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Created December 30, 2011 04:01
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Save btedev/1537739 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Make a custom Kim Jong Il funeral procession image
# Create your very own Kim Jong Il funeral magic!
# Requires ImageMagick.
# OS X: brew install imagemagick
# Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install imagemagick
# Background image from Dustin Fenstermacher via
abort 'usage: jongify.rb image_file' unless ARGV.size == 1
original_image = ARGV[0]
# D/L the background image
unless File.exist?('kimjong.jpg')
`curl > kimjong.jpg`
# Create the mask image
unless File.exist?('mask.jpg')
`convert -size 960x716 xc: -draw 'polygon 213,53 524,60 524,443 215,451' -negate mask.jpg`
# Resize the source image
size = `identify -format "%w,%h" #{original_image}`.split(',')
org_width = size[0].to_f
org_height = size[1].to_f
if org_width > org_height
height = 450.0
width = (height * org_width) / org_height
width = 400.0
height = (width * org_height) / org_width
`convert #{original_image} -resize #{width}x#{height} resized_original.jpg`
# Create an image of the same size as the background
# with the resized original inset
unless File.exist?('black.jpg')
`convert -size 960x716 canvas:black black.jpg`
`composite -geometry +154+35 resized_original.jpg black.jpg composite_original.jpg`
# Create final image
parts = original_image.split('.')
final_image = parts[-2] + "_jongified." + parts[-1]
`composite composite_original.jpg kimjong.jpg mask.jpg #{final_image}`
# Clean up tmp images
puts final_image + " created"
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