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Last active December 30, 2015 13:49
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//package main
//author: Lubia Yang
//create: 2013-12-6
package main
import (
const (
BarSite = 20
GrillSite = 8
BarCost = 10
GrillCost = 3 * 60
BarRand = 5
var (
BarChan chan *Custom //channel to bar
GrillChan chan *Custom //channel to grill
SumChan chan []*Custom //channel to leave
StopChan chan bool //channel to stop program
//Manager handle all customs
type Manager struct {
bar Bar
grill Grill // custom grill food
//Init chan,map,multicore cpu
func (m *Manager) Init() {
BarChan = make(chan *Custom)
GrillChan = make(chan *Custom)
SumChan = make(chan []*Custom)
StopChan = make(chan bool) = make(map[int]int) = make(map[int]*Custom) = make(map[int][]int)
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) //multicore cpu
//Enter send all customs to bar
func (m *Manager) Enter(count, interval int) { = interval
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
BarChan <- &Custom{0, 0, i, i * interval}
go m.Summary(count, interval)
//Summary wait all customs leave from grill then summary time
func (m *Manager) Summary(count, interval int) {
customs := <-SumChan
var barWait, grillWait int
for _, v := range customs {
barWait += v.barWaitTime / count
grillWait += v.grillWaitTime / count
fmt.Printf("TotalTime(avg):%d seconds\n", barWait+grillWait+BarCost+GrillCost)
fmt.Printf("BarWaitTime(avg):%d seconds\n", barWait)
fmt.Printf("GrillWaitTime(avg):%d seconds\n", grillWait)
StopChan <- true //stop the program
//Bar custom get food
type Bar struct {
waitGroup sync.WaitGroup //all customs prepared
finished map[int]int //map[custom.index][finished task]
customs map[int]*Custom //map[custom.index][custom]
order map[int][]int //map[column][customs.indexs]
avgInterval int
//Wait customs come and handle
func (b *Bar) Wait() {
go b.Schedule()
for {
custom := <-BarChan
// customs
//2.distribute site for customs
//3.distribute customs for column
func (b *Bar) Handle(c *Custom) {
b.customs[c.index] = c
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := 0; i < BarRand; i++ {
num := r.Intn(BarSite)
b.finished[c.index] = 0 //finished task init
b.order[num] = append(b.order[num], c.index)
//Schedule parallelism task on multicore cpu
//refer the scheduler design on:
func (b *Bar) Schedule() {
for {
line := make([]int, 0)
for i := 0; i < BarSite; i++ {
if len(b.order[i]) > 0 {
first := b.order[i][0]
if b.customs[first].interval <= 0 {
if len(line) == 0 {
line = append(line, b.order[i][0])
b.order[i] = b.order[i][1:]
} else {
var suit bool = true
for k, cus := range b.order[i] {
if b.customs[cus].interval <= 0 {
for _, node := range line {
if node == cus {
suit = false
if suit {
line = append(line, b.order[i][k])
b.order[i] = append(b.order[i][:k], b.order[i][k+1:]...)
for index, _ := range b.finished {
var proper bool
for _, lv := range line {
if lv == index {
b.finished[index] += 1
if b.finished[index] >= BarRand {
delete(b.finished, index)
proper = true
if !proper && len(b.finished) != 0 {
if len(line) != 0 && b.customs[index].interval <= 0 {
b.customs[index].barWaitTime += BarCost
b.customs[index].interval -= BarCost
if len(b.finished) == 0 {
for _, custom := range b.customs {
custom.interval = custom.index * b.avgInterval
GrillChan <- custom
//Grill customs grill food
type Grill struct {
waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
customs []*Custom //all customs
//Wait customs come and handle
func (g *Grill) Wait() {
go g.Handle()
for {
custom := <-GrillChan
g.customs = append(g.customs, custom)
//Sort customs by arrived time
func (g *Grill) Sort() {
func(a []*Custom) {
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
if a[i].barWaitTime+a[i].interval < a[j].barWaitTime+a[j].interval {
a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
//2.calculate custom wait time on grill
//3.send customs to summary
func (g *Grill) Handle() {
for k := GrillSite; k < len(g.customs); k++ {
refer := k - GrillSite
interval := g.customs[k].barWaitTime + g.customs[k].interval -
g.customs[refer].barWaitTime - g.customs[refer].interval
if interval < GrillCost {
g.customs[k].grillWaitTime = GrillCost - interval
SumChan <- g.customs
type Custom struct {
barWaitTime int
grillWaitTime int
index int //the order
interval int //interval to first custom
//GetCommand get customs and interval
func GetCommand() (int, int) {
if len(os.Args) != 3 {
fmt.Printf("Usage: %s amount interval\n", os.Args[0])
count, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("amount must be number\n%s\n", err)
interval, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Args[2])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("interval must be number\n%s\n", err)
return count, interval
func main() {
c, i := GetCommand()
m := new(Manager)
go m.grill.Wait()
m.Enter(c, i)
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