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The top of the JS code says import .... what is this doing? Is this vanilla?

  • important is a java keyword. This declares the class that you are creating so it can then be used else where in your code.
  • It is Vanilla

The bottom says export { MemeMaker }; what do you think this does? Is this vanilla?

  • I think that this is what puts what ever your created through the different parts of code and pushs it to show up in the field below.
  • I believe that this isn't vanilla as it is something that was created through the code.

Look at the constructor() what does this do? Does this remind you of anything?

  • This constructor is laying out how you need to set up the information.
  • If you look at the HTML code it has the same set up just with the information you provided.

Look at the render() method, is this convention "vanilla" (built in) or do you think a library is delivering this?

  • Render is a built in process of Java.

What is this throughout the JS? How do you think these values being populated?

  • I think that "this" is what ever we are creating in the HTML section and what we are setting within that box is where the values come from.

Look at the CSS / styles; What's special about --meme-maker-font-size-medium?

  • the "--meme-maker-font-size-medium" part is affect the java code and how it appears. Look at @media in styles() what does this do?
  • styles() is what is taking what you are setting in the CSS code and applying it to the image that gets exported.

Can you change the font color? If not, where do you think it is that being set

  • yes you can change the font size if you edit it in the JS code. It is located in the styles() area of the code.

Links that to code pen for Part one and two two and a link that helped me.

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