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Created August 14, 2019 15:46
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A series of helpful functions for working with web components and other JS objects / html
import { dom } from "@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js";
* A collection of utility functions exported for convenience
function encapScript(html) {
// ensure this is a string to then do replacements on, rare but possible w/ null
if (html && typeof html.replace === "function") {
html = html.replace(/<script[\s\S]*?>/gi, "&lt;script&gt;");
html = html.replace(/<\/script>/gi, "&lt;/script&gt;");
// ensure that HAX tags aren't leaking in here
html = html.replace(/<hax[\s\S]*?>/gi, "");
html = html.replace(/<\/hax[\s\S]*?>/gi, "");
html = html.replace(/<h-a-x[\s\S]*?>/gi, "");
html = html.replace(/<\/h-a-x*?>/gi, "");
html = html.replace(/<style[\s\S]*?>/gi, "&lt;style&gt;");
html = html.replace(/<\/style>/gi, "&lt;/style&gt;");
// special case, it's inside a template tag
html = html.replace(
function(match, contents, offset, input_string) {
match = match.replace("&lt;script&gt;", "<script>");
match = match.replace("&lt;/script&gt;", "</script>");
match = match.replace("&lt;style&gt;", "<style>");
match = match.replace("&lt;/style&gt;", "</style>");
return match;
return html;
* Find custom elements in HTML
function findTagsInHTML(html) {
let tags = {};
let tag = "";
var matches = html.match(/<\/([a-z,0-9]*?)-(\S*?)>/g);
for (var i in matches) {
tag = matches[i].replace("</", "").replace(">", "");
tags[tag] = tag;
return tags;
* Wipe slotted content
function wipeSlot(element, slot = "*") {
// 100% clean slate
if (slot === "*") {
while (dom(element).firstChild !== null) {
} else {
for (var i in dom(element).childNodes) {
// test for element nodes to be safe
if (
typeof dom(element).childNodes[i] !== typeof undefined &&
dom(element).childNodes[i].slot === slot
) {
* Strip word BS
function stripMSWord(input) {
// 1. remove line breaks / Mso classes
var output = input.replace(/(\|\\r| class=(")?Mso[a-zA-Z]+(")?)/g, "");
// 2. strip Word generated HTML comments
output = output.replace(/<\!--(\s|.)*?-->/gim, "");
output = output.replace(/<\!(\s|.)*?>/gim, "");
// 3. remove tags leave content if any
output = output.replace(
// 4. Remove everything in between and including tags '<style(.)style(.)>'
var badTags = ["style", "script", "applet", "embed", "noframes", "noscript"];
for (var i in badTags) {
let tagStripper = new RegExp(
"<" + badTags[i] + "(s|.)*?" + badTags[i] + "(.*?)>",
output = output.replace(tagStripper, "");
// 5. remove attributes ' style="..."', align, start
output = output.replace(/ style='(\s|.)*?'/gim, "");
output = output.replace(/ align=.*? /g, "");
output = output.replace(/ start='.*?'/g, "");
// 6. some HAX specific things in case this was moving content around
// these are universally true tho so fine to have here
output = output.replace(/ style="(\s|.)*?"/gim, "");
output = output.replace(/ data-editable="(\s|.)*?"/gim, "");
output = output.replace(/ data-hax-ray="(\s|.)*?"/gim, "");
output = output.replace(/ class=""/gim, "");
output = output.replace(/ class="hax-active"/gim, "");
output = output.replace(/ contenteditable="(\s|.)*?"/gim, "");
return output;
* Test if a variable along a given object path exists
function varExists(obj, path) {
let g = objectValFromStringPos(obj, path)
if (g) {
return true;
return false;
* Return an object path or fallback value if not set
function varGet(obj, path, fallback = '') {
let g = objectValFromStringPos(obj, path)
if (g) {
return g;
return fallback;
// helper to use strings for index in Objects
function objectValFromStringPos (o, s) {
s = s.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, ".$1"); // convert indexes to properties
s = s.replace(/^\./, ""); // strip a leading dot
var a = s.split(".");
for (var i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i) {
var k = a[i];
if (k in o) {
o = o[k];
} else {
return o;
export { encapScript, findTagsInHTML, wipeSlot, stripMSWord, varExists, varGet, objectValFromStringPos};
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