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Created March 3, 2017 23:02
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FinanceDSL with automatic class type derivation using Shapeless
import shapeless.{ ::, Generic, HList, HNil, Lazy }
object ShapelessDSL extends App {
trait Amount[A] {
def zero: A
def plus(a: A, b: A): A
def times(a: A, b: BigDecimal): A
object Amount {
implicit val amountForBigDecimalHList: Amount[BigDecimal :: HNil] =
new Amount[BigDecimal :: HNil] {
override def zero: BigDecimal :: HNil = BigDecimal(0) :: HNil
override def plus(a: BigDecimal :: HNil, b: BigDecimal :: HNil): BigDecimal :: HNil =
(a.head + b.head) :: HNil
override def times(a: BigDecimal :: HNil, b: BigDecimal): BigDecimal :: HNil =
(a.head * b) :: HNil
implicit def genericAmount[A, R](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, R], amount: Amount[R]): Amount[A] =
new Amount[A] {
override def zero: A = gen.from(
override def plus(a: A, b: A): A = gen.from(,
override def times(a: A, b: BigDecimal): A = gen.from(amount.times(, b))
implicit def amountForHList[H, T <: HList](
implicit amount: Lazy[Amount[H]], defaultTail: DefaultInstance[T]
): Amount[H :: T] = new Amount[H :: T] {
override def zero: H :: T = :: defaultTail.instance
override def plus(a: H :: T, b: H :: T): H :: T =, b.head) :: defaultTail.instance
override def times(a: H :: T, b: BigDecimal): H :: T = amount.value.times(a.head, b) :: defaultTail.instance
implicit class AmountOps[A](a: A)(implicit amount: Amount[A]) {
def +(b: A): A =, b)
def -(b: A): A =, amount.times(b, -1))
def *[B](b: BigDecimal): A = amount.times(a, b)
def /[B](b: BigDecimal): A = amount.times(a, BigDecimal(1) / b)
trait DefaultInstance[T] {
def instance: T
object DefaultInstance {
def apply[A](a: A): DefaultInstance[A] = new DefaultInstance[A] {
override def instance = a
implicit def defaultInstanceForHList[H, T <: HList](
implicit defaultHead: DefaultInstance[H], defaultTail: DefaultInstance[T]
): DefaultInstance[H :: T] = new DefaultInstance[H :: T] {
override def instance: H :: T =
defaultHead.instance :: defaultTail.instance
// Now we need a stop case: a DefaultInstance for HNil
implicit val defaultInstanceForHNil: DefaultInstance[HNil] =
new DefaultInstance[HNil] {
override def instance: HNil = HNil
object Period {
sealed trait Month
sealed trait Year
final val Month = new Month() {}
final val Year = new Year() {}
implicit val defaultInstanceForMonth: DefaultInstance[Month] = DefaultInstance(Month)
implicit val defaultInstanceForYear: DefaultInstance[Year] = DefaultInstance(Year)
object Surface {
sealed trait SquareMeter
final val SquareMeter = new SquareMeter {}
implicit val defaultInstanceForSquareMeter: DefaultInstance[SquareMeter] = DefaultInstance(SquareMeter)
case class Per[A, B](value: A, unit: B)
implicit class SmartConstructorForPer[A](a: A) {
def per[B](b: B) = Per(a, b)
import DefaultInstance._
import Period._
import Surface._
import Amount._
case class GBP(value: BigDecimal)
case class EUR(value: BigDecimal)
case class USD(value: BigDecimal)
val twentyPounds = GBP(15) + GBP(5)
val twentyPoundsPerMonth = twentyPounds per Month
val fortyPoundsPerMonth = twentyPoundsPerMonth + twentyPoundsPerMonth
val pricePerSquareMeter = EUR(1000) per SquareMeter
val expensiveSquareMeter = pricePerSquareMeter + pricePerSquareMeter
val rentingPotential = USD(1800) per SquareMeter per Year
val estimatedCost = USD(1500) per SquareMeter per Year
val estimatedRevenue = rentingPotential - estimatedCost
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