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Created June 23, 2023 14:32
"""The truth is, I thought it mattered --
I thought that music mattered.
But does it bollocks?
Not compared to how people matter.
from itertools import cycle, repeat
from operator import methodcaller
from typing import List
# Here, we apply DRY to something so very, very not dry. (In a few different ways!)
spoken_intro = __doc__
sing_when_we_win = cycle(["(We'll be singing)", "(When we're winning)"])
knock = cycle(['I get knocked down', 'but I get up again', "You're never gonna keep me down"])
piss = repeat('Pissing the night away')
thing_for_him_to_do = cycle(['He drinks a %s drink', 'He sings the songs that remind him of the %s times'])
drink = cycle(['whiskey', 'vodka', 'lager', 'cider'])
remind_him = cycle(['good', 'better'])
danny = repeat('Danny Boy')
girls_drinking = cycle(['Oh, ' + ', '.join([x for _, x in zip(range(3), danny)]),
"Don't cry for me, next door neighbor"])
ooh = repeat('(ooh)')
def get_knocked_down_gen():
"""Generate background lyrics in the refrain at the song's end. Generated in sets of three lines."""
i = 0
while True:
yield lc_first_letter(next(sing_when_we_win))
if i >= 4:
yield parenthesize(lc_first_letter(next(piss)), add_lf=False)
yield ''
third_vocal = next(sing_when_we_win)
if i % 2 == 0:
yield lc_first_letter(third_vocal)
yield next(ooh)
i += 1
get_knocked_down_bkgd = get_knocked_down_gen()
def do_thing_to_first_letter(s: str, method: str) -> str:
"""Call a method on the first alphaballistic character in a string. Used to capitalize or lower-case a string."""
mc = methodcaller(method)
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i].isalpha():
s = s[:i] + mc(s[i]) + s[i + 1:]
return s
return s
def cap_first_letter(s: str) -> str:
"""Capitalize the first letter in a string."""
# Python's str.capitalize method lower-cases the "I"s.
return do_thing_to_first_letter(s, 'upper')
def lc_first_letter(s: str) -> str:
"""Lower-case the first letter in a string."""
return do_thing_to_first_letter(s, 'lower')
def parenthesize(s: str, add_lf: bool = True) -> str:
if s[0] == '(' and s[-1] == ')':
return s
return f'({s})' + ('\n' if add_lf else '')
def join_two_phrases(join_str: str, lines: List[str], add_lf: bool = True) -> str:
if len(lines) > 2 or len(lines) == 0:
raise IndexError("Need one or two phrases to join on the same line")
a = cap_first_letter(lines[0])
if len(lines) == 1 or lines[1] == '' or lines[1] is None:
return a + ('\n' if add_lf else '')
b = lc_first_letter(lines[1])
return join_str.join([a, b]) + ('\n' if add_lf else '')
def intro() -> str:
preface = spoken_intro + '\n'
for _ in range(3):
preface += next(sing_when_we_win) + '\n'
next(sing_when_we_win) # discard next "when we're winning"
return preface
def get_knocked_down(background_vocals: bool = False) -> str:
"""Generates the refrain.
If background_vocals is False, returns a full 4 set stanza of getting knocked down.
If background_vocals is True, returns a single refrain as a stanza."""
stanza = ''
if background_vocals:
for _ in range(3):
stanza += join_two_phrases(' ', [next(knock), next(get_knocked_down_bkgd)])
for _ in range(4):
stanza += join_two_phrases(', ', [next(knock), next(knock)])
stanza += next(knock) + '\n'
return stanza
def take_the_piss() -> str:
return parenthesize(join_two_phrases(', ', [next(piss), next(piss)], add_lf=False))
def drink_and_sing() -> str:
stanza = ''
he_drinks = next(thing_for_him_to_do)
for i in range(2):
stanza += join_two_phrases(', ', [he_drinks % x for _, x in zip(range(2), drink)])
he_sings = next(thing_for_him_to_do)
for i in range(2):
stanza += he_sings % next(remind_him) + '\n'
stanza += parenthesize(next(girls_drinking))
return stanza
def hell():
while True:
def thump_tub():
for _ in range(2):
for _ in range(16):
if __name__ == '__main__':
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