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Created February 24, 2020 11:51
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"use strict";
const pRetry = require("p-retry");
const _logger = require("ingo-app-log").get("fetch");
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const uuid = require("uuid").v4;
const Stream = require("stream");
const LRU = require("lru-cache");
const { URL } = require("url");
const AGENT_CACHE = new LRU({ max: 50 });
let HttpsAgent;
let HttpAgent;
const USER_AGENT = `INGO/0.0.1 fetch`;
const getAgent = function getAgent(url, opts) {
const parsedUrl = url instanceof URL ? url : new URL(typeof url === "string" ? url : url.url);
const isHttps = parsedUrl.protocol === "https:";
const origin = parsedUrl.origin;
const key = origin;
if (opts.agent != null) {
// `agent: false` has special behavior!
return opts.agent;
if (AGENT_CACHE.peek(key)) {
return AGENT_CACHE.get(key);
if (isHttps && !HttpsAgent) {
HttpsAgent = require("agentkeepalive").HttpsAgent;
} else if (!isHttps && !HttpAgent) {
HttpAgent = require("agentkeepalive");
// If opts.timeout is zero, set the agentTimeout to zero as well. A timeout
// of zero disables the timeout behavior (OS limits still apply). Else, if
// opts.timeout is a non-zero value, set it to timeout + 1, to ensure that
// the node-fetch-npm timeout will always fire first, giving us more
// consistent errors.
const agentTimeout = opts.timeout === 0 ? 0 : opts.timeout + 1;
const agent = isHttps
? new HttpsAgent({
maxSockets: opts.maxSockets || 15,
cert: opts.cert,
key: opts.key,
localAddress: opts.localAddress,
rejectUnauthorized: opts.strictSSL,
timeout: agentTimeout
: new HttpAgent({
maxSockets: opts.maxSockets || 15,
localAddress: opts.localAddress,
timeout: agentTimeout
AGENT_CACHE.set(key, agent);
return agent;
const _fetch = async (url, opts = {}) => {
const id = uuid();
const logOpts = { method: opts.method || "GET", body: opts.body, headers: opts.headers };
const logger = _logger.with({ id, url, opts: logOpts }); //XXX it is not the best idea to dump body and headers
logger.trace("fetch request", typeof url === "string" ? url : url.toString(), "opts", logOpts);
opts.timeout = opts.timeout == null ? 60 * 5 * 1000 : opts.timeout;
const agent = getAgent(url, opts);
const headers = Object.assign(
connection: agent ? "keep-alive" : "close",
"user-agent": USER_AGENT
opts.headers || {}
opts.headers = new fetch.Headers(headers);
opts.agent = agent;
const isStream = opts.body instanceof Stream;
const responseBody = await pRetry(
async () => {
const res = await fetch(url, opts);
// assume all requests are immutable (thus do not rely on cookies for example)
const isRetriable =
!isStream &&
(res.status === 408 || // Request Timeout
res.status === 420 || // Enhance Your Calm (usually Twitter rate-limit)
res.status === 429 || // Too Many Requests ("standard" rate-limiting)
res.status >= 500); // Assume server errors are momentary hiccups
if (isRetriable) {
if (res.status >= 500) {
logger.debug("response status", res.status);
logger.debug("respose headers");
for (const [name, value] of res.headers.entries()) {
logger.debug("H", name, "=>", value);
try {
logger.debug("response body", await res.json());
} catch (err) {
logger.error("could not decode response body", err);
throw new Error(`Could not fetch ${url} status ${res.status}`);
} else if (res.status >= 400) {
const text = await res.text();
throw new pRetry.AbortError(text || res.statusText);
const contentType = res.headers.get("content-type") || "text/plain";
const result = contentType.includes("text/") ? await res.text() : await res.json();
return result;
retries: opts.retries == null ? 3 : opts.retries,
onFailedAttempt(err) {
logger.warn(`fetch attempt ${err.attemptNumber} (${err.retriesLeft} left)`, err);
return responseBody;
module.exports = {
fetch: _fetch
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