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Created July 26, 2017 09:59
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import cats.{Id, Monad, Traverse, ~>}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
object TagLess extends App {
case class PurchaseOrderId(value: String)
case class ProductId(value: String)
case class LocationId(value: String)
trait Stock[F[_]] {
def poContent(poId: PurchaseOrderId): F[Map[ProductId, Int]]
def createStock(productId: ProductId, locationId: LocationId, quantity: Int): F[Unit]
def moveStock(productId: ProductId, source: LocationId, destination: LocationId, quantity: Int): F[Unit]
trait Inventory[F[_]] {
def increment(locationId: LocationId, productId: ProductId, quantity: Int): F[Unit]
def decrement(locationId: LocationId, productId: ProductId, quantity: Int): F[Unit]
trait Logging[F[_]] {
def error(message: String): F[Unit]
def info(message: String): F[Unit]
trait Storage[F[_]] {
def get[K, V](key: K): F[Option[V]]
def put[K, V](key: K, value: V): F[Unit]
val consoleLogger = new Logging[Id] {
override def error(message: String): Id[Unit] =
println(s"[ERROR] $message")
override def info(message: String): Id[Unit] =
println(s"[INFO ] $message")
val keyValueStore = new Storage[Future] {
var store = Map.empty[Any, Any]
override def get[K, V](key: K): Future[Option[V]] =
override def put[K, V](key: K, value: V): Future[Unit] =
Future.successful(store += key -> value)
// val keyValueStore = new Storage[Id] {
// var store = Map.empty[Any, Any]
// override def get[K, V](key: K): Id[Option[V]] =
// store.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[V]]
// override def put[K, V](key: K, value: V): Id[Unit] =
// store += key -> value
// }
implicit class LiftTo[F[_], A](elem: F[A]) {
def liftTo[G[_]](implicit trans: F ~> G): G[A] = trans(elem)
def inventory[F[_], G[_], H[_]](
logger: Logging[F],
store: Storage[G]
storeM: Monad[G],
transToG: F ~> G,
transToH: G ~> H
) = new Inventory[H] {
private def stockAt(locationId: LocationId, productId: ProductId): G[Int] =[(LocationId, ProductId), Int](locationId -> productId))(_ getOrElse 0)
override def increment(locationId: LocationId, productId: ProductId, quantity: Int): H[Unit] = {
import cats.Monad.ops._
for {
_ <-"Add $quantity $productId at $locationId").liftTo[G]
existing <- stockAt(locationId, productId)
_ <- store.put(locationId -> productId, existing + quantity)
} yield ()
override def decrement(locationId: LocationId, productId: ProductId, quantity: Int): H[Unit] = {
import cats.Monad.ops._
for {
_ <-"Remove $quantity $productId from $locationId").liftTo[G]
existing <- stockAt(locationId, productId)
_ <- store.put(locationId -> productId, existing - quantity)
} yield ()
def stock[F[_], G[_]](inventory: Inventory[F])(implicit
inventoryM: Monad[F],
stockM: Monad[G],
transToG: F ~> G
): Stock[G] = new Stock[G] {
import cats.Monad.ops._
override def poContent(poId: PurchaseOrderId): G[Map[ProductId, Int]] = {
stockM.pure(Map(ProductId("Mars") -> 200, ProductId("Milkyway") -> 150, ProductId("Galaxy") -> 100))
override def createStock(productId: ProductId, locationId: LocationId, quantity: Int): G[Unit] = {
inventory.increment(locationId, productId, quantity).liftTo[G]
override def moveStock(productId: ProductId, source: LocationId, destination: LocationId, quantity: Int): G[Unit] = {
.decrement(source, productId, quantity)
.flatMap(_ => inventory.increment(source, productId, quantity))
def inbound[F[_], G[_]](logger: Logging[F], stock: Stock[G])(poId: PurchaseOrderId)(implicit stockM: Monad[G], transToG: F ~> G, traverse: Traverse[List]): G[Unit] = {
import cats.Monad.ops._
import cats.Traverse.ops._
for {
_ <-"Inbounding $poId").liftTo[G]
content <- stock.poContent(poId)
_ <- stockM.traverse(content.toList) {
case (productId, quantity) =>
stock.createStock(productId, LocationId("dock"), quantity)
_ <- stockM.traverse(content.toList) {
case (productId, quantity) =>
stock.moveStock(productId, LocationId("dock"), LocationId("warehouse"), quantity)
} yield ()
import cats.instances.future._
implicit def identityTransform[T[_]] = new (T ~> T) {
override def apply[A](fa: T[A]): T[A] = fa
implicit def monadTransform[T[_] : Monad] = new (Id ~> T) {
override def apply[A](a: Id[A]): T[A] = Monad[T].pure(a)
implicit val executor =
val inventoryService: Inventory[Future] = inventory(consoleLogger, keyValueStore)
val stockService: Stock[Future] = stock(inventoryService)
import cats.instances.list._
val res = inbound(consoleLogger, stockService)(PurchaseOrderId("po-1"))
Await.result(res, Duration.Inf)
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