasetH) raster);
return 0;
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btc commented Aug 25, 2011

correct syntax is GDALDataset->methodName();

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