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Last active March 22, 2018 01:02
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FinanceDSL using type-classes
object FinanceDSL extends App {
trait PrettyPrint[A] {
def prettify(a: A): String
class Ops(a: A) {
def pretty: String = prettify(a)
object PrettyPrint {
def instance[A](pretty: A => String) = new PrettyPrint[A] {
override def prettify(a: A): String = pretty(a)
trait Amount[A] {
def zero: A
def plus(a: A, b: A): A
def times(a: A, b: BigDecimal): A
class Ops(a: A) {
def +(b: A) = plus(a, b)
def -(b: A) = plus(a, times(b, -1))
def *[B](b: B)(implicit constant: Constant[B]): A = times(a, constant.underlying(b))
def /[B](b: B)(implicit constant: Constant[B]): A = times(a, BigDecimal(1) / constant.underlying(b))
class SeqOps(seq: Seq[A]) {
// sum might be more appropriate however it is already define on TraversableLike (which Seq inherits from)
// and the TraversableLike sum will be used without giving a chance to resolve this one
def total: A = seq.foldLeft(zero)(plus)
object Amount {
implicit def seqAmountOps[A](seq: Seq[A])(implicit amount: Amount[A]) = new amount.SeqOps(seq)
trait Constant[B] {
def underlying(b: B): BigDecimal
class Ops(a: B) {
def *[A](b: A)(implicit amount: Amount[A]) = amount.times(b, underlying(a))
object Constant {
implicit object IntIsConstant extends Constant[Int] { override def underlying(b: Int) = BigDecimal(b) }
implicit def intConstantOps(b: Int) = new IntIsConstant.Ops(b)
final case class GBP(value: BigDecimal)
final case class EUR(value: BigDecimal)
object GBP {
implicit object GBPIsAmount extends Amount[GBP] {
override def zero: GBP = GBP(0)
override def plus(a: GBP, b: GBP): GBP = GBP(a.value + b.value)
override def times(a: GBP, b: BigDecimal): GBP = GBP(a.value * b)
implicit val prettyPrintGBP = PrettyPrint.instance[GBP](a => "£%.2f".format(a.value))
implicit def prettyOps(a: GBP) = new prettyPrintGBP.Ops(a)
implicit class GBPFromInt(value: Int) {
def GBP: GBP = new GBP(value)
implicit def gbpAmountOps(a: GBP) = new GBPIsAmount.Ops(a)
object EUR {
implicit object EURIsAmount extends Amount[EUR] {
override def zero: EUR = EUR(0)
override def plus(a: EUR, b: EUR): EUR = EUR(a.value + b.value)
override def times(a: EUR, b: BigDecimal) = EUR(a.value * b)
implicit val prettyPrintEUR = PrettyPrint.instance[EUR](a => "€%.2f".format(a.value))
implicit def prettyOps(a: EUR) = new prettyPrintEUR.Ops(a)
implicit class EURFromInt(value: Int) {
def EUR = new EUR(value)
implicit def eurAmountOps(a: EUR) = new EURIsAmount.Ops(a)
sealed abstract case class Percent(value: BigDecimal)
object Percent {
implicit object PercentIsConstant extends Constant[Percent] {
override def underlying(percent: Percent): BigDecimal = percent.value / 100
implicit def constantOps(a: Percent) = new PercentIsConstant.Ops(a)
implicit val prettyPrintPercent = PrettyPrint.instance[Percent](percent => s"${percent.value}%")
implicit def prettyOps(a: Percent) = new prettyPrintPercent.Ops(a)
implicit class PercentFromInt(value: Int) {
def percent: Percent = new Percent(value) {}
object Period {
sealed trait Month
sealed trait Year
final val Month = new Month() {}
final val Year = new Year() {}
implicit val prettyPrintMonth = PrettyPrint.instance[Month](_ => "Month")
implicit val prettyPrintYear = PrettyPrint.instance[Year](_ => "Year")
sealed trait Period[B] {
def instance: B
def changePeriod[A: Amount, C: Period](a: A Per B, period: C): A Per C =
if (period == a.period) Per(a.value, period)
else if (period == Month) Per(implicitly[Amount[A]].times(a.value, BigDecimal(1) / 12), period)
else Per(implicitly[Amount[A]].times(a.value, 12), period)
class Ops[A: Amount](a: A Per B) {
def convertTo[C: Period](c: C): A Per C = changePeriod(a, c)
implicit object MonthIsPeriod extends Period[Month] {
override def instance: Month = Month
implicit object YearIsPeriod extends Period[Year] {
override def instance: Year = Year
final case class Per[A, B: Period](value: A, period: B)
implicit class PerFromValue[A](value: A) {
def per[B: Period](period: B): A Per B = Per(value, period)
implicit def prettyPrintPer[A: PrettyPrint, B: PrettyPrint]: PrettyPrint[A Per B] = {
val prettyA = implicitly[PrettyPrint[A]]
val prettyB = implicitly[PrettyPrint[B]]
PrettyPrint.instance[A Per B](a => s"${prettyA.prettify(a.value)} per ${prettyB.prettify(a.period)}")
implicit def prettyOps[A, B](a: A Per B)(implicit prettyPrint: PrettyPrint[A Per B]) = new prettyPrint.Ops(a)
implicit def perIsAmount[A: Amount, B: Period]: Amount[A Per B] = new Amount[A Per B] {
val amount = implicitly[Amount[A]]
val period = implicitly[Period[B]]
override def zero = Per(, period.instance)
override def plus(a: A Per B, b: A Per B): A Per B = Per(, b.value), period.instance)
override def times(a: A Per B, b: BigDecimal): A Per B = Per(amount.times(a.value, b), period.instance)
implicit def perAmountOps[A, B](a: A Per B)(implicit amount: Amount[A Per B]) = new amount.Ops(a)
implicit def perPeriodOps[A, B](a: A Per B)(implicit amount: Amount[A], period: Period[B]) = new period.Ops(a)
implicit class PerMonthOrYearSequence[A: Amount](seq: Seq[A Per _]) {
def unifyPer[C: Period](c: C): Seq[A Per C] = { a =>
if (a.period == Month) a.asInstanceOf[A Per Month] convertTo c
else a.asInstanceOf[A Per Year] convertTo c
import Amount._
import Constant._
import EUR._
import GBP._
import Percent._
import Period._
val tenEuros = 10.EUR
val tenPounds = 10.GBP
val onePounds = 10.percent * 10.GBP
val twoPounds = 10.GBP * 20.percent
val threePounds = 3 * 1.GBP
val fourPounds = 2.GBP * 2
val fivePounds = 2.GBP + 3.GBP
// val constantAndPounds = 1 + 2.GBP // doesn't compile: can't add constant and pounds
val fiftyPounds = List(10.GBP, 15.GBP, 25.GBP).total
// val eurosAndPounds = tenEuros + tenPounds // doesn't compile: can't add eur and pounds
// val totalEurosAndPounds = List(10.GBP, 10.EUR).total // doesn't compile: can't add eur and pounds
val totalIncome = List(1000.EUR per Month, 2000.EUR per Month).total
// val mixedIncome = List(1000.EUR per month, 12000.EUR per year).total // doesn't compile: can't sum year and month
val convertedIncome = List(1000.EUR per Month, 18000.EUR per Year).unifyPer(Month).total
val raise = convertedIncome * 10.percent
val summedIncome = (1000.EUR per Month) + (2000.EUR per Month)
val convertedSummedIncome = summedIncome.convertTo(Year)
println(s"${summedIncome.pretty} -> ${convertedSummedIncome.pretty}")
// val squarePounds = 2.GBP * 3.GBP // doesn't compile
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